The Vent/Help Thread



  • I keep procrastinating on doing stuff, why do some of us humans procrastinate so much even when we try not to? :x

  • Why wont people stop castrating each other? I will never understand...

    prink34320 posted: »

    I keep procrastinating on doing stuff, why do some of us humans procrastinate so much even when we try not to? :x

  • ?

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Why wont people stop castrating each other? I will never understand...

  • wat

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Why wont people stop castrating each other? I will never understand...

  • It's bugging me. For all who've seen Logan, it was a great film, but the X-Men are no more. So a reboot is inevitable.
    Good for business, but sad for me and others who liked the good X-Men film entries.

    For me those are: X-Men; X2: X-Men United; X-Men: First Class and X-Men: Days of Future Past.

    I am ETERNALLY grateful for DoFP, but I can't seem to stop lamenting what could have been. From the information I've gathered if Singer stayed on, it would've been phenomenal.

    The X-Men film series might as well be forgotten, let the MCU last for future generations. I just...

    Now, I can't stand the MCU, because a good majority of their entries are a box office gold mine. While to me it feels like X-Men are now just second best. Back in X-Mens heyday, I enjoyed watching the behind the scenes entries on the DVD's and seeing the work that went into them. Now, there all relics. The new generations will never understand.

    Might as well admit it, the X-Men film series is old. And probably now that it's out to pasture, reworks galore. Ugh.

    I'll never forget them. In spite of numerous inconsistencies, they were worthy adaptations and Bryan Singer was a creative genius with the films I praise. And no one will tell me differently.

  • Idk if anyone would be willing to help me or offer me some advice but here goes...

    So there's this girl at my work - let's call her Betty. Since I started working about a year ago, Betty has constantly been a thorn in my side, teasing me mercilessly, making fun of me and laughing about me behind my back, yelling at me and just generally making my social anxiety about 100x worse. I've actually considered quitting about 4 times, and no that's not even an exaggeration.

    Her favorite thing to do is belittle me. The (not so) hilarious thing is that everyone absolutely adores Betty and passes off every mean thing she says to me as "Oh, that's just Betty! She's a tough one! she doesn't take any shit, what you see is what you get!" Which i think is absolute bull because I have known strong women and none of them have ever used that as an excuse to be a bitch. What she is is arrogant and shes possibly using her "take no shit" attitude as a coping mechanism for her poor self esteem. But I don't care... I'd rather not have to deal with it. I just want to do my job, you know?

    So having everyone basically worshiping Betty was annoying, but it gets worse. A couple of weeks ago, we hired a new girl - let's call her Emily - and we automatically clicked, exchanged numbers/social media, etc. I knew we were going to be fast friends. But then... I came to work today and Emily is suddenly talking about Betty like she's her new best friend, even calling her cheesy nicknames that would quite clearly be saved for someone you were best friends with for years.. and she was talking about how they were going to go out for dinner together. Needless to say i was jealous.

    But it's even worse when she tries to justify my bully for bullying me. Hell no. I'm out. :unamused:

  • Wow. That was pretty infuriating.

    Alright, this is pretty brash but here's my advice.

    If the bitch keeps it up, just look her dead in the eye and go, "Betty, we're not in high school anymore. This is the adult world now. Stop acting like this is a plastic lunch table. It isn't." In my experience, that one has about a 90% success rate, because not only did you call them immature, but you just passively insulted their entire immature attitude as well.

    Idk if anyone would be willing to help me or offer me some advice but here goes... So there's this girl at my work - let's call her Betty

  • I don't know if its fair if I say that I relate to your situation. Going to a all boys high-school was one of the worst decisions I've ever made.

    I've been bullied since kindergarten for my name which is relatively minor, and was nothing compared to what I experienced at the high-school. Going to almost extremes the only way I could describe the pupils was that 90% of them were hooligans. People took my friendliness for a weakness, to then escalate those people accusing me of being gay (for in which I told them I wasn't). I would get stabbed by compasses, whacked on the head with revision books, spitballed as well as many others. The worst was when some were trying to get into my head by feeling up my leg.

    This had happened during the final years and I had experienced this daily, as this had happened in my everyday science lesson. The teacher was just as bad, he acted ignorant when the bullying was happening and had always had a grudge at me for no reason as I would be blamed for 100% of all the disturbances in class. How could a teacher laugh at you (as well as the rest of the class) spectating the bullying happen? He was a racist swine and I hated him, worst teacher ever.

    Telling someone else was never a option as snitches obviously face beat-downs in my high school, I never did though (on two occasions however obviously leading to nothing). When I moved class eventually it was too late and I had failed almost all my exams due to the stress I'd felt. It was truly one of the worst years of my life. To this day I have developed a twitch in my eye and I'm always paranoid on the bus, as I always think people laughing are laughing at me probably at my nose or something.

    I'm a true believer of karma and for the majority those that wronged me got what they deserved from what I'd heard. I now have learned not to open myself up to people as much and just get on with my work. As soon as you feel like shit, everyone you hate wins.

    Sorry if I didn't help you much but I couldn't help but feel angry at what is going on with your situation.

    Idk if anyone would be willing to help me or offer me some advice but here goes... So there's this girl at my work - let's call her Betty

  • I hate how peoplw are giving such nonsensical answers on a serious question.

    Depending on your age, have something to motivate you. Eg. Play games after homework.
    Or eg. Go out for a relaxing night after finishing up your work.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I keep procrastinating on doing stuff, why do some of us humans procrastinate so much even when we try not to? :x

  • Have I mentioned she's 28? She's 8 years older than me and acts like she's still in high school :/

    Also, sorry about what you went through, screw bullies.

    I don't know if its fair if I say that I relate to your situation. Going to a all boys high-school was one of the worst decisions I've ever

  • Like you said it must be a coping mechanism. You can't really sympathise with someone who belittles people for no reason, but it sounds like this person might have underlining issues beneath the surface. It sucks.

    Have I mentioned she's 28? She's 8 years older than me and acts like she's still in high school Also, sorry about what you went through, screw bullies.

  • I'm not in school anymore, but when I was I hated PE until the final 2 years until I loved it. Mainly because they allowed us to choose what we wanted to do in our last years and who with and that's what made it fun but just try to enjoy what they offer. I used to play soccer/football but I didn't like it, I have no idea why I played it. But I'm weird like that, I somehow like English as well. I hate math though so I'm not 100% insane. Yet. :p

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a rant. I fucking hate PE its so stupid, some dumb people think it promotes physical activity but if you dont like exercising

  • enter image description here
    If you're serious, though, listen to the gif.

    ualexen92 posted: »

    ▄︻̷̿┻̿════━ + ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ = Victory I will post photo later if you want to see in action, I am actually pretty good at killing ⌒∇⌒

  • edited July 2017

    I'm not the best therapist in the world but have you thought about matching their game? When I was in school I would piss off anyone who would piss me off and just get them to back the hell off that way. For example: somebody is spoiling all sorts of crap for you? Turn off their computer every time they are using it. Somebody calling you names? Call them names right back until they back off. Don't go too hard, though, cos I actually got reported for bullying and I couldn't say anything about this asshole who wouldn't stop harassing me so it only would have made the situation worse. Luckily I was a "good kid" so I didn't get punished. But ooooh that fucking asshole has the balls to snitch on me when I couldn't say anything about him -.- we ended up becoming friends, though, strangely enough. It was a... complicated relationship seeing as we can't stop arguing but we're still friends.

    Yeah, fuck bullies though or anyone who finds joy in the annoyance of other people.

    Idk if anyone would be willing to help me or offer me some advice but here goes... So there's this girl at my work - let's call her Betty

  • Sorry for that situation.

    She probably likes (idiotic thinv to like) your reactions to her teasing and she will most likely continue the whole thing as she sees you as a sort of a personal punching bag. She seems hungry for attention and that is also her insecurity.

    The best thing you can do is stop letting her words and attitude get to your heart and calm down. Being quiet when she constantly insults you means you don't trust or appreciate yourself enough. Witty replies (but w/o mean and petty vibe) would be your best choice, but of course, not everyone can become King Sarcasm in 1 day.

    Idk if anyone would be willing to help me or offer me some advice but here goes... So there's this girl at my work - let's call her Betty

  • Many factors to explain

    First word is projection people tend to mock in others what they are insecure of. Just listen to her criticisms I guarantee they reflect herself so deflect blame you.

    When insecure and low self esteem people tend to mock others to feel superior as they feel less then them.

    She could also have a crush on you if she treating you different from anyone else it's possibility

    Look be brutally honest she tested you and you appeared weak to her so she sees you as punching bag

    The abuse will get worse and worse until you stand up to her like a game to abusive people

    They also isolate their targets abusive people so she trying to steal your friend she act like a saint in front of her. Keep you weak so won't stand up.

    I've experienced this before and won like up narc personality disorder

    Once she feels her control over you slipping prepare for world war. She will turn everyone against you and get you fired.

    Be careful with every word and action you take, people you trust all be used against you months later.

    But I believe in you follow your gut really think you will know exactly what to do.

    Keep smiling be happy these people feed off misery

    Stand up for yourself please let her know who she messing with

    Idk if anyone would be willing to help me or offer me some advice but here goes... So there's this girl at my work - let's call her Betty

  • Improv.

    Seriously, the best people I have seen take bullying do this. It works as long as the other party doesn't become violent, and because you're adults now, violence can get the bully thrown in prison, so it doesn't happen as much as in school (where you're pretty much stuck).

    How Improv works is when you receive a belittling statement, you have to quickly think of something that makes it funny, even if that might agree with it. You see stand-up comedians do this all the time.

    For example, says she says something criticizing your nail polish. A quick response would be, "Yeah, I know, I ran out of the good stuff, so I melted some crayons to make this. I hope my nephew doesn't find out what colors he's missing!"

    This pretty much throws the bully off guard, but if she thinks of a come-back, you just keep coming up with funny responses. "How dare you steal crayons from your nephew?" "Oh, it's OK, he's got that fidget spinner, and I don't think he notices much else in the world."

    The key is to think of funny stuff that isn't something mean to throw back at her. It can only be slightly mean if it's super funny.

    If you don't think you're up for this, then quitting the job is a choice you can make. This isn't school anymore. Just be sure to find a replacement job before you quit this one.

    Idk if anyone would be willing to help me or offer me some advice but here goes... So there's this girl at my work - let's call her Betty

  • I really like everyone else except her. I'd hate to lose a great job just because of one girl.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Improv. Seriously, the best people I have seen take bullying do this. It works as long as the other party doesn't become violent, and be

  • So framing them for murder is off the table?

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Improv. Seriously, the best people I have seen take bullying do this. It works as long as the other party doesn't become violent, and be

  • I guess you could just file a complaint and make her lose her job. Hidden cameras are the best to do that. Hit ya boi up for a plan ;) ;)

    I really like everyone else except her. I'd hate to lose a great job just because of one girl.

  • If she's made you consider quitting four times, it may come to that. What would you do if she was promoted and made your boss?

    But yeah, the ideal situation is to try not to let yourself be triggered by everything Betty says. If you can't be funny, just say "Whatever," and don't make it look like it affected you in any way. You can still be friends with the other girls. Just don't argue with them about whether or not Betty is a good person (they're allowed to be friends with Betty if they want to), and change the topic if she's brought up.

    I really like everyone else except her. I'd hate to lose a great job just because of one girl.

  • It looks like as if it made for 8 year olds

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Why are those anti teen smoking ads so fucking awful? If they're not trying way too hard to appeal to internet culture then they're producin

  • I know what your feeling you probably in your twenties and I'm twelve but I know that feeling recently I started drawing I've been working very hard on my drawings I switched from paper to apps on my iPhone and iPad and it's really great but she tries bringing me down saying it's not me and I'm lying she copies me in EVERYTHING and I hate it I never liked someone who copied me I wanna break our friendship but don't really know how to do it I recently shout down another friends who tried to catfish me so that I won't talk to this friends and I was so angry I don't talk to her now even tho she cried and stuff I just didn't feel anything it's like I didn't care which kinda scares me but I like it at the same I just don't want to be heartlesss

    I feel totally up inspired now It will be nice to get out of the city regardless. already packed my glowsticks and pikachu costume so i'll just be a one woman rave, should be fun.

  • Yeah I think so

    Melton23 posted: »

    So framing them for murder is off the table?

  • What about planting stolen things on them then call the police?

    Yeah I think so


  • Nah it ways too used

    Melton23 posted: »

    What about planting stolen things on them then call the police?

  • I have eczema (a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which cause itching and bleeding.)
    I've had it for a small long as I can remember but it's been bad recently I have stretch marks on my hands and I'm way too young I can't even go to the beach because I'm scared people are gonna laugh and make fun of me we have P.E one day in the week and I absolutely dread it now just because people start to notice recently I have been itching my arms until its bleeds and put it under hot water it hurts a lot but I still do it I just need advice on what to do my parents have bought me million of creams and none of them work I'm scared that I'll be like this for the rest of my life

  • I have eczema (a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which cause itching and bleeding.)
    I've had it for a small long as I can remember but it's been bad recently I have stretch marks on my hands and I'm way too young I can't even go to the beach because I'm scared people are gonna laugh and make fun of me we have P.E one day in the week and I absolutely dread it now just because people start to notice recently I have been itching my arms until its bleeds and put it under hot water it hurts a lot but I still do it I just need advice on what to do my parents have bought me million of creams and none of them work I'm scared that I'll be like this for the rest of my life

  • I also have eczema and I'll tell you what I do.. well I haven't really noticed it in a big way since way back in 2011 but there are these types of creams that you can get to ease it. From first hand experience it CAN die down but I'm not sure about it going away completely. I'd just wear long sleeved shirts and stuff like that until you do notice a change. And I wouldn't worry about people judging you at the enact, but in PE... ooooh we all know kids are little shits who laugh at things they can't understand, and teenagers are just as bad, considering I'm one of them :p well mine isn't as bad anymore but it used to be bad when I would go on those water slides that exit the building and go back in, because then Ivwould bleed all over, but, like I said, Inhaven't noticed anything like that in a while so don't get your hopes down :)

    I have eczema (a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which cause itching and bleeding.) I've

  • enter image description here

    Damn you have hard life I saw thread too but at least only make you stronger then anyone else :)

    Hmm change bedsheets and pillow cases weekly

    Make sure the washing powder isnt causing a reaction in you

    Wear appropriate clothes when doing activity as sweat can inflame

    I use have this but used vaseline on it daily and never comes back

    I have eczema (a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which cause itching and bleeding.) I've

  • I've had it worst than anyone in my old family

    Melton23 posted: »

    I also have eczema and I'll tell you what I do.. well I haven't really noticed it in a big way since way back in 2011 but there are these ty

  • I have eczema on my feet, it gets so bad sometimes that I can't sleep, it feels like someone is sticking my feet with a billion pins and needles.

    A lot of people who have psoriasis and eczema get it passed down from family members. so it helps to ask them what they do to help it. I know that there is some kind of laser treatment that you can get, just ask your doc to refer you to a dermatologist. I tried lots of different kinds of creams too and none of them helped, so my mom had me go to a derma for laser treatment. since then I have a lot of dry skin and calluses on my feet but with regular pedicures and extra hydrating lotions I keep it under control.

    So yeah, definitely try laser treatment. it can be a little pricey but the effects are worth it.

    I have eczema (a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which cause itching and bleeding.) I've

  • Why dont you try and find a new job? your young, surely a change of environment would be a good thing even without the bullying.

    Idk if anyone would be willing to help me or offer me some advice but here goes... So there's this girl at my work - let's call her Betty

  • Eczema can be made worse by stress, and I know your experienceing that at the moment.

    Hot water is a no no, dont use hot water it can make it worse. I used to get it a little when I was younger but it wasn't too bad so I cant suggest anything.

    Use the cream regularly for at least two weeks before you judge them and move on to the next one. Treat your skin gently dont scrub or scald it.

    I have eczema (a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which cause itching and bleeding.) I've

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned
    edited July 2017

    So, first of all I am sorry you have to work with a bitch like that.

    These kind of people usually have self-esteem issues. It may sound ridiculous but believe me, they have. Because they always try to live up their reputation. They dont trust themselves to be strong and popular so they are trying to show that they are carrying these qualities. But, if you get a chance and confront her about her attitude, she will begin to lose her guard. Because like I said, these people are usually in offense position. They always offense to other people because they want to make sure that there are worst people than them. Well, you are not so prove it. Stood up and confront her but do it calmly as best as you can. Believe me, it should do a lot of damage to her in mentally. Tell her that you are a grown up person and she is still an angry teenager that cant even manage to improve herself so she is so pathetic because she always try to bully her targets. You wont win a victory against her if you dont try. And, dont be ridiculous dont change your work place for an angry teenager-minded bitch. Dont run away and if you do, you will lose and she will manage to reach her goal. Dont let her and dont run away from your problems. Stood up and do your best. Show the people that you are a strong woman and you are not an easy person to mess with. Dont lose the control and attack her though when it comes to that, keep your cool and beat her with your intelligence and your words.

    You dont have to be jealous of your friends. You cant have the control of your friends because they are grown-ups so they are free to make another friends. I think this feeling happening because you dont met with many good people. But, you can met another persons, too. If they have friends, you can have as well. Dont limit yourself with your work place. Try to meet people in social media or your environment. You have so many advantages cause of technology these days.

    Lastly, social anxiety doesnt get rid of itself. If you dont try, you cant get over it. Meet people as much as you can. Life is too short to be afraid of. Dont lose your chances. Because someday, you are gonna regret if you dont take the opportunities.

    Wish the best for you and good luck with that freaking hag :)

    Idk if anyone would be willing to help me or offer me some advice but here goes... So there's this girl at my work - let's call her Betty

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    Running away from the problem will not help the situation. She is gonna avoid it but she will meet another person like that and she is gonna leave that place too as well ? Its not a solution. Problems doesnt solve themselves unless you face them.

    Why dont you try and find a new job? your young, surely a change of environment would be a good thing even without the bullying.

  • edited July 2017

    I like my job, it's easy money and I get a huge discount on clothes. Plus I've made lots of friends here.

    Why dont you try and find a new job? your young, surely a change of environment would be a good thing even without the bullying.

  • Moving on isnt equal to running away if thats the way you look at it people should just stay in situations where theyre unhappy like marriages or living situations.

    MrJava posted: »

    Running away from the problem will not help the situation. She is gonna avoid it but she will meet another person like that and she is gonna leave that place too as well ? Its not a solution. Problems doesnt solve themselves unless you face them.

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    But leaving without trying isnt gonna help. It will be a give up, plain and simple. At least she has to try, thats all I am saying.

    Moving on isnt equal to running away if thats the way you look at it people should just stay in situations where theyre unhappy like marriages or living situations.

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