Well, they technically did: the Stranger looks and usually acts like Lee despite having more in common with Kenny, while Carlos looks and sometimes acts like Kenny but has more in common with Lee.
Granted, they're studies of how they could've(or in Kenny's case, did) go wrong, but still.
That would actually be an interesting plot twist. Javi finds his beloved, innocent niece after years of separation to find out a ruthless bo… moreunty hunter with a shotgun with mayor daddy issues. It would make more sense for Javi to be attached to her that way and add more drama to the family thing. The three big parties would be siding with David, siding with Kate and siding with Mariana
Exactly! The theme of family would get the full spotlight it deserved without having to throw Clementine in there because Mariana is family.
(nobody cares about gaby).
To be fair, Gabe acted like a bit of a wild card most of the time, but his primary allegience was always with Team David(because there was apparently supposed to be teams in this).
Plus, the whole "Gabentine" thing would be out of the way in favor of making Mariana a far more fleshed out foil to Gabe than she would've been otherwise, his love for his sister(or cousin) woul… [view original content]
I would combine Gabe and Javier, giving us a BOY character who is responsible, caring, and hilarious at some points; and also emotional, and… more angry at other points; providing a well-rounded character for us fans to work with who would also take on the role of looking after his family in his father's absence.
Eleanor could've replaced Kate- Kate could've been an interesting character but all she did was drive a wedge between David and Javi with the love triangle and pull a 180 wanting to help the people of Richmond after wanting to leave in Ep 3 and 4. I think if Eleanor took the love triangle with Tripp replacing it would allow the relationship between Javi and David to be strained through actual differences between the brothers and not because of a stupid love triangle.
You know what, I think that would've made sense. As much as I've had more than my fill of him, that is.
Should probably change the Eleanor thing though.
Nate should've replaced Badger (or Joan if you think he could be leadership material)- I made a thread explaining why Nate would've been a better protagonist than Joan a while back but many people had doubts about his capability of being a leader, so i think replacing Badger would've worked too.
Replacing Badger would've definitely worked, since he's pretty generic otherwise. Not that Nate is particularly colorful himself.
Eleanor could've replaced Kate- Kate could've been an interesting character but all she did was drive a wedge between David and Javi with the love triangle and pull a 180 wanting to help the people of Richmond after wanting to leave in Ep 3 and 4. I think if Eleanor took the love triangle with Tripp replacing it would allow the relationship between Javi and David to be strained through actual differences between the brothers and not because of a stupid love triangle.
Well, I supposed you have a point. Though I think that could just be more a partial example since you can just give Kate's crush on Javier to Eleanor, opening up Kate to have time to be a more structurally independent character. And Tripp's a borderline useless character anyway, so that'd give him some sort of consistency within the story as a bonus.
Here's two that i think should've been combined:
* Nate should've replaced Badger (or Joan if you think he could be leadership material… more)- I made a thread explaining why Nate would've been a better protagonist than Joan a while back but many people had doubts about his capability of being a leader, so i think replacing Badger would've worked too.
* Eleanor could've replaced Kate- Kate could've been an interesting character but all she did was drive a wedge between David and Javi with the love triangle and pull a 180 wanting to help the people of Richmond after wanting to leave in Ep 3 and 4. I think if Eleanor took the love triangle with Tripp replacing it would allow the relationship between Javi and David to be strained through actual differences between the brothers and not because of a stupid love triangle.
Yeah, I had it. It signed me out automatically. Not a fan of the updates either. I can't see all of my feed and the last 25 posts. * sigh * The avatars are great though.
Wonder if he could what?
Yeah, I had it. It signed me out automatically. Not a fan of the updates either. I can't see all of my feed and the last 25 posts. * sigh * The avatars are great though.
I actually thought Nate was one of the more colorful characters to come out of 400 days. He just wasn't given enough time to go through any actual development, which can practically be applied to everyone else from 400 days unfortunately.
Though I think that could just be more a partial example since you can just give Kate's crush on Javier to Eleanor, opening up Kate to have time to be a more structurally independent character.
Yeah but then that would raise questions as to why Kate didn't develop any feelings towards Javi during their time together. Unless her character was changed into being a more faithful wife to David I suppose.
I think another good shift in roles would be having Kate be the one killed by Badger's men instead of Mariana. I think Mariana has a lot more to offer to the story than Kate and would make a good contrast to Gabe as she is reasonable and mature as opposed to Gabe's childish and emotional ways.
Nate should've replaced Badger (or Joan if you think he could be leadership material)- I made a thread explaining why Nate would've been a b… moreetter protagonist than Joan a while back but many people had doubts about his capability of being a leader, so i think replacing Badger would've worked too.
Replacing Badger would've definitely worked, since he's pretty generic otherwise. Not that Nate is particularly colorful himself.
Eleanor could've replaced Kate- Kate could've been an interesting character but all she did was drive a wedge between David and Javi with the love triangle and pull a 180 wanting to help the people of Richmond after wanting to leave in Ep 3 and 4. I think if Eleanor took the love triangle with Tripp replacing it would allow the relationship between Javi and David to be strained through actual differences between the brothers and not because of a stupid love triangle.
Well, I supposed you have a point. … [view original content]
I think another good shift in roles would be having Kate be the one killed by Badger's men instead of Mariana. I think Mariana has a lot more to offer to the story than Kate and would make a good contrast to Gabe as she is reasonable and mature as opposed to Gabe's childish and emotional ways.
Not that Nate is particularly colorful himself.
I actually thought Nate was one of the more colorful characters to come out of 400 d… moreays. He just wasn't given enough time to go through any actual development, which can practically be applied to everyone else from 400 days unfortunately.
Though I think that could just be more a partial example since you can just give Kate's crush on Javier to Eleanor, opening up Kate to have time to be a more structurally independent character.
Yeah but then that would raise questions as to why Kate didn't develop any feelings towards Javi during their time together. Unless her character was changed into being a more faithful wife to David I suppose.
I think another good shift in roles would be having Kate be the one killed by Badger's men instead of Mariana. I think Mariana has a lot more to offer to the story than Kate and would make a good contrast to Gabe as she is reasonable and mature as opposed to Gabe's childish and emotional ways.
That actually sounds like a interesting idea. I can picture Mari and Gabe arguing about how to handle a certain situation (like David's "execution" or leaving Richmond or not) and whoever Javi doesn't agree with will change their attitude towards him.
That and having Mari yell at her brother to man up and stop whining all the time would be nice.
I think another good shift in roles would be having Kate be the one killed by Badger's men instead of Mariana. I think Mariana has a lot mor… moree to offer to the story than Kate and would make a good contrast to Gabe as she is reasonable and mature as opposed to Gabe's childish and emotional ways.
As the first example of this, I think Glenn in A New Day probably could've been removed in favor of just using Doug.
Even though I actu… moreally kinda liked him myself, I think he was one of the characters we could've done without in favor of giving Doug some non-determinate screentime since one of his scenes were cut. From what I've been told, Glenn was apparently a pizza delivery boy who's debts made him turn to thieving from cars (thanks, @VengefulKenny!). Now, while this information reveals not only why he knows the sparkplug trick but also explains his smug, kinda sketchy vibe at times, I can't help but think Doug could've been the one who wanted to save Irene. The fact that Carley, who previously disobeyed Lilly's orders and drew attention to herself by saving Duck, seemed to not wanna bother helping her for no particular reason beyond stereotypical jealousy amongst women would've made more sense if it were Doug that did this.
Not sure you meant to reply to me, but if you did:
I don't mind the idea of having her around as a foil to Gabe that much, I just didn't the like the way it came off in the game proper. Or rather, the way people tend to make it seem.
Granted, I didn't care much for her character to begin with, but that's where more time or meaning might've helped.
That actually sounds like a interesting idea. I can picture Mari and Gabe arguing about how to handle a certain situation (like David's "exe… morecution" or leaving Richmond or not) and whoever Javi doesn't agree with will change their attitude towards him.
That and having Mari yell at her brother to man up and stop whining all the time would be nice.
Their tension only really spanned from their first encounter though, after that, they aren't at each others' throats like Kenny is with Christa and later on, Lee. Plus it would end up changing scenarios in the horde, trailer park, observation deck and the gun fight.
I always thought Molly and Jane were very similar but I think Molly resonated more with the fans. I honestly think season 2 would have been … morebetter if they gave Molly the role Jane took.
Story wise, it could have made sense if Molly was the one who saved Kenny instead of the "I got lucky" explaination. They could have decided to travel together, meet Sarita, Mathew, Walt and find the ski lodge and reunite with Clem. In general the story would have played out the same except it would have made it more interesting because Molly was an established character like Kenny, making the final choice of choosing between the two that much more difficult. It can happen in the same way since it is known Kenny and Molly did not get along and maybe the tension would have built up during the time they have been together.
Of course, I don't mean to imply that I'm in favor of killing off characters for shock value or that I want Kate dead. I just would've preferred to see the relationship dynamic between Gabe and Mariana over the love triangle drama that we got.
I think another good shift in roles would be having Kate be the one killed by Badger's men instead of Mariana. I think Mariana has a lot mor… moree to offer to the story than Kate and would make a good contrast to Gabe as she is reasonable and mature as opposed to Gabe's childish and emotional ways.
Nah, it was just a personal preference type thing stumping me for a bit, but agreed. Hell, it really wasn't even a love triangle, not that we really needed one.
Of course, I don't mean to imply that I'm in favor of killing off characters for shock value or that I want Kate dead. I just would've preferred to see the relationship dynamic between Gabe and Mariana over the love triangle drama that we got.
Pretty sure it exists in some form
Meh, I just wanted to experiment with merging models together tbh.
Its confirmed, Stranger is a demon. Carlos is an angel falls from heaven. They cant be combined. You will get a blue screen and 404 error afterwards.
Well that confirms my suspicions and explains a few things
Well, they technically did: the Stranger looks and usually acts like Lee despite having more in common with Kenny, while Carlos looks and sometimes acts like Kenny but has more in common with Lee.
Granted, they're studies of how they could've(or in Kenny's case, did) go wrong, but still.
It was Louche. But he wanted booty.
It was Louche. But he wanted booty.
Double Post
oops double post
Now you have the chance, I linked it above.
I am asking you. Why? If @Jayroen makes a topless Eleanor, that better be your first reflex. Lol.
Ooh, baby, that's what I like!
Damn straight!
Now it all makes sense.
Wonder if he could....
Also, I see you've had that glitch too.
I'm going to get hate for this, but I fully agree with you here.
I tried to respond earlier, but I wasn't able submit posts or give people likes on my account for an hour.
Triple Post. I'm on a roll today. XD
oops double post? Can you beat my accidental triple post?
I won't be able to!
This pretty much was Ethan in game of thrones but they just killed him off early.
Here's two that i think should've been combined:
Nate should've replaced Badger (or Joan if you think he could be leadership material)- I made a thread explaining why Nate would've been a better protagonist than Joan a while back but many people had doubts about his capability of being a leader, so i think replacing Badger would've worked too.
Eleanor could've replaced Kate- Kate could've been an interesting character but all she did was drive a wedge between David and Javi with the love triangle and pull a 180 wanting to help the people of Richmond after wanting to leave in Ep 3 and 4. I think if Eleanor took the love triangle with Tripp replacing it would allow the relationship between Javi and David to be strained through actual differences between the brothers and not because of a stupid love triangle.
If Tripp was Kenny(Heaven help us), then we wouldn't need the one night stand deal unless you want Kenny to be an adulterer.
Replacing Badger would've definitely worked, since he's pretty generic otherwise. Not that Nate is particularly colorful himself.
Well, I supposed you have a point. Though I think that could just be more a partial example since you can just give Kate's crush on Javier to Eleanor, opening up Kate to have time to be a more structurally independent character. And Tripp's a borderline useless character anyway, so that'd give him some sort of consistency within the story as a bonus.
Wonder if he could what?
Yeah, I had it. It signed me out automatically. Not a fan of the updates either. I can't see all of my feed and the last 25 posts. * sigh * The avatars are great though.
Interesting thought.
Louche got titty.
I love your comments so much.
You know...
I actually thought Nate was one of the more colorful characters to come out of 400 days. He just wasn't given enough time to go through any actual development, which can practically be applied to everyone else from 400 days unfortunately.
Yeah but then that would raise questions as to why Kate didn't develop any feelings towards Javi during their time together. Unless her character was changed into being a more faithful wife to David I suppose.
I think another good shift in roles would be having Kate be the one killed by Badger's men instead of Mariana. I think Mariana has a lot more to offer to the story than Kate and would make a good contrast to Gabe as she is reasonable and mature as opposed to Gabe's childish and emotional ways.
That actually sounds like a interesting idea. I can picture Mari and Gabe arguing about how to handle a certain situation (like David's "execution" or leaving Richmond or not) and whoever Javi doesn't agree with will change their attitude towards him.
That and having Mari yell at her brother to man up and stop whining all the time would be nice.
And Carley could've been the one to keep an eye on the door.
Not sure you meant to reply to me, but if you did:
I don't mind the idea of having her around as a foil to Gabe that much, I just didn't the like the way it came off in the game proper. Or rather, the way people tend to make it seem.
Granted, I didn't care much for her character to begin with, but that's where more time or meaning might've helped.
Their tension only really spanned from their first encounter though, after that, they aren't at each others' throats like Kenny is with Christa and later on, Lee. Plus it would end up changing scenarios in the horde, trailer park, observation deck and the gun fight.
Of course, I don't mean to imply that I'm in favor of killing off characters for shock value or that I want Kate dead. I just would've preferred to see the relationship dynamic between Gabe and Mariana over the love triangle drama that we got.
Nah, it was just a personal preference type thing stumping me for a bit, but agreed. Hell, it really wasn't even a love triangle, not that we really needed one.
Yeah, actually, given that she's the one with the gun.
You horny little devil you~