Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Batman



  • Wayne manor will appear either fully intact, or undergoing construction/renovation

    I noticed all the scaffolding on it in my playthrough. Good to know that even those choices affect the background card of the scene.

    Deltino posted: »

    The trophy shelf has various different items that will appear, depending on choices made in the first season * If you stole Selina's cl

  • I don't know. I chose her to come with me and I just didn't get a Harley vibe from her when we parted ways in the alleyway.

    Gameserer posted: »

    This may be a bit of a stretch but there's a slight chance that the woman from the casino is actually Harley due to the fact that she appear

  • Oswald's gauntlet shows up for me, but I never went after him in episode 4. I also interacted with Vicki's doll and I have her staff.

    Deltino posted: »

    The trophy shelf has various different items that will appear, depending on choices made in the first season * If you stole Selina's cl

  • Emily O'Brien voices Iman Avesta in Batman and Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy.

  • Same here. Must be a bug. Because Avesta still says that Bruce Wayne helped capture Oswald (means that instead of gauntlet there should be a monocle) and Waller says that Batman went after Dent

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    Oswald's gauntlet shows up for me, but I never went after him in episode 4. I also interacted with Vicki's doll and I have her staff.

  • Bruce is really into his cars (boys and their toys).

    Vanzam posted: »

    You can interact with the batmobile over and over again

  • Yeah, I went after Oz in episode 4 and got the monocle. Guess it shows exactly the opposite than it's supposed to.

    Also I interacted with Vicky's doll too, but got the mask.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    Oswald's gauntlet shows up for me, but I never went after him in episode 4. I also interacted with Vicki's doll and I have her staff.

  • The Riddler is voiced by Duncan Tuttle's VA

  • I knew I recognized his voice from somewhere.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    The Riddler is voiced by Duncan Tuttle's VA

  • edited August 2017

    Robin is an amazing voice actor. Brynjolf in Skyrim, Roth in Tomb Raider, Navarro, Talbot, Hector in the Uncharted tetralogy.

    Also Lord Forrester in GoT.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    The Riddler is voiced by Duncan Tuttle's VA

  • He is a very versatile and great voice actor. I couldn't even hear Duncan or Lord Forrester when he is Riddler.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Robin is an amazing voice actor. Brynjolf in Skyrim, Roth in Tomb Raider, Navarro, Talbot, Hector in the Uncharted tetralogy. Also Lord Forrester in GoT.

  • Bruce is 32 years old in Season 2. Avesta mentions this if you take your sweet time hiding the folder of Riddler in your office.

  • He is older than I thought he would be. I assumed that Bruce was still in his late twenties.

    AChicken posted: »

    Bruce is 32 years old in Season 2. Avesta mentions this if you take your sweet time hiding the folder of Riddler in your office.

  • Wasn't he confirmed to be 29 in season one ?
    That's one hell of a gap.

    AChicken posted: »

    Bruce is 32 years old in Season 2. Avesta mentions this if you take your sweet time hiding the folder of Riddler in your office.

  • Was he? I thought that was just a rough estimate.

    Wasn't he confirmed to be 29 in season one ? That's one hell of a gap.

  • I noticed that. It gives me hope that he is also recording GoT season 2 in the meantime.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    The Riddler is voiced by Duncan Tuttle's VA

  • Man, I never knew one whole year took that much time.

    Comics, eh?

    Wasn't he confirmed to be 29 in season one ? That's one hell of a gap.


    "Bruce mentions that he was nine years old when his parents were killed, making him approximately twenty-nine years old during the events of the first game, which is set twenty years after their murders."


    Was he? I thought that was just a rough estimate.

  • The card with the black cat on it is if you left her on good terms, she sends you it and you read it while you have your last cup of tea with Alfred in Season 1

    dojo32161 posted: »

    What shows up on Selina's shelf seems to depend on previous choices from S1 (only sure about one of them). Not sure on these two. This one, I do know. This shows up if you stole Selina's claw thing from her apartment in S1 E3.

  • The Riddler's riddle:

    Without fingers, I point. Without arms, I strike. Without feet, I run. Who am I?

    The answer is a clock.

  • Thank you!
    I've had such a hard time wrapping my head around that.

    Telltale came up with some pretty good riddles for the episode (apart from the last few.. if they were different, I kind of wish we got options that were answers, but false to really ramp up the tension) so, I'm sad that now there'll be no one to menacingly tell them anymore.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    The Riddler's riddle: Without fingers, I point. Without arms, I strike. Without feet, I run. Who am I? The answer is a clock.

  • I don't want Riddler as my enemy. I am terrible at riddles.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    The Riddler's riddle: Without fingers, I point. Without arms, I strike. Without feet, I run. Who am I? The answer is a clock.

  • She doesn't outright states it, does she? She says '32?', which means that she could be a year or something away.

    It could also be a little error on telltales part.

    AChicken posted: »

    Bruce is 32 years old in Season 2. Avesta mentions this if you take your sweet time hiding the folder of Riddler in your office.

  • Jacksepticeye came up with that answer too.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    The Riddler's riddle: Without fingers, I point. Without arms, I strike. Without feet, I run. Who am I? The answer is a clock.

  • Right. I just assumed that since she's from the Agency, and they know so much, I'm sure they would have know Bruce's real age.
    But yeah, either she was only estimating, or Telltale messed up.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    She doesn't outright states it, does she? She says '32?', which means that she could be a year or something away. It could also be a little error on telltales part.

  • As we all have seen there is yellow text and blue text in the Relationship thingy at the end, where the blue ones are positive and the yellow ones are negative.

    Example of Blue: Amazed, Steadfastly Loyal, pleased and thrilled.

    Example for Yellow: Disappointed, suspicious, furious and betrayed.

    Relationship: For Gordon, Tiffany, Waller, Alfred and Avesta the Blue options are somewhat positive, whereas the yellow once are negative. However, this is turned around for John, probably because he is a villain. I thought that was a nice little touch since he is bad, the bad options are good, y'know.

    Example of John's yellow: Pleased and ecstatic.

    Example of John's blue: Frustrated and Hurt.

    Thanks to Yogscast Hannah btw. Would've never noticed that if she wouldn't have pointed that out.

  • Last night, I made a thread that a better way to see the Blue and Orange/Yellow is to see them as Order and Chaos. Because some choices such as lying to Tiffany or supporting Waller, can be considered morally questionable.

    And considering that Joker/John loves chaos, it is no doubt that he is thrilled and happy to reacted positively to Orange/Yellow.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    As we all have seen there is yellow text and blue text in the Relationship thingy at the end, where the blue ones are positive and the yello

  • I think that's probably why the ones he directed towards you at the end were so obvious.

    I don't want Riddler as my enemy. I am terrible at riddles.

  • Upon replying to Riddler's final question that you are the genius instead of him, he hits you with a supersonic blast. Which he only does if you're correct. So, you're the genius.

    Agent Avesta will say "My colleagues are dead" even if only one (Agent Blake) was killed.

    When Agent Avesta and Agent Blake first show up at Wayne Tower, Blake has a Nolan North-y kind of voice. It seems to change at the ship with the final Riddler segment.

  • Every single character in the cast of Batman: Season One already existed in another universe of the franchise. Meaning, there weren't any new characters.

    Eli Knable, Rumi Mori and Iman Avesta are all Telltale's originals.


    Fun fact for those who don't know—Mori is Latin for "death."

  • Rumi Mori was a Telltale original character? Didn't know that! I like that Telltale is taking more creative risks and actually adding new content for Enemy Within instead of only relying on characters from established Batman lore.

    Every single character in the cast of Batman: Season One already existed in another universe of the franchise. Meaning, there weren't any ne

  • edited August 2017

    I don't know if anyone mentioned these but just in case i'll make a list:

    1) If you chose "Come With Me" when talking to the woman who tries to flirt with you at the casino she will be present in the first fight with the thug and will follow Bruce Outside the building. There will even be an extra dialogue choice when she questions how you knocked the guy out so quickly.

    2) Pena Dura, the prison Riddler broke the inmates out of, is the prison Bane was raised in most comics. Therefore its likely he broke Bane out.

    3) Whatever you tell Riddler was your reason to save Mori will be something he taunts you about through the episode. "You're foolish enough to think you can save everyone", "What happened to always having everything under control" etc....

    4) If you look at the Gotham Feed you can see that Harvey has had it hard during his trial, which has now become a public spectacle, with three of his lawyers subsequently quitting. He has chosen to defend himself now.

    5) Meanwhile Penguin is doing well despite his massive 40 year sentence, with guards seeing him as a model prisoner......unless ofcourse he bribed them.

    6) After you find the puzzle box and talk with Gordon you can hear Waller mention how she'll get Agent Fernandez 'on it'. Agent Fernandez was the Agent that Riddler tortured and killed at the water tower whose body is found by Gordon and Batman.

    7) Despite his kind attitude towards Bruce there are several signs Joker is a psychopath:

    A ) Jokers seems to have severe anger issues which he keeps controlled under his friendly demeanor. But if you push him too far he'll quickly lose it. This anger is quick to drive him to be violent and express it, possibly riding himself of whatever is causing the anger quickly. For example if you don't grab the 'get well card' Joker will violently crumple it up while screaming how he got it wrong.

    B ) Joker is very detached from society and somewhat hateful of the established social order. He misses the relatability of Arkham and relishes in the thought of finding people who he can relate to. Jokers relationship to Bruce is at least partially in based in the fact he sees Bruce as similar to him in his tendency to radically deviate from the rest of society and 'play by his own rules'. This however can be overridden by anger. Riddler is for example someone who fits this category but Joker can't stand him, wants him dead and eventually kills him. Bruce is also determinately on this list as certain actions can strain their relationship.

    C ) Perhaps most obviously Joker is completely unable to understand the pain of losing someone, instead associating it more with a bummer or disappointment. This is most clear in his consolation to Tiffany and Bruce, first making a joke about the death to make her feel better and later giving Bruce a 'get well' card. He even states that 'People get upset at the littlest things', showing that mourning is very clearly strange to him. These are all clear signs of Apathy.

    8) Agent Fernandez, whether intentionally or not, was killed by the sound wave in a way that he represented all three monkey statues: See No Evil: Broken Eyes, Hear No Evil: Deaf Ears and Speak No Evil: Bit Off His Tongue.

    9) The Email sent to Riddler by his friends is signed H. That combined with the fact the sender at one point says 'For someone so smart sometimes you act real stupid' Makes it very likely that it was Harley who sent it.

  • edited August 2017

    The game even gives you hints for it too.

    If you wait a bit when choosing the answer for the first question, Riddler mentions "It starts with an L... and an F..."
    And then, yes, Avesta saying "I- I think he means me." made it really obvious. that was not needed.

    I think that since the Riddles were so obvious, Telltale could have at least included some 'wrong answers' for people who weren't paying attention, instead of defiant comments towards Riddler... It'd make that scene even more intense and feel like the fate of Avesta or the agents was really caused by your actions.

    That's how I assumed a future puzzle would go, at least. Have hostages, and if you answer wrong one or more dies...

    Frontier246 posted: »

    I think that's probably why the ones he directed towards you at the end were so obvious.

  • edited August 2017

    I like that that one dialogue option makes Riddler mention it throughout the episode. That was cool to see.

    My personal favourite is choosing "To prove you wrong" as later on in the cage, Riddler says: "The 'man who doesn't compromise' can't save everyone now!"

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I don't know if anyone mentioned these but just in case i'll make a list: 1) If you chose "Come With Me" when talking to the woman who tr

  • Harvey's campaign poster on his batcave stand will feature whichever campaign slogan you chose for him in season 1, episode 1.

  • I can't find any info on Regina existing outside of the game.

    Every single character in the cast of Batman: Season One already existed in another universe of the franchise. Meaning, there weren't any ne

  • You forgot medic from team fortress 2. It's arguably Robin's best and most memorable role to date.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Robin is an amazing voice actor. Brynjolf in Skyrim, Roth in Tomb Raider, Navarro, Talbot, Hector in the Uncharted tetralogy. Also Lord Forrester in GoT.

  • I doubt it, to be honest. They don't really look alike to me (in the comparison), and that woman can be captured by the Riddler, which seems like a no go for a so-called Pact.

    There's actually a bit of substance to this theory. Firstly, let's keep in mind that this woman—who Bruce doesn't know—heads to him and a

  • So both Riddler and Mori are death?

    Every single character in the cast of Batman: Season One already existed in another universe of the franchise. Meaning, there weren't any ne

  • He was also Navarro in Uncharted and Talbot in Uncharted 3, as well as Robert in The Last of Us. None of them sound alike to me until I listen more closely, and even then you can't always be sure until you check the credits. Robin Atkin Downes is on Troy Baker/Nolan North level of VA.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Robin is an amazing voice actor. Brynjolf in Skyrim, Roth in Tomb Raider, Navarro, Talbot, Hector in the Uncharted tetralogy. Also Lord Forrester in GoT.

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