I got you like this one time I had fake dyed my hair and my mom went nuts had me remove it immediately since"people will think your crazy" which really annoys me sometimes she can be the coolest mom or the most person I hate in the whole wide world as for my dad he's cool with anything but if both of them are in a room with my bigger sibling there always going to be fight it's very rare to find them not fighting for once
I think my parents are really neurotic. They would take something like a haircut way too seriously, like disown me seriously. I lost track o… moref time and went out with my mates the day I told them I'd get a haircut, I didn't go get it cut and they had the biggest hissy fits ever. Over sensitive on almost everything, ignorance on a particular field they are unaware of brings arguments easily. If I was to suddenly fall ill when they planned to go out somewhere they'd take all their anger out on me, or just cancel whatever they'd be doing that day, just because I'd be lacking in their time schedule. I don't really understand it, I rarely have a moment where I can just genuinely chill with them and some argument doesn't erupt. The hate we have for ourselves outweighs the hate we have for each other, which isn't saying much really. Another post about my parents in just a couple of days, maybe I'm just being too harsh. what do you guys think?
I think my parents are really neurotic. They would take something like a haircut way too seriously, like disown me seriously. I lost track o… moref time and went out with my mates the day I told them I'd get a haircut, I didn't go get it cut and they had the biggest hissy fits ever. Over sensitive on almost everything, ignorance on a particular field they are unaware of brings arguments easily. If I was to suddenly fall ill when they planned to go out somewhere they'd take all their anger out on me, or just cancel whatever they'd be doing that day, just because I'd be lacking in their time schedule. I don't really understand it, I rarely have a moment where I can just genuinely chill with them and some argument doesn't erupt. The hate we have for ourselves outweighs the hate we have for each other, which isn't saying much really. Another post about my parents in just a couple of days, maybe I'm just being too harsh. what do you guys think?
I think my parents are really neurotic. They would take something like a haircut way too seriously, like disown me seriously. I lost track o… moref time and went out with my mates the day I told them I'd get a haircut, I didn't go get it cut and they had the biggest hissy fits ever. Over sensitive on almost everything, ignorance on a particular field they are unaware of brings arguments easily. If I was to suddenly fall ill when they planned to go out somewhere they'd take all their anger out on me, or just cancel whatever they'd be doing that day, just because I'd be lacking in their time schedule. I don't really understand it, I rarely have a moment where I can just genuinely chill with them and some argument doesn't erupt. The hate we have for ourselves outweighs the hate we have for each other, which isn't saying much really. Another post about my parents in just a couple of days, maybe I'm just being too harsh. what do you guys think?
I quit my job today.
As much as I didn't want to, I couldn't deal with (Betty) anymore. As we were closing up the store, she started scre… moreaming at me and calling me names. Apparently someone had told her that I had been upset with (Emily) because Emily tried justifying the mean things Betty did to me. She then told me that ever since I joined "her" workplace (I'm sorry, I didnt know this was YOUR company, bitch) there's been nothing but drama. But that's not true, because Betty has caused like 2 other girls to quit suddenly before me because she was a cunt to them.
I'm just done. I'm sending in my letter of resignation tomorrow and washing my hands of it. I'm still going to remain friends with some of the girls on social media because not all of them were bitches.
Unfortunately I don't think she'll get fired any time soon. She's second up to be assistant manager and she's been there for years. I just feel bad for future employees who have to deal with her.
Good for you! I hope Emily knows you aren't really mad at her (if you aren't), so make sure you let her know.
The real managers of this store probably ought to be seeing a pattern here, but that's their problem now.
Maybe it's because I'm older, but I can see your parents' side on this. If you can try to do the same, maybe you'll understand them more.
You told me you were going out for a haircut. Instead you just hung out with your friends all day, and it's not like there was some emergency requiring you to do that. It's not that the haircut was that important, but if I can't trust you to do what you say, what am I going to do when it really is important some day?
I had big plans for an awesome family outing today. Unfortunately, you got sick, and can't go out. You said I could go out just with my wife anyway, but then it wouldn't be a family outing, and it's making me look like I'm shirking my parental responsibility to go out and have fun while my kid is at home suffering. I won't be happy about it, but canceling the outing and taking care of you at home is the right thing to do. (I personally wouldn't yell at you for this, because it's not really your fault you got sick, but not everyone is as good at holding in their disappointment.)
If you want to chill with me without an argument breaking out, tell me something I did right that you're impressed by, or ask me about something that isn't controversial.
I think my parents are really neurotic. They would take something like a haircut way too seriously, like disown me seriously. I lost track o… moref time and went out with my mates the day I told them I'd get a haircut, I didn't go get it cut and they had the biggest hissy fits ever. Over sensitive on almost everything, ignorance on a particular field they are unaware of brings arguments easily. If I was to suddenly fall ill when they planned to go out somewhere they'd take all their anger out on me, or just cancel whatever they'd be doing that day, just because I'd be lacking in their time schedule. I don't really understand it, I rarely have a moment where I can just genuinely chill with them and some argument doesn't erupt. The hate we have for ourselves outweighs the hate we have for each other, which isn't saying much really. Another post about my parents in just a couple of days, maybe I'm just being too harsh. what do you guys think?
Ur mental health is most important and you were classy af well done
If I knew was my last day and a person was that abusive and definitely let loose and say how I feel about her and her attitude just for closure as I bet be hard to know you never let her how you felt
She is using projection her biggest insecurities are being used against you as insults so childish
Faced these types before as soon as you stand up to them they cowards
I report her to bosses and managers even say you quiting over her behaviour
Follow you heart I bet there are better jobs out there and have school so enjoy ur break
I quit my job today.
As much as I didn't want to, I couldn't deal with (Betty) anymore. As we were closing up the store, she started scre… moreaming at me and calling me names. Apparently someone had told her that I had been upset with (Emily) because Emily tried justifying the mean things Betty did to me. She then told me that ever since I joined "her" workplace (I'm sorry, I didnt know this was YOUR company, bitch) there's been nothing but drama. But that's not true, because Betty has caused like 2 other girls to quit suddenly before me because she was a cunt to them.
I'm just done. I'm sending in my letter of resignation tomorrow and washing my hands of it. I'm still going to remain friends with some of the girls on social media because not all of them were bitches.
So, I have been wrestling with something for a couple of months. I cant concentrate on my lessons. This is gonna be the third year of my uni… moreversity but this somestr I failed 3 lessons and I failed 1 lesson as well from the past. My family paid hardly the school pay and I feel so bad because of it. But I dont get along with the system and I dont like the teachers as well. I didnt follow the leasons regularly so thats why I failed 3 lessons. Also I have to be prepared for my internship but I am taking summer school and I am working at the same time so I barely can create a time for it. How can I earn my concentrate its really messing with me. I need to find a solution for it.
We care. There just isn't much we can say from what you've written. There are lots of possible causes, like maybe you don't have the best study habits, or you're not as interested in this subject material as you think you're supposed to be. It's something you'll need to figure out. If there's something in the lesson that you don't understand, try not to give up until you do, or until you've decided that this really isn't your thing.
The screen for my laptop/tablet broke so now I can't write. Worst part is I have completed chapters on that computer that I probably won't or can't get back.
The screen for my laptop/tablet broke so now I can't write. Worst part is I have completed chapters on that computer that I probably won't or can't get back.
My laptop won't work at all. I have one of Those "tablets that turn into a laptop with a keyboard" computers and the mouse won't move at all, along with the keys. Whenever I try to turn it on, it'll be stuck on the homepage.
I quit my job today.
As much as I didn't want to, I couldn't deal with (Betty) anymore. As we were closing up the store, she started scre… moreaming at me and calling me names. Apparently someone had told her that I had been upset with (Emily) because Emily tried justifying the mean things Betty did to me. She then told me that ever since I joined "her" workplace (I'm sorry, I didnt know this was YOUR company, bitch) there's been nothing but drama. But that's not true, because Betty has caused like 2 other girls to quit suddenly before me because she was a cunt to them.
I'm just done. I'm sending in my letter of resignation tomorrow and washing my hands of it. I'm still going to remain friends with some of the girls on social media because not all of them were bitches.
I mean, you can try connecting your tablet to pc through an usb port, just like a smartphone (download specific software if needed). However, some tablets i.e. Ipad need interraction with them as well in order to make canges from pc
My laptop won't work at all. I have one of Those "tablets that turn into a laptop with a keyboard" computers and the mouse won't move at all, along with the keys. Whenever I try to turn it on, it'll be stuck on the homepage.
I mean, you can try connecting your tablet to pc through an usb port, just like a smartphone (download specific software if needed). However, some tablets i.e. Ipad need interraction with them as well in order to make canges from pc
I mean, you can try connecting your tablet to pc through an usb port, just like a smartphone (download specific software if needed). However, some tablets i.e. Ipad need interraction with them as well in order to make canges from pc
Honestly I don't usually like confrontation. it just makes me uncomfortable, I like keeping to myself most of the time. I just wish she would have left me alone because I actually really did like the job. but you're right, my mental health is most important.
I'm excited to move on.. I feel like new doors are opening up for me.
U go gurl
Ur mental health is most important and you were classy af well done
If I knew was my last day and a person was that abusive … moreand definitely let loose and say how I feel about her and her attitude just for closure as I bet be hard to know you never let her how you felt
She is using projection her biggest insecurities are being used against you as insults so childish
Faced these types before as soon as you stand up to them they cowards
I report her to bosses and managers even say you quiting over her behaviour
Follow you heart I bet there are better jobs out there and have school so enjoy ur break
Life is to be enjoyed not endured good luck
I just ran into my parents doing it for fuck's sake dad i thought you were having a heart attack i was already crying what the actual fuck why does every sound my mother makes sound like a fucking sob i thought you two were going to die for fuck's sake get a room
I just ran into my parents doing it for fuck's sake dad i thought you were having a heart attack i was already crying what the actual fuck w… morehy does every sound my mother makes sound like a fucking sob i thought you two were going to die for fuck's sake get a room
Maybe it's because I'm older, but I can see your parents' side on this. If you can try to do the same, maybe you'll understand them more.
… more You told me you were going out for a haircut. Instead you just hung out with your friends all day, and it's not like there was some emergency requiring you to do that. It's not that the haircut was that important, but if I can't trust you to do what you say, what am I going to do when it really is important some day?
I had big plans for an awesome family outing today. Unfortunately, you got sick, and can't go out. You said I could go out just with my wife anyway, but then it wouldn't be a family outing, and it's making me look like I'm shirking my parental responsibility to go out and have fun while my kid is at home suffering. I won't be happy about it, but canceling the outing and taking care of you at home is the right thing to do. (I personally wouldn't yell at you for this, because it's no… [view original content]
Thanks for the comment. I am trying to work harder on it and hope that thats enough. I dont even know what cause it its maybe because there are some people who failed as well and when we chat they say that we fucked up and we will not even graduate in the normal time. I am trying to get rid of their affection on me. Once I get rid of it, I guess I will make a process.
We care. There just isn't much we can say from what you've written. There are lots of possible causes, like maybe you don't have the best … morestudy habits, or you're not as interested in this subject material as you think you're supposed to be. It's something you'll need to figure out. If there's something in the lesson that you don't understand, try not to give up until you do, or until you've decided that this really isn't your thing.
I'm a little afraid to post this on Facebook, so I'll post it here.
Why did the internet go absolutely bonkers over this? Is it because there's gay characters in animation? If so, didn't Steven Universe and ParaNorman already check off that box a while ago? So it's not really anything that new or groundbreaking.
Now before you guys start grabbing your pitchforks, I wanna point out that I don't think this is a bad short and I fully support the LGBT community. And I'm not opposed to films bringing light to homosexuality. I enjoyed films like Blue is the Warmest Color, Moonlight, Heavenly Creatures, and Chasing Amy. Make no mistake there. But I don't understand why people think this short is some revolutionary new thing when, you really get down to it, is just a basic crush story that happens to feature two gay guys.
It's just that my biggest problem with this short is that you could switch out one of the boys with a girl and it wouldn't have an impact on the short's narrative at all. And if that had been the case, this short probably would've faded into obscurity and would be nowhere near as popular as it is right now. Maybe if it delved a little more into the struggles of coming out or explored a little more of how touchy a subject homosexuality is in this day in age, I could understand. But when you get to the nitty gritty of it, it's just a basic 'boy-likes-girl' story that just happens to feature two boys.
It's a decent cute little short, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's worth the attention and acclaim that it's getting.
I'm a little afraid to post this on Facebook, so I'll post it here.
Why did the internet go absolutely bonkers over this? Is it because t… morehere's gay characters in animation? If so, didn't Steven Universe and ParaNorman already check off that box a while ago? So it's not really anything that new or groundbreaking.
Now before you guys start grabbing your pitchforks, I wanna point out that I don't think this is a bad short and I fully support the LGBT community. And I'm not opposed to films bringing light to homosexuality. I enjoyed films like Blue is the Warmest Color, Moonlight, Heavenly Creatures, and Chasing Amy. Make no mistake there. But I don't understand why people think this short is some revolutionary new thing when, you really get down to it, is just a basic crush story that happens to feature two gay guys.
It's just that my biggest problem with this short is that you could switch out one of the boys with a girl and it wouldn'… [view original content]
We all are/were excited to start uni/college when we finally figured out what to do with our lives. No? It's the excitement of starting something new, away from the world we know, and knowing that you have friends and the family to support you when you need it right now...
Except it's not exactly the same for me. Only one parent gives me support to pursue the career I want, while the other one demotivates me to the point of making me feel... empty. Empty or ready to burst out in tears and shout at everyone, be it family or not.
My dad falls in the "I'm always right, you don't know anything" category. No matter what I say, regardless of my tone and mood, he'd say I know nothing about the world. Given that he had it hard when he went to the university, I understand some of his worries. But the thing is, time changed. I won't starve to death, I won't die alone, I won't be treated like shit (like he was). Yet he won't accept that.
As my mom could see my potential for illustrations and animation, he saw nothing in me, throwing out remarks about "my lack of skills" when it came to drawing. He'd also complain that if I choose that path, I'll find no job at all and I'll regret not listening to him (I found at least 20 places looking for an illustrator to hire).
His complaints got louder over the course of this year. Even his mood changed for worse. Motivation? With him around? Hah! He'd say it's fine I fail my exams, instead of trying to give me a pep talk. Then later telling me I shouldn't fail for the sake of him. When I found out I passed, with decent grades nevertheless, I felt nothing. Normally, one would be happy, but when your own dad tells you he's ashamed that people will laugh at him because of you, it ruins your moment.
I'm not enthusiastic about going to university, not when someone keeps demotivating me.
Maybe you don't know anything, but it's your life, and you get to choose the path to take to learn it all. University is one of the best places to learn stuff, and not just about the courses you take. If your dad can't offer any support because you didn't choose the path he wanted you to choose, you're old enough now that it's reasonable to deprioritize his opinion. You can still love him, but take care of yourself first.
We have some art threads here if you'd like to share your work with random strangers. For example:
This is also a venting thread, so...
We all are/were excited to start uni/college when we finally figured out what to do with our lives. … moreNo? It's the excitement of starting something new, away from the world we know, and knowing that you have friends and the family to support you when you need it right now...
Except it's not exactly the same for me. Only one parent gives me support to pursue the career I want, while the other one demotivates me to the point of making me feel... empty. Empty or ready to burst out in tears and shout at everyone, be it family or not.
My dad falls in the "I'm always right, you don't know anything" category. No matter what I say, regardless of my tone and mood, he'd say I know nothing about the world. Given that he had it hard when he went to the university, I understand some of his worries. But the thing is, time changed. I won't starve to death, I won't die alone, I won't be treated like shit (like he wa… [view original content]
He guys, er, I'm having some problem and I would really appreciate some help.
I'm a teenager. Hormones are crazy with me i guess, and I've been questioning my sexuality for a while now. I think I may be biseuxal, maybe? Or pansexual? is here any difference at all? I find both girls and boys attractive, but I don't know if this means I'm bisexual. I mean, I do get nervous around both and and I get kinda too distracted (ejem aroused? cofcof) in photography class when a sexy naked girl comes as model and I did get a crush on a girl once (that was actually the only crush I ever had) and I imagine myself with a woman in the future and it feels right and many other stuff but is this enough? all I said I was gay mostly because I was experimentating and joking but now I'm serious, because I could be going through a phase, or just making shit up subconsciously or something. I tried to look for help in my family but they're all straight so all their advices come from a straight perspective and they're not very useful sicne they don't know what I'm going through. Plus, they're not very happy with me liking girls so they're trying to convince me it's just a phase and, again, they may be right, but only their intentions are enough for me to figure out that the true help will not come from them. If they help me, it will be an accident.
So, I think that if anyone can help me, they will be someone from the LGBT community that has already been though this doubting phase.
He guys, er, I'm having some problem and I would really appreciate some help.
I'm a teenager. Hormones are crazy with me i guess, and I'v… moree been questioning my sexuality for a while now. I think I may be biseuxal, maybe? Or pansexual? is here any difference at all? I find both girls and boys attractive, but I don't know if this means I'm bisexual. I mean, I do get nervous around both and and I get kinda too distracted (ejem aroused? cofcof) in photography class when a sexy naked girl comes as model and I did get a crush on a girl once (that was actually the only crush I ever had) and I imagine myself with a woman in the future and it feels right and many other stuff but is this enough? all I said I was gay mostly because I was experimentating and joking but now I'm serious, because I could be going through a phase, or just making shit up subconsciously or something. I tried to look for help in my family but they're all straight so all their… [view original content]
I think people moreso appreciate the attempt at making a boy likes boy story more mainstream as opposed to the typical boy likes girl story which has sort of gotten past mainstream appeal.
Of course, we live in a day and age where if a very flat character who's uninteresting and has nothing of value is hinted to be homosexual then that character is suddenly "revolutionary" and worthy of praise.
I'm a little afraid to post this on Facebook, so I'll post it here.
Why did the internet go absolutely bonkers over this? Is it because t… morehere's gay characters in animation? If so, didn't Steven Universe and ParaNorman already check off that box a while ago? So it's not really anything that new or groundbreaking.
Now before you guys start grabbing your pitchforks, I wanna point out that I don't think this is a bad short and I fully support the LGBT community. And I'm not opposed to films bringing light to homosexuality. I enjoyed films like Blue is the Warmest Color, Moonlight, Heavenly Creatures, and Chasing Amy. Make no mistake there. But I don't understand why people think this short is some revolutionary new thing when, you really get down to it, is just a basic crush story that happens to feature two gay guys.
It's just that my biggest problem with this short is that you could switch out one of the boys with a girl and it wouldn'… [view original content]
Pansexual is referring to the gender of the "soul". There is no sexual gender of the soul so you love "all" of those with a "soul" and "all" have souls. The concept would mean you wouldn't have sexual attractions towards a person until you knew that person regardless of what gender they possess aka sexual attraction to personalities. Therefore, it's far more likely by your description that you would be bi-sexual ( bi-curious at this stage would be the most accurate. )
Seek support and help. During any stage of emotions where it appears others don't ( won't or can't ) understand what you're going through, continue to actively pursue your own answers. This applies in all things - whether its for career goals, mental health, or self identity. Locally would likely be of more help than online, as the human element can be distant from text on a screen - however if you can't find that help locally google can be a lifesaver. https://support.therapytribe.com/teen-support-group/ ; https://support.therapytribe.com/lgbt-support-group/
He guys, er, I'm having some problem and I would really appreciate some help.
I'm a teenager. Hormones are crazy with me i guess, and I'v… moree been questioning my sexuality for a while now. I think I may be biseuxal, maybe? Or pansexual? is here any difference at all? I find both girls and boys attractive, but I don't know if this means I'm bisexual. I mean, I do get nervous around both and and I get kinda too distracted (ejem aroused? cofcof) in photography class when a sexy naked girl comes as model and I did get a crush on a girl once (that was actually the only crush I ever had) and I imagine myself with a woman in the future and it feels right and many other stuff but is this enough? all I said I was gay mostly because I was experimentating and joking but now I'm serious, because I could be going through a phase, or just making shit up subconsciously or something. I tried to look for help in my family but they're all straight so all their… [view original content]
Pansexual is referring to the gender of the "soul". There is no sexual gender of the soul so you love "all" of those with a "soul" and "all"… more have souls. The concept would mean you wouldn't have sexual attractions towards a person until you knew that person regardless of what gender they possess aka sexual attraction to personalities. Therefore, it's far more likely by your description that you would be bi-sexual ( bi-curious at this stage would be the most accurate. )
Seek support and help. During any stage of emotions where it appears others don't ( won't or can't ) understand what you're going through, continue to actively pursue your own answers. This applies in all things - whether its for career goals, mental health, or self identity. Locally would likely be of more help than online, as the human element can be distant from text on a screen - however if you can't find that help locally google can be a lifesaver. https://support.therap… [view original content]
When you're not quite sure, we call that "bi-curious" in English. Try searching on that term. I can't endorse any of the sites that may come up, but maybe one will help.
He guys, er, I'm having some problem and I would really appreciate some help.
I'm a teenager. Hormones are crazy with me i guess, and I'v… moree been questioning my sexuality for a while now. I think I may be biseuxal, maybe? Or pansexual? is here any difference at all? I find both girls and boys attractive, but I don't know if this means I'm bisexual. I mean, I do get nervous around both and and I get kinda too distracted (ejem aroused? cofcof) in photography class when a sexy naked girl comes as model and I did get a crush on a girl once (that was actually the only crush I ever had) and I imagine myself with a woman in the future and it feels right and many other stuff but is this enough? all I said I was gay mostly because I was experimentating and joking but now I'm serious, because I could be going through a phase, or just making shit up subconsciously or something. I tried to look for help in my family but they're all straight so all their… [view original content]
ok where to start... ok guess ill start with the vent/rant/help
ok so the NFL has been fucking me in the ass with bullshit charges from this goddamn thing called NFL Gamepass, ok this fuckers AUTOMATICALLY charge you when this shit hits the auto renew'/ charge thing, it was 8/1, and then i tried to cancel and get a refund, but the assholes, even though they have it on their website, there isnt a real cancel button (i already canceled it but more on that in just a lil) and there's no customer service number. THEY DONT HAVE CUSTOMER SERVICE, you have to email them and they take like 3-4 days to respond. they also claim they have a cancel the auto renew option BUT THERE ISNT ONE. so all these things they claim to have NONE OF IT IT'S ON THEIR WEBSITE. so i had to cancel all these shit from my app from my android, i used the app from time to time and the google services shit charges you, but the thing is that i never did this shit via the google thing, i put the info on their website on the computer. ok, so like two days after, waiting for a responce, after 8/1, i see that i got a refund because i did the math and it was what they charge for that shit, 99.99, and well i didnt give it a second thought, since my shit was good. but unknowingly for like two straight days, and this was after i had checked they refunded me, i dont check my account much, they charged me 99.99 TWICE. like WTF?! I mean that's straight robbery imo, how the fuck they charge me 99.99 again, TWICE. (from here on i deleted some stuff by accident so idk if what i write next makes much or if i get bit mixed up) i just checked today, and i didnt go to the bank cuz it was already too late for that and i did the dispute thing from the wellsfargo website thing but i just feel like im not getting my money back because i really thing WF doesnt give a shit and the fuckers from the NFL most certainly wont either and they take for ever to even answer a goddamn reply on the email, so im fucking mad, idk what to do i just need so help if you guys know what to do, or what would yall do, cuz i thing im fucked.
Thank you! I felt so stressed lately, I had to get it off my chest somehow. I just wish he would understand...
And thank you for the suggestion! I'll make sure to check the thread!
Maybe you don't know anything, but it's your life, and you get to choose the path to take to learn it all. University is one of the best pl… moreaces to learn stuff, and not just about the courses you take. If your dad can't offer any support because you didn't choose the path he wanted you to choose, you're old enough now that it's reasonable to deprioritize his opinion. You can still love him, but take care of yourself first.
We have some art threads here if you'd like to share your work with random strangers. For example:
PE was great fun for me. Get a relaxing and fun hour or so out of class, playing football with your mates, having a laugh. Majority of peopl… moree enjoyed it, PE may be the only exercise some kids get in this day and age, it most certainly is good for them. If you're unfit and "don't like exercising", you're the one with the problem, not the class.
I got you like this one time I had fake dyed my hair and my mom went nuts had me remove it immediately since"people will think your crazy" which really annoys me sometimes she can be the coolest mom or the most person I hate in the whole wide world as for my dad he's cool with anything but if both of them are in a room with my bigger sibling there always going to be fight it's very rare to find them not fighting for once
But sometimes I can be a little prick and do dumb shit
Good for you! I hope Emily knows you aren't really mad at her (if you aren't), so make sure you let her know.
The real managers of this store probably ought to be seeing a pattern here, but that's their problem now.
Unfortunately I don't think she'll get fired any time soon. She's second up to be assistant manager and she's been there for years. I just feel bad for future employees who have to deal with her.
Maybe it's because I'm older, but I can see your parents' side on this. If you can try to do the same, maybe you'll understand them more.
You told me you were going out for a haircut. Instead you just hung out with your friends all day, and it's not like there was some emergency requiring you to do that. It's not that the haircut was that important, but if I can't trust you to do what you say, what am I going to do when it really is important some day?
I had big plans for an awesome family outing today. Unfortunately, you got sick, and can't go out. You said I could go out just with my wife anyway, but then it wouldn't be a family outing, and it's making me look like I'm shirking my parental responsibility to go out and have fun while my kid is at home suffering. I won't be happy about it, but canceling the outing and taking care of you at home is the right thing to do. (I personally wouldn't yell at you for this, because it's not really your fault you got sick, but not everyone is as good at holding in their disappointment.)
If you want to chill with me without an argument breaking out, tell me something I did right that you're impressed by, or ask me about something that isn't controversial.
Hope that helps.
I fucking hate time-zone
U go gurl
Ur mental health is most important and you were classy af well done
If I knew was my last day and a person was that abusive and definitely let loose and say how I feel about her and her attitude just for closure as I bet be hard to know you never let her how you felt
She is using projection her biggest insecurities are being used against you as insults so childish
Faced these types before as soon as you stand up to them they cowards
I report her to bosses and managers even say you quiting over her behaviour
Follow you heart I bet there are better jobs out there and have school so enjoy ur break
Life is to be enjoyed not endured good luck
LOL its been one day and no one doesnt give a shit alright then
We care. There just isn't much we can say from what you've written. There are lots of possible causes, like maybe you don't have the best study habits, or you're not as interested in this subject material as you think you're supposed to be. It's something you'll need to figure out. If there's something in the lesson that you don't understand, try not to give up until you do, or until you've decided that this really isn't your thing.
The screen for my laptop/tablet broke so now I can't write. Worst part is I have completed chapters on that computer that I probably won't or can't get back.
If you have another laptop or pc you should be able to copy your files from the yours
My laptop won't work at all. I have one of Those "tablets that turn into a laptop with a keyboard" computers and the mouse won't move at all, along with the keys. Whenever I try to turn it on, it'll be stuck on the homepage.
Try to mention why you want leave in that letter
Good luck
I mean, you can try connecting your tablet to pc through an usb port, just like a smartphone (download specific software if needed). However, some tablets i.e. Ipad need interraction with them as well in order to make canges from pc
I'm not sure if my tablet needs that. I'll give it a try.
Perfect spelling from me once again
I feel in charge!!! hmfph
Honestly I don't usually like confrontation. it just makes me uncomfortable, I like keeping to myself most of the time. I just wish she would have left me alone because I actually really did like the job. but you're right, my mental health is most important.
I'm excited to move on.. I feel like new doors are opening up for me.
I just ran into my parents doing it for fuck's sake dad i thought you were having a heart attack i was already crying what the actual fuck why does every sound my mother makes sound like a fucking sob i thought you two were going to die for fuck's sake get a room
I'm sorry...
I would've thrown up on the spot, then punch them for worrying me.
You make the most valid of points and I agree with all of them, thank you for your time.
I only got to see their feet and hear them "DONT OPEN THE DOOR FOR FUCK'S SAKE" thank god... I heard them though.
Thank God for that.
Been drinking for two weeks solid. Not that old but feel like I ran out of road.
Thanks for the comment. I am trying to work harder on it and hope that thats enough. I dont even know what cause it its maybe because there are some people who failed as well and when we chat they say that we fucked up and we will not even graduate in the normal time. I am trying to get rid of their affection on me. Once I get rid of it, I guess I will make a process.
I'm a little afraid to post this on Facebook, so I'll post it here.
Why did the internet go absolutely bonkers over this? Is it because there's gay characters in animation? If so, didn't Steven Universe and ParaNorman already check off that box a while ago? So it's not really anything that new or groundbreaking.
Now before you guys start grabbing your pitchforks, I wanna point out that I don't think this is a bad short and I fully support the LGBT community. And I'm not opposed to films bringing light to homosexuality. I enjoyed films like Blue is the Warmest Color, Moonlight, Heavenly Creatures, and Chasing Amy. Make no mistake there. But I don't understand why people think this short is some revolutionary new thing when, you really get down to it, is just a basic crush story that happens to feature two gay guys.
It's just that my biggest problem with this short is that you could switch out one of the boys with a girl and it wouldn't have an impact on the short's narrative at all. And if that had been the case, this short probably would've faded into obscurity and would be nowhere near as popular as it is right now. Maybe if it delved a little more into the struggles of coming out or explored a little more of how touchy a subject homosexuality is in this day in age, I could understand. But when you get to the nitty gritty of it, it's just a basic 'boy-likes-girl' story that just happens to feature two boys.
It's a decent cute little short, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's worth the attention and acclaim that it's getting.
I'm straight dude, Not fan of lot sjw decisions, Not fan when cringy forced romance plots in shows.
First time seen that was now
That was beautiful and heartwarming I think it deserves that attention and awards.
I remember that age myself gay was used to insult each other
I did work experience working with kids a year ago and gay still used to refer to anything bad.
I think at that age is when most bullying and suicides occur to gay people when they need most support and encouragement.
So yes I think they should make big thing of this and hope makes difference.
I think still like it as much if was girl/guy I think well written
Anyway why matter how many awards or attention it gets how does it affect anyones life in anyway only good can come from this imo
This is also a venting thread, so...
We all are/were excited to start uni/college when we finally figured out what to do with our lives. No? It's the excitement of starting something new, away from the world we know, and knowing that you have friends and the family to support you when you need it right now...
Except it's not exactly the same for me. Only one parent gives me support to pursue the career I want, while the other one demotivates me to the point of making me feel... empty. Empty or ready to burst out in tears and shout at everyone, be it family or not.
My dad falls in the "I'm always right, you don't know anything" category. No matter what I say, regardless of my tone and mood, he'd say I know nothing about the world. Given that he had it hard when he went to the university, I understand some of his worries. But the thing is, time changed. I won't starve to death, I won't die alone, I won't be treated like shit (like he was). Yet he won't accept that.
As my mom could see my potential for illustrations and animation, he saw nothing in me, throwing out remarks about "my lack of skills" when it came to drawing. He'd also complain that if I choose that path, I'll find no job at all and I'll regret not listening to him (I found at least 20 places looking for an illustrator to hire).
His complaints got louder over the course of this year. Even his mood changed for worse. Motivation? With him around? Hah! He'd say it's fine I fail my exams, instead of trying to give me a pep talk. Then later telling me I shouldn't fail for the sake of him. When I found out I passed, with decent grades nevertheless, I felt nothing. Normally, one would be happy, but when your own dad tells you he's ashamed that people will laugh at him because of you, it ruins your moment.
I'm not enthusiastic about going to university, not when someone keeps demotivating me.
Maybe you don't know anything, but it's your life, and you get to choose the path to take to learn it all. University is one of the best places to learn stuff, and not just about the courses you take. If your dad can't offer any support because you didn't choose the path he wanted you to choose, you're old enough now that it's reasonable to deprioritize his opinion. You can still love him, but take care of yourself first.
We have some art threads here if you'd like to share your work with random strangers. For example:
He guys, er, I'm having some problem and I would really appreciate some help.
I'm a teenager. Hormones are crazy with me i guess, and I've been questioning my sexuality for a while now. I think I may be biseuxal, maybe? Or pansexual? is here any difference at all? I find both girls and boys attractive, but I don't know if this means I'm bisexual. I mean, I do get nervous around both and and I get kinda too distracted (ejem aroused? cofcof) in photography class when a sexy naked girl comes as model and I did get a crush on a girl once (that was actually the only crush I ever had) and I imagine myself with a woman in the future and it feels right and many other stuff but is this enough? all I said I was gay mostly because I was experimentating and joking but now I'm serious, because I could be going through a phase, or just making shit up subconsciously or something. I tried to look for help in my family but they're all straight so all their advices come from a straight perspective and they're not very useful sicne they don't know what I'm going through. Plus, they're not very happy with me liking girls so they're trying to convince me it's just a phase and, again, they may be right, but only their intentions are enough for me to figure out that the true help will not come from them. If they help me, it will be an accident.
So, I think that if anyone can help me, they will be someone from the LGBT community that has already been though this doubting phase.
not exactly the help i was looking for but thanks for whatever
I think people moreso appreciate the attempt at making a boy likes boy story more mainstream as opposed to the typical boy likes girl story which has sort of gotten past mainstream appeal.
Of course, we live in a day and age where if a very flat character who's uninteresting and has nothing of value is hinted to be homosexual then that character is suddenly "revolutionary" and worthy of praise.
Pansexual is referring to the gender of the "soul". There is no sexual gender of the soul so you love "all" of those with a "soul" and "all" have souls. The concept would mean you wouldn't have sexual attractions towards a person until you knew that person regardless of what gender they possess aka sexual attraction to personalities. Therefore, it's far more likely by your description that you would be bi-sexual ( bi-curious at this stage would be the most accurate. )
Seek support and help. During any stage of emotions where it appears others don't ( won't or can't ) understand what you're going through, continue to actively pursue your own answers. This applies in all things - whether its for career goals, mental health, or self identity. Locally would likely be of more help than online, as the human element can be distant from text on a screen - however if you can't find that help locally google can be a lifesaver. https://support.therapytribe.com/teen-support-group/ ; https://support.therapytribe.com/lgbt-support-group/
Thank you... really.
When you're not quite sure, we call that "bi-curious" in English. Try searching on that term. I can't endorse any of the sites that may come up, but maybe one will help.
ok where to start... ok guess ill start with the vent/rant/help
ok so the NFL has been fucking me in the ass with bullshit charges from this goddamn thing called NFL Gamepass, ok this fuckers AUTOMATICALLY charge you when this shit hits the auto renew'/ charge thing, it was 8/1, and then i tried to cancel and get a refund, but the assholes, even though they have it on their website, there isnt a real cancel button (i already canceled it but more on that in just a lil) and there's no customer service number. THEY DONT HAVE CUSTOMER SERVICE, you have to email them and they take like 3-4 days to respond. they also claim they have a cancel the auto renew option BUT THERE ISNT ONE. so all these things they claim to have NONE OF IT IT'S ON THEIR WEBSITE. so i had to cancel all these shit from my app from my android, i used the app from time to time and the google services shit charges you, but the thing is that i never did this shit via the google thing, i put the info on their website on the computer. ok, so like two days after, waiting for a responce, after 8/1, i see that i got a refund because i did the math and it was what they charge for that shit, 99.99, and well i didnt give it a second thought, since my shit was good. but unknowingly for like two straight days, and this was after i had checked they refunded me, i dont check my account much, they charged me 99.99 TWICE. like WTF?! I mean that's straight robbery imo, how the fuck they charge me 99.99 again, TWICE. (from here on i deleted some stuff by accident so idk if what i write next makes much or if i get bit mixed up) i just checked today, and i didnt go to the bank cuz it was already too late for that and i did the dispute thing from the wellsfargo website thing but i just feel like im not getting my money back because i really thing WF doesnt give a shit and the fuckers from the NFL most certainly wont either and they take for ever to even answer a goddamn reply on the email, so im fucking mad, idk what to do i just need so help if you guys know what to do, or what would yall do, cuz i thing im fucked.
Thank you! I felt so stressed lately, I had to get it off my chest somehow. I just wish he would understand...
And thank you for the suggestion! I'll make sure to check the thread!