Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Batman



  • Whooooooaaaaaaaa. That is pretty cool (nice catch) but I don't see why they couldn't have made it also functional as a watch, or at least have the time actually facing him.

    Deltino posted: »

    That's the thing: it's not an actual watch. It's another piece of tech, disguised as a watch. When you're investigating the parlor after

  • And to think I just assumed it was all in Bruce's head...

    Deltino posted: »

    That's the thing: it's not an actual watch. It's another piece of tech, disguised as a watch. When you're investigating the parlor after

  • I noticed back in episode 1 the dress that Vicki wears to the party is black and white which could be symbolism of her affiliation with Penguin.

  • So Alfred looses his eye if you don't reveal your identity?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Ep 5 spoilers During the last fight, either Bruce loses a part of his ear or Alfred loses his eye. Bats use their ears to see. So its pretty cool seeing how either an ear or eye is lost.

  • What about the news feed?

    Not that I've found, no.

  • Yes.

    So Alfred looses his eye if you don't reveal your identity?

  • edited December 2016

    Doubt that. That choice in particular seemed like Telltale just put it there so they had 5 major choices per episode.

    matteso586 posted: »

    What about the news feed?

  • Jack and The Children of Arkham member, who will surpringly be left alone by Harvey no matter what.

    Jack Ryder is the only hostage of Harveys that can't die no matter your choices. He CAN die but then Harvey instantly shoots Bruce and it becomes a death scene so non-canon.

  • edited December 2016

    Well not literally, it just becomes so horribly damaged by the blast he can't see from it anymore.

    So Alfred looses his eye if you don't reveal your identity?

  • It's really sad. He knocks the bottle over in the final scene with him and is so upset by it.

    So Alfred looses his eye if you don't reveal your identity?

  • That guy doesn't live, though. He's gunned down by the police when he attacks Bruce.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Jack and The Children of Arkham member, who will surpringly be left alone by Harvey no matter what.

  • Yeah but he was still Harvey's hostage before that.

    That guy doesn't live, though. He's gunned down by the police when he attacks Bruce.

  • If you're silent while Oswald discusses his plans with the Wayne Tech Technology in episode 4 Oswald comments on Batman's stare as the 'look'
    Oswald: "Ooohhoho! The look -To children of Arkham member- Hey look, he's giving me the look. Ha ha. Love it! ...Very scary."

  • He's saying what all Batman fans go crazy for the second he puts on "the look."

    If you're silent while Oswald discusses his plans with the Wayne Tech Technology in episode 4 Oswald comments on Batman's stare as the 'look

    • Throw a stone at Vicki

    Batman : AND THEN I THREW A ROCK AT HER!! (Kudos if you get the reference)

    Sorry I couldn't resist. XD

    Depending on your choice in the ending of Episode 4, Bruce will wear a different suit during the finale of Episode 5. Perhaps also noteworth

  • I just realized. I was playing Arkham Origins today and I looked up one of the Villians on Wikipedia. Apparently "John Doe" is the name of DC villain Copperhead.

  • One of joker's back story is that he fell into a chemical vat from ace chemicals. That could've been a hint to the presence of the joker.

    I'm assuming this is a little obvious but I still want to point it out just in case. In episode 1 when you enter the batcave if you listen c

  • That's actually my exact thought.

    Clemenem posted: »

    This is opinionated but does Bruce Wayne look like Archer to you?

  • The voice actress for catwoman has been a voice actress for tales from the borderlands and the saints row series.

  • Not surprising given "John Doe" is the go-to identifier if you don't know someone's real name.

    WillScotts posted: »

    I just realized. I was playing Arkham Origins today and I looked up one of the Villians on Wikipedia. Apparently "John Doe" is the name of DC villain Copperhead.

  • edited December 2016

    i misunderstood this comment nvm

    But to be honest, I wouldn't think so unless Bruce decides to invest him money into improving Arkham as opposed to the police force

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    In the scene with Harvey, if you get through to him and say "I still have hope for you" Bruce says he'll have the best doctors. Would that mean in this version of events Harvey goes to Arkham?

  • edited December 2016

    In episode 1 when Bruce's guest are leaving you can spot Oswald taking a peek inside the room Bruce and Falcone are in.
    enter image description here
    Sheds further more light on some of the dialogue in the park.
    Found a gif of it on tumblr as well
    Oswald peeking

  • Saying "so no shit" comes off as pretty rude and condescending

  • No shit.

    Yaya1314 posted: »

    Saying "so no shit" comes off as pretty rude and condescending

  • sorry for dumb question, but how do you enter the image like you did in your comment?

    In episode 1 when Bruce's guest are leaving you can spot Oswald taking a peek inside the room Bruce and Falcone are in. Sheds further more light on some of the dialogue in the park. EDIT: Found a gif of it on tumblr as well

  • This is indirectly related, but I have been watching The Walking Dead Twitch steam by Telltale and in the recent stream, Erin Yvette have Vicki's hairstyle. :D

  • edited January 2017

    So I’ve found a bunch of (likely) unused lines from episode five. I don’t know 100% if it’s all unused considering I’ve only played the episode once, also a lot of it was jumbled up so I don’t know if the lines are presented in the way they were supposed to be. Italics = my own comments.

    BRUCE: Oswald manipulated my records as well.
    ALFRED: It would appear your degree was in... sociology?
    ALFRED: And after you graduated you had a rather unsavory [struggling to find the words] modeling career?
    BRUCE: [correcting] It’s called Fine Art Photography, Alfred.
    ALFRED: Indeed. [cringe] It appears he’s quite adept with image-editing software.

    LADY ARKHAM: I grew up in these catacombs. This is where I was the happiest. Where I was whole.
    BATMAN: I liked your foster home better.

    BATMAN: Why so serious? (though I feel like I can recall Batman saying it in the catacombs, so maybe not unused??)

    ALFRED: The city had been paying them to foster children for quite some time.
    BRUCE: Something about that rubbed Vicki the wrong way. She shoved one of those checks down her mother’s throat. (this didn’t make it into the game and it looks like they were uncertain about it in development too, because in the Catacombs a removed dialogue choice references an adoption record instead.)

    BRUCE: Were you ever real with me? Or were you always after my tech?
    SELINA: I don’t know Bruce…
    (without any audio it’s difficult to determine whether Selina’s being sincere or snide)

    Originally the piece of tech Selina steals in episode five would be a motorbike. There’s also a lot of dialogue that would imply stealing Selina’s claw from her apartment would actually have repercussions.

  • edited January 2017

    Woah that's some impressive sleuthing. I have to ask, how did you find those ? In which game folder ?
    Can you dig more regarding Selina's claw ?

    You know what ? You do live up to Clara Lille. She would be proud.

    hemfbg posted: »

    So I’ve found a bunch of (likely) unused lines from episode five. I don’t know 100% if it’s all unused considering I’ve only played the epis

  • Huh. I wonder if Selina was originally intended to steal a prototype for the Batcycle?

    Were the repercussions for stealing her Claw that Selina would be more hostile towards you? Or would you be able to use it at some point?

    hemfbg posted: »

    So I’ve found a bunch of (likely) unused lines from episode five. I don’t know 100% if it’s all unused considering I’ve only played the epis

  • edited January 2017


    I followed this tutorial (thank you to the lovely person on this forum who linked it to me) only I stopped once all the files were extracted. After all the files are extracted, open the landb files in a text editor.

    The files you are looking to extract are named BM_pc_Batman10[episode number]_data.ttarch2 and are found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Batman The Telltale Series\archives (or wherever you installed the game) but you can't extract them from that file path because the command file doesn't like spaces in file paths, so I copied and pasted them into a new folder under C:\batextract. Then I made the output folder under C:\batfiles. You can PM me if you have any issues or concerns.

    The Selina encounter is found in the extracted env_asylumconstructionsite_selina_english.landb file. Here are a few more lines I found regarding the claw:

    SELINA: You didn’t give a second thought when you stole my claw.
    BRUCE: It’s not the same. That device is a lot more than a little trinket.
    SELINA: So’s my claw... if you knew how to use it.
    SELINA: I didn’t come crawling to you when my claw went missing.
    SELINA: Things go missing, Take my claw for instance.

    EDIT-- I just read in another thread that Selina did mention the claw being missing, so some of the above is probably used after all.

    Woah that's some impressive sleuthing. I have to ask, how did you find those ? In which game folder ? Can you dig more regarding Selina's claw ? You know what ? You do live up to Clara Lille. She would be proud.

  • She just mentions the claw (see above) and it seems she would be more hostile. I can't see anything about choices during action scenes, though maybe there was just no opportunity for it, or it's in a different file.

    Frontier246 posted: »

    Huh. I wonder if Selina was originally intended to steal a prototype for the Batcycle? Were the repercussions for stealing her Claw that Selina would be more hostile towards you? Or would you be able to use it at some point?

  • BRUCE: Oswald manipulated my records as well.
    ALFRED: It would appear your degree was in... sociology?
    ALFRED: And after you graduated you had a rather unsavory [struggling to find the words] modeling career?
    BRUCE: [correcting] It’s called Fine Art Photography, Alfred.
    ALFRED: Indeed. [cringe] It appears he’s quite adept with image-editing software.

    That's definitely in the game when you look through the Wayne Enterprises files. At least when you go to the Mansion first.

  • I don't think the modelling part was in the game.

    Irian posted: »

    BRUCE: Oswald manipulated my records as well. ALFRED: It would appear your degree was in... sociology? ALFRED: And after you graduated

  • You are right. I re-watched the scene. My mistake.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't think the modelling part was in the game.

  • S2 E1: When you are in the batcave, and walk up to the batmobile, and Bruce will click a button that makes the engine sound. You can do this like 8 times, before he finally says: Okay... I should stop now.

    Some other things he says during these 8 times is: 'That's the stuff.' 'That's STILL the stuff.' 'It never gets old.' 'Really... It never.. gets.. old.' (Last one I think it got old for my man Bruce.

  • This is probably noticeable but normally on the episode select screen it shows a silhouette of a character but when you complete that episode it reveals the person. I noticed in episode 1 it was a silhouette of riddler when I completed the ep it showed him in all his glory I thought that was a nice little touch.

  • This is very easy to find, but I am sure some will miss it.

    In the main menu, you have 'Extras', where you usually can see choices and other things. There is a bew ootion for this game though. 'Return to the Batcave', where you can just take a stroll in the batcave, look at the batquipment (the obvious name that no one uses), the Oswald, Harvey, Vicki and Selina stands and you can also see the gotham feed and codex. These are pretty updated from the beginning of the episode and after the episode, just like previous game. I'd recommend to head over there after every episode to read the new codex entries and the new Gotham Feed articles.

    As I said, it's out in plain sight, but many might miss it.

  • All though it's pretty redundant due to most be obvious save for the ep 2 crew

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    This is probably noticeable but normally on the episode select screen it shows a silhouette of a character but when you complete that episod

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited August 2017

    Also worth mentioning is that Riddler's cane is added to the trophies along with the Oswald/Harvey/Vicki/Selina stuff after you beat the first episode.

    This is very easy to find, but I am sure some will miss it. In the main menu, you have 'Extras', where you usually can see choices and ot

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