Guys, there's still a lot more interesting things to discuss and make hundreds of theories. Do we really need to discuss about something as boring as someone's sexuality? Making or turning fictional characters gay or lesbian won't give them more depth. We should be more interested in future TWD story and characters rather than someone's sexuality.
Guys, there's still a lot more interesting things to discuss and make hundreds of theories. Do we really need to discuss about something as … moreboring as someone's sexuality? Making or turning fictional characters gay or lesbian won't give them more depth. We should be more interested in future TWD story and characters rather than someone's sexuality.
When you don't feel attracted to someone until you become strongly connected, in an emotional manner, to who they are.
Seems pretty fitting, since who has the time to love someone with how many dangers there are in the world. Anyone can die,.. taking them away from you forever. So who wants to have that kind of relationship, when they know it can be taken away at any time, unless you know it's completely worth it?
When you don't feel attracted to someone until you become strongly connected, in an emotional manner, to who they are.
Seems pretty fitti… moreng, since who has the time to love someone with how many dangers there are in the world. Anyone can die,.. taking them away from you forever. So who wants to have that kind of relationship, when they know it can be taken away at any time, unless you know it's completely worth it?
Pretty sure The Last Of Us already did this with Ellie & Riley in the DLC "Left Behind". Plus Clem & Gabe have had a crush on eachother since they first met.
Well I don't want it I don't want clem to turn into gay I don't even care if its gonna be well writing, I want Clem to be straight no matter what, if they did turn her well this game is already turned into shit for me and this just gonna give the ultimate reason to live this community and quite the telltale games for good.
When you don't feel attracted to someone until you become strongly connected, in an emotional manner, to who they are.
Seems pretty fitti… moreng, since who has the time to love someone with how many dangers there are in the world. Anyone can die,.. taking them away from you forever. So who wants to have that kind of relationship, when they know it can be taken away at any time, unless you know it's completely worth it?
Well I don't want it I don't want clem to turn into gay I don't even care if its gonna be well writing, I want Clem to be straight no matte… morer what, if they did turn her well this game is already turned into shit for me and this just gonna give the ultimate reason to live this community and quite the telltale games for good.
Well the people who don't care, Telltale doesn't need to worry about them. The other people who do care(Telltale may want to apeal to)for the most part want Clem straight.
clem having a crush on gabe which makes no sense is because of telltale not because of the players. And the crush didn't go anywhere or mean anything. If telltale had clem spend as much time talking to mariana as she did with gabe which was very little then by the telltale's writers logic in this season she'd be crushing on mariana too and mariana would be crushing on clem. Since clem talking to someone very little, hating that person's dad who that person wanted to be like and that person not being suitable for clem means clem has a crush on that someone by telltale's logic. And it is because of that logic and type of writing that if clem and mariana talked for just a minute they'd like each other romantic like and would be crushing on one another. Look at how well written the relationship between javi and kate was and how beautiful tripp and el's relationship was portrayed. Clearly the writers for this season knew what they were doing. Especially concerning matters of love. God like writing this season. I applaud them for how they handled the story and characters. The script was crafted wonderfully. 10/10 plot, dialogue and writing.
it's not about depth or just about it. It's about having options that cater to everyone. It wouldn't be difficult to give the players the option to be with a female or choose to be with one.
Guys, there's still a lot more interesting things to discuss and make hundreds of theories. Do we really need to discuss about something as … moreboring as someone's sexuality? Making or turning fictional characters gay or lesbian won't give them more depth. We should be more interested in future TWD story and characters rather than someone's sexuality.
It's not the majority that want her to be straight it's people that prefer if she was straight, people who would prefer if she weren't, people who would like the option for her to be with a female and people who don't care either way.
it's depending on telltale's choices as they control clem more than you do and make her do and say things the players have no control over. The kiss is determinant and it only happens when gabe's about to pass on so it doesn't mean or show anything. Clem only hugging him when he's alive shows that there was nothing serious between them. You cant say she's not a lesbian because telltale hasn't brought in another female her age that is one and they haven't stepped into that territory with clem yet.
clem having a crush on gabe which makes no sense is because of telltale not because of the players. And the crush didn't go anywhere or mean… more anything. If telltale had clem spend as much time talking to mariana as she did with gabe which was very little then by the telltale's writers logic in this season she'd be crushing on mariana too and mariana would be crushing on clem. Since clem talking to someone very little, hating that person's dad who that person wanted to be like and that person not being suitable for clem means clem has a crush on that someone by telltale's logic. And it is because of that logic and type of writing that if clem and mariana talked for just a minute they'd like each other romantic like and would be crushing on one another. Look at how well written the relationship between javi and kate was and how beautiful tripp and el's relationship was portrayed. Clearly the writers for this season knew what they were doing. Espe… [view original content]
I honestly don't understand why they chose to explore so many romances this season without fleshing out more than one. I feel like the whole reason Clem being either straight or homosexual doesn't work is because time wasn't devoted to showing or developing a relationship. For any good story, relationships should be more than a footnote on a wiki page. Working well together and sharing a few commonalities on screen is vital. I could care less which gender that involved.
Not to be rude but a lot of people, including myself, feel kind of uncomfortable with same sex pda.Telltale should avoid it altogether and just stick with straight because that makes less people uncomfortable. After all you do see straight couples all the time but not as many gay or lesbian couples.
Also avoiding relationships and sticking to friendships would be good too.
Not to be rude but a lot of people, including myself, feel kind of uncomfortable with same sex pda.Telltale should avoid it altogether and j… moreust stick with straight because that makes less people uncomfortable. After all you do see straight couples all the time but not as many gay or lesbian couples.
Also avoiding relationships and sticking to friendships would be good too.
She doesn't have to be gay but there's nothing wrong with having the option to be romantically involved with another female when she's at a certain age. Why should they let her be straight while they can make her bi? it's not a difficult thing to do to give players the choice to be with a male or female. Bi or gay protags aren't common at all. Because she's a girl she has to like boys and be straight? she shouldn't have the options to like girls too? why? It would be an option or a choice depending on the player. I don't see a problem with that.
Not to be rude but a lot of people, including myself, feel kind of uncomfortable with same sex pda.Telltale should avoid it altogether and j… moreust stick with straight because that makes less people uncomfortable. After all you do see straight couples all the time but not as many gay or lesbian couples.
Also avoiding relationships and sticking to friendships would be good too.
The female doesn't have to be a lesbian. She also doesn't have to be straight. Just because female protags being straight is the standard norm it doesn't make it the correct or right way to go about writing a female character.
The correct way to write any character is by letting the players decide the important actions of said character. If it's a character like lora croft, max, master chief, nathan drake, etc. then letting the players decide the important choices is the correct way to go. If it's like mass effect, dragon age, etc. then that's the correct way to go about writing a character because in those games you can control their dialogue, their actions etc.
Not to be rude but a lot of people, including myself, feel kind of uncomfortable with same sex pda.Telltale should avoid it altogether and j… moreust stick with straight because that makes less people uncomfortable. After all you do see straight couples all the time but not as many gay or lesbian couples.
Also avoiding relationships and sticking to friendships would be good too.
She can't really be a lesbian since she's into Gabe, but she could still be bi. Also nice to see more homophobic people crawling out of these forums again.
She can't really be a lesbian since she's into Gabe, but she could still be bi. Also nice to see more homophobic people crawling out of these forums again.
You do realize I'm a person who supports gay marriage, right? I have no problem with gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. And that's not the only liberal talking point, there's also the mythical wage gap, abortions, repealing the 2nd amendment, higher taxes, increased spending on useless programs, single payer healthcare, emphasis on being PC, how Trump colluded with the Russians (despite no evidence to support that), and the importance of safe spaces.
Guys, there's still a lot more interesting things to discuss and make hundreds of theories. Do we really need to discuss about something as boring as someone's sexuality? Making or turning fictional characters gay or lesbian won't give them more depth. We should be more interested in future TWD story and characters rather than someone's sexuality.
Yah. You're right. Have you seen any of Jayoren's comics that continue the story of Clementine.
They're pretty sweet!
Yeah I've seen them. They're amazing.
When you don't feel attracted to someone until you become strongly connected, in an emotional manner, to who they are.
Seems pretty fitting, since who has the time to love someone with how many dangers there are in the world. Anyone can die,.. taking them away from you forever. So who wants to have that kind of relationship, when they know it can be taken away at any time, unless you know it's completely worth it?
Aw, so a perfectly healthy relationship, eh?
Yah. Something too rare to come by. Especially in a world where pretty much no one but the sociopathic remain.
Yeah. Poor Troy and Luke.
again, some tumblr shit people made up. i could probably say everyone is a demisexual.
Pretty sure The Last Of Us already did this with Ellie & Riley in the DLC "Left Behind". Plus Clem & Gabe have had a crush on eachother since they first met.
Thanks to TNF crap show, yes.
Well I don't want it I don't want clem to turn into gay I don't even care if its gonna be well writing, I want Clem to be straight no matter what, if they did turn her well this game is already turned into shit for me and this just gonna give the ultimate reason to live this community and quite the telltale games for good.
Isn't that just called love? There is no other damn term for it; that is basically the definition of love.
I actually thought that, too. I don't know why the fuck I even put it there.
I dunno if you see his previous posts I think he would have a shit fit.
Yah you can say that.
Well the people who don't care, Telltale doesn't need to worry about them. The other people who do care(Telltale may want to apeal to)for the most part want Clem straight.
He's just joking around. It's pretty obvious.
No he was being sarcastic to the post...there is a difference.
clem having a crush on gabe which makes no sense is because of telltale not because of the players. And the crush didn't go anywhere or mean anything. If telltale had clem spend as much time talking to mariana as she did with gabe which was very little then by the telltale's writers logic in this season she'd be crushing on mariana too and mariana would be crushing on clem. Since clem talking to someone very little, hating that person's dad who that person wanted to be like and that person not being suitable for clem means clem has a crush on that someone by telltale's logic. And it is because of that logic and type of writing that if clem and mariana talked for just a minute they'd like each other romantic like and would be crushing on one another. Look at how well written the relationship between javi and kate was and how beautiful tripp and el's relationship was portrayed. Clearly the writers for this season knew what they were doing. Especially concerning matters of love. God like writing this season. I applaud them for how they handled the story and characters. The script was crafted wonderfully. 10/10 plot, dialogue and writing.
it's not about depth or just about it. It's about having options that cater to everyone. It wouldn't be difficult to give the players the option to be with a female or choose to be with one.
It's not the majority that want her to be straight it's people that prefer if she was straight, people who would prefer if she weren't, people who would like the option for her to be with a female and people who don't care either way.
it's depending on telltale's choices as they control clem more than you do and make her do and say things the players have no control over. The kiss is determinant and it only happens when gabe's about to pass on so it doesn't mean or show anything. Clem only hugging him when he's alive shows that there was nothing serious between them. You cant say she's not a lesbian because telltale hasn't brought in another female her age that is one and they haven't stepped into that territory with clem yet.
enter link description here
I honestly don't understand why they chose to explore so many romances this season without fleshing out more than one. I feel like the whole reason Clem being either straight or homosexual doesn't work is because time wasn't devoted to showing or developing a relationship. For any good story, relationships should be more than a footnote on a wiki page. Working well together and sharing a few commonalities on screen is vital. I could care less which gender that involved.
Used Giphy instead. :P

And if you're really desperate....try popkey.
Not to be rude but a lot of people, including myself, feel kind of uncomfortable with same sex pda.Telltale should avoid it altogether and just stick with straight because that makes less people uncomfortable. After all you do see straight couples all the time but not as many gay or lesbian couples.
Also avoiding relationships and sticking to friendships would be good too.
She doesn't have to be gay but there's nothing wrong with having the option to be romantically involved with another female when she's at a certain age. Why should they let her be straight while they can make her bi? it's not a difficult thing to do to give players the choice to be with a male or female. Bi or gay protags aren't common at all. Because she's a girl she has to like boys and be straight? she shouldn't have the options to like girls too? why? It would be an option or a choice depending on the player. I don't see a problem with that.
Because it is fashionable Woman is only strong if she is independent, lesbian or successful.
The female doesn't have to be a lesbian. She also doesn't have to be straight. Just because female protags being straight is the standard norm it doesn't make it the correct or right way to go about writing a female character.
The correct way to write any character is by letting the players decide the important actions of said character. If it's a character like lora croft, max, master chief, nathan drake, etc. then letting the players decide the important choices is the correct way to go. If it's like mass effect, dragon age, etc. then that's the correct way to go about writing a character because in those games you can control their dialogue, their actions etc.
oh no, people talkiing about lgbt stuff, how will you ever survive?
I hope this comment is being sarcastic if not, it's incredibly homophobic.
She can't really be a lesbian since she's into Gabe, but she could still be bi. Also nice to see more homophobic people crawling out of these forums again.
They're not homophobic, they're just uncomfortable talking about a kid's sexuality.
You do realize I'm a person who supports gay marriage, right? I have no problem with gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. And that's not the only liberal talking point, there's also the mythical wage gap, abortions, repealing the 2nd amendment, higher taxes, increased spending on useless programs, single payer healthcare, emphasis on being PC, how Trump colluded with the Russians (despite no evidence to support that), and the importance of safe spaces.
Boy, Clementine sure wanted that Vacyumicin.