Guys we need a Mini Series about Alice Warren right now, So yeah guys I'm making up a Hashtag called #AliceDeservesMore please support it and ask telltale for an Alice warren Mini Series. The game will be about her getting to Woodbury and getting taught to do Medical shit by DR Stevens. Plese Support this game please
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You seem to like Alice a lot.
Dude I live and breed on this character
So I see
I'm a farmer and going to milk alice as long as possible
Didn't you/someone already make a thread like this?
I think Alice was an interesting character. But she's gone. A miniseries would be kind of pointless.
He's going to milk her as long as possible, I bet he isn't over her character's death
Thanks for the unecessary spoiler, bro.
She's dead you know?
Well, that issue came out, like, 20 years ago...
She wasn't even that much of a big character. She was there, served her purpose, and now she's gone.
I don't care how long ago it was. A spoiler is a spoiler. I haven't started reading the comics yet but I fully intent to and now the second I see this character I'll know she's a dead woman.
Most of her backstory is detailed in the comic. She was a student at Georgia State University when the outbreak began. At first she held up in the dorms but eventually escaped and found her way to Woodbury (how many others escaped with her or if any others from the dorms arrived along with Alice isn't specified). When at Woodbury she became Dr. Stevens assistant (they had a strong bond but rather they were sexually involved is open to interpretation).
Sorry but this idea will never ever happen.
You are on a message board for a game that takes place in the Walking Dead comic universe. If you don't want fans talking about some things from the comic you probably need to avoid the board.
The character we are talking about died in an issue released in early 2008. If it had just been an issue released within the past few months than we could understand you being upset. However this was an issue released almost ten years ago. If you don't want people talking about things that happened a decade ago in the comic you should quit coming to the board until you catch up on the comics.
I'm not asking people to not talk about it. A simple spoiler tag would've prevented anything being spoiled. That's why they exist. I come here to talk about the game and I shouldn't have to leave so I don't get spoiled by the comics. A spoiler tag isn't too much to ask.
Yep. She was pretty much created in order to deliver Lori's baby. After that her purpose in the story was over and so she was killed off. If they planned on spending years showing the journey from Georgia to Virginia than her character would have been useful to keep around. However since Kirkman chose to do a timeskip after the Hunters storyline than there was really no need for her. As it was her image was almost a copy of Andrea.
Given that there have been 168 issues released in the comic you can't expect everything to be tagged. In general from what I have seen boards have a spoiler policy where anything that has been released within the past couple months needs a spoiler tag. After that people need to be careful what threads they choose to read through if they don't want to be spoiled.
If you were careful you could have realized it was a comic character being discussed from the very first post and clicked out of the thread before reading anything that spoiled what happened to her in the comic.
Who's Alice?
I think it is the singer blondie in the shitty show but not sure
Oh. Do you know which season that was? It's been a while
Perhaps the fourth
Alright, maybe I'll try going back sometime this week. Thanks
What he said is bullshit, Alice is a doctor in the comics.
I'm sorry I spoiled it for you. Next time I will choose my words carefully.
The Alice character didn't actually make a full transition into the show. What they did in the show was combine Dr. Stevens and Alice Warren into one character called Alice Stevens who was the Dr. at Woodbury in the tv show.
@leafs_nation the Alice people are talking about was a character from the comics a long time ago. She was a somewhat important character during the prison arc.
It is why I said "I think" and not "I am sure"
I just checked on imdb and I was talking about Beth Greene, I thought her name was Alice in the show ( I suck at remember names)
Yep. Ore Ha Bejita Da doesn't know what he/she is talking about. The Alice being discussed isn't even in the show. The Woodbury Doctor in the show is a composite character of Dr. Stevens and Alice and she never goes to the prison like Alice did in the comic.
Yep sorry about that ! My connexion is slow today, I,was checking in same time to be sure but imdb wouldn't refresh
No problem. Just a fun fact that surprised me when I read through the comics back in 2014. Beth Greene isn't actually in the comic at all. Hershel does have seven kids in the comic (quite a few more than he did in the show) but none of them is a girl named Beth.
He did have a teenage son named Billy though and they pretty much just turned that character into a daughter named Beth.
I don't care what the guidelines say. It sucks to get spoiled and no matter how old it is, a spoiler is a spoiler. If this was a forum for the comics and not a Telltale forum maybe what you're saying would carry more weight.
I appreciate it. Sorry if it came across like I was giving you shit. It's just really frustrating when stuff gets spoiled for me.
In the future then you should probably be careful about what you choose to click on and read the first post carefully to make sure it isn't a discussion about the comics.
Ah, alright. No harm done.
I know i just made this post to Troll people lol
I know lol, I just made this post to Troll people
Gotcha haha you never know around here
Yeah a backstory would be cool but would never happen, I saw the last post that i mentioned her and some people didn't care about her. I was bored in Class and thought to write a Short Troll Post about my favorite character from the comics. Takes up the time ya know and looks like this post got attention which was my goal.
Here I am deciding to be nice by liking your discussion to support you even though I have no idea who Alice even is and it turns out you're just trolling everyone. XD
Good thing you can unlike posts now.
I had nothing better to do with my time as i was on a break so i just wrote this post for shits and giggles, I would want a game about her but i know it wouldn't happen