The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)




    Creeper1846 posted: »

    These profile images just released and I already memed the fuck out of it.

  • Conrad is the new Omid

    enter image description here

  • Me during episode 4:

    enter image description here

  • edited June 2017

    This is me throughout the entire game. :joy:

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Me during episode 4:

  • B E G ON E T H O T

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Me during episode 4:

  • edited June 2017

    For some reason, the only part I found funny was the Jesus part.. (2:57)

    This video maker needs to take some lessons from this guy.

  • And if you're thirsty for more examples, have another one.

  • Thanks for your feedback. Ironically I thought the Jesus part was the worst. Can you tell me exactly why you didn't like the rest? (This is my first attempt at a ytp)

    For some reason, the only part I found funny was the Jesus part.. (2:57) This video maker needs to take some lessons from this guy.

  • Okay. I know it can be hard to make things like these when it's your first time. I'm sorry. I don't have any experience with these types of videos. I can point out what went wrong, but I can't explain very well why it went wrong. But here are a few things I can tell you.

    *Your jokes weren't really that bad. It was the delivery of them that ultimately fell flat. In some places the audio was cut off when you were making some of your dialogue changing jokes. It would help to have to words easy to hear and to allow the audience some time to react before moving onto the next joke (but being able to pause the video does help some).

    *I felt that the Mariana being shot in the head scene was overplayed. I think that using it for 1-2 jokes would be good enough to be funny, but after that it can quickly become old.

    I think you should keep asking for feedback. Maybe even get in contact with some people who had experience with these types of videos. Eventually, you will find someone who knows what they're talking about and give you some good pointers. I do believe you have potential. I definitely would advise that you keep getting feedback from your viewers as you have. As they say, practice makes perfect . We all have to start somewhere. :)

    P.S Just ignore my stupid remarks. I didn't actually mean anything by them. Sometimes I try too hard to be funny and just come out as being a jerk. I will keep them up just so this shameful behavior will hang over me, to remind me of what not to do in the future.

    Vanzam posted: »

    Thanks for your feedback. Ironically I thought the Jesus part was the worst. Can you tell me exactly why you didn't like the rest? (This is my first attempt at a ytp)

  • Can't see it, suge.

  • For some reason, the only part I found funny was the Jesus part.. (2:57) This video maker needs to take some lessons from this guy.

  • Hey thanks bro, by the way, I didn't think your comments were mean :)

    Okay. I know it can be hard to make things like these when it's your first time. I'm sorry. I don't have any experience with these types of

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

  • edited June 2017

    Hey, do you think Joan will sound anything like this in season 4 of TWD?

    Imagine it. What if Joan were to die and her final screams sounded like :

    The labor pains of Donald Duck. -Zitterberg

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

  • What the hell is that?

    And yes, that is an great comparison.

    Hey, do you think Joan will sound anything like this in season 4 of TWD? Imagine it. What if Joan were to die and her final screams sounded like : The labor pains of Donald Duck. -Zitterberg

  • 1:25 :lol:

    Wow, now I can't stop seeing Jane and hearing Bonnie when I look at Molly.

    3:35 Shit, I thought my goddamn laptop crashed again

    7:38 Yeah, I did that by accident on my 2nd playthrough. Didn't even know I could

  • Dat moment when you realize Clementine told Duck what a blowjob is...

    Also, does anyone else think Kenny looks like Stroker?

  • When you accidentally beat your friend to death with a iron bar, and then your other friend leaves you, and then you find a community but it sucks there, and then you're indirectly responsible for about 7 deaths, and then your kindasortamaybe boyfriend drowns in a lake, and then you're indirectly responsible for the shooting of a 11 year old.

    enter image description here

  • Heh. Poor Bonnie.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    When you accidentally beat your friend to death with a iron bar, and then your other friend leaves you, and then you find a community but it

  • edited July 2017

    A Dark humor here:
    enter image description here

  • Damn it. I like her character too much for this to be funny.

    max_pain943 posted: »

    A Dark humor here:

  • Same, I don't find it funny either. :disappointed:

    Damn it. I like her character too much for this to be funny.

  • Thank god that motherbitchfucker is dead

  • edited July 2017

    Anyone else here think Carley and Tripp have something in common?

    tfw a redneck guy you have known for five minutes immediately starts bossing everyone around

    enter image description here

    tfw a Cuban guy you have known for a day gets your community destroyed, determinantly kills your last friend on earth and immediately starts bossing everyone around

    enter image description here

  • This is me everyday.

    small carl

  • ...I don't get it.

    max_pain943 posted: »

    A Dark humor here:

  • Why are Shawn, Hershel, and Glenn there and not Ben, Christa, and Omid?

  • That is a concept for Episode 1.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why are Shawn, Hershel, and Glenn there and not Ben, Christa, and Omid?

  • Okay. Goddamn Advertised Extras.

    AronDracula posted: »

    That is a concept for Episode 1.

  • Whoever made this.... They're my fuckin Hero.

  • Dank-ass video there, the first scene made me laugh immediately xD

  • After watching that dance video and the Kenny one I just thought that :

    • Is that me or Clem season 2 had better facial expressions than Clem ANF ?
  • Well, it was their second time making a TWD game with that engine. Maybe that will mean season 4's facial expressions will be better, since they're also getting some practice out of the new engine with GOTG?

    After watching that dance video and the Kenny one I just thought that : * Is that me or Clem season 2 had better facial expressions than Clem ANF ?

  • edited July 2017

    I think ANF still has the superior facial animations, I think you said that because we don't usually notice Clem's expression due to the blockings,character focus, and lack of actual screentime for her buuuutttt you may be right and I'm just giving anf too much credit.

    After watching that dance video and the Kenny one I just thought that : * Is that me or Clem season 2 had better facial expressions than Clem ANF ?

  • You caught me off guard with Money Trees.

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