Celebrity deaths that shocked you.
The one that shocked me was Robin Williams. The guy seemed to be so full of life, and brought laughter to millions. But apparently things were not all what they appeared.
From what I heard he had had Parkinson's disease, and given his flair for what would be deemed physical comedy, this would've severely impacted him.
And something that he said, really got my attention:
"I use to think that the worst thing in the world would be to end up alone. It's not! The worst thing is to end up with people who make you feel all alone."
I read an interview on Facebook about when Williams was shooting the film Ms. Doubtfire, and during filming, the young actress who played his oldest daughter was having problems doing the film and staying in school, so much so the school was going to expel her. Yet Robin Williams spoke to the school on her behalf, and as a result the school retained the young actress as a student, who later went on to graduate.
It's a shame that Robin Williams never found the the type of people who were willing to do what he did for that young actress.
So with all that being said, which Celebrity death shocked you?
Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia in Star Wars movies) death shocked me the most :-( That was very unexpected for me and all Star Wars fans :-(
I knew she had a heart attack, but I had a hope she will be okay. I though she will be healthy again.
I'm not sure if he was a celebrity but as sure as hell his death shocked me. I'm talking about my childhood idol Steve Irwin. When I heard in radio that he's dead I couldn't believe it. I fucking cried for a person that I've never met. Well, at least he died doing what he loved. I will never forget him.
His death shocked me too, i loved watching his shows with the crocodiles and other animals. I also watched his funeral when they broadcast it on TV which was pretty sad.
Apart from Steve Irwin which i mentioned above i was also shocked by Michael Jackson's death, he was close to doing his concerts in London too but all the stress from rehearsals seemed to take their toll on him which seemed to contribute to his death.
I watched it too. It was heartwrenching and it still saddens me that he died. Even after all these years I still want to be like him... What a man.
Robin Williams. I grew up watching him in the movies Jumanji and Flubber. He had a big impact on me as a person. Hearing that he was gone made me feel like I lost someone who was close. I'm still sad to this day.
Heath Ledger. I grew up watching him in the movies, A Knight's Tale and The Patriot, then all of sudden he's gone after giving his best performance in the batman movie. It just wasn't right hearing that he was gone.
Chester Bennington. The music he made with Linkin Park was a big part of my early school years. I'd sometimes pretend to sing like him.
I think the major thing surrounding his illness was a undiagnosed case of Lewy Body Dementia, and Robin wasn't able to function in his day to day life without difficulty. I still remember owning his movies on vhs and I'd watch them everyday growing up. He had helped so many people founding the original Comic Relief with Whoopi Goldberg, due to him having grown up privileged from a rich family. His stand-up comedy was so amazing and unique. Its so sad how such a great talent had to go like that.
Steve Irwin. I remember eating dinner at the time and just freezing when I heard the news.
Robin Williams. It still feels werid to acknowledge that he's actually gone.
John Pinette. It was kinda surreal since my friend had just recently gotten me into him, and I thought my mom was pulling a sick joke on me.
Michael Jackson, I remember that day like It was yesterday, completely heartbreaking, I remember my mum told he was coming back for THIS IS IT tour, I was so happy to hear but sadly he passed a few weeks later
Bernie Mac.
Carrie. Couldn't believe it.
Heath ledger and christopher lee (saruman) ,
Christopher Lee. I felt like he would just never die, but in the end, he did, just like everyone else.
Still, I am honored to have lived the same time as that man. What an iconic man.
Robin Williams. The man was practically my childhood and it took a while to wrap my head around the fact that he was actually gone.
Carrie Fisher because she died in the same day I watched Rogue One. I learned about her death right after I got out of the theaters and it was so ironic that Rogue One is the last movie I saw Carrie Fisher's face (Not counting her appearance in Episode 8 in which I heard she already finished her scenes for that movie) even if it was just a CGI actor.
Chester's Death was Probably The Most HEART-WRENCHING Celebrity Death I've had to cope with in the past few years. Robin William's death was pretty sad too, but Chester's Death was EVEN WORSE for me.
I'm not sure if he counts, but when Chris Benoit died, it was pretty surreal. I was watching RAW, and they had this big tribute show to him, and that is how I found out. I wasn't all that surprised to find out he was dead, and I wasn't all that sad about it. Hearing about wrestlers dying (unfortunately) is something that happens pretty often, and while I enjoyed watching Chris Benoit, I wouldn't have really called myself a fan of him. I figured he pulled an Eddie. I watch the tribute show, and thought it was really sweet. I found out that his wife and son was dead right after RAW went off, but I didn't think much of it.
As the days pass, more and more information turns up. Turns out he strangled both his wife and son before hanging himself. Suddenly, his signature "Crippler Crossface" seemed...wrong.
James Gandolfini.
Robin Williams.
Christopher Lee.
Michael Clarke Duncan.
Steve Irwin for sure. He was a childhood role model.
Boo's well known friend Buddy died yesterday
thats what broke me...
Carrie fisher cos it took me around 30 mins of straight digging to figure out that she was actually dead and it wasn't a hoax, and then we have Robin Williams who I couldn't believe was dead either
Jim Henson - I remember on the way home from school and my Mom told me that he had died. I believed I cried to myself.
Michael Landon - I heard on the radio or the news. I've always had a crush on him when I was a kid.
Michael Jackson, Patrick Swayze, Robin Williams and Bill Paxton. I was more shocked with Robin and Bill.
Steve Irwin, Michael Jackson, Robin Williams and Carrie Fisher (didn't help that just a day after she died her mum did too).
All so sudden and so very sad.
gerorg michael, he is never gonna dance again. it was his last christmass
i am going to hell.
Christina Grimmie Death Shocked Me, lot of people are shocked about her death. Did anybody take note of this? Hopefully
Definitely Carrie Fisher, I still have a hard time believing it
As other people mentioned, Sir Christopher Lee, Steve Irwin, Jackson as well as Carrie Fisher. Carrie in particular had me shocked, because if I recall correctly, she had a heart attack or something, then we learned that they stabilized her, and I thought YES, she'll make it! But a day or 2 after, she sadly died, and I just could not believe it.
Chester Bennington. When I first heard the news, I though it was fake. Chester just didn't look like someone who'd commit a suicide for me. That was unexpected and devastating.
Lewy body dementia?
Alan Rickman.

Eddie Guerrero legit made me cry, he was always my favorite. He got me into wrestling as I was channel surfing and stopped when I saw him on top of a steel cage and he frog splashed JBL I remember thinking that was the coolest thing. The guy had personality to spare and was one of the best in the ring.
Michael Jackson
Yeah this type of dementia is similar to Alzheimer's, I don't know all the symptoms but it probably had taken its toll on Robin's bodily functions. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Chris Benoit. If you know who he was, don't think I need to tell you why. Also, what he did before his death is even more shocking than his death itself. His death and deeds still remain as the most shocking one for me.
Chris Cornell. He had one of the greatest voices in music. I grew up listening to Soundgarden and Audioslave on the radio. Also, I got into his solo work a year before his death. His voice was just so powerful in it's own way. Absolutely shocked when I found out that he committed suicide. I never would have anticipated that he would do something like that.
Chester Bennington. Same thing with Chris Cornell. I grew up listening to Linkin Park, was a huge fan of them a couple years back and then I suddenly find out he committed suicide too. And like with Cornell, I never would have anticipated it.
Kurt Cobain
carrie fisher and bill paxton
carrie fisher and bill paxton
While I have yet to be shocked over celebrity related stuff, I would say that having industry veterans like Totalbiscuit who is kind of internet celebrity to not be here campaigning against bad business practices and stuff would be really shame.
Now if we talk about what most mean, Hollywood stars and stuff, then I would say that Carrie Fisher probably was standout in recent memory. Having actor to be replaced with CGI just to complete a few more movies.
John dye and Leonard Nimoy so shocked nobody have mentioned this two at all!!!!!
Leonard Nimoy... and Carrie Fisher. I loved both of them and was literally SHOCKED when they passed away so suddenly.