Haha i know. And nowadays after you talk to a character, Telltale remove the hub so you can’t talk to them again. Yet another thing I didn’t like them doing
Haha i know. And nowadays after you talk to a character, Telltale remove the hub so you can’t talk to them again. Yet another thing I didn’t like them doing
Haha i know. And nowadays after you talk to a character, Telltale remove the hub so you can’t talk to them again. Yet another thing I didn’t like them doing
</3 Pilar of TWDG community
I'll admit that the ANF version is even funnier.
Lee The Leegendery Leegend.
LOL I am fangirling right now and I am in public
There will never be a greater PC than Lee Everett. God rest his soul:
“Hey Ben...Seeya”
An unchecked detail turned out to be a famous line. Who would have guessed ?
Haha i know. And nowadays after you talk to a character, Telltale remove the hub so you can’t talk to them again. Yet another thing I didn’t like them doing
Or instead of saying anything they just nod and look around lol
Yeah, that does kinda suck. Even if the character just says the same shit again, it's always nice to have options.
Yeah, I'd like to see new type of "Randy Tudor" easter egg, or the dancing walkers.
You're not the only one. I was fangirling, too.
Lee was

Role creditsss
Understatement ._.
He's so uncomfortable XD