Mine is "Journey (ft. Kronos Quartet)" from the Destiny 2 soundtrack. It's very emotional, especially for the scene in the game, in which your character is fleeing the now-destroyed last city on earth.
This is, so far, the only Video Game original soundtrack I feel is truly worth owning... not merely praising, but breaking out the wallet and paying good money for it.
The game is already praise-worthy for it's immensely interesting narrative alone, but the music truly elevated the game for me to near-masterpiece status.
People sleeping on this game and the accompanying soundtrack, get woke.
My fav would have to be this one
Only cos it sounds kind of rogueish and all of my characters in every elderscrolls game is at least 50% anti-hero. (By that I basically mean that I go around helping and protecting people, but I'd steal as much as I can and will do the assassin missions too )
Man, this is a tough one. I can't narrow it down to even just a few that I can definitely say are my favourites, but I can list a few that come to mind.
I just wanna say I find it very peculiar that not a lot of people have mentioned soundtracks composed by Amon Tobin, Jeremy Soule and Akira Yamaoka. Their music is worth quite a lot of praise to be honest.
I just wanna say I find it very peculiar that not a lot of people have mentioned soundtracks composed by Amon Tobin, Jeremy Soule and Akira Yamaoka. Their music is worth quite a lot of praise to be honest.
WARNING: THIS IS A VERY LONG COMMENT. I linked a ton of music I love here and I got carried away, anywho there's a spoiler tag on this comment because it's really long and I don't wanna flood the page. So there's a warning.
Well Amon Tobin is responsible for the brilliant soundtrack to Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory and the just as good soundtrack to Conviction in the same series (he also did some work for InFamous apparently). His pieces for the series combines techno with old 60's spy movie music, and during assault music it switches to hardcore rock while still maintaining the feel of the previous tracks, some of my favorites of his are:
Next up of course is Jeremy Soule, who is the mastermind behind the music in the Elder Scrolls series. To be honest some of Jeremy's work can't even be described, it's just a feeling, and that's what he made it based off of, his own personal feelings. As a matter of fact Oblivion's entire soundtrack was based around the human condition and the beauty of life, trying to capture his appreciation for it after surviving a nasty car accident. Some of my favorite tracks:
And of course, last but CERTAINLY not least, the legendary Akira Yamaoka, most famous for his work on the Silent Hill series and most recently Shadows of the Damned. Akira Yamaoka's talent spans across NUMEROUS different genres of music, most of them revolving around rock. Every one of his songs are used for a purpose in the game, they aren't just randomly used and poorly thrown in like music from a lot of other story based games, the songs are usually either used in important moments in the game or to invoke some emotion through you. My favorite tracks being (THERE'S A WHOLE LOT OF THEM AAAAAAAAAAAAH)
Yeah. I loved both of the games and I decided to fill the gap until metro exodus comes out with the books. I still haven't finished the first book but I'm loving it so far!
Yeah. I loved both of the games and I decided to fill the gap until metro exodus comes out with the books. I still haven't finished the first book but I'm loving it so far!
The soundtrack to the Monkey Island series will always hold a special place in my heart. It is essentially why I started investing myself in music in the first place and it's a huge contributor to who I am today.
My vote goes to the first Medal of Honor (1999) game. It was only released on the PS1, so it might not be that known, but this game and its soundtrack is pure nostalgia for me.
They're all good in my opinion, but here are two of my favorites:
I've listened to this song so many times after playing Resident Evil 7. My personal Game of the Year.
Not sure if licensed remixed tracks count, but Jet Set radio Future's OST is damn good!
enter link description here
Silent Hill 3 and basically all the Elder Scrolls games.
Morrowind's soundtrack brings back some memories

This is, so far, the only Video Game original soundtrack I feel is truly worth owning... not merely praising, but breaking out the wallet and paying good money for it.
The game is already praise-worthy for it's immensely interesting narrative alone, but the music truly elevated the game for me to near-masterpiece status.
People sleeping on this game and the accompanying soundtrack, get woke.
This song sums up Morrowind for me, makes me wanna go out an explore.
Metro Last Light- Bad Ending

My favorite villain theme song

Right in dem feels...

This is by far the best soundtrack I've ever heard. Best. Bossfight Music. EVER.
I agree with most of ur picks asslee
I'm listening to the whole Metro 2033/LL OST while I'm reading the book, it's so good.
My fav would have to be this one

Only cos it sounds kind of rogueish and all of my characters in every elderscrolls game is at least 50% anti-hero. (By that I basically mean that I go around helping and protecting people, but I'd steal as much as I can and will do the assassin missions too
Man, this is a tough one. I can't narrow it down to even just a few that I can definitely say are my favourites, but I can list a few that come to mind.
I can't pick just one so here's a few of them:
But the list is much longer.
So fucking epic
Most of these would be on my list too, but I didn't want to make it too long.
Kingdom hearts sanctuary is the best game theme song hands down
And also kingdom hearts simple and clean
Life is Strange. The indie music was just really nice.
Well if you're talking about emotional not epic...it's just a simple piano melody in the beginning but still so powerful:
Or this one from AC2:
Resident Evil 7 was the Freakiest out of the saga...and immean I jump out of my seat.
I just wanna say I find it very peculiar that not a lot of people have mentioned soundtracks composed by Amon Tobin, Jeremy Soule and Akira Yamaoka. Their music is worth quite a lot of praise to be honest.
Anything specific by them?
The Final Fantasy series has some of the best tracks of any video game I've ever played, here are a few of my favourites:
WARNING: THIS IS A VERY LONG COMMENT. I linked a ton of music I love here and I got carried away, anywho there's a spoiler tag on this comment because it's really long and I don't wanna flood the page. So there's a warning.
Well Amon Tobin is responsible for the brilliant soundtrack to Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory and the just as good soundtrack to Conviction in the same series (he also did some work for InFamous apparently). His pieces for the series combines techno with old 60's spy movie music, and during assault music it switches to hardcore rock while still maintaining the feel of the previous tracks, some of my favorites of his are:
Next up of course is Jeremy Soule, who is the mastermind behind the music in the Elder Scrolls series. To be honest some of Jeremy's work can't even be described, it's just a feeling, and that's what he made it based off of, his own personal feelings. As a matter of fact Oblivion's entire soundtrack was based around the human condition and the beauty of life, trying to capture his appreciation for it after surviving a nasty car accident. Some of my favorite tracks:
And of course, last but CERTAINLY not least, the legendary Akira Yamaoka, most famous for his work on the Silent Hill series and most recently Shadows of the Damned. Akira Yamaoka's talent spans across NUMEROUS different genres of music, most of them revolving around rock. Every one of his songs are used for a purpose in the game, they aren't just randomly used and poorly thrown in like music from a lot of other story based games, the songs are usually either used in important moments in the game or to invoke some emotion through you. My favorite tracks being (THERE'S A WHOLE LOT OF THEM AAAAAAAAAAAAH)
Pretty much everything from "Pinout!" by Douglas Holmquist.
"To The Moon" has music to shed tears for. Especially If you know the story.
Agents of Mayhem
Oh man, I need to try this someday! Do you read Metro for the first time?
Yeah. I loved both of the games and I decided to fill the gap until metro exodus comes out with the books. I still haven't finished the first book but I'm loving it so far!
I really envy you... Reading this book for the first time was just... And reading this book with these soundtracks must be even better.
Couldn't agree more
Especially main theme of XV and valse di fantastica
The soundtrack to the Monkey Island series will always hold a special place in my heart. It is essentially why I started investing myself in music in the first place and it's a huge contributor to who I am today.
My vote goes to the first Medal of Honor (1999) game. It was only released on the PS1, so it might not be that known, but this game and its soundtrack is pure nostalgia for me.
They're all good in my opinion, but here are two of my favorites: