Ah man, I was most curious to how Jamison would take this since it could have went either way and it seems that it really has shaken him which is sad for sure! Like you have said, he takes alot of pride in his abilities and his looks so having all this happen to him all at once would definitely be hard on him since at the end of the day he's pretty emotional so this definitely has hurt him in many ways.
[Go to the ceremony]
Admittedly I wasn't sure what to choose here but after reading some of the other reader's opinions, this does seem like the best option. Jamison never wants to show weakness and while alot has happened to him here, I think he would want to show that nothing fazes him even though it very much has. Also, this might be a character building choice as well with this choice leading toward Jamison getting back to his very confident self quicker so for now I'll go with this choice which it is most likely going to win anyway so it doesn't matter Anyway, I am very excited to see where Jamison's storyline takes him here in chapter 3!
Jamison Dayne laid awake on his bed in the small chambers that had been given to him in the castle of Vaith. This wasn't the firs… moret time he had been awake after the battle, but it was the first time his mind was perfectly clear again. His memories of the battle were blurry, as if he couldn't be sure if it had all been just a dream. However, he knew there had been a battle, and there was a fresh scar on his face, which was enough to convince Jamison that what little he remembered had actually happened.
"You'll be happy to know none of us got killed while you were... away", said Ser Laroy Ladybright, who sat next to the bed, and Jamison turned to look at him. His left eye was covered by the bandage, limiting his field of view, but he could still very well see the irritation in the old knight's expression. "What exactly did you do during the battle?" Jamison asked with a bored tone.
"We stayed in the tavern and defended ourselves… [view original content]
Jamison Dayne laid awake on his bed in the small chambers that had been given to him in the castle of Vaith. This wasn't the firs… moret time he had been awake after the battle, but it was the first time his mind was perfectly clear again. His memories of the battle were blurry, as if he couldn't be sure if it had all been just a dream. However, he knew there had been a battle, and there was a fresh scar on his face, which was enough to convince Jamison that what little he remembered had actually happened.
"You'll be happy to know none of us got killed while you were... away", said Ser Laroy Ladybright, who sat next to the bed, and Jamison turned to look at him. His left eye was covered by the bandage, limiting his field of view, but he could still very well see the irritation in the old knight's expression. "What exactly did you do during the battle?" Jamison asked with a bored tone.
"We stayed in the tavern and defended ourselves… [view original content]
Aand Jamison will go to the ceremony. Like this part hinted, Jamison is really shaken from what happened, probably more than he even admits to himself. However, it might be good for him to get out there instead of staying alone to dwell on these thoughts.
The next part will take us to the Kingdom of Blackmont, and more specifically Gravesend, where Naemon has arrived with Davos, Malcolm, Ser Myle, Alester and the three-hundred Upton troops. At the end of Chapter 2 Naemon returned from his journey to Starfall, confronted his father, and learnt about the disappearance of his sister Gwendis. This was a shock to Naemon, and he was seriously pissed at Benedict. However, he took his mission to defeat Karsan Taller (who earlier took over Gravesend with peasant rebels) and even said he might one day forgive Benedict, if he corrects his mistakes. The part isn't ready yet, and I won't have much time to write tomorrow, so it will most likely go to Tuesday before this part is ready!
And here is a portrait of Jamison with his fresh scar:
I also have something a little different this time. I decided to do these full body illustrations for characters who I think have an interesting gear, and therefore deserve more than just a drawing of their face For now I've only done Mordekhai (still with both eyes) and Dalia, but I'll probably do more of these in the future. Anyway, here they are:
Whoa, that scar looks quite a lot more severe than I thought That be said, it could be worse and given how fresh it is, I'm sure it'll heal nicely and ultimately look only badass. Tyrion's scar does after all and unlike him, Jamison has the advantage of looking generally physically badass, where Tyrion certainly does not. I think he's the kind of guy that just makes scars work and looks only more cool in the end.
Now, Wesley is terrifying! Holy shit, it occured to me I never truly imagined him in his creepy armour so far, probably because I am already scare enough for Gwen with that monster around. He reminds me of something I've seen somewhere before. Having done a bit of thinking, I realized he looks a lot like a Wild Hunt warrior from Witcher 3, which makes him only more terrifying. One eye or both, he is a fucking monster and I hope they can deal with him quickly.
When it comes to Dalia, you can draw as many badass drawings of her a you like, it still won't change my opinion It arguably makes it a bit harder to hate her though, but my hatred runs deep and shall not be weakened by a nice-looking drawing! What makes me slightly less sure if she's the one I should hate though is the sudden realization that Gwendis saw a warrior with one sword who supposedly killed her (though even that could be a deliberate misleading from the Great Other), whereas Dalia wields two swords of such an unusual shape that Gwen surely would have commented on them. So... is it Wesley? Is it... Kris? Nah, it cannot be Kris, right? It's not Kris, I refuse to include him in the illustrous circle of characters I hate. However, this just made me realize that there's two badass, terrifying warriors, one of them is this danger I fear and to get rid of the terrifying skeleton freak, I think it is mandatory to keep the other terrifying rollmop freak close. Ah, I don't want to get too deep into speculation again, I am sure I will have enough chances for that in this chapter, so let me just say that for now, these are amazing drawings. I like these full-body illustrations, they add quite a lot to the character, especially in case of Worstley the creepy fuck.
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Aand Jamison will go to the ceremony. Like this part hinted, Jamison is really shaken from what happened, probably more… more than he even admits to himself. However, it might be good for him to get out there instead of staying alone to dwell on these thoughts.
The next part will take us to the Kingdom of Blackmont, and more specifically Gravesend, where Naemon has arrived with Davos, Malcolm, Ser Myle, Alester and the three-hundred Upton troops. At the end of Chapter 2 Naemon returned from his journey to Starfall, confronted his father, and learnt about the disappearance of his sister Gwendis. This was a shock to Naemon, and he was seriously pissed at Benedict. However, he took his mission to defeat Karsan Taller (who earlier took over Gravesend with peasant rebels) and even said he might one day forgive Benedict, if he corrects his mistakes. The part isn't ready yet, and I won't have much time to write tomorrow, so it will… [view original content]
The army led by Prince Naemon Blackmont had arrived to Gravesend after three days of marching. Blackmont, Dayne and Upton banners dangled in the lazy wind, as the army of over three hundred men lined up below the hill that the town stood on. On the right of Naemon was his squire Davos Dayne, and on his left was Lord Alester Upton, the usual smug smirk on his face. Next to Alester was Prince Malcolm and Ser Myle. With them was also Brennin Kell, the former commander of Gravesend's city guard, who had come to avenge all his fellow guardsmen that Karsan's thugs had slaughtered. They were all clad in heavy armors, and the blazing hot sun in the clear blue sky made it very uncomfortable.
The gates were open, there were no signs of any defenders on the walls of the town, and aside from the muffled chatter of the troops an eerie silence lingered in the air. "You think they've fled?" Davos finally asked. "It looks like they have", Naemon answered quietly.
"Either that, or they're trying to lure us into a trap", Brennin remarked grimly. Alester shook his head. "You're overestimating them, commander", he said, stroking his bushy red beard. "What kind of trap could they set for an army of three hundred?" He asked with a small chuckle. "They're just rebellious peasants, nothing more."
"Lord Alester is probably right", Malcolm weighed in with his calm and professional tone. "Most likely this Karsan Taller heard that we are approaching and decided to flee with his thugs, knowing they wouldn't stand a chance trying to defend the town against an organized and well-trained army."
Naemon stayed quiet for a moment, considering the words of his friend. Perhaps they were right, perhaps there would be no battle here today. The last few days Naemon had mentally prepared for it, but in truth it would be a relief if it could be avoided. The thought of having to kill subjects of his own kingdom had troubled him deeply, even if they were traitors. With my father as the King, can you even blame them?
"Perhaps you're right", Naemon said finally. "We should approach the gates carefully, and make our way inside the city... then we can be sure what's going on here."
And so, they began their march towards the open gates. In formation three-hundred soldiers rode into Gravesend, welcomed by eerie silence and dusty streets. Looking to the alleys they rode past Naemon saw a few bodies lying on the ground. Even a few living persons were running around here and there, though not enough to be any kind of threat. Naemon had a suspicion that these weren't actually citizens of Gravesend, but rather looters who had arrived after whatever disaster had went down here.
The Upton troops sounded their horns as the army made its way to town square, which was riddled with rotting bodies. "They didn't even have the dignity to bury them", Naemon heard Brennin Kell muttering, deep anger in his words. However, the most atrocious sight was at the other end of the square, where several bodies had been crucified and left hanging on wooden crosses.
As they approached the crucified bodies, Naemon recognized one of them as Septon Kevan, who had been the acting lord of Gravesend. It had been a while since Kevan had last visited Blackmont, but Naemon still remembered that plump face and receding hairline. Now his bloated and rotting body hanged on the cross, his lifeless eyes staring to nothingness. He was still dressed in his septon's robes, but they were now smeared with blood and shit. Someone had tried to carve something to the septon's forehead, perhaps a seven-pointed star, leaving a shapeless mess of a scar.
"Hugor is not going to like this", Ser Myle said grimly. Hugor was the son of Septon Kevan, and had led their small forces to Blackmont when Benedict had called his banners. "His father will be avenged", Brennin said with rage and determination in his eyes, staring at Kevan's dead body. "Karsan Taller and all of his thugs will hang for this."
"Naemon", Davos said, shifting his attention away from the crucified bodies. Naemon looked at his squire, who was pointing at a man who was approaching them. The man was probably on his thirties, a short man with thick black beard and short hair, dressed in simple clothes that indicated he was of low birth. "Afternoon, sers", the man said with a voice far too cheerful for the occasion. Naemon turned his horse towards the man, and narrowed his eyes as he looked at him. "Afternoon", he simply answered.
"You must be the King's men, aye?" The man now asked, and Naemon nodded. "I am Prince Naemon Blackmont, the only son of King Benedict", he answered calmly. The man hardly had a reaction, just a slight smirk forming to his face. "That must mean you have plenty coin, aye?"
"Why do you ask?" Naemon's tone was strict, but the man just chuckled. "Oh, it's just, I might have some knowledge you'd be interested in", the man answered. "Y'know, what happened here, where has everyone gone, and so on."
"Don't you see all these armed troops, peasant?" Alester asked harshly. "You are hardly in the position for demanding anything."
"I'm terribly sorry m'lord, but I have to disagree with you there", the man said, his grin only getting wider. "Sure, you can kill me, but who's going to tell you anything then?" The man eyed at all of them, crossing his arms, and Naemon had to at least recognize the boldness of this man. "So, what's it gonna be, sers?"
Naemon dismounted his horse, and opened the saddlebag, taking out his purse. From there he pulled out two silvers. A hefty price, but it should make him talk. "What is your name?" Naemon asked as he approached the man.
"Tim, if it pleases m'lord", the man answered. Naemon handed him the two silvers, which the man took eagerly. "Alright then, Tim. What happened here after Karsan Taller's men took over?" He asked quietly. Tim shoved the two silvers into his pocket with a satisfied smirk on his face.
"It was good for a day or two, then everything turned to shit", the man explained. "Without the guards, the young and strong started to prey on the old and weak. More and more people left the town every day, until finally only Karsan and his thugs were left. Then yesterday morning one of their scouts returned, warning about an approaching army, and they left."
"Bloody cowards", Brennin muttered bitterly. Naemon wasn't satisfied yet though. "And do you know where they went?" He asked sternly. Tim smirked again, extending his hand. "Two silvers paid for what happened here, two more for where they went", he set his price with a sly tone.
"Just put a sword against his throat and he'll talk", Alester said angrily, making Tim raise his eyebrows. "Is that how the Blackmont's treat their people?" He asked with a bewildered expression on his face, as Naemon laid his irritated gaze on him.
Well, it's not as if he demands lordship over Gravesend, his weight in gold and Gwendis' hand in marriage. It is two lousy silver coins. Tim's demand is tasteless and insolent, yes, but ultimately, two silver coins, that is certainly not worth the trouble. Sure, Naemon could just as easily threaten him, but it is such careless treatment of the smallfolk that even got the kingdom into this situation. Gwendis sort of knew it and probably currently learns how much the people really suffered under the bad rule of Benedict, thanks to Trentan, whereas Naemon is only at the very beginning of learning about this situation. He has a very long way to go if he wants to be in any way the person his people need right now and starting his development by threatening some jerk just for being mildly insolent, that is not a good way to start. He can afford it and shouldn't be too greedy or arrogant to actually occasionally give in to the demands of his people. As it seems right now, he is the person that is one day supposed to rule over them and surely, first impressions count when it comes to that. On top of that, a pleased Tim might be more willing to tell the truth. Any statement they have to force out of him could easily be a lie, told to spite Naemon and lure him into the wrong direction.
The army led by Prince Naemon Blackmont had arrived to Gravesend after three days of marching. Blackmont, Dayne and Upton banners … moredangled in the lazy wind, as the army of over three hundred men lined up below the hill that the town stood on. On the right of Naemon was his squire Davos Dayne, and on his left was Lord Alester Upton, the usual smug smirk on his face. Next to Alester was Prince Malcolm and Ser Myle. With them was also Brennin Kell, the former commander of Gravesend's city guard, who had come to avenge all his fellow guardsmen that Karsan's thugs had slaughtered. They were all clad in heavy armors, and the blazing hot sun in the clear blue sky made it very uncomfortable.
The gates were open, there were no signs of any defenders on the walls of the town, and aside from the muffled chatter of the troops an eerie silence lingered in the air. "You think they've fled?" Davos finally asked. "It looks like they have", Naemon… [view original content]
Ah poor Jamison! Safe to say he looks pretty defeated here which was no doubt the look you were going for As for the scar, it definitely is a big scar but I also believe that once it heals up, it will look pretty cool and Jamison will carry it with confidence and it shouldn't affect him too much in the long run. Great drawing!
Voting is closed!
Aand Jamison will go to the ceremony. Like this part hinted, Jamison is really shaken from what happened, probably more… more than he even admits to himself. However, it might be good for him to get out there instead of staying alone to dwell on these thoughts.
The next part will take us to the Kingdom of Blackmont, and more specifically Gravesend, where Naemon has arrived with Davos, Malcolm, Ser Myle, Alester and the three-hundred Upton troops. At the end of Chapter 2 Naemon returned from his journey to Starfall, confronted his father, and learnt about the disappearance of his sister Gwendis. This was a shock to Naemon, and he was seriously pissed at Benedict. However, he took his mission to defeat Karsan Taller (who earlier took over Gravesend with peasant rebels) and even said he might one day forgive Benedict, if he corrects his mistakes. The part isn't ready yet, and I won't have much time to write tomorrow, so it will… [view original content]
[Pay him] This is a pretty minor request to someone like Naemon and if I had to guess than paying him would make Tim more cooperative to where Naemon can have better luck om his mission.
The army led by Prince Naemon Blackmont had arrived to Gravesend after three days of marching. Blackmont, Dayne and Upton banners … moredangled in the lazy wind, as the army of over three hundred men lined up below the hill that the town stood on. On the right of Naemon was his squire Davos Dayne, and on his left was Lord Alester Upton, the usual smug smirk on his face. Next to Alester was Prince Malcolm and Ser Myle. With them was also Brennin Kell, the former commander of Gravesend's city guard, who had come to avenge all his fellow guardsmen that Karsan's thugs had slaughtered. They were all clad in heavy armors, and the blazing hot sun in the clear blue sky made it very uncomfortable.
The gates were open, there were no signs of any defenders on the walls of the town, and aside from the muffled chatter of the troops an eerie silence lingered in the air. "You think they've fled?" Davos finally asked. "It looks like they have", Naemon… [view original content]
The army led by Prince Naemon Blackmont had arrived to Gravesend after three days of marching. Blackmont, Dayne and Upton banners … moredangled in the lazy wind, as the army of over three hundred men lined up below the hill that the town stood on. On the right of Naemon was his squire Davos Dayne, and on his left was Lord Alester Upton, the usual smug smirk on his face. Next to Alester was Prince Malcolm and Ser Myle. With them was also Brennin Kell, the former commander of Gravesend's city guard, who had come to avenge all his fellow guardsmen that Karsan's thugs had slaughtered. They were all clad in heavy armors, and the blazing hot sun in the clear blue sky made it very uncomfortable.
The gates were open, there were no signs of any defenders on the walls of the town, and aside from the muffled chatter of the troops an eerie silence lingered in the air. "You think they've fled?" Davos finally asked. "It looks like they have", Naemon… [view original content]
The army led by Prince Naemon Blackmont had arrived to Gravesend after three days of marching. Blackmont, Dayne and Upton banners … moredangled in the lazy wind, as the army of over three hundred men lined up below the hill that the town stood on. On the right of Naemon was his squire Davos Dayne, and on his left was Lord Alester Upton, the usual smug smirk on his face. Next to Alester was Prince Malcolm and Ser Myle. With them was also Brennin Kell, the former commander of Gravesend's city guard, who had come to avenge all his fellow guardsmen that Karsan's thugs had slaughtered. They were all clad in heavy armors, and the blazing hot sun in the clear blue sky made it very uncomfortable.
The gates were open, there were no signs of any defenders on the walls of the town, and aside from the muffled chatter of the troops an eerie silence lingered in the air. "You think they've fled?" Davos finally asked. "It looks like they have", Naemon… [view original content]
The army led by Prince Naemon Blackmont had arrived to Gravesend after three days of marching. Blackmont, Dayne and Upton banners … moredangled in the lazy wind, as the army of over three hundred men lined up below the hill that the town stood on. On the right of Naemon was his squire Davos Dayne, and on his left was Lord Alester Upton, the usual smug smirk on his face. Next to Alester was Prince Malcolm and Ser Myle. With them was also Brennin Kell, the former commander of Gravesend's city guard, who had come to avenge all his fellow guardsmen that Karsan's thugs had slaughtered. They were all clad in heavy armors, and the blazing hot sun in the clear blue sky made it very uncomfortable.
The gates were open, there were no signs of any defenders on the walls of the town, and aside from the muffled chatter of the troops an eerie silence lingered in the air. "You think they've fled?" Davos finally asked. "It looks like they have", Naemon… [view original content]
The army led by Prince Naemon Blackmont had arrived to Gravesend after three days of marching. Blackmont, Dayne and Upton banners … moredangled in the lazy wind, as the army of over three hundred men lined up below the hill that the town stood on. On the right of Naemon was his squire Davos Dayne, and on his left was Lord Alester Upton, the usual smug smirk on his face. Next to Alester was Prince Malcolm and Ser Myle. With them was also Brennin Kell, the former commander of Gravesend's city guard, who had come to avenge all his fellow guardsmen that Karsan's thugs had slaughtered. They were all clad in heavy armors, and the blazing hot sun in the clear blue sky made it very uncomfortable.
The gates were open, there were no signs of any defenders on the walls of the town, and aside from the muffled chatter of the troops an eerie silence lingered in the air. "You think they've fled?" Davos finally asked. "It looks like they have", Naemon… [view original content]
And Naemon will pay Tim, to make him reveal where Karsan Taller has gone. Now, as you may have guessed this is first and foremost a character building choice for Naemon. That said, Tim's answer would've been slightly different if you would've threatended him - it would've been less detailed. On the other hand, this choice has minor affects on Naemon's relationships with his supportive cast. While Malcolm will fully approve Naemon's decision to pay Tim, Alester might have less respect for such action. Davos' opinion on Naemon won't really change because of this choice, but since he very much sees Naemon as his role model, every character building choice of Naemon's kind of works as character building for Davos as well.
And next we will continue Gwendis' storyline! In Chapter 2 Gwendis traveled with Aisha and Trentan from the Kingdom of Blackmont to the Kingdom of Kingsgrave, regretting her choice to go with Aisha more and more every day. The Great Other granted her some more visions during their journey, which made Aisha realize just how strong of a connection Gwendis has to her god. Towards the end of the chapter Lyla Sand found Gwendis and Trentan while Aisha was away from them (fetching Ser Mordekhai Crusher). Lyla almost killed Trentan, but Gwendis managed to convince her to keep the young thief alive. However, fairly soon Aisha and Mordekhai found them, which led to a duel between Lyla and Mordekhai. Lyla fared susprisingly well against the monstrous knight, even managing to stab him to the eye, thinking she had killed him. However, as she turned her back to confront Aisha, Mordekhai stood up and pulled the dagger out of his eye, revealing his inhuman durability. He managed to kill the shocked Lyla, and so Gwendis and Trentan were at the hands of Aisha once again. Their Chapter 3 storyline will begin a few days after this duel between Lyla and Mordekhai. Anyway, I'll try to get the part done today!
They had arrived to the upper reaches of Greenbelt earlier today, and as the sun begun to set they had built fire close to the river. They were in the Kingdom of Yronwood now, but Gwendis had no idea what exactly was their destination. The travel had not been easy on her, and she was beyond exhausted. Her bones and muscles were aching, she was hungry and tired, and at the same time she was feeling emotionally numb. Perhaps for the first time in her life Gwendis Blackmont felt like nothing was in her control, she was fully at the mercy of Aisha and her monster – Ser Mordekhai Crusher. The now one-eyed false knight stood in guard a couple hundred feet away from their little camp. He was motionless, like a statue, gazing somewhere in the distance with the massive dark sword on his hand. So far Gwendis' hadn't once seen Mordekhai take off his armor, nor had he seen him sleep or eat. Is he even human? Whatever he was, he had brutally murdered Lyla Sand, and with her all Gwendis' hopes of ever seeing home again.
Gwendis turned her gaze, seeing Trentan sitting quietly next to the fire. The poor guy had gotten more and more quiet every day, and Gwendis could see the regret and desperation in his eyes. He was victim of Aisha's games, just like Gwendis herself.
Now she saw Aisha returning to the fire, empty look on her purple eyes. She sat down, looking at Gwendis. "Has the god spoken to you, princess?" She asked calmly, and Gwendis shook her head. Aisha sighed, turning her eyes down. "You must concentrate, Gwendis", she said quietly. "Close your eyes if you must, feel the presence of the blue eyes, hear his words."
"If I close my eyes, all I can see are the dead eyes of Lyla staring at me", Gwendis hissed quietly. Aisha narrowed her eyes, but didn't say anything for a moment. "Lyla Sand... she was a poor and misguided soul, searching for purpose from all the wrong places", Aisha finally spoke up, a hollow tone on her voice. "I pitied her, and I wish she would've been wiser with her choices but, alas, she chose to oppose the might of the greatest of gods."
"She was loyal to Benedict", Gwendis muttered, feeling guilt at Lyla's death, but also at leaving her father and brother behind. "Misplaced loyalty", Aisha stated coldly. "All the kings and lords are mere whispers in the wind, they fade away as time passes, their words die out, their power crumbles under the pressure of time. The one who we serve withstands it all, and when the great winter finally arrives, he will take his place as king above all else."
"I don't like the sound of that", Gwendis said quietly. Aisha's lips formed a tiny smirk. "Do not fear, Gwendis", she said, trying to sound encouraging. "The Great Other shall reward his servants, those who helped him to rise to glory will stand by his side when the time comes." Gwendis shook her head, ignoring Aisha's nonsense.
"Why? Why couldn't you just let me go?" She asked, her voice shaky now. "Because you have a role in this, Gwendis", Aisha answered strictly. "Your connection to our god... it is a great gift, one we cannot throw away, not now. The flames of the enemy creep closer every day, and we have to be ready."
"You call it a gift, I call it a curse", Gwendis replied with a gulp. "Why has your god cursed me?" She asked, bitterly staring Aisha to the eyes.
"I do not know the reasons, princess", the dark priestess answered, some uncertainty in her words. "If I had to guess, I would say it is because of where you grew up. All the sorcerers and magic in Benedict's court, it may have shifted the eyes of the Great Other to you, and in you he must have seen strength, determination... ambition. You have the potential for great things, Gwendis, you just have to embrace it."
"And what if I refuse to embrace it?" Gwendis asked defiantly. The expression on Aisha's face got notably colder. "Then you doom us all, princess", she answered emotionlessly. A chilling silence followed the priestesses' words, until finally she spoke up again. "Now, close your eyes", she said quietly, her tone revealing it was meant as a command. For a moment Gwendis hesitated, wanted to resist, but in the end she did as Aisha commanded and closed her eyes. Half of her did it out of fear for what Aisha or her monster could do to her, but the other half... it desired it, the power that was within her grasp.
First nothing happened. She saw only darkness, and heard only the cracking of the fire next to her. Then another sound appeared, slowly getting louder. Quickly Gwendis realized it was the sound of rain. No, not just rain, storm. Now she could feel the rain falling down on her, the cold water streaming on her skin. Above her in the sky she saw the clouds dark as night, and the wind made her hair flow wildly. After a moment thunder struck right next to her, illuminating the scene for a split second. In that split second Gwendis saw a priestess standing in front of her. However, this wasn't a priestess dressed in dark robes like Aisha, this was a priestess in red. Behind the priestess were several shadowy figures, and their eyes glowed red in the darkness. Gwendis turned around, noticing she was standing on a cliff, raging sea beneath her. As she turned her eyes towards the sky, blue eyes stared down at her. "Blow out the flames!" Screamed the screeching voice.
Gwendis opened her eyes, seeing again the cracking fire in front of her, Aisha and Trentan sitting around it. "What did you see this time, princess?" Aisha asked, genuine curiosity in her quiet words.
"I... I saw a storm", Gwendis answered with a gulp. "I was standing on a cliff by the sea, storm raging all around me. And in that storm, there was a priestess in red robes." Aisha's expression changed, fierce look on her eyes now. "Our enemy", she said tensely. "We will face our enemy in a storm by the sea... Was there anything else you saw?"
"There were shadowy figures behind the priestess... I think they were warriors." Aisha nodded to Gwendis' answer, a knowing look on her eyes. "The servant of R'hllor will bring her dogs with her", she said with a scornful tone. "No matter, the Great Other will see that we are victorious." With these words Aisha stood up from the fire, and started to walk towards Mordekhai.
Gwendis turned her eyes to Trentan now, who looked at her with a timid gaze. "Are you alright?" She asked with a tired but still compassionate tone. Trentan nodded subtly. "I... I think I'm fine", he said quietly. "I'm just worried, that's all."
"Worried about what?" Gwendis asked calmly, and now Trentan gulped. "About where we are heading... the way Aisha talks, it's like we are going to some kind of battle. But I am no soldier, I never was and never will be." It was clear from the young thief's words that he was even more nervous than he wanted to admit.
"I am no warrior either, Trentan", Gwendis said, not even knowing if it was meant to encourage him or merely share his fear. "But you have this... gift, that Aisha keeps talking about", Trentan remarked, and Gwendis nodded subtly. "I do. And tell me, what has this 'gift' given me so far, but pain and misery?" She asked quietly. Trentan had no answer, he just stared at the ground with a depressed look on his eyes, so Gwendis decided to continue. "You shouldn't be here, it's not right, it's not fair, and I'm so sorry you have to go through this", she spoke with soft and compassionate words, and Trentan turned to look at her again. "But at the same time... I'm glad you're here, otherwise I'd be completely alone."
Trentan turned his eyes away timidly, blushing slightly at Gwendis' words. "I... I'm really sorry, Gwendis", Trentan mumbled, and Gwendis narrowed her eyes. "Sorry for what?" She asked quietly, and Trentan let out a joyless chuckle. "For judging you before I knew better, I guess", he answered with a sigh. "You are not your father, you are a good person... probably the best I've ever met. Without you I'd be dead, there is no way for me to ever pay that debt."
"There is no debt, Trentan", Gwendis said warmly, grabbing the young thief's hand gently. "But perhaps you can help me survive, just as I've helped you."
"What do you have in mind?" Trentan asked quietly. Gwendis gulped, feeling unsure. This wasn't the first time after Lyla's death that she had thought about escaping. They couldn't do it now, they would have to wait for the right moment, but she needed to know that Trentan would be there for her when the time would come. On the other hand, she was unsure if the opportunity would ever present itself. Perhaps she should've learnt from what happened with Lyla, and just follow Aisha wherever she would lead them, and hope to survive it all.
[Tell Trentan you need to escape together][Tell Trentan you need to look out for each other]
[Tell Trentan you need to look out for each other]
Since, I'm not sure if they will ever have a chance to escape, until this conflict is over, I think this is the better option for now. It would be good for them to help each other, on this journey. Now, this doesn't mean that if they have a legitimate chance of escaping together that they shouldn't eventually take it. I'm just afraid of the consequences that might happen if they try to escape but fail. So, for now, I think saying that they should look out for each other to keep each other safe is better, as of right now at least.
They had arrived to the upper reaches of Greenbelt earlier today, and as the sun begun to set they had built fire close to the ri… morever. They were in the Kingdom of Yronwood now, but Gwendis had no idea what exactly was their destination. The travel had not been easy on her, and she was beyond exhausted. Her bones and muscles were aching, she was hungry and tired, and at the same time she was feeling emotionally numb. Perhaps for the first time in her life Gwendis Blackmont felt like nothing was in her control, she was fully at the mercy of Aisha and her monster – Ser Mordekhai Crusher. The now one-eyed false knight stood in guard a couple hundred feet away from their little camp. He was motionless, like a statue, gazing somewhere in the distance with the massive dark sword on his hand. So far Gwendis' hadn't once seen Mordekhai take off his armor, nor had he seen him sleep or eat. Is he even human? Whatever he was, he had brutally mu… [view original content]
Oh man... it is telling how nervous that storyline made me that I actually needed a bit to write this comment. Not just time to write this huge wall of text, but an actual break to gather my thoughts. Kudos, Wildling, kudos. Even though it was still not quite the terrifying gut-punch of a part I fear and expect, this was already thrilling. My favourite storyline is off for a great start, which I never doubted. It is the finale I fear
Now... Aisha. Do I have to say more? Probably, eh. I gotta say something good about her. She is talented. So much for the good part, because unfortunately, the one and only thing she is talented at is getting worse with every part. By now, my hate for her increases even when she's not doing anything. Just her being alive is enough for me to hate her. Seriously, how can anyone be that pretentious, smug and thoroughly delusional to their own irredeemably evil nature as her? Is she even listening to herself? If there has ever been any doubt about her insanity, it should be gone now. Up until now, I had the fleeting hope that she might actually believes that her goal will be a noble one. Now... well, I don't think even a person as deranged as her can justify that. There is really not even the tiniest aspect to her character that is not completely and inexcusably rotten, is there? How come that nobody has ever punched her bitch teeth out? Now, if I'd be in Gwendis' situation, that'd totally be what I'd do and it would be glorious. Part of why I needed a couple minutes before writing my comment is because I was speechless at how someone can be that audacious and delusional. That be said, should she actually get the fate I believe she deserves, well, then I do have an ounce of pity for her, because that would be at least as painful as she is evil. It is probably the only truly good thing about her, someone as disgusting as her could be in for some serious comeuppance. Given that her plan is literally the most evil thing we have encountered so far (it beats even petty villainy for pleasure, the stuff Albin and his freaks commit), I bet she's at least bound to fail miserably. And this, well, no matter what is going to come out of this chapter, this is going to be delightful. Someone really needs to beat that smugness out of her, that fucking bitch.
Oh, by the way, as much as I enjoyed this part, one thing I am quite mixed about is Wesley's role in it. I mean, it's not that I want him to say anything, but he was so silent, I have been unable to put my beautiful "Shut up, Wesley"-gif to good use At the same time, I am glad he's not saying anything, because I doubt that is going to be a good occasion. Ah well, I guess I can use it at least when he's finally dead. I cannot wait for that. And I cannot wait for Aisha to get what she deserves.
Now, onwards to the truly pleasant stuff of this part, Gwendis and Trentan. Oh, how I will try my best to get them both through this chapter. I fear for both and even though Gwendis' safety is top priority, Trentan has at least improved to the point where I will do my best to get him through this as well as long as it won't mean losing Gwen. He has fully redeemed himself for being obnoxious in the early parts. Now, well, now I am concerned for why Aisha keeps him around. It cannot be fondness. Someone who can say stuff such as " The one who we serve withstands it all, and when the great winter finally arrives, he will take his place as king above all else" with a straight face, this someone is so messed up that I am unable to imagine her having any sort of even remote fondness or respect for any living being that is not herself. It is probably not his looks, because while Trentan is not an ugly boy, Aisha could have better, quite easily. She is abhorrent and disgusting, but probably able to bewitch any man she wants. So... that only leaves the possibility that Aisha seeks to do something truly bad with him. Gwendis is there because Aisha believes her to be important through her connection with the Great Other. Trentan is there because... well, that's the question.
But anyways, maybe in the end he will at least manage to safe Gwen. He feels obliged to her and this is a good thing. This might just be what she needs to get out of this alive. Her vision though... so, the dark whore and her Worstley will face Desi and co. at some cliffs, meaning the confrontation between them is probably going to happen at the coast. Though I am worried about the priestess she saw there. If it is Desi, well, there might be a chance for her to survive. If it is Minesa... well, then Desi, or Trentan or maybe even Dalia or Kris need to come to the rescue. This just made me realize, Kris might be more important than I thought before. Dalia and Desi could be enough to save Gwen's life, but Kris, he is the only one who truly has any influence over Minesa.
[Tell Trentan you need to look out for each other]
So, it's not as if I don't want them to escape. I am even highly afraid that this could be the beginning for Gwendis to just give in. I want her to resist, the god of evil and that insufferable degenerate that abducted her and currently threatens her to go down a path that will kill her if we're not careful. Never, under any circumstance, do I want her to become like that thing, that literally not-human thing that Aisha has become. However, I believe there is no chance for her to escape at this point, not on her own, even with Trentan's help. Lyla has been an expert and she was found without effort. If Gwendis tries and fails to escape, then maybe she angers Aisha to the point where she does something terrible. Given how messed up that creature is, I can see her coming to the conclusion that Gwendis would be much less troublesome if bound in chains, magically controlled or, possibly worst, crippled to the point where she simply cannot run away again. No, we have to wait for a really good chance. Gwen cannot escape on her own. She needs help, very specific, Desi-shaped help. Up until then, all she can do is to survive, try not to get Aisha to the point where that thing does its worst on her. And she needs Trentan's full support for that, trying to hold onto her own good nature while surrounded by Wesley and the only creature worse than Wesley.
Argh, I am equal parts anticipating and dreading the inevitable confrontation that is going to come between Desi and that Disney Villain named Aisha. Which is actually not a good comparison. Villains such as Jaffar or Ursula have been a million times more likable and well-intentioned than Aisha and I guess we all know that these have still been completely evil. Anyways, back to topic, I am excited, I am terrified and I dread the inevitable moment where we're going to mess up with one of our choices. It probably won't be this one, but I wonder how long our luck can last. Or perhaps we manage to choose wisely, but that will be hard. If we're lucky, this chapter ends with Gwendis giving Aisha the same beating Jon gave Ramsay. That'd be glorious, so utterly well-deserved and probably the one thing I'd read over and over again for the rest of my life. Ah, I can imagine it right now, it is beautiful!
They had arrived to the upper reaches of Greenbelt earlier today, and as the sun begun to set they had built fire close to the ri… morever. They were in the Kingdom of Yronwood now, but Gwendis had no idea what exactly was their destination. The travel had not been easy on her, and she was beyond exhausted. Her bones and muscles were aching, she was hungry and tired, and at the same time she was feeling emotionally numb. Perhaps for the first time in her life Gwendis Blackmont felt like nothing was in her control, she was fully at the mercy of Aisha and her monster – Ser Mordekhai Crusher. The now one-eyed false knight stood in guard a couple hundred feet away from their little camp. He was motionless, like a statue, gazing somewhere in the distance with the massive dark sword on his hand. So far Gwendis' hadn't once seen Mordekhai take off his armor, nor had he seen him sleep or eat. Is he even human? Whatever he was, he had brutally mu… [view original content]
[Tell Trentan you need to look out for each other] I seriously doubt they can escape right now, and they're the only person they can rely on. A princess and a thief, a friendship that's unusual anywhere in Westeros.
While Aisha's words aren't wrong, the Great Winter won't arrive in this lifetime, and everyone currently alive can be glad about that, while their descendants will enjoy 1000 more years of only having to fight each other.
They had arrived to the upper reaches of Greenbelt earlier today, and as the sun begun to set they had built fire close to the ri… morever. They were in the Kingdom of Yronwood now, but Gwendis had no idea what exactly was their destination. The travel had not been easy on her, and she was beyond exhausted. Her bones and muscles were aching, she was hungry and tired, and at the same time she was feeling emotionally numb. Perhaps for the first time in her life Gwendis Blackmont felt like nothing was in her control, she was fully at the mercy of Aisha and her monster – Ser Mordekhai Crusher. The now one-eyed false knight stood in guard a couple hundred feet away from their little camp. He was motionless, like a statue, gazing somewhere in the distance with the massive dark sword on his hand. So far Gwendis' hadn't once seen Mordekhai take off his armor, nor had he seen him sleep or eat. Is he even human? Whatever he was, he had brutally mu… [view original content]
Oh man... it is telling how nervous that storyline made me that I actually needed a bit to write this comment. Not just time to write this huge wall of text, but an actual break to gather my thoughts. Kudos, Wildling, kudos. Even though it was still not quite the terrifying gut-punch of a part I fear and expect, this was already thrilling. My favourite storyline is off for a great start, which I never doubted. It is the finale I fear
Ah, I'm glad you enjoyed the part! It was indeed not the most gut wrenching part of this storyline, but I suppose every part with Gwendis does have an element of tension and thrill to it. And this one certainly laid the groundwork for what's to come in this chapter.
Now... Aisha. Do I have to say more? Probably, eh. I gotta say something good about her. She is talented. So much for the good part, because unfortunately, the one and only thing she is talented at is getting worse with every part. By now, my hate for her increases even when she's not doing anything. Just her being alive is enough for me to hate her. Seriously, how can anyone be that pretentious, smug and thoroughly delusional to their own irredeemably evil nature as her? Is she even listening to herself? If there has ever been any doubt about her insanity, it should be gone now. Up until now, I had the fleeting hope that she might actually believes that her goal will be a noble one. Now... well, I don't think even a person as deranged as her can justify that. There is really not even the tiniest aspect to her character that is not completely and inexcusably rotten, is there? How come that nobody has ever punched her bitch teeth out? Now, if I'd be in Gwendis' situation, that'd totally be what I'd do and it would be glorious. Part of why I needed a couple minutes before writing my comment is because I was speechless at how someone can be that audacious and delusional. That be said, should she actually get the fate I believe she deserves, well, then I do have an ounce of pity for her, because that would be at least as painful as she is evil. It is probably the only truly good thing about her, someone as disgusting as her could be in for some serious comeuppance. Given that her plan is literally the most evil thing we have encountered so far (it beats even petty villainy for pleasure, the stuff Albin and his freaks commit), I bet she's at least bound to fail miserably. And this, well, no matter what is going to come out of this chapter, this is going to be delightful. Someone really needs to beat that smugness out of her, that fucking bitch.
Hah, while I didn't expect this part in particular to necessarily deepen your hate for Aisha, I most certainly didn't expect it to change your opinion for the better either. Well, there is little room for noble causes when it comes to serving the god of evil, but eh, at least she believes she is doing the right thing. Which really speaks for the height of her delusions And we'll see if Aisha will be served her just desserts or not, but at least it's clear that challenging Desirea (and her warriors) is not child's play.... even if Desi kind of is a child And yeah, Aisha tries her best to help the GO reach his goals so... yeah, it kind of is more evil than anything else. Of course we know the Great Winter isn't coming in a looong time, but Aisha has no clue of this. For her it could be the next winter, and she is doing what she can to help the Great Other succeed.
Oh, by the way, as much as I enjoyed this part, one thing I am quite mixed about is Wesley's role in it. I mean, it's not that I want him to say anything, but he was so silent, I have been unable to put my beautiful "Shut up, Wesley"-gif to good use At the same time, I am glad he's not saying anything, because I doubt that is going to be a good occasion. Ah well, I guess I can use it at least when he's finally dead. I cannot wait for that. And I cannot wait for Aisha to get what she deserves.
Yeah, Mordekhai quite literally did nothing in this part. Don't worry though, you'll get to use that glorious gif of yours in time, I just wanted to focus on Aisha and Trentan in this part. Mordekhai never speaks much, but he will have a thing or two to say in the coming parts.
Now, onwards to the truly pleasant stuff of this part, Gwendis and Trentan. Oh, how I will try my best to get them both through this chapter. I fear for both and even though Gwendis' safety is top priority, Trentan has at least improved to the point where I will do my best to get him through this as well as long as it won't mean losing Gwen. He has fully redeemed himself for being obnoxious in the early parts. Now, well, now I am concerned for why Aisha keeps him around. It cannot be fondness. Someone who can say stuff such as " The one who we serve withstands it all, and when the great winter finally arrives, he will take his place as king above all else" with a straight face, this someone is so messed up that I am unable to imagine her having any sort of even remote fondness or respect for any living being that is not herself. It is probably not his looks, because while Trentan is not an ugly boy, Aisha could have better, quite easily. She is abhorrent and disgusting, but probably able to bewitch any man she wants. So... that only leaves the possibility that Aisha seeks to do something truly bad with him. Gwendis is there because Aisha believes her to be important through her connection with the Great Other. Trentan is there because... well, that's the question.
Well, safe to say the interaction between these two was my favorite part to write in this part They are such an odd pairing, but it makes their newfound friendship among all this misery all the more interesting. And I'm glad your opinion on Trentan has improved, he will certainly be a very important part of Gwen's storyline in this chapter. He never was a bad guy, just a bit misguided. Ah, what a shame it would've been if you let Lyla kill him And yeah, it is interesting why Aisha is keeping Trentan around. I can reveal there is a bit of fondness there as well. Aisha doesn't often get the feeling of being truly loved, and she had that for a while with Trentan. However, that doesn't exclude the possibility of Aisha having some other purpose in mind for Trentan, we'll have to see.
Oh man... it is telling how nervous that storyline made me that I actually needed a bit to write this comment. Not just time to write this h… moreuge wall of text, but an actual break to gather my thoughts. Kudos, Wildling, kudos. Even though it was still not quite the terrifying gut-punch of a part I fear and expect, this was already thrilling. My favourite storyline is off for a great start, which I never doubted. It is the finale I fear
Now... Aisha. Do I have to say more? Probably, eh. I gotta say something good about her. She is talented. So much for the good part, because unfortunately, the one and only thing she is talented at is getting worse with every part. By now, my hate for her increases even when she's not doing anything. Just her being alive is enough for me to hate her. Seriously, how can anyone be that pretentious, smug and thoroughly delusional to their own irredeemably evil nature as her? Is she even listening to herself? If … [view original content]
Ah, I'm glad you enjoyed the part! It was indeed not the most gut wrenching part of this storyline, but I suppose every part with Gwendis does have an element of tension and thrill to it. And this one certainly laid the groundwork for what's to come in this chapter.
Yeah, I constantly expect the worst. It is probably a bit unlikely to assume that this worst case will happen right at the start of this chapter, but you can never know. The beginning of the end could have happened here, Aisha basically wiping Gwendis' mind, controlling her like Valerie controlled Jamison. Or Wesley losing his cool and hurting her really badly, all in the realms of possible. So, there is always this tension involved. That however means that I am usually relieved that this won't happen. At the same time, I have to ask myself how long we continue to pick the right choices. Maybe forever, but it is just as likely that we seriously fuck up sooner or later. We did so when we trusted Aisha all this time ago when the choice between going with her or going to Skyreach came up. Perhaps the single most severe mistake we ever made, but I am willing to bet that certain choices in this chapter, for Gwen and possibly Dalia as well have the chance to be even worse mistakes.
Hah, while I didn't expect this part in particular to necessarily deepen your hate for Aisha, I most certainly didn't expect it to change your opinion for the better either. Well, there is little room for noble causes when it comes to serving the god of evil, but eh, at least she believes she is doing the right thing. Which really speaks for the height of her delusions And we'll see if Aisha will be served her just desserts or not, but at least it's clear that challenging Desirea (and her warriors) is not child's play.... even if Desi kind of is a child And yeah, Aisha tries her best to help the GO reach his goals so... yeah, it kind of is more evil than anything else. Of course we know the Great Winter isn't coming in a looong time, but Aisha has no clue of this. For her it could be the next winter, and she is doing what she can to help the Great Other succeed.
Be assured, every part deepens my hatred for Aisha. She is the worst for a reason and unless she does something to seriously surprise me (such as actually realizing what a horrible excuse for a human being and pure waste of air she is), that will not change ever, up until she dies. In that case I'm happy with taking a metaphorical dump on her equally metaphorical grave and then I shall move on. Hopefully to the next threat for Gwen, because that'd mean Aisha won't be the end of her. Though I bet Valerie, if she's this next threat, is going to be even worse. Though I am not too sure about this. I mean, who is worse, the person that is evil and fully admits to it, or the person that is evil and lives in her own fairytale land in which she's the only good person? The level of derangement Aisha shows in these parts is at least as infuriating as the parts where she actually does something to earn my hatred. I cannot grasp how anyone can be so delusional. Her actions and goals are not justifiable by any means. She literally wants to help the god whose goal is to end all life and she implies that she is quite aware of this. Nobody can justify that without fully admitting that they are the worst and evil to the core. Actually, I believe that would make me hate her less, if she'd admit what an insufferable, worthless, rotten-to-the-core evil bitch she is. A bad justification is worse than none at all. Though by now, even that wouldn't make me hate her less, but it would probably put a stop to me being so aggravated by her entire delusional, smug attitude. That be said, I believe this smug, insufferable bitch, lying to herself even more than she lies to anyone else, still poses way less of a threat to Gwen than an honest monster. It's just, she is so damn infuriating, I can't even begin to rant about ho much I truly hate her
Yeah, Mordekhai quite literally did nothing in this part. Don't worry though, you'll get to use that glorious gif of yours in time, I just wanted to focus on Aisha and Trentan in this part. Mordekhai never speaks much, but he will have a thing or two to say in the coming parts.
I mean, I enjoy him being silent. Would be even better if he'd make no sound at all. Not even the sound of breathing. Because he just stops breathing. Get it? I want him dead. That said, I cannot decide if I want him dead more than Aisha or less. I believe it is more though, because as disgusting as she is, I cannot see Aisha ever physically harming Gwendis on her own. Being a coward on top of her countless other negative traits, she has her attack dog for that.
Well, safe to say the interaction between these two was my favorite part to write in this part They are such an odd pairing, but it makes their newfound friendship among all this misery all the more interesting. And I'm glad your opinion on Trentan has improved, he will certainly be a very important part of Gwen's storyline in this chapter. He never was a bad guy, just a bit misguided. Ah, what a shame it would've been if you let Lyla kill him And yeah, it is interesting why Aisha is keeping Trentan around. I can reveal there is a bit of fondness there as well. Aisha doesn't often get the feeling of being truly loved, and she had that for a while with Trentan. However, that doesn't exclude the possibility of Aisha having some other purpose in mind for Trentan, we'll have to see.
So, you say that Aisha doesn't often get this feeling of being truly loved? Gee, I wonder why! I am truly shocked to learn this surprising detail about Aisha. Who would have guessed? Snark aside, it is kind of hard for me to see anything even remotely human in Aisha, so I am absolutely convinced that she has a darker purpose in mind. Maybe she wishes to sacrifice Trentan to her demon god, or she keeps him around as a means to keep Gwendis entertained, kind of a companion to keep her satisfied, in a way animals in the zoo would occasionally get a toy to play with. That said, I do enjoy the friendship growing between these two. I believe that Trentan will be very important, but even beyond that, I start to like him.
Oh man... it is telling how nervous that storyline made me that I actually needed a bit to write this comment. Not just time to write this h… moreuge wall of text, but an actual break to gather my thoughts. Kudos, Wildling, kudos. Even though it was still not quite the terrifying gut-punch of a part I fear and expect, this was already thrilling. My favourite storyline is off for a great start, which I never doubted. It is the finale I fear
Ah, I'm glad you enjoyed the part! It was indeed not the most gut wrenching part of this storyline, but I suppose every part with Gwendis does have an element of tension and thrill to it. And this one certainly laid the groundwork for what's to come in this chapter.
Now... Aisha. Do I have to say more? Probably, eh. I gotta say something good about her. She is talented. So much for the good part, because unfortunately, the one and only thing she is talented at is getting worse with every part. By … [view original content]
They had arrived to the upper reaches of Greenbelt earlier today, and as the sun begun to set they had built fire close to the ri… morever. They were in the Kingdom of Yronwood now, but Gwendis had no idea what exactly was their destination. The travel had not been easy on her, and she was beyond exhausted. Her bones and muscles were aching, she was hungry and tired, and at the same time she was feeling emotionally numb. Perhaps for the first time in her life Gwendis Blackmont felt like nothing was in her control, she was fully at the mercy of Aisha and her monster – Ser Mordekhai Crusher. The now one-eyed false knight stood in guard a couple hundred feet away from their little camp. He was motionless, like a statue, gazing somewhere in the distance with the massive dark sword on his hand. So far Gwendis' hadn't once seen Mordekhai take off his armor, nor had he seen him sleep or eat. Is he even human? Whatever he was, he had brutally mu… [view original content]
[Tell Trentan you need to escape together] I moreso just see this choice on determining whether Gwendis still has a desire to escape or if she is willing to wait it out and see what happens before making her next move.
They had arrived to the upper reaches of Greenbelt earlier today, and as the sun begun to set they had built fire close to the ri… morever. They were in the Kingdom of Yronwood now, but Gwendis had no idea what exactly was their destination. The travel had not been easy on her, and she was beyond exhausted. Her bones and muscles were aching, she was hungry and tired, and at the same time she was feeling emotionally numb. Perhaps for the first time in her life Gwendis Blackmont felt like nothing was in her control, she was fully at the mercy of Aisha and her monster – Ser Mordekhai Crusher. The now one-eyed false knight stood in guard a couple hundred feet away from their little camp. He was motionless, like a statue, gazing somewhere in the distance with the massive dark sword on his hand. So far Gwendis' hadn't once seen Mordekhai take off his armor, nor had he seen him sleep or eat. Is he even human? Whatever he was, he had brutally mu… [view original content]
They had arrived to the upper reaches of Greenbelt earlier today, and as the sun begun to set they had built fire close to the ri… morever. They were in the Kingdom of Yronwood now, but Gwendis had no idea what exactly was their destination. The travel had not been easy on her, and she was beyond exhausted. Her bones and muscles were aching, she was hungry and tired, and at the same time she was feeling emotionally numb. Perhaps for the first time in her life Gwendis Blackmont felt like nothing was in her control, she was fully at the mercy of Aisha and her monster – Ser Mordekhai Crusher. The now one-eyed false knight stood in guard a couple hundred feet away from their little camp. He was motionless, like a statue, gazing somewhere in the distance with the massive dark sword on his hand. So far Gwendis' hadn't once seen Mordekhai take off his armor, nor had he seen him sleep or eat. Is he even human? Whatever he was, he had brutally mu… [view original content]
After a week away I can finally get back to reading NW, and oh boy what a great feeling it is!
As for the choice, I'll go with [Tell Trentan you need to look out for each other]. I don't think Gwendis and Trentan would go very far without help if they tried to escape, so I feel like its better to play it safe at least for now.
They had arrived to the upper reaches of Greenbelt earlier today, and as the sun begun to set they had built fire close to the ri… morever. They were in the Kingdom of Yronwood now, but Gwendis had no idea what exactly was their destination. The travel had not been easy on her, and she was beyond exhausted. Her bones and muscles were aching, she was hungry and tired, and at the same time she was feeling emotionally numb. Perhaps for the first time in her life Gwendis Blackmont felt like nothing was in her control, she was fully at the mercy of Aisha and her monster – Ser Mordekhai Crusher. The now one-eyed false knight stood in guard a couple hundred feet away from their little camp. He was motionless, like a statue, gazing somewhere in the distance with the massive dark sword on his hand. So far Gwendis' hadn't once seen Mordekhai take off his armor, nor had he seen him sleep or eat. Is he even human? Whatever he was, he had brutally mu… [view original content]
And Gwendis will tell Trentan they need to look out for each other. This is definitely the less reckless choice here, even if the other one wouldn't have necessarily meant them trying to escape right away. However, it would've planted the seeds for such action in Trentan's mind.
Next we will return to Kingsgrave, and more specifically Kortney Caron's storyline. By the end of Chapter 2, the combined armies of Blackmont's and Fowler's laid siege over Kingsgrave, trapping Albin and his court. At the very end of Kortney's storyline, she was visited by Queen Sofina, who revealed to her that she was planning to overthrow King Albin. The reason she told this to Kortney was that she would have a role in what's to come after the assassination of the King, and that is to ensure peace between House Caron and House Manwoody. The part is almost ready, I'll just do some finishing touches before posting it!
Kortney laid silently on her bed, wide awake. The sun had set hours ago, but there was too much going through her head to even think about sleeping. Kingsgrave was under siege, and Kortney was just waiting for the day that all hell would break loose inside the castle. She knew about Queen Sofina's plan to murder King Albin and take over. She knew her role would be to ensure peace between Sofina and Lord Trevas Caron, her father. All she needed to do was to wait, but still she was anxious. Kortney wasn't in control of anything, and she was painfully aware of it.
It was hard for Kortney to believe her time in Kingsgrave could soon be coming to its end, after all that she went through. Closing her eyes, Kortney could see the old and strong castle of Nightsong standing proudly on the Dornish Marches, the Nightingale banners flickering in the wind. She could hear the deep horns sounding, welcoming her home. But can I truly go back? She tried to imagine the reactions of her father and brothers, seeing her like this. Will they still love me?
Suddenly a distant scream interrupted Kortney's thoughts, and she opened her eyes. At first she wasn't sure if she had truly heard a scream, but a moment later more screams followed. Are the Blackmont's attacking? She wondered, standing up from her bed and walking to the window. She could see faintly the siege encampment in the dark, torches illuminating it. However, it didn't look like the battle had begun. No, the screams came from inside the castle.
Kortney dressed up, putting on a casual dark blue dress and simple leather boots. She also grabbed her knife, and hid it to her sleeve. With quiet steps, she walked out of her chambers and into the dark corridor. "Fucking traitors!" She heard someone scream below her.
In silence Kortney made her way to the stairway, starting to walk down from the tower. As she reached the lower floor, she saw three bodies lying on the corridor. Two of them were guardsmen, and one was a young woman dressed in servant's attire. The body closest to Kortney was a chubby guardsman whose throat had been slit open. The man had reached for his sword before dying, but never got it out of its scabbard.
The other dead guardsman had a spear in his hands. He had bled out from several stab wounds, one of them on his neck. The woman in servant's garb had died leaning against the wall, her hands on the gruesome wound on her stomach. The spearman did that, Kortney observed with a gulp. She stepped over the bodies and the puddle of blood around them, and continued her way towards the other end of the corridor. However, a male figure appeared to the other end, approaching Kortney in the darkness.
As the man got closer, Kortney recognized him as Tom the Animal. Tom was holding his left arm, a mildly painful expression on his face. He stopped as he noticed Kortney, narrowing his eyes.
"What's going on here?" Kortney asked hesitantly, but Tom just shook his head. "Don't even try, Pissy", he hissed, clenching his fists as he took a couple slow steps closer. "You're part of this... I know you are, you fucking traitorous whore. We should've never trusted you, we should've fucking killed you long ago."
Kortney closed her hand around the knife in her sleeve, letting out a sigh. "And now you're going to kill me, huh?" She asked calmly. A twisted little smirk appeared on Tom's face. "Kill you?" He asked with a dry chuckle. "Oh, m'lady, nothing here is that easy."
I know, Kortney thought, her lips forming a tiny smirk as she dashed forward, trying to stab Tom with her knife. However, Tom reacted quickly, evading the strike so that it only slightly scratched his chest. "Nice try, Pissy!" He yelled, as he returned the favor with a hard punch across her face.
Kortney fell to the floor, losing her grip on the knife. Her nose was bleeding and she was feeling a bit dizzy. However, now was not the time for rest, as Tom pulled out his dagger. Quickly Kortney got on all fours, and crawled towards the dead bodies. She yanked the spear out of the dead guard's hands and stood up.
Still feeling a bit lightheaded from the earlier punch, Kortney pointed the tip of the spear towards Tom, who still had the dagger in his hands. "The fuck do you think you're doing, bitch?" Tom growled, a touch of amusement in his words. "Just drop the fucking spear and perhaps I'll make it quick."
With a deep breath, Kortney took the stance Norano had taught her long ago. Calm as a windless night, deadly as the snake in the grass, Kortney heard the words of the Myrish spearmaster in her head, while sternly staring down Tom.
After a tense moment of silence, Tom finally made the first move, trying to quickly make his way past the spear and get in close proximity to Kortney. However, she moved quickly, smacking Tom to the face with the blunt end of the spear, making him back away. While Tom held his face in pain, Kortney moved on his left side, stabbing him with a nasty thrust on the ribs.
With a scream of agony Tom backed against the wall. Kortney struck next on his right hand, making him drop his dagger. She kicked the dagger away, and pressed her spear against Tom's guts, who was now stuck between the wall and Kortney's spear.
"You fuck", he muttered, putting his hand on the wound Kortney had made on his side. "You're not going to get away with this... they'll flay you alive, and plant your head on a pike." Kortney kept on a calm expression as Tom spoke, even letting a small smile form to her face. "You lost, Tom", she said quietly, and Tom tried to spat on her. The saliva landed on Kortney's boots, and she added a just a bit of pressure on the spear, almost enough to penetrate through Tom's clothes and bite into his flesh. "Do you have anything to say now, Tom the Animal?" Kortney asked with a cold and emotionless tone. Tom gulped, shaking his head subtly.
"Just fucking get over with it", he said grimly, turning his gaze down. Kortney stayed motionless, just letting out a small chuckle.
"I've wanted to do this for a long time", she whispered, and Tom raised his angry eyes, staring at Kortney again.
"Fucking do it then!" He barked. "Kill me!"
[Give him a quick death][Give him a slow death][Knock him out]
I'd say it's payback time, after all she's been through I'm really tempted to go with a slow death here. Thing is, I don't think its wise to stay long there because she could very easily get caught in the act, better to [Give him a quick death] just get it over with before anyone notices.
Kortney laid silently on her bed, wide awake. The sun had set hours ago, but there was too much going through her head to even th… moreink about sleeping. Kingsgrave was under siege, and Kortney was just waiting for the day that all hell would break loose inside the castle. She knew about Queen Sofina's plan to murder King Albin and take over. She knew her role would be to ensure peace between Sofina and Lord Trevas Caron, her father. All she needed to do was to wait, but still she was anxious. Kortney wasn't in control of anything, and she was painfully aware of it.
It was hard for Kortney to believe her time in Kingsgrave could soon be coming to its end, after all that she went through. Closing her eyes, Kortney could see the old and strong castle of Nightsong standing proudly on the Dornish Marches, the Nightingale banners flickering in the wind. She could hear the deep horns sounding, welcoming her home. But can I truly go back? S… [view original content]
[Give him a quick death] Not that I pity this a-hole, but indeed we need to find out who is behind this attack and slowly kill him would be a waste of time, sure he deserves more, but I also think Kortney must be better than the Animal.
Kortney laid silently on her bed, wide awake. The sun had set hours ago, but there was too much going through her head to even th… moreink about sleeping. Kingsgrave was under siege, and Kortney was just waiting for the day that all hell would break loose inside the castle. She knew about Queen Sofina's plan to murder King Albin and take over. She knew her role would be to ensure peace between Sofina and Lord Trevas Caron, her father. All she needed to do was to wait, but still she was anxious. Kortney wasn't in control of anything, and she was painfully aware of it.
It was hard for Kortney to believe her time in Kingsgrave could soon be coming to its end, after all that she went through. Closing her eyes, Kortney could see the old and strong castle of Nightsong standing proudly on the Dornish Marches, the Nightingale banners flickering in the wind. She could hear the deep horns sounding, welcoming her home. But can I truly go back? S… [view original content]
Kortney laid silently on her bed, wide awake. The sun had set hours ago, but there was too much going through her head to even th… moreink about sleeping. Kingsgrave was under siege, and Kortney was just waiting for the day that all hell would break loose inside the castle. She knew about Queen Sofina's plan to murder King Albin and take over. She knew her role would be to ensure peace between Sofina and Lord Trevas Caron, her father. All she needed to do was to wait, but still she was anxious. Kortney wasn't in control of anything, and she was painfully aware of it.
It was hard for Kortney to believe her time in Kingsgrave could soon be coming to its end, after all that she went through. Closing her eyes, Kortney could see the old and strong castle of Nightsong standing proudly on the Dornish Marches, the Nightingale banners flickering in the wind. She could hear the deep horns sounding, welcoming her home. But can I truly go back? S… [view original content]
Kortney laid silently on her bed, wide awake. The sun had set hours ago, but there was too much going through her head to even th… moreink about sleeping. Kingsgrave was under siege, and Kortney was just waiting for the day that all hell would break loose inside the castle. She knew about Queen Sofina's plan to murder King Albin and take over. She knew her role would be to ensure peace between Sofina and Lord Trevas Caron, her father. All she needed to do was to wait, but still she was anxious. Kortney wasn't in control of anything, and she was painfully aware of it.
It was hard for Kortney to believe her time in Kingsgrave could soon be coming to its end, after all that she went through. Closing her eyes, Kortney could see the old and strong castle of Nightsong standing proudly on the Dornish Marches, the Nightingale banners flickering in the wind. She could hear the deep horns sounding, welcoming her home. But can I truly go back? S… [view original content]
Kortney laid silently on her bed, wide awake. The sun had set hours ago, but there was too much going through her head to even th… moreink about sleeping. Kingsgrave was under siege, and Kortney was just waiting for the day that all hell would break loose inside the castle. She knew about Queen Sofina's plan to murder King Albin and take over. She knew her role would be to ensure peace between Sofina and Lord Trevas Caron, her father. All she needed to do was to wait, but still she was anxious. Kortney wasn't in control of anything, and she was painfully aware of it.
It was hard for Kortney to believe her time in Kingsgrave could soon be coming to its end, after all that she went through. Closing her eyes, Kortney could see the old and strong castle of Nightsong standing proudly on the Dornish Marches, the Nightingale banners flickering in the wind. She could hear the deep horns sounding, welcoming her home. But can I truly go back? S… [view original content]
I certainly did not expect Tom the Animal to die this early. Neither do I disapprove, this is great. May that piece of shit burn in hell Now, with other characters I might consider to just knock them out. Even someone like Larry could show gratitude. Tom however, he is never going to be grateful to Kortney for sparing his life. He attacked her for little reason and he is going to pay the price for that. For more than that. However, killing him slowly won't achieve much. He's a henchman, not the guy that truly deserves the slow death. Or even if he does deserve it, Kortney should not give in to this darker side of hers if she want to have any chance at recovering from her ordeal, ever. Even worse, if she kills him slowly, she could be caught. I am sure she is not the only one hearing this commotion and maybe more guards are on the way. If she kills him slowly and gets caught, he might even survive, more vengeful than ever. It'll also make her claims that he attacked her way less believable. No, a quick death and over with it. That way, she might be able to convince Albin that she is innocent in this and maybe he won't even punish her for it then. He knows what kind of a man Tom is after all. So, a quick death, good riddance and onwards to the truly important matter for Kortney, namely how to escape the utter hellhole that is Kingsgrave without losing life or sanity. In the end, if Kortney wants to have any chance at recovering, she must treat Tom as the insignificant cockroach that he is, a guy who means nothing to her.
Kortney laid silently on her bed, wide awake. The sun had set hours ago, but there was too much going through her head to even th… moreink about sleeping. Kingsgrave was under siege, and Kortney was just waiting for the day that all hell would break loose inside the castle. She knew about Queen Sofina's plan to murder King Albin and take over. She knew her role would be to ensure peace between Sofina and Lord Trevas Caron, her father. All she needed to do was to wait, but still she was anxious. Kortney wasn't in control of anything, and she was painfully aware of it.
It was hard for Kortney to believe her time in Kingsgrave could soon be coming to its end, after all that she went through. Closing her eyes, Kortney could see the old and strong castle of Nightsong standing proudly on the Dornish Marches, the Nightingale banners flickering in the wind. She could hear the deep horns sounding, welcoming her home. But can I truly go back? S… [view original content]
Kortney laid silently on her bed, wide awake. The sun had set hours ago, but there was too much going through her head to even th… moreink about sleeping. Kingsgrave was under siege, and Kortney was just waiting for the day that all hell would break loose inside the castle. She knew about Queen Sofina's plan to murder King Albin and take over. She knew her role would be to ensure peace between Sofina and Lord Trevas Caron, her father. All she needed to do was to wait, but still she was anxious. Kortney wasn't in control of anything, and she was painfully aware of it.
It was hard for Kortney to believe her time in Kingsgrave could soon be coming to its end, after all that she went through. Closing her eyes, Kortney could see the old and strong castle of Nightsong standing proudly on the Dornish Marches, the Nightingale banners flickering in the wind. She could hear the deep horns sounding, welcoming her home. But can I truly go back? S… [view original content]
And Kortney will give Tom a quick death. I can reveal now that in terms of immediate consequences, killing him slowly wouldn't have backfired, though I certainly understand why you would rather not take the risk And of course, killing him slowly would have its affects on Kortney's character development. That said, just knocking him out would've definitely been the worst option here.
Next up we will return to Lemonwood, with two PoVs, those being Verro and Nealia. They were both present at the assault on Lemonwood in Chapter 2. Verro breached through the harbor gates with Nesila, injuring his right leg in the process. He survived over the night however, and witnessed the duel between Efran and Darin, which was the end of the battle. Nealia on the other hand got over the western walls of the city with the Rose Company. She fought on the walls for a bit, before heading into the city and finding dying Illor from a tavern. She spent the rest of the night with Illor, listening to his last words and seeing him die. Later Corren with his men came to harass Nealia and Jacke, but as his thugs failed to kill them, Corren escaped. However, next morning the sleazy cunt was taken down by Tryden (whom Nealia had told what Corren had done) and Nealia gave him the permission to kill Corren. Her storyline will continue from the small funeral of Illor and the other fallen of the Rose Company. Neither of these parts are ready yet, but I'll try my best to get them done today. However, it could be that it'll take me longer than that to finish them.
Voting is closed!
And Kortney will give Tom a quick death. I can reveal now that in terms of immediate consequences, killing him slowly w… moreouldn't have backfired, though I certainly understand why you would rather not take the risk And of course, killing him slowly would have its affects on Kortney's character development. That said, just knocking him out would've definitely been the worst option here.
Next up we will return to Lemonwood, with two PoVs, those being Verro and Nealia. They were both present at the assault on Lemonwood in Chapter 2. Verro breached through the harbor gates with Nesila, injuring his right leg in the process. He survived over the night however, and witnessed the duel between Efran and Darin, which was the end of the battle. Nealia on the other hand got over the western walls of the city with the Rose Company. She fought on the walls for a bit, before heading into the city and finding dying Illor from a tavern.… [view original content]
Nealia watched quietly as Illor and the four other warriors of Rose Company that had died during the battle were lowered to their graves on the beach. Tryden spoke a few words for each of them, and lastly for Illor.
"Illor of Braavos was a great warrior", he begun with a somber tone. "He was loyal, and he had more honor than most of the anointed knights I have met during my years. Losing him is a major loss for the Rose Company, as there are few men as great as he was. May the gods welcome him to their care, he has deserved his rest." Tryden raised his eyes from the graves, shifting his gaze to Nealia. The look on those green eyes was now calm, almost serene. However, Nealia couldn't get out of her head the image of Tryden smashing Corren's head in with his axe, a bloodthirsty grin on his face. It had been at the same time a satisfying and terrifying sight. "Does anyone else want to say something?" He asked, still looking at Nealia.
For a moment Nealia even considered stepping forward to say something, but she quickly decided against it. She had never been one for speeches, and she knew Illor wouldn't hear her words. As no one said anything, few of the soldiers stepped forwards and started filling the graves with dirt.
"We need new recruits", Tryden said quietly as he walked next to Nealia. "You, Manda and the Yu sisters seemed to get along with that White Elephant guy... perhaps you could try to invite them to negotiate with me."
"I'll try", Nealia answered dryly, her eyes still fixed on Illor's grave. "What are your plans?" She asked. Tryden stayed quiet long enough for Nealia to think he wasn't going to answer, but finally he spoke up. "Godsgrace", he simply said, and now Nealia turned to look at him.
"Godsgrace?" She asked with mildly surprised tone, and Tryden nodded. "What will we find from there?"
"Someone in desperate need of troops", he answered with a sigh. "The war between the Martell's and Dryland's is about to truly begin, and the hold over Godsgrace will be important for both of them."
"So, you are willing to change sides?" Nealia asked calmly, and a mild smirk appeared on Tryden's face. "Are you surprised?" He asked smoothly, and Nealia shook her head. Of course she had known Tryden would be willing to change sides if there would be a benefit to it. However, she had to wonder how long could she live her life like this – traveling from battle to battle, fighting for whichever lord or king happened to be in need of extra troops and had the coin to pay for them.
"See you later", Tryden said, tapping Nealia softly on the shoulder and walking away. Nealia remained by the grave of Illor for couple more minutes.
Nealia walked through the quiet streets of Lemonwood, the sun heading down to the horizon on the west. Lemonwood had never been a big city, but right now it felt particularly lifeless. Many had died on the battle, some had left before it, and even more after it. Nealia had to wonder if this city would slowly start to heal now, or if Efran conquering it was just the beginning for its suffering. Well, I won't be here to see it, she thought with a sigh, arriving to the tavern where Illor had died.
Walking in, Nealia noticed the tavern was almost empty, just few of the tables being occupied. Around one of them were Lien, Ying and Manda, sitting with the White Elephant, Edric Thorne and Jinora Ling. White Elephant was in comfortable grey and white clothes, his elephant helmet on the table. On Edric Thorne's shoulder sat some kind of small animal, some sort of lemur with silver-white fur and huge purple eyes, which glanced around the tavern frantically. Jinora was clad in her light armor, a calm and graceful look on her yellow eyes.
Nealia sat down at the head of the table, being politely greeted by the White Elephant. "We were just talking about going to Godsgrace", Lien informed Nealia with a smirk, and she gave her a nod. "Yeah, Tryden would like to hire you", Nealia said to the White Elephant, who in turn nodded to her.
"Yes, our friends here told us about that already", he answered calmly. "I do not plan to accept his offer though – we prefer being independent. However, we have nonetheless decided to accompany you to Godsgrace."
"Oh, well, I'm glad to hear that", Nealia replied, turning her eyes to the lemur on Edric's shoulder. "Who's this little guy?" She asked with a smirk, and Edric stroked the animal's fur gently. "Her name is Vali", the man answered dryly, and the lemur turned its big eyes to him. "She is a Little Valyrian, from the Forest of Qohor."
"Well, she is cute", Nealia said softly, and a rare smirk formed on Edric's face. "She has been through a lot with me", he said with a sigh, taking the animal to his hands. "Would you like to hold her?"
"Does she bite?" Nealia asked with a nervous chuckle, but Edric shook his head. "She's well trained", he assured, handing the Little Valyrian to Nealia. Its fur was soft and smooth, and she tilted her little head, looking at Nealia with curiosity in her purple eyes. Vali sniffed Nealia's face, making her chuckle. Finally, after stroking it for a moment, she handed the little animal back to its owner.
"I was sorry to hear what happened to your friend, princess", Jinora Ling spoke up. "It is an honor to fall in battle, but that does little to ease the pain of those who lose a friend."
"I agree", Nealia replied with a sigh, and Jinora nodded respectfully. "I'll remember Illor as the good friend he was... but it's time to move forward now", Nealia spoke with an earnest tone on her voice, and the people around the table murmured in agreement. Lien looked at her with warmth in her mismatched eyes. "We'll move forward together, friend", she said softly.
They chatted for a moment, talking about what they would expect to find from Godsgrace. Jinora Ling was just interested in seeing another Dornish town, while Ying predicted Godsgrace would soon be conquered by the Rhoynar, and they would be hired by Princess Nymeria. Manda liked that, but Edric was more cynical, doubting Godsgrace would be taken over so easily.
After a while Lien stood up from the table. "I think I'll go to rest for a moment", she said smoothly, giving Nealia a meaningful glance as she walked past her, just slightly touching her on her arm. It was a hint for Nealia to go with her, but she was unsure if she should do it. Nealia glanced at Ying, who clearly deliberately avoided eye contact.
[Go with Lien][Stay in the table]
Verro stood on the castle walls of Lemonwood, leaning on the parapets and looking down at the courtyard. His right leg was still in pain, slowing him down significantly. However, by now he had had enough of just staying in his bed.
Down on the courtyard was Lord Efran Dalt himself, seeing off his new wife, Lady Elise Dalt, who was about to leave somewhere with a convoy of dozen soldiers. Jabar and Zhobho began leading the convoy out of the gates, and Verro saw Elise giving one more lingering gaze at Efran, who gave her a small nod. "What a touching scene", Verro heard the dry and cynical voice of Nesila speaking behind him. He turned to face her, seeing a slight smile on the Myrwoman's face. "It's good to see you on your feet again, Verro", she said softly, and Verro nodded.
"Do you know where she is going?" He asked calmly, and Nesila raised an eyebrow. "Elise? I hear they are going to fetch her bastard son, to be raised here in Lemonwood", she answered nonchalantly. "If you ask me, Efran made a huge mistake in marrying Elise. If he aspires to truly be a lord, he should learn to play the games of the lords. Marrying his sellsword lover instead of proposing a marriage pact with one of the vassals of House Dalt... that is just stupidity."
"He still has the upper hand", Verro remarked. "Efran holds Lemonwood and has a sizeable army supporting him. He also has hostages, like the sister of Lord Andrey Bravespear, Lady Alana, laying in the dungeons with her sons."
"And if Efran would've been wise, he would've offered for Alana to be returned to the Bravespear's, and asked for the hand of Lord Andrey's daughter to secure his support." Nesila's tone was harsh and cold. "But now, with how our Bandit Lord handled the situation, I expect Lord Bravespear is already assembling his army, together with Lord Byrant Granit and Ser Dallin Dalt."
"Ser Dallin's son is also in the dungeons", Verro pointed out quietly, and Nesila nodded. "Yes, Efran has a couple valuable hostages", she admitted with a sigh. "I doubt it will save him in the end though."
"You seem sure about this", Verro spoke with a touch of concern in his voice. Is there really another battle coming?
"Efran has made a lot of enemies, and he has fewer allies every day", Nesila said. "Some of the bandits and sellswords have already left, and I expect Thunder Crew to do the same once the new leader is elected."
"And you will leave with them?" Verro asked quietly. Nesila took a moment to answer, studying Verro's face with curious eyes. "I will leave, yes, but not with the Thunder Crew", she answered quietly. "My loyalty was to Malanos Vynos, and he is dead now. Now they are most likely going to elect Axel as the leader, and I have no loyalty for him."
"Where will you go then?" Verro inquired, and now he saw Nesila gulping. "I should find my brother", she answered, none of the usual snark or coldness in her words. "He left the Thunder Crew years ago, saying he had enough of this sort of life."
"And do you know where he went?" Verro asked calmly. Nesila shook her head, touch of grief in her eyes. "He only said he would find a good lord to serve, and headed towards the Stormlands."
"So... you'll be going to Stormlands?" Verro asked, and Nesila narrowed her eyes. "That would be logical, wouldn't it?" She asked with her snarky voice, and Verro chuckled softly. "I suppose so", he mumbled, turning his gaze down.
"And what about you, Verro?" Nesila asked with genuine interest in her voice. "You said earlier that you wanted to start a new life after the battle... will that new life be here, in Lemonwood?" Verro scratched his head, unsure what to answer. This was the first time in a long time that he was free to do what he wanted, and it was... a bit frightening. He had no idea where would he go from here, what would he be.
"I'll have to get my leg healed before making any plans", he finally muttered as an answer. Nesila didn't look convinced by Verro's answer, but gave him a nod nonetheless. "Well, whatever you decide to do, I advise you not to put your trust in Efran", Nesial said with a sigh, and Verro gave her a subtle nod. Nesila was about to turn away, but Verro spoke up once more.
"One more thing... I, um, I just wanted to ask when do you plan to leave?" His voice had a nervous and awkward tone to it, and the Myrwoman flashed him a gentle smirk. "Not yet", she simply answered, before turning away and walking down from the walls.
Outside the halls of the castle sun was already setting, but inside the great hall Lord Efran was still holding his first court session, Ser Byrron standing right next to his lord. Verro stood silently on the side, paying attention to every moment. So far, the people who had addressed the lord had been smallfolk from the town, telling Efran about the losses that the battle had brought them. Stolen silver, destroyed property, murdered family members. Efran had repeated them all that their losses would be compensated in time, and that now they could feel safe being under the protection of their rightful lord. Not many of the people left the hall with a satisfied look on their faces.
Now an old man approached the lord, dressed in simple but still high-quality robes. Efran looked at the man with a bored expression, tapping impatiently on the arm of his chair. The old man kneeled, and lowered his head.
"My lord", he said with a respectful tone on his voice, and Efran gave him a lazy nod.
"Rise", Ser Byrron commanded sternly, and the old man obeyed. "You are in the presence of Efran Dalt, Lord of Lemonwood and Protector of the Greenblood. You may speak now."
"My lord, sers, I am Duncas Boatwright, the owner of many merchant ships that have for years sailed from Lemowood to Salt Shore, keeping the trade between houses Dalt and Gargalen active. Unlike most of the people here today, I haven't come to speak of the battles of yesterday", the old man said, glancing around the hall as he spoke. "What have you come to speak of then?" Efran asked, his expression noticeably more interested now.
"The future, mylord", Duncas answered calmly. "To ensure a prosperous tomorrow for this city and its people, trade with the rest of the Dorne has to continue. I had contracts regarding my ships with Lord Darin. However, he is gone now, and you are the new lord."
"So, you want to renew the contracts with me?" Efran asked, his voice again completely devoid of any enthusiasm. "That would benefit us both, mylord", Duncas answered humbly. Efran nodded with a sigh. "Sure", he said, making a lazy gesture with his hand. "I agree with you, master Duncas. You will be invited to my office tomorrow, where we can go over the contracts."
"Thank you, my lord", Duncas Boatwright said with a deep bow, backing away from the lord. After a short moment of silence Ser Byrron spoke up again. "If there still someone here who has matters to present for his lordship, step forward and speak now."
The hall remained silent after the Granit knight's words for a moment, until the maester made his way closer to the lord. "My lord, I believe every appeal from the citizens of Lemonwood has been brought up now. Shall we move on?" Asked the old man with bushy white beard and wrinkled face.
Efran glance quickly at Ser Byrron, who gave him a subtle nod. "Yes, Maester Perwyn", he answered calmly. "You can bring in the prisoners now." The maester bowed for his lords words, and made his way to the doors of the great hall. Soon he returned, bringing with him two young men, the sons of Lord Darin.
They both looked to be younger than Efran, the older being perhaps nineteen, while the younger looked closer to fifteen. They had the dark hair of their father, but right now they looked anything but lordly. They were tired and dirty, dressed in clothes beneath their noble status.
"Derek, Danwell", Efran greeted the boys with a confident smirk on his face, and a sharp look on his one eye. The older son seemed calm, even if slightly nervous, but the younger one's eyes were consumed with rage. "Before we begin, I would like you to kneel, and recognize me as your rightful lord."
A tense silence followed Efran's words, but finally the older son bent his knee. "Dan", he muttered to the younger one, trying to pull him down as well. However, Danwell Dalt refused to kneel. He stepped away from his older brother, defiantly taking a step closer to Efran.
"I will not bend my knee to a murderous bandit", he hissed, narrowing his eyes as he stared at Efran. Verro could hear Derek Dalt letting out a desperate sigh, obviously knowing that his younger brother was dooming himself with his words. "You are a thief, and a usurper, Bastard's Bastard. Nothing more."
Verro turned his gaze to Efran, seeing the subtle hints of anger on his face. Finally, Efran stood up from his chair and approached Danwell. "What you just said... the punishment for it is death", Efran said with a menacing tone on his quiet words, standing a mere four feet away from the boy now. "However, I'm feeling merciful today. Bend your knee, and I will let you keep your life, and live the rest of your days on the Wall."
Danwell spat on Efran, causing an audible gasp in the hall. Efran wiped the saliva from his face, and proceeded to punch Danwell Dalt on the face. The boy took the hit like a man, only slightly staggering back from it. Now Efran unsheathed his curved Valyrian steel sword, a murderous look on his eye.
"Fuck you", Danwell managed to mutter, before Efran rammed the sword through his guts. "Thank you, Dan", he whispered to the boy's ear. "This is exactly what I needed right now." He pulled his sword out, and Danwell Dalt's limp body collapsed to the floor.
While a couple of Efran's thugs dragged the body away, Efran cleaned his sword and approached Derek Dalt. "I see you are wiser than your little brother", he stated coldly. Derek avoided eye-contact with Efran, a shocked expression on his face. Still he managed to give him a nod. Efran extended his hand for Derek, who was still on his knee. "Kiss my hand, and pledge your loyalty", Efran said quietly.
Awkwardly Derek put his lips on Efran's hand for a moment. "I swear my alliegance to Efran Dalt, the rightful Lord of Lemonwood", he spoke with a defeated tone, keeping his eyes on the floor.
"Do you swear it by the Gods?" Efran asked strictly, and Derek nodded. "By the Old Gods and the New, you are the only Lord of Lemonwood."
"Now and always?" Efran asked, a small smile forming on his face again.
"Now and always", Derek confirmed with a sigh. Efran tapped Derek's head belittlingly, before turning around and walking back to his chair. "Take him back to the dungeons", he said emotionlessly, and the thugs grabbed Derek, starting to drag him away. Derek shot one more bitter glare at Efran, before he was taken out of the hall. The doors closed, and so Efran ended his first court session as the Lord of Lemonwood.
Oh man, Efran is fucking nuts. He is already losing support, with Tryden abandoning him, the White Elephant doing the same and I am sure Bjorn and his raiders will realize this and will seek new places to raid. This really leaves him with few men only and given that he is about to alienate any vassal the Dalt's had, I really doubt he has any chance at keeping lordship over Lemonwood for long. I'd be impressed if he manages to remain lord for longer than a month. Might be a good thing for Elise that she has left temporarily, if she gets really lucky, Efran is already overthrown by the time she returns, so that she won't be caught in the fray. I do wonder though who is going to take him down. Verro might leave, if he's smart. Dianna is definitely doing the same when Bjorn gets the hell out of there, but it remains to be seen if she leaves with him or on her own, if she gets the chance. Nealia will travel to Godsgrace now. So... Nym herself? Someone has to be present when that bastard breathes his last, but I don't know who it will be.
And Nesila is trying to find her brother, huh? You know what time it is? That's right, crack theory time! According to this new theory of mine, Nesila's brother is none other than Norano, Kortney's teacher and lover, who has been brutally killed by Albin Manwoody. Their names sound similar, they both come from Myr and what we know of Nesila's brother, that he has tried to find work with a Stormlander lord years ago, fits with the information we got about Norano. Actually... huh, this makes a surprising amount of sense. Might not be that much of a crack theory, but one that could actually turn out to be true. If so, then I guess Nesila will be involved with the Manwoody storyline and maybe that's where Verro is going to head as well.
[Go with Lien]
I ship it Really, there's no other reason there, I guess going with Lien will annoy Ying a bit, but she has previously come around and agreed to their relationship, so I guess she shouldn't be surprised by this now. And not going with Lien will likely hurt her so much that they might even end their little fling altogether. At least I guess this could be very possible.
Nealia watched quietly as Illor and the four other warriors of Rose Company that had died during the battle were lowered to their … moregraves on the beach. Tryden spoke a few words for each of them, and lastly for Illor.
"Illor of Braavos was a great warrior", he begun with a somber tone. "He was loyal, and he had more honor than most of the anointed knights I have met during my years. Losing him is a major loss for the Rose Company, as there are few men as great as he was. May the gods welcome him to their care, he has deserved his rest." Tryden raised his eyes from the graves, shifting his gaze to Nealia. The look on those green eyes was now calm, almost serene. However, Nealia couldn't get out of her head the image of Tryden smashing Corren's head in with his axe, a bloodthirsty grin on his face. It had been at the same time a satisfying and terrifying sight. "Does anyone else want to say something?" He asked, still looking at Neal… [view original content]
I think it might be better for Nealia to understand what the White Elephant's crew are going to do. Also, I'm not so sure that Ying is as ok with the relationship as she claims to be. On an unrelated note, I'm very curious to see where Verro's storyline is going to go now that the battle is over.
Ps: I'm just wondering, but have you read the latest pm I sent you?
Nealia watched quietly as Illor and the four other warriors of Rose Company that had died during the battle were lowered to their … moregraves on the beach. Tryden spoke a few words for each of them, and lastly for Illor.
"Illor of Braavos was a great warrior", he begun with a somber tone. "He was loyal, and he had more honor than most of the anointed knights I have met during my years. Losing him is a major loss for the Rose Company, as there are few men as great as he was. May the gods welcome him to their care, he has deserved his rest." Tryden raised his eyes from the graves, shifting his gaze to Nealia. The look on those green eyes was now calm, almost serene. However, Nealia couldn't get out of her head the image of Tryden smashing Corren's head in with his axe, a bloodthirsty grin on his face. It had been at the same time a satisfying and terrifying sight. "Does anyone else want to say something?" He asked, still looking at Neal… [view original content]
Ah man, I was most curious to how Jamison would take this since it could have went either way and it seems that it really has shaken him which is sad for sure! Like you have said, he takes alot of pride in his abilities and his looks so having all this happen to him all at once would definitely be hard on him since at the end of the day he's pretty emotional so this definitely has hurt him in many ways.
[Go to the ceremony]
Admittedly I wasn't sure what to choose here but after reading some of the other reader's opinions, this does seem like the best option. Jamison never wants to show weakness and while alot has happened to him here, I think he would want to show that nothing fazes him even though it very much has. Also, this might be a character building choice as well with this choice leading toward Jamison getting back to his very confident self quicker so for now I'll go with this choice which it is most likely going to win anyway so it doesn't matter
Anyway, I am very excited to see where Jamison's storyline takes him here in chapter 3!
Quite a bit...
[Go to the ceremony]
Voting is closed!
Aand Jamison will go to the ceremony. Like this part hinted, Jamison is really shaken from what happened, probably more than he even admits to himself. However, it might be good for him to get out there instead of staying alone to dwell on these thoughts.
The next part will take us to the Kingdom of Blackmont, and more specifically Gravesend, where Naemon has arrived with Davos, Malcolm, Ser Myle, Alester and the three-hundred Upton troops. At the end of Chapter 2 Naemon returned from his journey to Starfall, confronted his father, and learnt about the disappearance of his sister Gwendis. This was a shock to Naemon, and he was seriously pissed at Benedict. However, he took his mission to defeat Karsan Taller (who earlier took over Gravesend with peasant rebels) and even said he might one day forgive Benedict, if he corrects his mistakes. The part isn't ready yet, and I won't have much time to write tomorrow, so it will most likely go to Tuesday before this part is ready!
And here is a portrait of Jamison with his fresh scar:
I also have something a little different this time. I decided to do these full body illustrations for characters who I think have an interesting gear, and therefore deserve more than just a drawing of their face
For now I've only done Mordekhai (still with both eyes) and Dalia, but I'll probably do more of these in the future. Anyway, here they are:
Whoa, that scar looks quite a lot more severe than I thought
That be said, it could be worse and given how fresh it is, I'm sure it'll heal nicely and ultimately look only badass. Tyrion's scar does after all and unlike him, Jamison has the advantage of looking generally physically badass, where Tyrion certainly does not. I think he's the kind of guy that just makes scars work and looks only more cool in the end.
Now, Wesley is terrifying! Holy shit, it occured to me I never truly imagined him in his creepy armour so far, probably because I am already scare enough for Gwen with that monster around. He reminds me of something I've seen somewhere before. Having done a bit of thinking, I realized he looks a lot like a Wild Hunt warrior from Witcher 3, which makes him only more terrifying. One eye or both, he is a fucking monster and I hope they can deal with him quickly.
When it comes to Dalia, you can draw as many badass drawings of her a you like, it still won't change my opinion
It arguably makes it a bit harder to hate her though, but my hatred runs deep and shall not be weakened by a nice-looking drawing! What makes me slightly less sure if she's the one I should hate though is the sudden realization that Gwendis saw a warrior with one sword who supposedly killed her (though even that could be a deliberate misleading from the Great Other), whereas Dalia wields two swords of such an unusual shape that Gwen surely would have commented on them. So... is it Wesley? Is it... Kris? Nah, it cannot be Kris, right? It's not Kris, I refuse to include him in the illustrous circle of characters I hate. However, this just made me realize that there's two badass, terrifying warriors, one of them is this danger I fear and to get rid of the terrifying skeleton freak, I think it is mandatory to keep the other terrifying rollmop freak close. Ah, I don't want to get too deep into speculation again, I am sure I will have enough chances for that in this chapter, so let me just say that for now, these are amazing drawings. I like these full-body illustrations, they add quite a lot to the character, especially in case of Worstley the creepy fuck.
The army led by Prince Naemon Blackmont had arrived to Gravesend after three days of marching. Blackmont, Dayne and Upton banners dangled in the lazy wind, as the army of over three hundred men lined up below the hill that the town stood on. On the right of Naemon was his squire Davos Dayne, and on his left was Lord Alester Upton, the usual smug smirk on his face. Next to Alester was Prince Malcolm and Ser Myle. With them was also Brennin Kell, the former commander of Gravesend's city guard, who had come to avenge all his fellow guardsmen that Karsan's thugs had slaughtered. They were all clad in heavy armors, and the blazing hot sun in the clear blue sky made it very uncomfortable.
The gates were open, there were no signs of any defenders on the walls of the town, and aside from the muffled chatter of the troops an eerie silence lingered in the air. "You think they've fled?" Davos finally asked. "It looks like they have", Naemon answered quietly.
"Either that, or they're trying to lure us into a trap", Brennin remarked grimly. Alester shook his head. "You're overestimating them, commander", he said, stroking his bushy red beard. "What kind of trap could they set for an army of three hundred?" He asked with a small chuckle. "They're just rebellious peasants, nothing more."
"Lord Alester is probably right", Malcolm weighed in with his calm and professional tone. "Most likely this Karsan Taller heard that we are approaching and decided to flee with his thugs, knowing they wouldn't stand a chance trying to defend the town against an organized and well-trained army."
Naemon stayed quiet for a moment, considering the words of his friend. Perhaps they were right, perhaps there would be no battle here today. The last few days Naemon had mentally prepared for it, but in truth it would be a relief if it could be avoided. The thought of having to kill subjects of his own kingdom had troubled him deeply, even if they were traitors. With my father as the King, can you even blame them?
"Perhaps you're right", Naemon said finally. "We should approach the gates carefully, and make our way inside the city... then we can be sure what's going on here."
And so, they began their march towards the open gates. In formation three-hundred soldiers rode into Gravesend, welcomed by eerie silence and dusty streets. Looking to the alleys they rode past Naemon saw a few bodies lying on the ground. Even a few living persons were running around here and there, though not enough to be any kind of threat. Naemon had a suspicion that these weren't actually citizens of Gravesend, but rather looters who had arrived after whatever disaster had went down here.
The Upton troops sounded their horns as the army made its way to town square, which was riddled with rotting bodies. "They didn't even have the dignity to bury them", Naemon heard Brennin Kell muttering, deep anger in his words. However, the most atrocious sight was at the other end of the square, where several bodies had been crucified and left hanging on wooden crosses.
As they approached the crucified bodies, Naemon recognized one of them as Septon Kevan, who had been the acting lord of Gravesend. It had been a while since Kevan had last visited Blackmont, but Naemon still remembered that plump face and receding hairline. Now his bloated and rotting body hanged on the cross, his lifeless eyes staring to nothingness. He was still dressed in his septon's robes, but they were now smeared with blood and shit. Someone had tried to carve something to the septon's forehead, perhaps a seven-pointed star, leaving a shapeless mess of a scar.
"Hugor is not going to like this", Ser Myle said grimly. Hugor was the son of Septon Kevan, and had led their small forces to Blackmont when Benedict had called his banners. "His father will be avenged", Brennin said with rage and determination in his eyes, staring at Kevan's dead body. "Karsan Taller and all of his thugs will hang for this."
"Naemon", Davos said, shifting his attention away from the crucified bodies. Naemon looked at his squire, who was pointing at a man who was approaching them. The man was probably on his thirties, a short man with thick black beard and short hair, dressed in simple clothes that indicated he was of low birth. "Afternoon, sers", the man said with a voice far too cheerful for the occasion. Naemon turned his horse towards the man, and narrowed his eyes as he looked at him. "Afternoon", he simply answered.
"You must be the King's men, aye?" The man now asked, and Naemon nodded. "I am Prince Naemon Blackmont, the only son of King Benedict", he answered calmly. The man hardly had a reaction, just a slight smirk forming to his face. "That must mean you have plenty coin, aye?"
"Why do you ask?" Naemon's tone was strict, but the man just chuckled. "Oh, it's just, I might have some knowledge you'd be interested in", the man answered. "Y'know, what happened here, where has everyone gone, and so on."
"Don't you see all these armed troops, peasant?" Alester asked harshly. "You are hardly in the position for demanding anything."
"I'm terribly sorry m'lord, but I have to disagree with you there", the man said, his grin only getting wider. "Sure, you can kill me, but who's going to tell you anything then?" The man eyed at all of them, crossing his arms, and Naemon had to at least recognize the boldness of this man. "So, what's it gonna be, sers?"
Naemon dismounted his horse, and opened the saddlebag, taking out his purse. From there he pulled out two silvers. A hefty price, but it should make him talk. "What is your name?" Naemon asked as he approached the man.
"Tim, if it pleases m'lord", the man answered. Naemon handed him the two silvers, which the man took eagerly. "Alright then, Tim. What happened here after Karsan Taller's men took over?" He asked quietly. Tim shoved the two silvers into his pocket with a satisfied smirk on his face.
"It was good for a day or two, then everything turned to shit", the man explained. "Without the guards, the young and strong started to prey on the old and weak. More and more people left the town every day, until finally only Karsan and his thugs were left. Then yesterday morning one of their scouts returned, warning about an approaching army, and they left."
"Bloody cowards", Brennin muttered bitterly. Naemon wasn't satisfied yet though. "And do you know where they went?" He asked sternly. Tim smirked again, extending his hand. "Two silvers paid for what happened here, two more for where they went", he set his price with a sly tone.
"Just put a sword against his throat and he'll talk", Alester said angrily, making Tim raise his eyebrows. "Is that how the Blackmont's treat their people?" He asked with a bewildered expression on his face, as Naemon laid his irritated gaze on him.
[Pay him] [Threaten him to talk]
[Pay him]
Well, it's not as if he demands lordship over Gravesend, his weight in gold and Gwendis' hand in marriage. It is two lousy silver coins. Tim's demand is tasteless and insolent, yes, but ultimately, two silver coins, that is certainly not worth the trouble. Sure, Naemon could just as easily threaten him, but it is such careless treatment of the smallfolk that even got the kingdom into this situation. Gwendis sort of knew it and probably currently learns how much the people really suffered under the bad rule of Benedict, thanks to Trentan, whereas Naemon is only at the very beginning of learning about this situation. He has a very long way to go if he wants to be in any way the person his people need right now and starting his development by threatening some jerk just for being mildly insolent, that is not a good way to start. He can afford it and shouldn't be too greedy or arrogant to actually occasionally give in to the demands of his people. As it seems right now, he is the person that is one day supposed to rule over them and surely, first impressions count when it comes to that. On top of that, a pleased Tim might be more willing to tell the truth. Any statement they have to force out of him could easily be a lie, told to spite Naemon and lure him into the wrong direction.
Ah poor Jamison! Safe to say he looks pretty defeated here which was no doubt the look you were going for
As for the scar, it definitely is a big scar but I also believe that once it heals up, it will look pretty cool and Jamison will carry it with confidence and it shouldn't affect him too much in the long run. Great drawing!
[Pay him] This is a pretty minor request to someone like Naemon and if I had to guess than paying him would make Tim more cooperative to where Naemon can have better luck om his mission.
[Pay him]
A grateful Tim might be more useful than a scared Tim. Plus, it's just two more coins. Naemon has plenty.
[Pay him] Its not as if Naemon has that much need for the money, and indeed is kinda the easier solution.
[Pay him]
[Threaten him to talk]
[Pay him]
Voting is closed!
And Naemon will pay Tim, to make him reveal where Karsan Taller has gone. Now, as you may have guessed this is first and foremost a character building choice for Naemon. That said, Tim's answer would've been slightly different if you would've threatended him - it would've been less detailed. On the other hand, this choice has minor affects on Naemon's relationships with his supportive cast. While Malcolm will fully approve Naemon's decision to pay Tim, Alester might have less respect for such action. Davos' opinion on Naemon won't really change because of this choice, but since he very much sees Naemon as his role model, every character building choice of Naemon's kind of works as character building for Davos as well.
And next we will continue Gwendis' storyline! In Chapter 2 Gwendis traveled with Aisha and Trentan from the Kingdom of Blackmont to the Kingdom of Kingsgrave, regretting her choice to go with Aisha more and more every day. The Great Other granted her some more visions during their journey, which made Aisha realize just how strong of a connection Gwendis has to her god. Towards the end of the chapter Lyla Sand found Gwendis and Trentan while Aisha was away from them (fetching Ser Mordekhai Crusher). Lyla almost killed Trentan, but Gwendis managed to convince her to keep the young thief alive. However, fairly soon Aisha and Mordekhai found them, which led to a duel between Lyla and Mordekhai. Lyla fared susprisingly well against the monstrous knight, even managing to stab him to the eye, thinking she had killed him. However, as she turned her back to confront Aisha, Mordekhai stood up and pulled the dagger out of his eye, revealing his inhuman durability. He managed to kill the shocked Lyla, and so Gwendis and Trentan were at the hands of Aisha once again. Their Chapter 3 storyline will begin a few days after this duel between Lyla and Mordekhai. Anyway, I'll try to get the part done today!
They had arrived to the upper reaches of Greenbelt earlier today, and as the sun begun to set they had built fire close to the river. They were in the Kingdom of Yronwood now, but Gwendis had no idea what exactly was their destination. The travel had not been easy on her, and she was beyond exhausted. Her bones and muscles were aching, she was hungry and tired, and at the same time she was feeling emotionally numb. Perhaps for the first time in her life Gwendis Blackmont felt like nothing was in her control, she was fully at the mercy of Aisha and her monster – Ser Mordekhai Crusher. The now one-eyed false knight stood in guard a couple hundred feet away from their little camp. He was motionless, like a statue, gazing somewhere in the distance with the massive dark sword on his hand. So far Gwendis' hadn't once seen Mordekhai take off his armor, nor had he seen him sleep or eat. Is he even human? Whatever he was, he had brutally murdered Lyla Sand, and with her all Gwendis' hopes of ever seeing home again.
Gwendis turned her gaze, seeing Trentan sitting quietly next to the fire. The poor guy had gotten more and more quiet every day, and Gwendis could see the regret and desperation in his eyes. He was victim of Aisha's games, just like Gwendis herself.
Now she saw Aisha returning to the fire, empty look on her purple eyes. She sat down, looking at Gwendis. "Has the god spoken to you, princess?" She asked calmly, and Gwendis shook her head. Aisha sighed, turning her eyes down. "You must concentrate, Gwendis", she said quietly. "Close your eyes if you must, feel the presence of the blue eyes, hear his words."
"If I close my eyes, all I can see are the dead eyes of Lyla staring at me", Gwendis hissed quietly. Aisha narrowed her eyes, but didn't say anything for a moment. "Lyla Sand... she was a poor and misguided soul, searching for purpose from all the wrong places", Aisha finally spoke up, a hollow tone on her voice. "I pitied her, and I wish she would've been wiser with her choices but, alas, she chose to oppose the might of the greatest of gods."
"She was loyal to Benedict", Gwendis muttered, feeling guilt at Lyla's death, but also at leaving her father and brother behind. "Misplaced loyalty", Aisha stated coldly. "All the kings and lords are mere whispers in the wind, they fade away as time passes, their words die out, their power crumbles under the pressure of time. The one who we serve withstands it all, and when the great winter finally arrives, he will take his place as king above all else."
"I don't like the sound of that", Gwendis said quietly. Aisha's lips formed a tiny smirk. "Do not fear, Gwendis", she said, trying to sound encouraging. "The Great Other shall reward his servants, those who helped him to rise to glory will stand by his side when the time comes." Gwendis shook her head, ignoring Aisha's nonsense.
"Why? Why couldn't you just let me go?" She asked, her voice shaky now. "Because you have a role in this, Gwendis", Aisha answered strictly. "Your connection to our god... it is a great gift, one we cannot throw away, not now. The flames of the enemy creep closer every day, and we have to be ready."
"You call it a gift, I call it a curse", Gwendis replied with a gulp. "Why has your god cursed me?" She asked, bitterly staring Aisha to the eyes.
"I do not know the reasons, princess", the dark priestess answered, some uncertainty in her words. "If I had to guess, I would say it is because of where you grew up. All the sorcerers and magic in Benedict's court, it may have shifted the eyes of the Great Other to you, and in you he must have seen strength, determination... ambition. You have the potential for great things, Gwendis, you just have to embrace it."
"And what if I refuse to embrace it?" Gwendis asked defiantly. The expression on Aisha's face got notably colder. "Then you doom us all, princess", she answered emotionlessly. A chilling silence followed the priestesses' words, until finally she spoke up again. "Now, close your eyes", she said quietly, her tone revealing it was meant as a command. For a moment Gwendis hesitated, wanted to resist, but in the end she did as Aisha commanded and closed her eyes. Half of her did it out of fear for what Aisha or her monster could do to her, but the other half... it desired it, the power that was within her grasp.
First nothing happened. She saw only darkness, and heard only the cracking of the fire next to her. Then another sound appeared, slowly getting louder. Quickly Gwendis realized it was the sound of rain. No, not just rain, storm. Now she could feel the rain falling down on her, the cold water streaming on her skin. Above her in the sky she saw the clouds dark as night, and the wind made her hair flow wildly. After a moment thunder struck right next to her, illuminating the scene for a split second. In that split second Gwendis saw a priestess standing in front of her. However, this wasn't a priestess dressed in dark robes like Aisha, this was a priestess in red. Behind the priestess were several shadowy figures, and their eyes glowed red in the darkness. Gwendis turned around, noticing she was standing on a cliff, raging sea beneath her. As she turned her eyes towards the sky, blue eyes stared down at her. "Blow out the flames!" Screamed the screeching voice.
Gwendis opened her eyes, seeing again the cracking fire in front of her, Aisha and Trentan sitting around it. "What did you see this time, princess?" Aisha asked, genuine curiosity in her quiet words.
"I... I saw a storm", Gwendis answered with a gulp. "I was standing on a cliff by the sea, storm raging all around me. And in that storm, there was a priestess in red robes." Aisha's expression changed, fierce look on her eyes now. "Our enemy", she said tensely. "We will face our enemy in a storm by the sea... Was there anything else you saw?"
"There were shadowy figures behind the priestess... I think they were warriors." Aisha nodded to Gwendis' answer, a knowing look on her eyes. "The servant of R'hllor will bring her dogs with her", she said with a scornful tone. "No matter, the Great Other will see that we are victorious." With these words Aisha stood up from the fire, and started to walk towards Mordekhai.
Gwendis turned her eyes to Trentan now, who looked at her with a timid gaze. "Are you alright?" She asked with a tired but still compassionate tone. Trentan nodded subtly. "I... I think I'm fine", he said quietly. "I'm just worried, that's all."
"Worried about what?" Gwendis asked calmly, and now Trentan gulped. "About where we are heading... the way Aisha talks, it's like we are going to some kind of battle. But I am no soldier, I never was and never will be." It was clear from the young thief's words that he was even more nervous than he wanted to admit.
"I am no warrior either, Trentan", Gwendis said, not even knowing if it was meant to encourage him or merely share his fear. "But you have this... gift, that Aisha keeps talking about", Trentan remarked, and Gwendis nodded subtly. "I do. And tell me, what has this 'gift' given me so far, but pain and misery?" She asked quietly. Trentan had no answer, he just stared at the ground with a depressed look on his eyes, so Gwendis decided to continue. "You shouldn't be here, it's not right, it's not fair, and I'm so sorry you have to go through this", she spoke with soft and compassionate words, and Trentan turned to look at her again. "But at the same time... I'm glad you're here, otherwise I'd be completely alone."
Trentan turned his eyes away timidly, blushing slightly at Gwendis' words. "I... I'm really sorry, Gwendis", Trentan mumbled, and Gwendis narrowed her eyes. "Sorry for what?" She asked quietly, and Trentan let out a joyless chuckle. "For judging you before I knew better, I guess", he answered with a sigh. "You are not your father, you are a good person... probably the best I've ever met. Without you I'd be dead, there is no way for me to ever pay that debt."
"There is no debt, Trentan", Gwendis said warmly, grabbing the young thief's hand gently. "But perhaps you can help me survive, just as I've helped you."
"What do you have in mind?" Trentan asked quietly. Gwendis gulped, feeling unsure. This wasn't the first time after Lyla's death that she had thought about escaping. They couldn't do it now, they would have to wait for the right moment, but she needed to know that Trentan would be there for her when the time would come. On the other hand, she was unsure if the opportunity would ever present itself. Perhaps she should've learnt from what happened with Lyla, and just follow Aisha wherever she would lead them, and hope to survive it all.
[Tell Trentan you need to escape together] [Tell Trentan you need to look out for each other]
[Tell Trentan you need to look out for each other]
Since, I'm not sure if they will ever have a chance to escape, until this conflict is over, I think this is the better option for now. It would be good for them to help each other, on this journey. Now, this doesn't mean that if they have a legitimate chance of escaping together that they shouldn't eventually take it. I'm just afraid of the consequences that might happen if they try to escape but fail. So, for now, I think saying that they should look out for each other to keep each other safe is better, as of right now at least.
Oh man... it is telling how nervous that storyline made me that I actually needed a bit to write this comment. Not just time to write this huge wall of text, but an actual break to gather my thoughts. Kudos, Wildling, kudos. Even though it was still not quite the terrifying gut-punch of a part I fear and expect, this was already thrilling. My favourite storyline is off for a great start, which I never doubted. It is the finale I fear
Now... Aisha. Do I have to say more? Probably, eh. I gotta say something good about her. She is talented. So much for the good part, because unfortunately, the one and only thing she is talented at is getting worse with every part. By now, my hate for her increases even when she's not doing anything. Just her being alive is enough for me to hate her. Seriously, how can anyone be that pretentious, smug and thoroughly delusional to their own irredeemably evil nature as her? Is she even listening to herself? If there has ever been any doubt about her insanity, it should be gone now. Up until now, I had the fleeting hope that she might actually believes that her goal will be a noble one. Now... well, I don't think even a person as deranged as her can justify that. There is really not even the tiniest aspect to her character that is not completely and inexcusably rotten, is there? How come that nobody has ever punched her bitch teeth out? Now, if I'd be in Gwendis' situation, that'd totally be what I'd do and it would be glorious. Part of why I needed a couple minutes before writing my comment is because I was speechless at how someone can be that audacious and delusional. That be said, should she actually get the fate I believe she deserves, well, then I do have an ounce of pity for her, because that would be at least as painful as she is evil. It is probably the only truly good thing about her, someone as disgusting as her could be in for some serious comeuppance. Given that her plan is literally the most evil thing we have encountered so far (it beats even petty villainy for pleasure, the stuff Albin and his freaks commit), I bet she's at least bound to fail miserably. And this, well, no matter what is going to come out of this chapter, this is going to be delightful. Someone really needs to beat that smugness out of her, that fucking bitch.
Oh, by the way, as much as I enjoyed this part, one thing I am quite mixed about is Wesley's role in it. I mean, it's not that I want him to say anything, but he was so silent, I have been unable to put my beautiful "Shut up, Wesley"-gif to good use
At the same time, I am glad he's not saying anything, because I doubt that is going to be a good occasion. Ah well, I guess I can use it at least when he's finally dead. I cannot wait for that. And I cannot wait for Aisha to get what she deserves.
Now, onwards to the truly pleasant stuff of this part, Gwendis and Trentan. Oh, how I will try my best to get them both through this chapter. I fear for both and even though Gwendis' safety is top priority, Trentan has at least improved to the point where I will do my best to get him through this as well as long as it won't mean losing Gwen. He has fully redeemed himself for being obnoxious in the early parts. Now, well, now I am concerned for why Aisha keeps him around. It cannot be fondness. Someone who can say stuff such as " The one who we serve withstands it all, and when the great winter finally arrives, he will take his place as king above all else" with a straight face, this someone is so messed up that I am unable to imagine her having any sort of even remote fondness or respect for any living being that is not herself. It is probably not his looks, because while Trentan is not an ugly boy, Aisha could have better, quite easily. She is abhorrent and disgusting, but probably able to bewitch any man she wants. So... that only leaves the possibility that Aisha seeks to do something truly bad with him. Gwendis is there because Aisha believes her to be important through her connection with the Great Other. Trentan is there because... well, that's the question.
But anyways, maybe in the end he will at least manage to safe Gwen. He feels obliged to her and this is a good thing. This might just be what she needs to get out of this alive. Her vision though... so, the dark whore and her Worstley will face Desi and co. at some cliffs, meaning the confrontation between them is probably going to happen at the coast. Though I am worried about the priestess she saw there. If it is Desi, well, there might be a chance for her to survive. If it is Minesa... well, then Desi, or Trentan or maybe even Dalia or Kris need to come to the rescue. This just made me realize, Kris might be more important than I thought before. Dalia and Desi could be enough to save Gwen's life, but Kris, he is the only one who truly has any influence over Minesa.
[Tell Trentan you need to look out for each other]
So, it's not as if I don't want them to escape. I am even highly afraid that this could be the beginning for Gwendis to just give in. I want her to resist, the god of evil and that insufferable degenerate that abducted her and currently threatens her to go down a path that will kill her if we're not careful. Never, under any circumstance, do I want her to become like that thing, that literally not-human thing that Aisha has become. However, I believe there is no chance for her to escape at this point, not on her own, even with Trentan's help. Lyla has been an expert and she was found without effort. If Gwendis tries and fails to escape, then maybe she angers Aisha to the point where she does something terrible. Given how messed up that creature is, I can see her coming to the conclusion that Gwendis would be much less troublesome if bound in chains, magically controlled or, possibly worst, crippled to the point where she simply cannot run away again. No, we have to wait for a really good chance. Gwen cannot escape on her own. She needs help, very specific, Desi-shaped help. Up until then, all she can do is to survive, try not to get Aisha to the point where that thing does its worst on her. And she needs Trentan's full support for that, trying to hold onto her own good nature while surrounded by Wesley and the only creature worse than Wesley.
Argh, I am equal parts anticipating and dreading the inevitable confrontation that is going to come between Desi and that Disney Villain named Aisha. Which is actually not a good comparison. Villains such as Jaffar or Ursula have been a million times more likable and well-intentioned than Aisha and I guess we all know that these have still been completely evil. Anyways, back to topic, I am excited, I am terrified and I dread the inevitable moment where we're going to mess up with one of our choices. It probably won't be this one, but I wonder how long our luck can last. Or perhaps we manage to choose wisely, but that will be hard. If we're lucky, this chapter ends with Gwendis giving Aisha the same beating Jon gave Ramsay. That'd be glorious, so utterly well-deserved and probably the one thing I'd read over and over again for the rest of my life. Ah, I can imagine it right now, it is beautiful!
[Tell Trentan you need to look out for each other] I seriously doubt they can escape right now, and they're the only person they can rely on. A princess and a thief, a friendship that's unusual anywhere in Westeros.
While Aisha's words aren't wrong, the Great Winter won't arrive in this lifetime, and everyone currently alive can be glad about that, while their descendants will enjoy 1000 more years of only having to fight each other.
"The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors"
Ah, I'm glad you enjoyed the part!
It was indeed not the most gut wrenching part of this storyline, but I suppose every part with Gwendis does have an element of tension and thrill to it. And this one certainly laid the groundwork for what's to come in this chapter.
Hah, while I didn't expect this part in particular to necessarily deepen your hate for Aisha, I most certainly didn't expect it to change your opinion for the better either. Well, there is little room for noble causes when it comes to serving the god of evil, but eh, at least she believes she is doing the right thing. Which really speaks for the height of her delusions
And we'll see if Aisha will be served her just desserts or not, but at least it's clear that challenging Desirea (and her warriors) is not child's play.... even if Desi kind of is a child
And yeah, Aisha tries her best to help the GO reach his goals so... yeah, it kind of is more evil than anything else. Of course we know the Great Winter isn't coming in a looong time, but Aisha has no clue of this. For her it could be the next winter, and she is doing what she can to help the Great Other succeed.
Yeah, Mordekhai quite literally did nothing in this part. Don't worry though, you'll get to use that glorious gif of yours in time, I just wanted to focus on Aisha and Trentan in this part. Mordekhai never speaks much, but he will have a thing or two to say in the coming parts.
Well, safe to say the interaction between these two was my favorite part to write in this part
They are such an odd pairing, but it makes their newfound friendship among all this misery all the more interesting. And I'm glad your opinion on Trentan has improved, he will certainly be a very important part of Gwen's storyline in this chapter. He never was a bad guy, just a bit misguided. Ah, what a shame it would've been if you let Lyla kill him
And yeah, it is interesting why Aisha is keeping Trentan around. I can reveal there is a bit of fondness there as well. Aisha doesn't often get the feeling of being truly loved, and she had that for a while with Trentan. However, that doesn't exclude the possibility of Aisha having some other purpose in mind for Trentan, we'll have to see.
Yeah, I constantly expect the worst. It is probably a bit unlikely to assume that this worst case will happen right at the start of this chapter, but you can never know. The beginning of the end could have happened here, Aisha basically wiping Gwendis' mind, controlling her like Valerie controlled Jamison. Or Wesley losing his cool and hurting her really badly, all in the realms of possible. So, there is always this tension involved. That however means that I am usually relieved that this won't happen. At the same time, I have to ask myself how long we continue to pick the right choices. Maybe forever, but it is just as likely that we seriously fuck up sooner or later. We did so when we trusted Aisha all this time ago when the choice between going with her or going to Skyreach came up. Perhaps the single most severe mistake we ever made, but I am willing to bet that certain choices in this chapter, for Gwen and possibly Dalia as well have the chance to be even worse mistakes.
Be assured, every part deepens my hatred for Aisha. She is the worst for a reason and unless she does something to seriously surprise me (such as actually realizing what a horrible excuse for a human being and pure waste of air she is), that will not change ever, up until she dies. In that case I'm happy with taking a metaphorical dump on her equally metaphorical grave and then I shall move on. Hopefully to the next threat for Gwen, because that'd mean Aisha won't be the end of her. Though I bet Valerie, if she's this next threat, is going to be even worse. Though I am not too sure about this. I mean, who is worse, the person that is evil and fully admits to it, or the person that is evil and lives in her own fairytale land in which she's the only good person? The level of derangement Aisha shows in these parts is at least as infuriating as the parts where she actually does something to earn my hatred. I cannot grasp how anyone can be so delusional. Her actions and goals are not justifiable by any means. She literally wants to help the god whose goal is to end all life and she implies that she is quite aware of this. Nobody can justify that without fully admitting that they are the worst and evil to the core. Actually, I believe that would make me hate her less, if she'd admit what an insufferable, worthless, rotten-to-the-core evil bitch she is. A bad justification is worse than none at all. Though by now, even that wouldn't make me hate her less, but it would probably put a stop to me being so aggravated by her entire delusional, smug attitude. That be said, I believe this smug, insufferable bitch, lying to herself even more than she lies to anyone else, still poses way less of a threat to Gwen than an honest monster. It's just, she is so damn infuriating, I can't even begin to rant about ho much I truly hate her
I mean, I enjoy him being silent. Would be even better if he'd make no sound at all. Not even the sound of breathing. Because he just stops breathing. Get it? I want him dead. That said, I cannot decide if I want him dead more than Aisha or less. I believe it is more though, because as disgusting as she is, I cannot see Aisha ever physically harming Gwendis on her own. Being a coward on top of her countless other negative traits, she has her attack dog for that.
So, you say that Aisha doesn't often get this feeling of being truly loved? Gee, I wonder why! I am truly shocked to learn this surprising detail about Aisha. Who would have guessed? Snark aside, it is kind of hard for me to see anything even remotely human in Aisha, so I am absolutely convinced that she has a darker purpose in mind. Maybe she wishes to sacrifice Trentan to her demon god, or she keeps him around as a means to keep Gwendis entertained, kind of a companion to keep her satisfied, in a way animals in the zoo would occasionally get a toy to play with. That said, I do enjoy the friendship growing between these two. I believe that Trentan will be very important, but even beyond that, I start to like him.
[Tell Trentan you need to look out for each other]
[Tell Trentan you need to escape together] I moreso just see this choice on determining whether Gwendis still has a desire to escape or if she is willing to wait it out and see what happens before making her next move.
[Tell Trentan you need to look out for each other]
After a week away I can finally get back to reading NW, and oh boy what a great feeling it is!
As for the choice, I'll go with [Tell Trentan you need to look out for each other]. I don't think Gwendis and Trentan would go very far without help if they tried to escape, so I feel like its better to play it safe at least for now.
Voting is closed!
And Gwendis will tell Trentan they need to look out for each other. This is definitely the less reckless choice here, even if the other one wouldn't have necessarily meant them trying to escape right away. However, it would've planted the seeds for such action in Trentan's mind.
Next we will return to Kingsgrave, and more specifically Kortney Caron's storyline. By the end of Chapter 2, the combined armies of Blackmont's and Fowler's laid siege over Kingsgrave, trapping Albin and his court. At the very end of Kortney's storyline, she was visited by Queen Sofina, who revealed to her that she was planning to overthrow King Albin. The reason she told this to Kortney was that she would have a role in what's to come after the assassination of the King, and that is to ensure peace between House Caron and House Manwoody. The part is almost ready, I'll just do some finishing touches before posting it!
Kortney laid silently on her bed, wide awake. The sun had set hours ago, but there was too much going through her head to even think about sleeping. Kingsgrave was under siege, and Kortney was just waiting for the day that all hell would break loose inside the castle. She knew about Queen Sofina's plan to murder King Albin and take over. She knew her role would be to ensure peace between Sofina and Lord Trevas Caron, her father. All she needed to do was to wait, but still she was anxious. Kortney wasn't in control of anything, and she was painfully aware of it.
It was hard for Kortney to believe her time in Kingsgrave could soon be coming to its end, after all that she went through. Closing her eyes, Kortney could see the old and strong castle of Nightsong standing proudly on the Dornish Marches, the Nightingale banners flickering in the wind. She could hear the deep horns sounding, welcoming her home. But can I truly go back? She tried to imagine the reactions of her father and brothers, seeing her like this. Will they still love me?
Suddenly a distant scream interrupted Kortney's thoughts, and she opened her eyes. At first she wasn't sure if she had truly heard a scream, but a moment later more screams followed. Are the Blackmont's attacking? She wondered, standing up from her bed and walking to the window. She could see faintly the siege encampment in the dark, torches illuminating it. However, it didn't look like the battle had begun. No, the screams came from inside the castle.
Kortney dressed up, putting on a casual dark blue dress and simple leather boots. She also grabbed her knife, and hid it to her sleeve. With quiet steps, she walked out of her chambers and into the dark corridor. "Fucking traitors!" She heard someone scream below her.
In silence Kortney made her way to the stairway, starting to walk down from the tower. As she reached the lower floor, she saw three bodies lying on the corridor. Two of them were guardsmen, and one was a young woman dressed in servant's attire. The body closest to Kortney was a chubby guardsman whose throat had been slit open. The man had reached for his sword before dying, but never got it out of its scabbard.
The other dead guardsman had a spear in his hands. He had bled out from several stab wounds, one of them on his neck. The woman in servant's garb had died leaning against the wall, her hands on the gruesome wound on her stomach. The spearman did that, Kortney observed with a gulp. She stepped over the bodies and the puddle of blood around them, and continued her way towards the other end of the corridor. However, a male figure appeared to the other end, approaching Kortney in the darkness.
As the man got closer, Kortney recognized him as Tom the Animal. Tom was holding his left arm, a mildly painful expression on his face. He stopped as he noticed Kortney, narrowing his eyes.
"What's going on here?" Kortney asked hesitantly, but Tom just shook his head. "Don't even try, Pissy", he hissed, clenching his fists as he took a couple slow steps closer. "You're part of this... I know you are, you fucking traitorous whore. We should've never trusted you, we should've fucking killed you long ago."
Kortney closed her hand around the knife in her sleeve, letting out a sigh. "And now you're going to kill me, huh?" She asked calmly. A twisted little smirk appeared on Tom's face. "Kill you?" He asked with a dry chuckle. "Oh, m'lady, nothing here is that easy."
I know, Kortney thought, her lips forming a tiny smirk as she dashed forward, trying to stab Tom with her knife. However, Tom reacted quickly, evading the strike so that it only slightly scratched his chest. "Nice try, Pissy!" He yelled, as he returned the favor with a hard punch across her face.
Kortney fell to the floor, losing her grip on the knife. Her nose was bleeding and she was feeling a bit dizzy. However, now was not the time for rest, as Tom pulled out his dagger. Quickly Kortney got on all fours, and crawled towards the dead bodies. She yanked the spear out of the dead guard's hands and stood up.
Still feeling a bit lightheaded from the earlier punch, Kortney pointed the tip of the spear towards Tom, who still had the dagger in his hands. "The fuck do you think you're doing, bitch?" Tom growled, a touch of amusement in his words. "Just drop the fucking spear and perhaps I'll make it quick."
With a deep breath, Kortney took the stance Norano had taught her long ago. Calm as a windless night, deadly as the snake in the grass, Kortney heard the words of the Myrish spearmaster in her head, while sternly staring down Tom.
After a tense moment of silence, Tom finally made the first move, trying to quickly make his way past the spear and get in close proximity to Kortney. However, she moved quickly, smacking Tom to the face with the blunt end of the spear, making him back away. While Tom held his face in pain, Kortney moved on his left side, stabbing him with a nasty thrust on the ribs.
With a scream of agony Tom backed against the wall. Kortney struck next on his right hand, making him drop his dagger. She kicked the dagger away, and pressed her spear against Tom's guts, who was now stuck between the wall and Kortney's spear.
"You fuck", he muttered, putting his hand on the wound Kortney had made on his side. "You're not going to get away with this... they'll flay you alive, and plant your head on a pike." Kortney kept on a calm expression as Tom spoke, even letting a small smile form to her face. "You lost, Tom", she said quietly, and Tom tried to spat on her. The saliva landed on Kortney's boots, and she added a just a bit of pressure on the spear, almost enough to penetrate through Tom's clothes and bite into his flesh. "Do you have anything to say now, Tom the Animal?" Kortney asked with a cold and emotionless tone. Tom gulped, shaking his head subtly.
"Just fucking get over with it", he said grimly, turning his gaze down. Kortney stayed motionless, just letting out a small chuckle.
"I've wanted to do this for a long time", she whispered, and Tom raised his angry eyes, staring at Kortney again.
"Fucking do it then!" He barked. "Kill me!"
[Give him a quick death] [Give him a slow death] [Knock him out]
I'd say it's payback time, after all she's been through I'm really tempted to go with a slow death here. Thing is, I don't think its wise to stay long there because she could very easily get caught in the act, better to [Give him a quick death] just get it over with before anyone notices.
[Give him a quick death] Not that I pity this a-hole, but indeed we need to find out who is behind this attack and slowly kill him would be a waste of time, sure he deserves more, but I also think Kortney must be better than the Animal.
[Give him a slow death]
[Give him a quick death]
[Give him a quick death]
[Give him a quick death]
I certainly did not expect Tom the Animal to die this early. Neither do I disapprove, this is great. May that piece of shit burn in hell
Now, with other characters I might consider to just knock them out. Even someone like Larry could show gratitude. Tom however, he is never going to be grateful to Kortney for sparing his life. He attacked her for little reason and he is going to pay the price for that. For more than that. However, killing him slowly won't achieve much. He's a henchman, not the guy that truly deserves the slow death. Or even if he does deserve it, Kortney should not give in to this darker side of hers if she want to have any chance at recovering from her ordeal, ever. Even worse, if she kills him slowly, she could be caught. I am sure she is not the only one hearing this commotion and maybe more guards are on the way. If she kills him slowly and gets caught, he might even survive, more vengeful than ever. It'll also make her claims that he attacked her way less believable. No, a quick death and over with it. That way, she might be able to convince Albin that she is innocent in this and maybe he won't even punish her for it then. He knows what kind of a man Tom is after all. So, a quick death, good riddance and onwards to the truly important matter for Kortney, namely how to escape the utter hellhole that is Kingsgrave without losing life or sanity. In the end, if Kortney wants to have any chance at recovering, she must treat Tom as the insignificant cockroach that he is, a guy who means nothing to her.
[Give him a quick death]
I wanted to let you know. I recently sent you a pm.
Voting is closed!
And Kortney will give Tom a quick death. I can reveal now that in terms of immediate consequences, killing him slowly wouldn't have backfired, though I certainly understand why you would rather not take the risk
And of course, killing him slowly would have its affects on Kortney's character development. That said, just knocking him out would've definitely been the worst option here.
Next up we will return to Lemonwood, with two PoVs, those being Verro and Nealia. They were both present at the assault on Lemonwood in Chapter 2. Verro breached through the harbor gates with Nesila, injuring his right leg in the process. He survived over the night however, and witnessed the duel between Efran and Darin, which was the end of the battle. Nealia on the other hand got over the western walls of the city with the Rose Company. She fought on the walls for a bit, before heading into the city and finding dying Illor from a tavern. She spent the rest of the night with Illor, listening to his last words and seeing him die. Later Corren with his men came to harass Nealia and Jacke, but as his thugs failed to kill them, Corren escaped. However, next morning the sleazy cunt was taken down by Tryden (whom Nealia had told what Corren had done) and Nealia gave him the permission to kill Corren. Her storyline will continue from the small funeral of Illor and the other fallen of the Rose Company. Neither of these parts are ready yet, but I'll try my best to get them done today. However, it could be that it'll take me longer than that to finish them.
Hey, I just wanted you to know that I sent you a pm just now.
Nealia watched quietly as Illor and the four other warriors of Rose Company that had died during the battle were lowered to their graves on the beach. Tryden spoke a few words for each of them, and lastly for Illor.
"Illor of Braavos was a great warrior", he begun with a somber tone. "He was loyal, and he had more honor than most of the anointed knights I have met during my years. Losing him is a major loss for the Rose Company, as there are few men as great as he was. May the gods welcome him to their care, he has deserved his rest." Tryden raised his eyes from the graves, shifting his gaze to Nealia. The look on those green eyes was now calm, almost serene. However, Nealia couldn't get out of her head the image of Tryden smashing Corren's head in with his axe, a bloodthirsty grin on his face. It had been at the same time a satisfying and terrifying sight. "Does anyone else want to say something?" He asked, still looking at Nealia.
For a moment Nealia even considered stepping forward to say something, but she quickly decided against it. She had never been one for speeches, and she knew Illor wouldn't hear her words. As no one said anything, few of the soldiers stepped forwards and started filling the graves with dirt.
"We need new recruits", Tryden said quietly as he walked next to Nealia. "You, Manda and the Yu sisters seemed to get along with that White Elephant guy... perhaps you could try to invite them to negotiate with me."
"I'll try", Nealia answered dryly, her eyes still fixed on Illor's grave. "What are your plans?" She asked. Tryden stayed quiet long enough for Nealia to think he wasn't going to answer, but finally he spoke up. "Godsgrace", he simply said, and now Nealia turned to look at him.
"Godsgrace?" She asked with mildly surprised tone, and Tryden nodded. "What will we find from there?"
"Someone in desperate need of troops", he answered with a sigh. "The war between the Martell's and Dryland's is about to truly begin, and the hold over Godsgrace will be important for both of them."
"So, you are willing to change sides?" Nealia asked calmly, and a mild smirk appeared on Tryden's face. "Are you surprised?" He asked smoothly, and Nealia shook her head. Of course she had known Tryden would be willing to change sides if there would be a benefit to it. However, she had to wonder how long could she live her life like this – traveling from battle to battle, fighting for whichever lord or king happened to be in need of extra troops and had the coin to pay for them.
"See you later", Tryden said, tapping Nealia softly on the shoulder and walking away. Nealia remained by the grave of Illor for couple more minutes.
Nealia walked through the quiet streets of Lemonwood, the sun heading down to the horizon on the west. Lemonwood had never been a big city, but right now it felt particularly lifeless. Many had died on the battle, some had left before it, and even more after it. Nealia had to wonder if this city would slowly start to heal now, or if Efran conquering it was just the beginning for its suffering. Well, I won't be here to see it, she thought with a sigh, arriving to the tavern where Illor had died.
Walking in, Nealia noticed the tavern was almost empty, just few of the tables being occupied. Around one of them were Lien, Ying and Manda, sitting with the White Elephant, Edric Thorne and Jinora Ling. White Elephant was in comfortable grey and white clothes, his elephant helmet on the table. On Edric Thorne's shoulder sat some kind of small animal, some sort of lemur with silver-white fur and huge purple eyes, which glanced around the tavern frantically. Jinora was clad in her light armor, a calm and graceful look on her yellow eyes.
Nealia sat down at the head of the table, being politely greeted by the White Elephant. "We were just talking about going to Godsgrace", Lien informed Nealia with a smirk, and she gave her a nod. "Yeah, Tryden would like to hire you", Nealia said to the White Elephant, who in turn nodded to her.
"Yes, our friends here told us about that already", he answered calmly. "I do not plan to accept his offer though – we prefer being independent. However, we have nonetheless decided to accompany you to Godsgrace."
"Oh, well, I'm glad to hear that", Nealia replied, turning her eyes to the lemur on Edric's shoulder. "Who's this little guy?" She asked with a smirk, and Edric stroked the animal's fur gently. "Her name is Vali", the man answered dryly, and the lemur turned its big eyes to him. "She is a Little Valyrian, from the Forest of Qohor."
"Well, she is cute", Nealia said softly, and a rare smirk formed on Edric's face. "She has been through a lot with me", he said with a sigh, taking the animal to his hands. "Would you like to hold her?"
"Does she bite?" Nealia asked with a nervous chuckle, but Edric shook his head. "She's well trained", he assured, handing the Little Valyrian to Nealia. Its fur was soft and smooth, and she tilted her little head, looking at Nealia with curiosity in her purple eyes. Vali sniffed Nealia's face, making her chuckle. Finally, after stroking it for a moment, she handed the little animal back to its owner.
"I was sorry to hear what happened to your friend, princess", Jinora Ling spoke up. "It is an honor to fall in battle, but that does little to ease the pain of those who lose a friend."
"I agree", Nealia replied with a sigh, and Jinora nodded respectfully. "I'll remember Illor as the good friend he was... but it's time to move forward now", Nealia spoke with an earnest tone on her voice, and the people around the table murmured in agreement. Lien looked at her with warmth in her mismatched eyes. "We'll move forward together, friend", she said softly.
They chatted for a moment, talking about what they would expect to find from Godsgrace. Jinora Ling was just interested in seeing another Dornish town, while Ying predicted Godsgrace would soon be conquered by the Rhoynar, and they would be hired by Princess Nymeria. Manda liked that, but Edric was more cynical, doubting Godsgrace would be taken over so easily.
After a while Lien stood up from the table. "I think I'll go to rest for a moment", she said smoothly, giving Nealia a meaningful glance as she walked past her, just slightly touching her on her arm. It was a hint for Nealia to go with her, but she was unsure if she should do it. Nealia glanced at Ying, who clearly deliberately avoided eye contact.
[Go with Lien] [Stay in the table]
Verro stood on the castle walls of Lemonwood, leaning on the parapets and looking down at the courtyard. His right leg was still in pain, slowing him down significantly. However, by now he had had enough of just staying in his bed.
Down on the courtyard was Lord Efran Dalt himself, seeing off his new wife, Lady Elise Dalt, who was about to leave somewhere with a convoy of dozen soldiers. Jabar and Zhobho began leading the convoy out of the gates, and Verro saw Elise giving one more lingering gaze at Efran, who gave her a small nod. "What a touching scene", Verro heard the dry and cynical voice of Nesila speaking behind him. He turned to face her, seeing a slight smile on the Myrwoman's face. "It's good to see you on your feet again, Verro", she said softly, and Verro nodded.
"Do you know where she is going?" He asked calmly, and Nesila raised an eyebrow. "Elise? I hear they are going to fetch her bastard son, to be raised here in Lemonwood", she answered nonchalantly. "If you ask me, Efran made a huge mistake in marrying Elise. If he aspires to truly be a lord, he should learn to play the games of the lords. Marrying his sellsword lover instead of proposing a marriage pact with one of the vassals of House Dalt... that is just stupidity."
"He still has the upper hand", Verro remarked. "Efran holds Lemonwood and has a sizeable army supporting him. He also has hostages, like the sister of Lord Andrey Bravespear, Lady Alana, laying in the dungeons with her sons."
"And if Efran would've been wise, he would've offered for Alana to be returned to the Bravespear's, and asked for the hand of Lord Andrey's daughter to secure his support." Nesila's tone was harsh and cold. "But now, with how our Bandit Lord handled the situation, I expect Lord Bravespear is already assembling his army, together with Lord Byrant Granit and Ser Dallin Dalt."
"Ser Dallin's son is also in the dungeons", Verro pointed out quietly, and Nesila nodded. "Yes, Efran has a couple valuable hostages", she admitted with a sigh. "I doubt it will save him in the end though."
"You seem sure about this", Verro spoke with a touch of concern in his voice. Is there really another battle coming?
"Efran has made a lot of enemies, and he has fewer allies every day", Nesila said. "Some of the bandits and sellswords have already left, and I expect Thunder Crew to do the same once the new leader is elected."
"And you will leave with them?" Verro asked quietly. Nesila took a moment to answer, studying Verro's face with curious eyes. "I will leave, yes, but not with the Thunder Crew", she answered quietly. "My loyalty was to Malanos Vynos, and he is dead now. Now they are most likely going to elect Axel as the leader, and I have no loyalty for him."
"Where will you go then?" Verro inquired, and now he saw Nesila gulping. "I should find my brother", she answered, none of the usual snark or coldness in her words. "He left the Thunder Crew years ago, saying he had enough of this sort of life."
"And do you know where he went?" Verro asked calmly. Nesila shook her head, touch of grief in her eyes. "He only said he would find a good lord to serve, and headed towards the Stormlands."
"So... you'll be going to Stormlands?" Verro asked, and Nesila narrowed her eyes. "That would be logical, wouldn't it?" She asked with her snarky voice, and Verro chuckled softly. "I suppose so", he mumbled, turning his gaze down.
"And what about you, Verro?" Nesila asked with genuine interest in her voice. "You said earlier that you wanted to start a new life after the battle... will that new life be here, in Lemonwood?" Verro scratched his head, unsure what to answer. This was the first time in a long time that he was free to do what he wanted, and it was... a bit frightening. He had no idea where would he go from here, what would he be.
"I'll have to get my leg healed before making any plans", he finally muttered as an answer. Nesila didn't look convinced by Verro's answer, but gave him a nod nonetheless. "Well, whatever you decide to do, I advise you not to put your trust in Efran", Nesial said with a sigh, and Verro gave her a subtle nod. Nesila was about to turn away, but Verro spoke up once more.
"One more thing... I, um, I just wanted to ask when do you plan to leave?" His voice had a nervous and awkward tone to it, and the Myrwoman flashed him a gentle smirk. "Not yet", she simply answered, before turning away and walking down from the walls.
Outside the halls of the castle sun was already setting, but inside the great hall Lord Efran was still holding his first court session, Ser Byrron standing right next to his lord. Verro stood silently on the side, paying attention to every moment. So far, the people who had addressed the lord had been smallfolk from the town, telling Efran about the losses that the battle had brought them. Stolen silver, destroyed property, murdered family members. Efran had repeated them all that their losses would be compensated in time, and that now they could feel safe being under the protection of their rightful lord. Not many of the people left the hall with a satisfied look on their faces.
Now an old man approached the lord, dressed in simple but still high-quality robes. Efran looked at the man with a bored expression, tapping impatiently on the arm of his chair. The old man kneeled, and lowered his head.
"My lord", he said with a respectful tone on his voice, and Efran gave him a lazy nod.
"Rise", Ser Byrron commanded sternly, and the old man obeyed. "You are in the presence of Efran Dalt, Lord of Lemonwood and Protector of the Greenblood. You may speak now."
"My lord, sers, I am Duncas Boatwright, the owner of many merchant ships that have for years sailed from Lemowood to Salt Shore, keeping the trade between houses Dalt and Gargalen active. Unlike most of the people here today, I haven't come to speak of the battles of yesterday", the old man said, glancing around the hall as he spoke. "What have you come to speak of then?" Efran asked, his expression noticeably more interested now.
"The future, mylord", Duncas answered calmly. "To ensure a prosperous tomorrow for this city and its people, trade with the rest of the Dorne has to continue. I had contracts regarding my ships with Lord Darin. However, he is gone now, and you are the new lord."
"So, you want to renew the contracts with me?" Efran asked, his voice again completely devoid of any enthusiasm. "That would benefit us both, mylord", Duncas answered humbly. Efran nodded with a sigh. "Sure", he said, making a lazy gesture with his hand. "I agree with you, master Duncas. You will be invited to my office tomorrow, where we can go over the contracts."
"Thank you, my lord", Duncas Boatwright said with a deep bow, backing away from the lord. After a short moment of silence Ser Byrron spoke up again. "If there still someone here who has matters to present for his lordship, step forward and speak now."
The hall remained silent after the Granit knight's words for a moment, until the maester made his way closer to the lord. "My lord, I believe every appeal from the citizens of Lemonwood has been brought up now. Shall we move on?" Asked the old man with bushy white beard and wrinkled face.
Efran glance quickly at Ser Byrron, who gave him a subtle nod. "Yes, Maester Perwyn", he answered calmly. "You can bring in the prisoners now." The maester bowed for his lords words, and made his way to the doors of the great hall. Soon he returned, bringing with him two young men, the sons of Lord Darin.
They both looked to be younger than Efran, the older being perhaps nineteen, while the younger looked closer to fifteen. They had the dark hair of their father, but right now they looked anything but lordly. They were tired and dirty, dressed in clothes beneath their noble status.
"Derek, Danwell", Efran greeted the boys with a confident smirk on his face, and a sharp look on his one eye. The older son seemed calm, even if slightly nervous, but the younger one's eyes were consumed with rage. "Before we begin, I would like you to kneel, and recognize me as your rightful lord."
A tense silence followed Efran's words, but finally the older son bent his knee. "Dan", he muttered to the younger one, trying to pull him down as well. However, Danwell Dalt refused to kneel. He stepped away from his older brother, defiantly taking a step closer to Efran.
"I will not bend my knee to a murderous bandit", he hissed, narrowing his eyes as he stared at Efran. Verro could hear Derek Dalt letting out a desperate sigh, obviously knowing that his younger brother was dooming himself with his words. "You are a thief, and a usurper, Bastard's Bastard. Nothing more."
Verro turned his gaze to Efran, seeing the subtle hints of anger on his face. Finally, Efran stood up from his chair and approached Danwell. "What you just said... the punishment for it is death", Efran said with a menacing tone on his quiet words, standing a mere four feet away from the boy now. "However, I'm feeling merciful today. Bend your knee, and I will let you keep your life, and live the rest of your days on the Wall."
Danwell spat on Efran, causing an audible gasp in the hall. Efran wiped the saliva from his face, and proceeded to punch Danwell Dalt on the face. The boy took the hit like a man, only slightly staggering back from it. Now Efran unsheathed his curved Valyrian steel sword, a murderous look on his eye.
"Fuck you", Danwell managed to mutter, before Efran rammed the sword through his guts. "Thank you, Dan", he whispered to the boy's ear. "This is exactly what I needed right now." He pulled his sword out, and Danwell Dalt's limp body collapsed to the floor.
While a couple of Efran's thugs dragged the body away, Efran cleaned his sword and approached Derek Dalt. "I see you are wiser than your little brother", he stated coldly. Derek avoided eye-contact with Efran, a shocked expression on his face. Still he managed to give him a nod. Efran extended his hand for Derek, who was still on his knee. "Kiss my hand, and pledge your loyalty", Efran said quietly.
Awkwardly Derek put his lips on Efran's hand for a moment. "I swear my alliegance to Efran Dalt, the rightful Lord of Lemonwood", he spoke with a defeated tone, keeping his eyes on the floor.
"Do you swear it by the Gods?" Efran asked strictly, and Derek nodded. "By the Old Gods and the New, you are the only Lord of Lemonwood."
"Now and always?" Efran asked, a small smile forming on his face again.
"Now and always", Derek confirmed with a sigh. Efran tapped Derek's head belittlingly, before turning around and walking back to his chair. "Take him back to the dungeons", he said emotionlessly, and the thugs grabbed Derek, starting to drag him away. Derek shot one more bitter glare at Efran, before he was taken out of the hall. The doors closed, and so Efran ended his first court session as the Lord of Lemonwood.
No decision.
Oh man, Efran is fucking nuts. He is already losing support, with Tryden abandoning him, the White Elephant doing the same and I am sure Bjorn and his raiders will realize this and will seek new places to raid. This really leaves him with few men only and given that he is about to alienate any vassal the Dalt's had, I really doubt he has any chance at keeping lordship over Lemonwood for long. I'd be impressed if he manages to remain lord for longer than a month. Might be a good thing for Elise that she has left temporarily, if she gets really lucky, Efran is already overthrown by the time she returns, so that she won't be caught in the fray. I do wonder though who is going to take him down. Verro might leave, if he's smart. Dianna is definitely doing the same when Bjorn gets the hell out of there, but it remains to be seen if she leaves with him or on her own, if she gets the chance. Nealia will travel to Godsgrace now. So... Nym herself? Someone has to be present when that bastard breathes his last, but I don't know who it will be.
And Nesila is trying to find her brother, huh? You know what time it is? That's right, crack theory time! According to this new theory of mine, Nesila's brother is none other than Norano, Kortney's teacher and lover, who has been brutally killed by Albin Manwoody. Their names sound similar, they both come from Myr and what we know of Nesila's brother, that he has tried to find work with a Stormlander lord years ago, fits with the information we got about Norano. Actually... huh, this makes a surprising amount of sense. Might not be that much of a crack theory, but one that could actually turn out to be true. If so, then I guess Nesila will be involved with the Manwoody storyline and maybe that's where Verro is going to head as well.
[Go with Lien]
I ship it
Really, there's no other reason there, I guess going with Lien will annoy Ying a bit, but she has previously come around and agreed to their relationship, so I guess she shouldn't be surprised by this now. And not going with Lien will likely hurt her so much that they might even end their little fling altogether. At least I guess this could be very possible.
[Stay at the table]
I think it might be better for Nealia to understand what the White Elephant's crew are going to do. Also, I'm not so sure that Ying is as ok with the relationship as she claims to be. On an unrelated note, I'm very curious to see where Verro's storyline is going to go now that the battle is over.
Ps: I'm just wondering, but have you read the latest pm I sent you?