Which episode had the worst writting? Amid The Ruins or From The Gallows?
Both episodes were shit in my opinion. I can't choose which one was worse. What do you think?
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Both episodes were shit in my opinion. I can't choose which one was worse. What do you think?
I hate Amid The Ruins a lot more, but maybe it's just because I hate Jane, and this was basically HER episode.
From the Gallows. Amid the Ruins's problems were really exacerbated when looking beyond that episode as it's own thing, which is pretty hard to do since it begins on a cliffhanger, ends on a cliffhanger, and is particularly controversial for how it treated characters who had been developing up to that point in comparison to other ones who either already had their fill or were suddenly given a huge amount of focus. From the Gallows, on the otherhand, is worse because, as a finale, it does something similar by eschewing many of it's elements in favor of focusing almost exclusively on it's center and falling back into a safe place despite the previously established opportunities to do something different.
Going with From the Gallows. Honestly for me, it was the first time a finale episode was the weakest episode in the Season and that's across all of the Telltale properties I've played. It doesn't resolve any of the major plot elements ( AJ/Jane/Clint ) - and skims over Eleanor's betrayal in favor of the run time being entirely padded with action sequences that aren't even used well. Yes, they look dramatic, but at what point did anyone have a reason to think the layout of this city included a helicopter swing over a deep chasm?
from the gallows
I like both of those episodes.
NGB was def worse than FTG as finales go. At least the fight sequence (kind of) made sense given the characters history and our choices through the game had an effect on the outcome. Also as loosely as the characters were written the non stop action was a necessary evil. It was a fun episode (and game) even if it clearly was not Telltale's best. NGB was a hot mess of implausible outcomes, aborted character arcs, and general weirdness. I was pretty satisfied with how my story ended in FTG. As for Amid the Ruins....it has one of the better hubs in season 2 and provided some much needed conversational time that I missed after season 1 and that cliffhanger was epic. Too bad no one died in the confrontation because that would have made more sense than the treatment some of those characters got later in the episode.
Probably From the Gallows. While Amid the Ruins wasn't good, it still is Season 2 which I adore. It still has Kenny. I have good memories of playing it for the first time. From the Gallows was the weakest finale yet. Quite disappointing.
I had higher hopes for Amid the Ruins because of the title art, thought Clem would be joining a cult or something. Gallows was a disappointment on a different level.
Don't remember having any problems with Amid The Ruins. I stronly dislike From the Gallows. Easy decision for me
A New Frontier
From the Gallows. It's probably one of the worst finales I've ever seen in a Telltale game. Amid the Ruins was decent, but it definitely could've been better. I was hoping to run into more of the 400 Days characters like Eddie or Nate and maybe even a cult since Clem was rubbing blood or some kind of paint on her face in the episode selection screen.
From the Gallows, no doubt about it. Amid the Ruins, despite some bad moments and rushed death scenes, did have a few exceptional scenes, such as Kenny and Clem's conversation in the tent where he talks about Carver beating him. You also had the development of Jane, and a reoccurring theme of not being able to save everyone and possibly leaving them behind. We see that with the statue at Parker's Run, but also with what happens with Sarah and Jane's story about leaving her sister on the roof. From the Gallows was just rushed, it feels like a constant barrage of shit happening and not being able to take it all in, simply going from one scene to the next. At least Amid the Ruins had moments where Clem could explore and interact with people, which works in the episode's favor as it helps balance it out and prevents some pacing issues. From the Gallows does not have moments like this, so we never get a moment to rest and take what just happened in, it's just moving on to the next thing, and by the time you do, its already forgotten, both by the player and the characters. Both episodes had bad death scenes, but From the Gallows, just for Ava's death alone, easily takes the cake, not to mention the deaths/disappearance of other characters, like Kate, David, Joan, and Clint.
Despite all the dumb shit that happened in Amid the ruins, it is still bearable and fun to play with many memorable moments + the atmosphere and trailer were great.
From the gallows? Extremely cringe, rushed, unrealistic and most unprofessional writing I have ever seen throughout this entire game. I didn't think they could make an episode worse than Ties that bind but they sure did prove me wrong.
Both S2E4 and S3E5 are easily my least favorite TellTale episodes ever, but I'd have to go with From the Gallows being the worst of the two. This episode had Tripp/Ava's lame deaths, an incredibly forced David fight which makes no sense at all if you rejected Kate, that crappy scene with the lady with no facial expressions, and overall bad writing along with a ton of plotholes (Eleanor not blaming David for the EP4 fight, Jesus thanking me for saving Richmond even when I went to save Gabe). I don't think any episode could be worse than this.
Good point.
I agree
How can you say that? From The Gallows is full of plot holes and terribly-written characters.
Personally I thought NGB had the hardest desision ever made by telltale.
Because different people have different opinions.
No-one can convince me that Kate, Gabe, and David being determinants is a worse episode than Sarah either being left behind or slapped so she can fall through floorboards that were under her.
Amid The Ruins was my least favorite TWD episode until From The Gallows was released. They both failed at their respective goals as penultimate episodes and finales but I think From The Gallows failed much worse than Amid The Ruins did as far as writing. They still have the same underlying writing issue: The writers only care about one character. In ATR's case Jane and in ANF's case Javier
Could've been even harder if it had more meat to it.
Yeah, I'm inclined to agree. As much as Gabe being determinant bothers me at this point in the game, it probably wouldn't be quite as bad had Sarah been handled better.
Or better yet, if neither were done at all.
Amid the ruins will always be the worst episode to me, because Sarita, Sarah, and Nick all got treated like garbage in that episode and were thrown away. I feel like everyone who says it wasn't that bad forgets about how lazy and bad these three characters treatment was.
Amid the ruins because atleast there were some well written scenes in From the gallows because while From the gallows had Ava s horrible death scene Amid the ruins also had Nick s death scene and the difference between the 2 episodes is that From the gallows had some better scenes than From the gallows because the only thing i actually liked about Amid the ruins was Mike s racoon Line. While in from the gallows i found David s onscreen death scene ((if you go alone to help Gabe and David.)) to almost be Season 1 level good and Gabe s death was in my opinion season 1 level good .
From the Gallows. At least in Amid the Ruins the characters were actually somewhat consistent. From the Gallows, in my opinion, would actually be good if anything from the previous episodes built up to this point. David, Kate and Gabe all have complete 180s, regardless of player choice. If the change was more subtle then I would prefer it over Amid the Ruins.
Amid the Ruins
I would say Amid the Ruins because they completely trash Nick and Sarah but From the Gallows did the same thing regarding Ava or Tripp. From the Gallows had more inconsistent writing so I'll say that one was worse. David just stopped wanting to murder the leader that was alive, Conrad vanishes, and that Rufus scene is just weird.
Amid the Ruins had an ending or somewhat of a climax and resolution.
From the Gallows has neither therefore it's the worst.
I thought Ties That Bind- Part 2 was the worst simply because David actually surviving being the plot twist is entirely unrealistic and I can't stand that.
From The Gallows has worse than that.
From the Gallows for me. Sure, Amid the Ruins had some bad moments, but at least it was treated better when it comes to characters (with a few exceptions, like Sarah and Sarita), dialogue and pretty much writing in general.
But the finale of A New Frontier was just trash in general. Most characters have been treated like shit (especially Ava and Tripp, cause they're freaking determinant characters), the dialogue was horrendous and the episode was also really fucking glitchy (at least for me). They should've put some effort to at least make this episode stand out a bit, but Telltale decided to rush it, like they got sick of A New Frontier.
I don't really bitch on the quality of writing and such ( I loved Season 2 the most, for reference ), but From the Gallows' writing was just so bad ( Forced drelashionships, Tripp just pardoning you after killed 2 of his best friends in the last hours and then dying, AJ not even appearing at all ). Simply the worst episode of all seasons to me.
as much as i love anf, from the gallows was the worst one for me bc it didn't feel connected to the rest of the episodes at all. like it could've stood on its own when thinking about the storyline and plot. the only connected thins is kate saving richmond bc of her making the gap in the wall. but other than that, it didn't feel connected to the rest of the season. i actually did like amid the ruins, though.
From The Gallows was the worse IMO. Because in Amid The Ruins you actually had characters that you liked. But in From The Gallows I hated everyone and a lot of Shit was unsolved. So for me From The Gallows was worse
Total agree with you
From The Gallows is actually the second cut off of Thicker Than Water. Telltale was too lazy to close the arc of episodes with creativity and chose to cut a full ep. Fact.
Amid The Ruins will continue to be the worst episode in all of Telltale's TWD for me.
Not even From The Shitter could surpass Amid The Shit in being the worst episode of the whole fucking series.
Neither, I genuinely think that Above The Law was the worst episode in TWDG series. Nothing happened in this episode, all the action and meaningless dialogues were squeezed out to make a filler necessary for TT to follow their scheme and make five episodes. I could find some redeeming qualities in From the Gallows and Amid the Ruins wasn't all that bad imo, however AtL is just a straight up drag on which is completely hollow on the inside and brings nothing to the story, which annoys me probably more that it should.