What are some of your concerns regarding The Final Season?
What are some potential missteps Telltale could take for The Final Season that give you the most concern?
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What are some potential missteps Telltale could take for The Final Season that give you the most concern?
Yet another Angry Dad climax.
Another one-note, falsifying, or irredeemable villain.
More controversial racism, ableism, or sexism.
That it would be toned down even more than season 3 to appeal to younger players. Basically more cheesy sitcom and rom com type dialouge that doesn't really belong in a zombie apocalypse.
A continuation of ANF where the games gradually decrease in quality.
None. I dn't care anymore. Batman right now>
Probably the best stance to take, really.
Not really a worry, but seeing how it's the last season, it be nice to bring some elements back from season 1, like longer episodes and a chance to be able to interact more with characters.
My concerns will be episode lengths.
Characters like Christa, Lilly and Arvo will show up in Clementine's life again against all odds, especially with the "I got lucky" excuse for Christa
Any characters that returned from before ANF will become bastardized versions of themselves
AJ will be captured and become little more than a plot device yet again and we'll have very little interaction with him
Clementine will die no matter what choices you make simply because it's the final installment in her story
Choice descriptions will be misleading once again like "Tell Him Off"
I'll update if I think of more
I have a lot of concerns, but most of all - I just hope they're not just putting out this story to get it over and done with. I want the writers involved to do their very best and actually care about this project. Look back into seasons 1 and 2. Find out what worked, what didn't. What are the fans saying? ALL fans, not just a majority. Don't focus on just the positive feedback, and when you pay attention to the negative feedback try to understand why. If the writers do not care about this story anymore then they should not even bother writing it; like forcing Clementine in season 3.
Lack of flashbacks featuring older (non-Kenny/Jane/AJ) characters
Everything looking brown like in the past season or two
Lack of...just, stuff in general
Episode lengths being under the one hour and fourty five minutes mark.
Ridiculously short development time. Early 2018, what is this, Call of Duty?
Joan being at the ranch. Yawn. Cliche character.
Continuation of bad writing and even more cuts and disorganization from the development team.
I'd like to know what happened to at least one of these people, Lilly or Christa. This is the final season. I'm sick of new people instead of people who we can relate to. (I WOULD RATHER HAVE DLC TO EXPLAIN THEIR STORY, please do this?!)
AJ being stretched out for the full five episodes because Joan or Clint, or some other random cliche villan decides 'Lol no, I'm going to stop you from taking this baby for X reason, and then you'll have to challenge me at the end of the season'.
Me having to write another rant on this board.
Making the same mistakes that were made in ANF.
This is a surprisingly easy to overlook one.
My primary concern would be: AJ becoming a plot device again. I dont want him to become the primary focus of the entire season. I hope Clementine finds him soon so the story can move on and be about something far more interesting.
My main concern is that it could potentially repeat the same storyline that Season 2, Michonne, and ANF all already did (of an ambiguous conflict between a "good" and "bad" group, lead by people like Carver/Randall/New Frontier). I'd like to see some more variety in storylines, such as what Telltale did in Season 1. There are actually lots of potential storylines you can handle in an apocalypse situation besides just a generic good vs bad group scenario, such as focusing on survival tactics, finding shelter and resources, etc - even this far out into the apocalypse where people no doubt have a higher amount of competence. I'd also like to have the game focus on new villains instead of treading old water with Joan and Clint; I don't think their story was special enough to warrant being extended past the conclusion of ANF.
I'm also kind of apprehensive to the idea of a storyline that is so heavily focused on finding AJ, as I don't think that AJ had enough screentime in Season 2 to warrant such prominent focus in New Frontier and Season 4.
Thirdly, I'm also apprehensive to the idea of a "badass" Clem over the more grounded and down to earth Clem we saw in Season 1. I feel that the writing of the games sometimes made Clem out to be hyper-competent and treated her more as an adult in kid's shoes, instead of writing her as an actual child with fear and vulnerability. I understand the need to make her relatable to the player and provide player agency, but Season 2 went a bit overkill with this in some regards.
a predictable storyline.
Yeah, most of the major complaints with these last two or three installments comes from the fact that they keep trying to tell these big epic stories with elements that they either fail to adequately deliver on or just straight up abort in favor of something else. The tendencies towards blatant favoritism towards certain character[-type]s, backtracking on certain elements, and misaimed pandering doesn't help much either.
Season 1 on the other hand more or less told roughly 5 different stories with recurring characters, elements, and themes appearing in most of them, allowing them to tell these complete stories and develop several characters instead of deliberately leaving blanks and nebulous areas around multiple characters for the sake of building up mystery, creating controversy for the sake of reactions, or simply trimming the running time.
My 1st worry: too much fan service
It's the final season. While TTG should listen to the fans and their feedback, I do not want them to force the fan's laundry list of needs and wants into a story solely to satisfy the forums. I think this is the main reason they crammed Clem into ANF (I'm not against her inclusion, just at the execution and reasoning). I really just want a good story. Returning characters are not a must if they aren't really necessary to the plot. Episode lengths will supplement the quality and flow of the story, so I'm not worried about length. The theme doesn't have to be extremely dark if the plot and story require something else/ I just want a good story that makes me want to jump in this forum and start discussing and sharing. Make it flow, make it thorough, and make it passionately.
My 2nd worry: TTG going against their own plan
TTG, just go with your original ideas. I feel like if S2 had just stayed with it's original direction, it would have blown S1 out the water. I really just want TTG to take their time and go with their original plans. Even if the fans are reacting now how you intended, keep going with your story. Imagine if in S1, TTG stuck characters around just because the fans liked them or vise versa. I just want TTG to plot out their season and run with. Have confidence that the story presented, while may not be what they want, is what the fans need.
A worse repeat of New Frontier and season 2 combined..with No improvements from Telltale due to the selected groups they did listen to that somehow miraculously loved both games, saying we were all the whiny minority asking for too much.
Or saying the season was so huge we had to break them up in half and season 4.5 will be released 2019 as two half hour episodes each.
Worried that we wont be able to talk about Kenny and our s2 endings again
(3rd one is kinda dark)
That Lee will come back in his obligatory flashback and we'll get to see him revolutionized in the glorious ANF art style
That ANF's art style will come back and everyone will look distractingly shiny again
That Clementine will be (or at the very least implied to be in the danger of being) sexually assaulted because it's the zombie apocalypse (I don't actually expect Telltale to try to pull this off but you never know)
That Joan will come back to terrorize Clementine once again since she's still salty about Richmond
That characters will be inconsistent and unlikable just like in ANF
Game Save Bugs, Potential Clementine Death (Even if it doesn't happen), Support for Determinant Characters, etc.
Pretty much that it'll be shit like the last 2 (and a half if you include Michonne), but at this point I'm pretty much checked out so whatever.
Uh, yeah, how about no?
I honestly don't think that'd be likely to happen anyway since they didn't even know each other and Clementine did little to nothing to directly hinder her.
I only bring it up because that kind of thing is unfortunately somewhat common in games with female leads. Games like Tomb Raider, Life is Strange, David Cage games and The Last Of Us have had some degree of those kinds of overtones whether explicit or (usually) implicit.
Again, I don't really expect Telltale to try and create that kind of threat to Clementine, but there is still the worrying possibility.
Lol can't see that happening. Even if they did bring more interaction back, it won't be the same as the way Season 1's interaction was where even the minor optional choices you ask someone could be important and not just a major choice. Those days are gone sadly
I'm concerned of interesting ideas and chunks of the storyline getting rewritten entirely and replaced with something less interesting last minute. But mostly I'm just worried about how Clem's final arc will be handled and if it'll end up hitting the notes or falling flat with a non-satisfying ending and game as a whole to boot.
If Season 2 and 3 were handled better, I don't think this would be the last season, and now that it is I fear history repeating itself a final time and it even becoming FFXIII Lightning Returns quailty with it being made cheaply and rushed out the door and with little much to it
Honestly I just hope It takes a different approach and focuses on survival elements like Blind mentioned than conflicts of groups. I really couldn't give a damn on communities playing the war game with each other. I'd rather Clem went fishing or tried figuring out how to set different types of animal traps to catch food, or picking the right berries or plants to eat, or building shelter for the night and all while developing her character with other characters or walkers disrupting things.
that it's shit just like the last 2 seasons i think that's probably the biggest fear
Every single problem from A New Frontier re-used.
We are extremely worried that Clementine will not mention any of the events from Season 2 endings (Jane/Kenny/Edith/Alone), in The Finale Season. @Alyssa_TTG
Fat chance seeing how far telltale has fallen on story or interactivity in the last yr or so
That it will be a repeat scenario with A New Frontier and Clem's story will end with a whimper, instead of something satisfactory.
That stupid baby returns and neuters Clementines inevitable badassery.
@ about.
Clementine is a feminist, social commentary, pandering BS.
Even MORE complicated quicktime events. Figure 8 with the mouse! Press Q and M really fast then connect the dots with the pointer!
Odd I thought FF XIII-2 was rushed out the door garbage.
Nah, they're all the same.
No, they're not. Read a book once in a while.
I can understand but it doesn't exactly need to have to do with rape.
Though on the other hand I don't want Telltale to hold back due to them being too scared, it is a 18 game, not a 12.
Oh god FFXIII-2 was rushed. I know about a bunch of content that got cut from the game because of deadlines. And there's plenty of reused content from FFXIII dropped in there and padding. That and the time travel business never really got used that great in the plot.
Despite that, I still love the game and have replayed it a bunch of times just because I enjoy the character interactions and the dialogue choices/quick time events. But god it could've been so much better. This is why I get annoyed by games being rushed.