The Vent/Help Thread



  • ...

    Life keeps getting worse to the point that it makes me wish I was back to a time that I would have never had thought that I would wish I was back in.

    You really don't appreciate what you have until you don't have it anymore. (Or it is taken away from you...)

  • i fucking hate my job i always seem to get all the crap something goes wrong its my fault somebody drives off without paying for their fuel its my fault the worlds ending its my goddamn fault seriously i gave up a hell of a lot for this job the biggest thing i lost was my gf i couldnt see her as often as i did because of my new job me and her used to work together at my previous job so i saw her everyday but after i got this other job i saw her for a few days every week but she ended up breaking my heart by cheating on me then deciding to dump me by text i rea
    lly hate life i know im never going to get out of this job or get a new gf i dont even know if i want to go on

  • If you didn't have to earn money, what would you be doing right now?

    i fucking hate my job i always seem to get all the crap something goes wrong its my fault somebody drives off without paying for their fuel

  • Try not to lose your cool when someone yells at you. Try, "I'm sorry. To help me next time, what would you have done in my position to stop that guy from driving off without paying?" If the yeller can't think of anything, then you're not really the one they want to yell at. You're just the only one there.

    There's lots of women out there. You'll find one your schedule works out better with.

    i fucking hate my job i always seem to get all the crap something goes wrong its my fault somebody drives off without paying for their fuel

  • edited September 2017

    Why did a months worth of posts get removed?

    Edit: lol I thought this was the whatevers on your mind thread nevermind XD

  • I did that too, haha! I was so confused.

    Why did a months worth of posts get removed? Edit: lol I thought this was the whatevers on your mind thread nevermind XD

  • believe me ive thought about that alot

    If you didn't have to earn money, what would you be doing right now?

  • yeah the one who yelled at ne has recently pissed off my manager with complaints about things people haven't done which nightstaff are supposed to do driveoffs are a paon because there is so much paperwork to do afterwards

    im hoping i will find a woman its just kinda depressing when you pay to use a dating site and message a bunch of people and get no reply

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Try not to lose your cool when someone yells at you. Try, "I'm sorry. To help me next time, what would you have done in my position to sto

  • Go to gigs and club nights to meet girls, dating sites are probably older, duller women.

    I dont know if your into goth culture and music but darkwave fetish nights are a thing in my city and a great place to pick up interesting people and not they're as intimidating they sound. The people are usually laid back and kind.

    There might even be anime themed club nights they happen sometimes usually just music but I've heard of cosplay balls and stuff.

    The best way is to go out in person. Good luck!

    yeah the one who yelled at ne has recently pissed off my manager with complaints about things people haven't done which nightstaff are suppo

  • I just realized I'm growing up.

    Like, I'm 14, these are the years when I start to define myself as a person and become independent and my thoughts and feelings and ideas and tastes and my life is general will not longer belong to my parents, but to myself. I was always scared shitless of growig up ad having to do horrible grown up shit like taxes and arranging my own meetings with the doctorbut really, this is so fucking exiting! My life is changing forever, I am changing forever and I'm becoming a full person of my own. It's like getting o a train that you don't know where it goes and you only have a backpack and a hoodie and you have to make your life as you walk and build your home as you move because you and only you is your home, yet your home is nowhere but in your heart, and my heart belongs to myself and only myself (and probably whoever I end up falling in love with). Knowing that I know nothing bout my future other that what I want for it is such a thrilling and freeing feeling, to finally be free from my family and this shit of "home" and their expectations and ideas is great! Not because I'm actually moving out like I'm planing to do in the future, but because, for the first time in my life, I feel like I can say "actually, you're wrong" because I have a different idea of what is right, my own ideas, no one else's.

    I know most of you are grown ups so you probably don't find it as exiting as I do, but I just wanted to share this feeling.

  • anime club stuff sounds quite cool youre right about older duller women on dating sites goth culture stuff i think is pretty cool thanks for the advice

    Go to gigs and club nights to meet girls, dating sites are probably older, duller women. I dont know if your into goth culture and music

  • Are you suggesting that people use The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread to rant and vent?

    Why did a months worth of posts get removed? Edit: lol I thought this was the whatevers on your mind thread nevermind XD

  • edited September 2017

    Aveeno eczema moisture (even the one for babies), it works.
    Try to not scratch it and moisturize it instead, this is coming from another eczema sufferer, and if you skin is extra sensitive, coco butter or vaseline/petroleum jelly works wonders.

    I have eczema (a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which cause itching and bleeding.) I've

  • That could possible be a nerve issue. If I were you, I'd talk to a professional about it, you don't want that to mature to something more serious.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Sometimes, and this is a rare occurrence, my left arm goes completely numb, I lose all feeling in it and it feels like I have no arm there

  • As a ballerina, I can say that there are straight male ballet dancers, (and they are usually hot as FUUUUUU)

    Mom says that the husband of my (female) private detective, gun loving protagonist can't be a ballet dancer because "Male ballete dancers do

  • Rooting for you dude! Just take it one second at a time. I tried that when I got my first internship and I survived and was able to get a job offer!

    Job-searching is the single most exhausting thing that I've had to go through. And this is all for a position that I'm probably gonna hold for just a week or two due to the severe anxiety that often accompanies the whole thing. ^_^

  • it does happen

    Are you suggesting that people use The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread to rant and vent?

  • Have you ever wondered why many people are so depressed these days?

    Well first off not to say that people don't have legitimate problems and alike, as we all do. It's just a part of life, unfortunately.

    But I think one of the biggest reason's is is because people spend more time focusing on what they don't have instead of what they do.

    And when something bad happens to them to many people focus on that one bad experience affect their whole day/life.

    Be positive, focus on what you do have and the blessings you have going on right now in front of you. The things you don't have, don't worry about it, because worrying about it won't change it one bit.

  • Yeeeeaah, I know... XD

    it does happen

  • Social media, movies, tv and magazine's promote perfection and ideal life and happiness that does not exist so people will feel not good enough

    Soiety is built for working class to work long hours for minimum wage to keep wealthy in luxury life's so makes future bleak

    I feel people when young think happiness is something it's not so spend life always unhappy seeking a high that doesn't exist don't understand we always have bad and good days

    Happiness is being content with life and what we have with little moments of joy and others of misery it's normal.

    But also to they should question why they are unhappy is there a way to make life more fulfilling for them?

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Have you ever wondered why many people are so depressed these days? Well first off not to say that people don't have legitimate problems

  • You're still far off from growing up at 14 fam.

    I just realized I'm growing up. Like, I'm 14, these are the years when I start to define myself as a person and become independent and my

  • enter image description here

    This excitement is normal as kid plant idea all your dreams and ambitions will come true the world is playground that will welcome you

    Then as grow realise world doesn't care for you or your dreams want you to conform to social norms and work all day for job you hate to pay your bills to settle and pay for ugly ungrateful always angry wife because good looking model you dream of would never want you

    Because made a mistake in one night stand and it's game over child support bills for life and dead end job to afford to pay them

    Family and friends will try force you to go easy money options to make money and not dream anymore

    Happen to my older brothers I learned big watching them

    They made big money but was misery the twinkle in their eyes lost.

    Know few my mates need get wasted every weekend to survive

    I'm very happy followed my dreams to become fitness instructor never drink or smoke very fit with money despite huge social pressure thorough my life

    Please follow your dreams and never let the inner child go

    Going face so much critisicsm and hate for every word and action you take off friends and family

    Don't drink or smoke waste money and can become dependant on it for happiness

    Follow your dreams believe in yourself to level where constant hate and criticism won't stop you

    Life is so hard but success is so sweet everyone wants dream you have so gotta work the hardest to earn it good luck

    I hope you pursue your dreams

    Make sure write them down right now in journal in your room and never ever forget them

    I just realized I'm growing up. Like, I'm 14, these are the years when I start to define myself as a person and become independent and my

  • Thank you :)

    Honestly, better advice than anything my parents told me.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    This excitement is normal as kid plant idea all your dreams and ambitions will come true the world is playground that will welcome you Th

  • Found out my flatmate and I have been using the same toothbrush for the past week, and now we can't work out who's toothbrush this actually is.

  • It's a feeling of emptyness that comes with no finding purpose to your life. Your life is like a story: If it doesn't have anything to tell and the author wrote it because they were bored, you will find yourself asking "Yeah, this is interesting but why the shit does this even exist". With no mayor life goals, nothing to achieve, your life is not a life anymore, it's the waiting room where you make time until you die. You go to school because it's illegal not to, you go to college because you have slim hope of getting a job that produces enough money, you do taxes and paperwork and you end up working in a boring office ad you marry someone you don't hate as much as the other people because if you don't marry them, you will never marry at all. You have two rebellious children that come home talking about free helthcare end education, social justice and fine arts and you tell them that they can't do anythying about it, that free healthcare and education are crazy ideas, that social justice is impossible and that they can't do anything about it, and that no one makes enough money playing the violin in an orchesta or shit. And, deep down, you feel hopeless because you remember that, one day you also came home talking about free helthcare end education, social justice and fine arts, but then you worked in an office and married someone you hated less than other people and you're sure you're doing the best for your chidren, before they leave for college to study Philosophy and Art, with history books and a violin case, and you realize that you never played the violin like you wanted, because it didn't make enough money, and you fear your childre may end up like you.

    And then you die. Your life was a pointless story that some God wrote because he was bored, and some other God comes home and reads your story and wonders, "why the shit did this even exist?", because wheter you exists or not changes nothing.

    Maybe, just maybe, your violinist children may leave a proper story for the world.

    Now, imagine you ever play the violin at 15. Imagine you don't even like the violin, you don't see the point of playing the violin, or the clarinet, or the guitar or piano or any instrument at all, because it doesn't make enough money after all. It's not nessesary. You ever wish you studied philosophy, because philosophy isn't nessesary after all. You were young, but you never wated to chage the world. Who cares about changing the world? It's not like I can do anything about it.

    This is a video in spanish, but I hope the subtitles work for you. I think you'll like it.

    I'm 14 years old. I was raised in a very big city full of protests and universities and history, and being my mother a history teacher, I was mostly raised in History and Phiosophy universities. I lerned a lot, not from reading, but from sitting in the Adults Table at 9 and asking questions like "What is Capitalism?" I loved the topic, I loved reading history books, I loved watching presidential debates, I loved it when my mother, instead of telling me fairy tales to sleep, told me the causes and consecuences of the French Revolution. I still love it when she and I sit in the couch to watch artsy historic, philosophic movies. I specially love it when her yougest students, of about 17 years old sit around me in the floor and ask me to help them with their homework. I'm a very weird kid.

    And when I go to school talkig about the capitalist system, about how they're analyzing the files the teachers give us to study the wrong way, how not even to give meaning to their lives, but to pass the exam, they need to form a philosophic idea of their own, how I have to explain my own teachers about politics because they compare a man that fought for the Native American's rights being "missing", when there is evidence that the army kiddnapped ad probably killed him, to a 3 years old that got lost in the forest because her parents were distracted. And I look at them with horor and think:

    "Don't you guys want to save the world?"

    And they answer:

    "I just want to get back home and play Call Of Duty"

    If teenagers don't want to change the world, who will do it? I always thought about the youth like a hope for humanity, a generation of pacific, educated, cultured, socialist revolutionarians that would save us all.

    Maybe my mother's students are like that, and I really hope they are, because the rest of teenagers I are so... powerless, and they don't care, they gave up, they never had hope for this world and they don't feel any need to change it because, after all, "changing the world is so hard, how will that benefit Me?"

    This feeling of impotence and just not giving a fuck is a core characteristic of this Postmodern Society. In Postmodernism only your utility as a producing machine matters. You're almost brainwashed into believing that only because Art and Philosophy don't produce economic benefits, they're useless. But, in reality, art, love and philosophy are probably one of the most important things that exists, because they give meaning to your life.

    But I guess that if your life has a meaning of its own you won't serve Capitalism well so... you know the rest of the story.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Have you ever wondered why many people are so depressed these days? Well first off not to say that people don't have legitimate problems

  • It's the toothbrush I used to scrub the toilet. Sorry, I should have told you.

    Found out my flatmate and I have been using the same toothbrush for the past week, and now we can't work out who's toothbrush this actually is.

  • So that's why i'm always talking shit!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    It's the toothbrush I used to scrub the toilet. Sorry, I should have told you.

  • What does that mean for people who live extremely short lives that don't get a chance to experience life? What was their purpose?

    The other day I was thinking about it and I asked my Mom and she was like "I'm too tired, ask me later.".
    (Uuuuhhhh... now that makes it sound like she doesn't care about anything, but she actually was tired that day. She's not normally like that. :D)

    It's a feeling of emptyness that comes with no finding purpose to your life. Your life is like a story: If it doesn't have anything to tell

  • I believe people create their own meaning of their life, and fulfilling that meaning is what brings them happiness.

    Maybe you think that the thing that would make you The happiest person in the world is having a family with your love. And that's the meaning of your life if you want it that way! I'm very ambitious (i want to be an artist and change the world. at the same time if possible) so it will be harder to find happiness for me. Happiness is what you believe happiness is. People with even shorter lives, like stillborn babies, don't have s meaning other than to be a child. When a parent has a child, it's not because they want to create a person, they want to have a child. So until the child is mature enough to create the meaning of their own life, their meaning belongs to their parents.

    What does that mean for people who live extremely short lives that don't get a chance to experience life? What was their purpose? The oth

  • edited September 2017

    I'm really starting to despise the projects Netflix are trying to pick up. A prequel series to my favourite film One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, with two seasons already guaranteed. This pains me because I can't see it going anywhere but wrong. Sarah Paulson is a good actress but I just don't think there was any real need to cast her as Nurse Ratched, as I thought there was no real need to explore a backstory for her character. Louise Fletcher's nuanced performance spoke volumes enough to give you a insight on her character. Even though Michael Douglas is going to be producing like he did with the film, I can just assume they'll make it as ludicrously barmy as possible. The film had nothing wrong with it for it to need a update, can't they just leave classics alone? I don't see how they're going to make it work when even the author of the book didn't see the original. I suppose this is their way of making Nurse Ratched a figurehead for Trump or something of that agenda. The other Martin Scorsese project The Irishman I am not excited for either. Getting back Joe Pesci who hasn't starred a film in years, as well as the regular duo of Al Pacino and Robert Di Nero seemed worthy enough to Netflix to pick up. I don't think it justifies them getting this project just because the cast have had a history with each other. Robert Di Nero especially has had his hay day, he hasn't been putting out any stand out performances in years, what makes them think that assembling the old squad again is going to guarantee a success? Money I suppose. I think people are a bit too biased with Scorsese's work nowadays and they'll like it anyway. Sorry for the rant but that's just how I feel about Netflix right now.

  • Hmmm... I would think that true happiness should be unconditional, and come from within... but I wouldn't know anyway.
    Would a goal or achievement or even 'a purpose' be classed as something external from oneself, or part of oneself?

    So until the child is mature enough to create the meaning of their own life, their meaning belongs to their parents.

    That sounds... almost possessive to me, ...uh but maybe I am looking at it wrong?

    I believe people create their own meaning of their life, and fulfilling that meaning is what brings them happiness. Maybe you think that

  • Would a goal or achievement or even 'a purpose' be classed as something external from oneself, or part of oneself?

    I guess that would depend on the person and the "purpose".

    That sounds... almost possessive to me, ...uh but maybe I am looking at it wrong?

    It IS possesive, it's wrong but I can't see any other way of interpretate it.

    Hmmm... I would think that true happiness should be unconditional, and come from within... but I wouldn't know anyway. Would a goal or achi

  • Why?

    i want to die

  • I feel like everybody hates me, and I don't even know why. My school is organizing a exchange travel and I casually commented I was considering going, and my classmates were like "oh, if you go, I don't want to go. I'd rather stay here than be with you"

    and I was like, WHY? What did I do!? Tell me so I can stop doing that and save us both a bad moment! But when I tell then that, they call me a stupid bitch and they laugh at me. And that's like, every time I talk! I ask about a homework and they just tell me to shut the fuck up and leave them alone. They're talking, I try to get close and make some friends, and whenever I open my mouth, they start yelling at me and telling me that I shouldn't get into someone else's business. Even if it was something like "Hey, I see you have a cast i your arm, are you okay?" I don't even know what I'm doing! I'm fucking up, I'm fucking up so bad because no one treats people like this if they don't hate them, and no one hates anyone with no reason, so I clearly brought this on myself. I'm a bad person and I deserve this because i fucked up and I don't know how!

    I just feel so hated, I feel like no one likes me and could never like me. I have no friends, no one thinks about me, I'm invisible, alone, no one ever pays attention to me unless I'm on a stage and I feel like no one, like I have no importance at all to anyone, I'm no one's first choice unless it includes drawing, or writing, or music, and I like it when they call me to play the violin for some school recital or something but I also feel like all my worth is a violin and paint and if I can't do that, I can't do anything. I'm less than a person, I'm a violin playing itself and I don't even do it good enough. No one loves me for who I am and I want to believe that's because they don't now me but when they know me, at last a little bit about me, they hate me. And I don't know how to fix it! They won't tell me!

    I'm 14. I'm fucking 14. This are supposed to be the best years of my life painting graffitti and looking for anymal skulls in the forest with friends to decorate our houses and I'm losing my time, I'm running out of time. I'm wasting my life, this is not how my 14 years old should be spent.

    and I guessed, if no one likes me, then I should be a terrible person. My mother alwasy says that one gets what they give, so I guess that if I'm getting all this hate, is because I must have done a really bad thing. I'm worthless and this treatment is what I deserve, and I can't ask for help because at the moment they see me in pain they assume I'm just trying to get attention and make them feel pity for me, and I don't want people to feel pity for me. They think I'm just arrogant and stupid. Maybe I am. I'm having problem knowing and finding myself so I guess they know me better than myself. And if they think I'm such a horrible person, maybe I am.

    I don't deserve to live.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »


  • We love you here!

    14 is not the best years of anybody's life, trust me. Anyone who says it is has forgotten what it was really like.

    You deserve to live.

    I feel like everybody hates me, and I don't even know why. My school is organizing a exchange travel and I casually commented I was consider

  • They don't hate you, they're probably just snobbish kids.

    I feel like everybody hates me, and I don't even know why. My school is organizing a exchange travel and I casually commented I was consider

  • To be honest, for fourteen year old they seem pretty mature.

    You're still far off from growing up at 14 fam.

  • Don't let other people define you.

    I feel like everybody hates me, and I don't even know why. My school is organizing a exchange travel and I casually commented I was consider

  • edited September 2017

    So you can draw, write well and do music and people come to you for that?

    It sounds like you lead a pretty decent life based on your post but your age makes you emotionally unstable. This is of course normal for your age.

    I feel like everybody hates me, and I don't even know why. My school is organizing a exchange travel and I casually commented I was consider

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