Who will the main character be in Life is Strange 2?
I thought LiS: Before the Storm was actually LiS2
Secondly, In the first episode of LiS: BtS, in the scene where one of the Vortex Club called Nathan a Twitch, Did you help Nathan, or Stayed away?
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Someone not bitchy and boring like Max or Chloe.
i liked Max's character in episode 1. even though she had some cringy moments.
Yeah and hopefully not some internet troll who hated the game and just has to post.
The OP just asked something and I just answered it. What's your deal?
I want a different perspective of Universe Altering shit. Max could control Time, so why not someone that could control Space? Instead of the Rewind, you could teleport to places that you can see with yout eyes (so if you're blinfolded, you can't teleport. If you're in a very small room, you can't teleport outside the room unless you find a window. If you're in a very hight place or in an open field with sight to everythig, you can teleport far further), instead of traveling back to the time the photograph was take, you could teleport to the place it was taken it in your time. Maybe you could go all Elizabeth Comstock and open actual portals to alternative universes, although it would seem like a Bioshock Infinite copy.
However, I think that many Time/Universe travelers running around makes no frikin sense. So this is my theory:
The ending of Before the Storm will be hearthbreaking and unexpected. Chloe and Rachel will go on the path of a new story for them, so different from the original one that there will be no way in hell that could fit with Life Is Strange. Turns out, we've been playing in an alternative universe all along. Our choices WILL matter, at some extent. And it will be the ending of BtS that will set the groud for LiS 2. For now, all I can predict of an eding for BtS, if it goes the way I want it to go, will be Chloe and Rachel running away from their families and starting a new life on the road. The story will probably take place somewhere in 2017, by the time everyone is an adult now. I don't think we will see Max ever again, since her last episode will be called Farewell, but I do think that, for LiS 2 to work as a sequel, it will either need to have the Original Cast and/or an element from the original story-- the Rewind feauture. But by now, we know how much that fucks things up, so it wouldn't work. The Original cast will be gone forever and so will the Rewind. That's why I think the Space powers will take its place. Now, what Universe Twerking character could have ay relation with Chloe ad Rachel running away? Remember, this most likely won't take place in Arcadia Bay, but it still needs to have LiS elements, so that it will not e completly erased. If it IS erased, so should be BtS nd that would make BtS just a cash grab. All I can thik of is somehow Max kept trying to fix things and now the timelines are collapsing? That seems like a very... "big " deal, and stories with big deals are oftenly shit. It should be something smaller, like a murder or a family secret.
So, the question is: What character with the ability to teleport and/or travel through alterative uiverses, and whose powers are still very differet from Elizabeth's, and who is somehow related to both Max's timeline and Golden Chloe's timeline and is facing a relatively small problem in their life could be the protagonist of LiS 2?
wow i wrote a lot of crap here
dude chill
I am chill.
more chill
like, weed chill
here have some
I don't know. For all we know, the power could be totally different, unrelated to Time and is just something strange. Invisibility, Healing Powers, etc.
We don't know.
In my opinion, I feel like Season 2 could just be its own stand-alone thing. Unconnected to the first story, but using the same themes of strange powers + coming-of-age teen story.
I don't know why, but I kind of imagine LiS as an anthology series. Each season is different, but sharing the same theme of power (what would you do with it?)
Somebody completely new. I think everything should be new. New protagonist, new cast, new story... possibly a new power?
"Yeah and hopefully not some internet troll who hated the game and just has to post"
The whole teenager thing again would be repetitive. And Time powers are not just any normal powers, the belong to a special category most writers fear coming close to, the Universe Shaping category. This category is basically all the powers that can change the rules of reality like a lucid dream. Time is not supposed to run backwards but hey, Max Fucking Cauldfield thinks otherwise. Other powers like elemental powers (fire, water, y'know, the typical) would be so different from the Rewind that it would seem out of place. They're too small compared to it. And they make no sense. There is NO WAY IN HELL someone could throw fireballs jist like that. For a power to work here, it needs to be able to change the laws of physics. For example, human conscience shouldn't be able to tear a gate in the universe to move to another, or create a Pocket Universe, or similar God Like powers because, in theory, we shouldn't be able to change something outside ourselves, but what if we ARE the universe, like in Pantheism, the Universal Spirit, the Divinity, the everything-- includind Human concience. If we reach certain level of conacience through meditation or shit, would we be able to shape the universe? Einstain said that the bodies in the universe changed its shape, this in the phisical realm. Why not change the Mental or Spiritual realm to alter the Physical realm? Kinda like law of attraction.
A power in LiS should revolve around those principles to work. Fire powers are just too small and random compared to this.
Well I actually hope it’s not about a teen/young adult in school but more of a full grown adult.
I don't know. Maybe someone who isn't a teenager and is in a different situation. Like an art student in college who can sketch or paint scenes that occur later on. Or a hobo with a dog who has the power to heal people.
2nd question: I defended Nathan. Even though he still shoots Chloe later on...
my first decision was stay away, since Nathan's going to kill Chloe in the future. but then i thought maybe the decision will affect Samantha in some way, so i replayed & activated the @#$ power of Chloe.
Some theorists say Rachel is still alive and the body at the junkyard is not hers. Is that true?
how about the beggar outside the Diner? she seems mysterious
there was an article that stated it will be an entirely new cast.
by the way guys, anyone remember how Chloe's accident happened in Episode 4?
When Max went back in time, she hid the car key from Chloe's dad so he took the bus.
But what caused Chloe to be severely immobilized and can only breathe with the help of a machine.
Was it car accident? Did she drive her dad's car? but she was too young to have tried to drive the car right? idk i totally forgot
Chloe supposedly had a car accident.
After you hide the keys and venture back into the present, you see the various pictures of events being added/overwritten.
In one of the pictures, I think you see Chloe getting car keys, so yeah.. She was in a car crash of her own later on.
But, it's been a while since I played the game.. Someone else should confirm, just to be sure.
Yes, it's Chloe who ends up having the accident instead of her father after he got her a new car. She says she got cut off and crashed into a ditch which snapped her spine
Play as Sean Prescott or someone close to him.
We have so far two series building up infamous Sean Prescott and his foundation. I hope the plot has "release" on that one.
I feel like it'd make sense to keep the game set in Arcadia Bay with some characters crossing over, so they can continue exploring all of that, but with a completely new protagonist. But given they're sort of doing that in Before the Storm, I think that means LiS2 will be all completely new characters, new location and new story. Chances are it'll still be a kid with the powers though.
i hope they'd also improve the animations. idk, the character movements seem to look roboty. unlike Telltale games.
there are theories coming out that Max was already going back to LiS:BTS timeline and was showing signs to Chloe. is that true?
Telltales movement animations are pretty bad as well TBH
I don't know. It would be cool though, that Max was trying to fix things somehow and make Chloe happy, and found the way to do it by becoming... Ruth? a fucking raven? Maybe Ruth is Max! One would think Chloe would have told Max about her arsonist demigod girlfriend and magic ravens that give her weird dreams and about witches ("hey, Max, since u have supah powahs, maybe u should know Rachel had weather powahs too. Crazy since u r seing a frikin storm, huh?" "Hey Max, maybe u should know Rachel had family issues.Any idea how having problems with ur parents could make u run away"?) and how could she forget to tell her that moment she punched a minotaur
the dick
and come on, I find it very strange that Chloe didn't tell Max that Rachel set a fucking forest on fire
I like this! I always thought of painters as world creators, and musicians as worlds travelers, so it could work as a perfect contrast to a photography time traveler!
I don't know. I always thought this was the original plan and have her work with Jeffershit all along or something but because of thiem or money issues this was cancelled.
After how things turned out with the ghost doe, I don't think that was ever the case tbh, but back when it first came I was hoping Rachel would actually be alive. But the ghost doe being Rachel's spirit (at least the way Max sees her?) I suppose was a way for them to foreshadow that Rachel was burried at the junkyard.
I believe I know the theory Anonymer is referring to, it also says that Ruth is the one that's actually burried at the junkyard and that Rachel ran off with Damkn Merrick or something, that he was the person who was going to change her life. But it falls apart right there, because Dontnod confirmed during a charity stream that person was indeed Jeffershit.
There's also how episode 2 of LiS1 leaked shortly after the first's release, along with text files for episodes 3-5 which revealed bits of dialogue and the structure of episodes 3-5. They're pretty much the same to what we got, except for some scenes being added, a few being changed around, a nightmare sequence in ep3 being removed, the order of some scenes being changed and Jeffershit apparently "helping" Max and Chloe at the end of episode 4, when they still thought Nathan was the one behind the dark room.
As far as I know, there are like 3 maybe 4 100% confirmed changes that were made, at least rhat come from Dontnod themselves.
Astral proyection?Kinda like that Doctor Who movie?
Nightmare? Help?
Telltale could learn one or two thinga from that
Now I'm interested. Anything else you know?
I dunno but I hope Life is Strange 2 focuses on superpowers that aren't time control. If each season had a new character with a new superpower that'd be amazing. Like make Season 2 about a 23 year old man with a lot of mental issues and give him telekinesis or some shit.
Hmm, maybe that'd explain how she managed to appear to Max in both her vision and nightmare. And Max always felt as if Rachel was guiding her, if I remember correctly.
I'm going to have to guess since we only know that it existed at one point, but I'd guess it was either another vision of the tornado or something similar to the nightmare from ep5. As for Jeffershit, we have this:
It sounds like Jefferson might've acted suspicious of Nathan and would ask Max what they planned to do. This was also supposed to take place before the junkyard.
I'd agree, for the sake of overall consistency they should instead write a script for all episodes first, and then make a few tweaks between episode releases instead.
Hmm, I can still remember a couple of things off thr top of my head.
Lol...that's actually a good idea...maybe set it in the 70s or 60s.
Me too...I also loved her design.
Nice! Thanks!

And since I mentioned it, might as well post the concept art for the ending here.
Everyone on the Telltale forums seems to find a way to hate on everything
Chloes mum struggled with money after her dad died so she couldn't afford to get Chloe a car (a common birthday present in american based media)
Since both her parents were alive and financially ok they managed to buy her one.
Im sure the creator said it was a all new location with all new playable characters.
I'd like some metal head boys, just because. The power could be astral travel or remote veiwing so you would need to cheat at cards or sneak a look at some documents, the power could advance so you can see things further away, see lost things or things from different times.
The central story should be mysterious and cultish something outlandish and mind bending but I dont know how.
Im going to put more thought into this.