Should it have ended at season 2?

So I'm up to S3 E2 and I just feel like that a TT TWD should've just ended at the second season or at the very least had the third season with no Clementine

The third season doesn't really bring anything new to the table except that it's more centralised on people so far which I don't mind it's just that we already see that from the comics and the show, why not go to Mexico like Fear TWD did or why not set it in Canada, I think a lot of survival preppers say Canada is a good place to survive.

And clementines story and character is really bland and boring to me, the way that Kenny/Jane were dead, it felt like they were thrown away, and AJ is probably dead too. The season 2 ending is a good cliff hanger to leave it on where you either stay with Kenny/Jane or have a possible bid at being safe in the community of Wellington forever


  • Clem's story should have, i think. It was clear they didn't know how to continue from the 5 endings, imo, we woulda been better off if her story ended there. i dont mind ANF personally, but i realize it's not that good. Clem being in ANF had really no impact, & looking back now, ANF seems just like a trailer for S4, like Amazing Spider-Man 2 was for Sinister Six, other sequels. that's a little extreme of a comparison, but whatever lol.

  • No.

    The reason as to why is we would have been left yearning to know what exactly happened to her, and I would have loved the opportunity for a Season 3 to explore what happened...I kind of regret those words seeing what Season 3 looks like, but still

  • The Wellington ending for S2, made me feel like it's the non canon satisfying ending of Clem's story with Clem and AJ entering Wellington knowing that they're gonna be secure for a long time, also that Kenny scene :(

  • why not set it in Canada, I think a lot of survival preppers say Canada is a good place to survive

    I like the way you think, sir/ma'am.

  • Is there any sort of ending that wouldn't leave us wondering what happened to her without straight-up killing her?

    HarjKS posted: »

    No. The reason as to why is we would have been left yearning to know what exactly happened to her, and I would have loved the opportunity

  • edited August 2017


  • Yes especially the Wellington ending but all of them leave Clem off on either a good closure note or what's to come for our clem? the end kind of thing i feel season 2 was the best ending they could've gave to Clem since the comics are far from over. Season 3 should've been all Javier and family and not Clem.

  • Yeah, plenty actually. I mean the only endings that is definitively not a cliffhanger for Clementine is the "Wellington" or "Kenny" ending which marks it off pretty good.

    The other endings where Clementine wanders off into the distance alone with AJ leaves us questioning where Clementine is going and her own safety.

    Arguably you can say "Well the ending where she walks off with Kenny is like this" except it isn't because we don't question Clementine's safety. She has Kenny now and likely they'll come back and make it into Wellington, or if not survive together which is more than enough a good ending point to her journey.

    The endings with Jane can't be cliffhangers because there is talk of setting up a community again at Howe's (Jane claiming that her and Clem can "start something here") and the family which is mysterious and leaves us questioning whether we can trust them or not.

    The Season 1 ending is also a pretty obvious cliffhanger.

    The ending to Season 4 can't be a cliffhanger and can end in multiple ways without needing to kill Clementine, one of these ways being she can end up in numerous communities such as a reenabled Howe's, a reenabled Wellington, or even Richmond with Javier, Kate, and the others.

    Piggs posted: »

    Is there any sort of ending that wouldn't leave us wondering what happened to her without straight-up killing her?

  • No. They could've easily made Season 2 a story about Clementine's time with Christa and Omid, it could've been a story about how she begins to implement survival skills and mourns the loss of her entire original group, then the season could've ended with her alone as she's picked up by Luke and Pete.

    Then, Season 3 could've been a better Season 2 story, instead of having the Kenny and Jane conflict out of nowhere last minute, they could've had them being hunt down by the 400 Days group and the Russian group to have a three-way stand-off in the town they spotted and instead of different endings, it should've been different character fates - Clementine could be the only one alive and venture forth to Wellington or as many of her group as possible could survive (and not be killed off in Season 4, instead have roles that could be replaced by newer characters or their own unique ones).

    Honestly, the time-skips are probably the biggest downfall of the game, it tries to catch up to the comics so quickly that it ends up creating a very narrow timeline for itself, I mean come on, Season 2 takes place in just about a week, it would've been nice to have some more time spent in Howe's before they fled.

  • Yes in my opinion, I really wanted it to end at S2.

    I was barely hyped for S3 until about 2 days before because I was like "Well more walking dead and Clem so it should be fun!" just to be disappointed more than I think I could have.

  • Three way stand off would have been amazing. Also Nick and Sarah should have died during it if they were still alive.

    prink34320 posted: »

    No. They could've easily made Season 2 a story about Clementine's time with Christa and Omid, it could've been a story about how she begins

  • Indeed! Or if they wanted to have Season 3 be Clementine in a group, what if the three-way stand-off was more of like: Kenny/AJ - Luke/Jane - Bonnie/Mike, whoever you chose basically became your group? Just a thought.

    Three way stand off would have been amazing. Also Nick and Sarah should have died during it if they were still alive.

  • Well, I think they should've ended Clementine's story at season 2 and then continue on, creating more stories with different characters and their role in the apocalypse.

  • No, I think, that her story shouldn't end even after season 4(even tho TT annonced that). I agree that ANF was mostly about Garcia fam, but I still liked Clem. And honestly, I still can't believe they're gonna end it at s4.

  • Looking back I realise season 3 should’ve been about Lee’s dead body

    People do say they want Lee back

  • Should it have ended at Season 2?


    Then again it could've ended at the Michonne mini series.

    But with the multiple endings of Season 2, probably at least it would give some hope that everything would be alright.

  • Clementine's story - yes.
    The franchise - no.

  • If Wellington had been the canon ending and we actually got to see some of it, then yea. S2 would have been a good ending. As it stands, no. Half of the endings are bleak cliffhangers at best, the other two really don't provide much closure because of how brief they are. "Season 3" was basically what would have happened if someone at AMC said "hey, you know what would be a great idea? How about we just make 'Fear The Walking Dead' the next season in the main series instead of continuing the story all those people keep coming back for! No one cares about continuity!"

    It's just utter insanity.

  • Sometimes it’s better leaving things to our own imagination though

    HarjKS posted: »

    No. The reason as to why is we would have been left yearning to know what exactly happened to her, and I would have loved the opportunity

  • Agreed.

    dan290786 posted: »

    Sometimes it’s better leaving things to our own imagination though

  • God yes they should have ended after S2. They left us with our preferred ending and i think that would have been perfect closure to Clem’s story. I think also ending the series here would have been best instead of milking the series for every bit it’s worth

  • Naw I believe people only say that when they think a series is broken beyond repair. If everything was mostly honkey Dorie then there would be probably no one wanting the series to end quickly.

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