The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • The subtitles on the second picture.

  • Why do I find 3:09 so funny

  • edited June 2017

    Hey. I may like to shit on Gabentine, but to me this feels like more of a hate crime than a joke.

    Oh. I may just be taking this too, seriously....

  • Quick! Someone get him a crowbar!

  • I know, just wanted to reply to that.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    The subtitles on the second picture.

  • partyy

    This is the guy who threw the molotov at Kate, btw.

    I love The Wild so much. I have to rewatch it sometime.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Credit to @Poogers555 for pointing that out

  • edited June 2017

    Sorry. I spent way to long on this, but I thought I was funny as hell.

    For sound and better video quality

    Make sure to turn on the volume for added effect.

  • enter image description here

    Too soon? I made this at 1 a.m. so I am clearly not a good judge of character.

  • Oh man...

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Too soon? I made this at 1 a.m. so I am clearly not a good judge of character.

  • This is the guy who threw the molotov at Kate, btw.

    Yeah, I know. That makes it even funnier, the asshole!

    I love The Wild so much. I have to rewatch it sometime.

    Glad to hear it does have some fans--cause that was a weeeeird movie!

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    This is the guy who threw the molotov at Kate, btw. I love The Wild so much. I have to rewatch it sometime.

  • Gotta love that ending.

    Though I think "Paka-razzi" still probably beats it.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Kenny is all about that boat.

  • If I let the sentence continued, it'll show Joan so I'm glad it worked well

    'If you don't do it, I fuck'

  • edited June 2017

    enter image description here

    "Oh boy...not again."

    I also love how everyone just stares at Javier's corpse in so many of these. I guess Jane's reaction to failing against the Nick-Killer(which I can't help but think that was a bitter intern or perhaps a rare Sarah fan on staff that did that and Telltale left it in because it was legitimately hilarious) was a staff favorite.

    Credit to @Cocoa2736

  • enter image description here

    The things a Google Search will get you

  • What the fuck is that? Trenny? Kripp?

    DabigRG posted: »

    The things a Google Search will get you

  • Yeah most likely, just confused me first time I saw it.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    If I let the sentence continued, it'll show Joan so I'm glad it worked well

  • This isn't even Kenny's full form yet.

    DabigRG posted: »

    The things a Google Search will get you

  • This key art makes me think that the fall of Richmond was supposed to be longer what it is.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Credit to @Poogers555 for pointing that out

  • It almost certainly was.
    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    Also, I love how undignified Clementine's pose is there.

    AronDracula posted: »

    This key art makes me think that the fall of Richmond was supposed to be longer what it is.

  • If anyone remembers the meme I made about Rufus in episode 3
    I fixed it.
    enter image description here
    Nick: Hey man, what are you in for?

    Max: I just disappear from the game even after being spared and got more screen time as a dead man
    Nick: Damn, I just got stuck in a fence

    Ava: Be careful

  • Max looks like he just got outta prison.

    And Ava must be stiff from the Carbonite.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    If anyone remembers the meme I made about Rufus in episode 3 I fixed it. Nick: Hey man, what are you in for? Max: I just disappear fr

  • Bejita sama is triggered

    This isn't even Kenny's full form yet.

  • 0:09 - True. :D

    1:15 - I hope not!

    1:25 - Davier Confirmed! :O

    1:56 - And I thought Gabe was whinny.

    2:05 - A valid choice.

    2:46 - What the hell is going on. :(

    5:21- I agree with you, there. He messed up my face, that is a crime worth more than just a hole in his face! >:(

    5:33 - So this is how he would talk if he could speak. Can't wait till season 4! :D

    6:23 - Where did Javi's legs go?

  • 0:09 - True. :D

    Yup. They always lyin~

    1:56 - And I thought Gabe was whinny.

    That's the best part for me, lol.

    2:46 - What the hell is going on. :(

    I don't even want to know...

    5:21- I agree with you, there. He messed up my face, that is a crime worth more than just a hole in his face! >:(


    5:33 - So this is how he would talk if he could speak. Can't wait till season 4! :D

    Haha! AJ is my favourite in this!

    0:09 - True. 1:15 - I hope not! 1:25 - Davier Confirmed! :O 1:56 - And I thought Gabe was whinny. 2:05 - A valid choice. 2:4

  • Hey. I may like to shit on Gabentine, but to me this feels like more of a hate crime than a joke.

    hey totally off topic but how do you make those scrapped letters?

    Hey. I may like to shit on Gabentine, but to me this feels like more of a hate crime than a joke. Oh. I may just be taking this too, seriously....

  • i ship it
    LeeClemKen posted: »

    What the fuck is that? Trenny? Kripp?

  • Where are the others you were talking about?

    DabigRG posted: »

    "Oh boy...not again." I also love how everyone just stares at Javier's corpse in so many of these. I guess Jane's reaction to failing aga

  • edited June 2017

    Off the top of my head, one is if you open fire on the New Frontier on Prescott's gate and fail to shoot the lady reloading her gun, another is if Javier and Kate/Gabe get spotted by Shades-Chick on the way to Eleanor's apartment, and again in the 2nd Kenny flashback if you don't attack the walker.

    Sweet_Bundy posted: »

    Where are the others you were talking about?

  •   <s>Words you want</s> 

    = Words you want

    Hey. I may like to shit on Gabentine, but to me this feels like more of a hate crime than a joke. hey totally off topic but how do you make those scrapped letters?


    Words you want = Words you want

  • max

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, he's definitely in the top ten.

  • Javi when Gabe calls him a hypocrite be like

  • When you turn on tvs with your universal remote

    enter image description here

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