Question about Luke <SPOILERS>
if you break the ice when Luke's stuck under it, you'll see him getting dragged to the bottom of the lake by a walker. didn't Luke have a machete on his back? why didn't he just use that?
also, how did Bonnie get out of the lake? did she just swim out the hole that Luke fell in? if so, that doesnt really make much sense. the ice would've been too thin and would've just kept breaking.
idk im confused. maybe Luke's machete fell off? am i missing something here?
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Well the writing wasn't on point in that part. It's a really sketchy part of the episode.
If it was a lake I think it was the dumbest decision to walk across than around it.
Luke's determinant rush to save Clementine from the walker was his last desperate action, probably because in that situation he cared about her more than about himself.
Bonnie got out of the lake using a hole that Clem made cracking the ice open. If you don't break the ice, Bonnie dies, at least that what the meme says.
iF u BreAk tHE bOnnIE IcE DiES. The most retarded meme ever created.
yikes, glad i wasnt here for that lol