When I saw thumbnails for From the Gallows before actually watching it, I thought Fern was gonna hijack the plot by either upstaging Joan or overthrowing Clint.
I understand how you feel.
Btw, did the Gravatar video I sent you help you somehow? I am using Gravatar for my picture and it worked perfectly. Strange how it doesn't for your account...
No, not yet anyway. The ending system revolving around hastily tying in Clementine at Gabe's expense based on an assortment of choices made … morenot only during ANF proper, but also in Season 2 kinda discouraged what little initiative I had to play the game.
These are some of the Pics I saw back then.
I seem to recall there being one with Fern holding a gun with the implication she was in an office or something.
I'll briefly mention the Gabe one in a separate post.
If only minor character were made special like that.
Heh, yeah. Though in this case, it would've been further proof they were pulling shit out of their ass at random.
Btw, did the Gravatar video I sent you help you somehow? I am using Gravatar for my picture and it worked perfectly. Strange how it doesn't for your account...
No, unfortunately. I still haven't figured out what's wrong with the display or whatever.
Could it be specifically because my account is pretty new?
I understand how you feel.
Btw, did the Gravatar video I sent you help you somehow? I am using Gravatar for my picture and it worked perfectly. Strange how it doesn't for your account...
When I saw thumbnails for From the Gallows before actually watching it, I thought Gabe at some point gets separated from the others and reluctantly surrenders when Joan[or whoever else could've been doing it] and her entourage mutually surprise him during their move through the chaotic city.
I am sorry to hear that. If I can help you in any way, I would.
Could it be specifically because my account is pretty new?
No, at least I don't think so. I joined 8-9 months after you did(I hope my math is right), and I could upload pictures on Gravatar and set them as an avatar. I did that recently(when I set Shel as my avatar). You should be able to do it, too.
You already made an account there and your email was vertified when you did, right?
Btw, did the Gravatar video I sent you help you somehow? I am using Gravatar for my picture and it worked perfectly. Strange how it doesn't … morefor your account...
No, unfortunately. I still haven't figured out what's wrong with the display or whatever.
Could it be specifically because my account is pretty new?
I am sorry to hear that. If I can help you in any way, I would.
Could it be specifically because my account is pretty new?
No… more, at least I don't think so. I joined 8-9 months after you did(I hope my math is right), and I could upload pictures on Gravatar and set them as an avatar. I did that recently(when I set Shel as my avatar). You should be able to do it, too.
You already made an account there and your email was vertified when you did, right?
Oh, you were talking about the Gravatar account! Sorry.
No, it's not because of that. I could set my avatar on the first day. Weird how yours doesn't show up...
They send you an email with a "Activate Account" link. Did you receive such an email?
Oh, you were talking about the Gravatar account! Sorry.
No, it's not because of that. I could set my avatar on the first day. Weird how y… moreours doesn't show up...
They send you an email with a "Activate Account" link. Did you receive such an email?
There shouldn't be any problem, then. It will probably take some time to show up.
When you upload a picture there and want make it your avatar you have to make sure you set it and rate it G. It has to show up as an avatar of your Gravatar at the top right, too.
There shouldn't be any problem, then. It will probably take some time to show up.
When you upload a picture there and want make it your av… moreatar you have to make sure you set it and rate it G. It has to show up as an avatar of your Gravatar at the top right, too.
Because of the way the scene was playing out, I thought Kate was dying in Javier's arms during his talk with Max and would turn in the next episode before David could get her into the gate.
Because of the way the scene was playing out, I thought Kate was dying in Javier's arms during his talk with Max and would turn in the next episode before David could get her into the gate.
Siiiiiiiiiiigh...let's talk about Shipping, shall we?
In the wake of people blowing Eleanor's innocent line WAY out of proportion and starting the whole "Gaybentime" nonsense, I saw it as the Take That joke it and the actual two references seemingly were.
Of course, when Thicker Than Water blatantly and lazily rectonned it in for no apparent reason, I saw it(and still do) for what it obviously was: a shameless effort to make the now completely superfluous Clementine feel important. And a possibly [another] troll moment in response to the incessant "discussion".
Thus, I was very much hoping that they'd do the mature thing and just end things off as a harmless crush that Clementine would either remain completely oblivious to or gently turn down to Gabe's acceptance/understanding. Or better yet, just a projecting hypothesis on the lovelorn Kate's part.
Alternatively, in the event Telltale decided that had to do something with that shallowness(which they apparently did), then I expected that in addition to having him and the other Garcias would be put on a bus, they would leave ambiguous so they can read feedback on whether "Gaybentime" is yay or nay for Season 6 or so, with introducing a new girlfriend character to make him unavailable being a backup plan.
I could've sworn I already mentioned this here, but since I can't seem to find it, I'll just post it now.
But when we first got the ANF's cover art, my initial vibe from Kate's placement would be Javier's partner(specifically, his answer to [my initial thought on]Ava, who she'd be a foil to) and that she'd be "Jane done right." In fact, I actually thought she was Jane at first.
Here's a little factoid I completely forgot about until @BB_Browne indirectly triggered it:
Back when "Season 3" was close to being on it's way and there was a lot of room for speculation, I and many others contributed to a number of lists of characters who could potentially return, whether because we want them to or expect them to.
Among my contribution to those lists, particularly those in the latter category, was Jaime.
Lol I thought that it was Lilly who was stealing the supplies and on my first playthrough of season 1 back in 2013 I chose "I think it was her" as in I thought it was Lilly and I went off and redid that whole scene after it was actually referring to Carley, little did I know that there was no point because she literally dies right after.
When we were waiting for season 2 episode 2 to come out I thought it was Christa that she saw at the lodge, not Kenny.
When we were waiting for season 2 episode 5 I thought (and many others) that it was going to be a Kenny or Luke choice at the end, that would've been much harder than Kenny or Jane even though it would be cliche. Also I thought AJ was dead and that when Clem said "no, not again" she was referring to christas baby.
And when the teaser images for season 3 came out and also we had a couple names leaked too I thought:
-David and Hector were husbands with Mariana as their daughter lol (the trailer they both said "baby" to her so I thought maybe they meant literally it was their daughter)
-Before the trailer we only got a few names leaked and some screenshots I thought Kate's name was "Eleanor", Gabes name was "Hector", and Mariana's name was "Kate".
-I also assumed that Gabe and Mariana were Javier's children, and David and Kate were his siblings.
-Remember when everyone that that the girl in Season 3 with sunglasses was lilly?
-I used to think that Eleanor was Joan's daughter
-And in season 2 episode 4 I thought that the RV wasn't just lazily reused by telltale and that it meant lilly had returned for episode 5
OH YES! And I remember I watched a little of episode 4 of season 3 before I played it myself (I had to wait a day because of my timezone) and I hovered over the end of the video and saw the bit where Joan is standing on a stage but to me I thought they were by the front gates and that Joan was telling them to leave and the next episode would start in a new place. (I was disappointed with that) as it looked like there couldn't possibly be any dramatic choices like "shoot joan" or anything.
Also, in season 1 episode 3 when Lee has a dream of clementine as a walker, I initially assumed that somehow duck had got her infected and actually fully believed that she had turned into a walker.
And for some silly reason, the first few moments of clementine in her dream sequence in season 2 episode 5 (after she gets shot) I thought that it really was just a dream, but now you play as clementine and you can change how things happened because you "saw it" in your dream, and you would play through it again but could be like "lee don't go there or you'll get bitten!"
When we were waiting for season 2 episode 5 I thought (and many others) that it was going to be a Kenny or Luke choice at the end, that would've been much harder than Kenny or Jane even though it would be cliche.
If by cliche, you mean earned and/or properly built up, then yes.
Also I thought AJ was dead and that when Clem said "no, not again" she was referring to christas baby.
That is the most logically continuous conclusion, yes.
-David and Hector were husbands with Mariana as their daughter lol (the trailer they both said "baby" to her so I thought maybe they meant literally it was their daughter)
Huh.... o_o Well, that would've been an interesting, but fair conclusion to have play out.
-Before the trailer we only got a few names leaked and some screenshots I thought Kate's name was "Eleanor", Gabes name was "Hector", and Mariana's name was "Kate".
I remember a post where the names were "Kate(as I think Javier says her name at one point or something), Noah, and Eleanor, respectively."
-I also assumed that Gabe and Mariana were Javier's children, and David and Kate were his siblings.
I recall thinking Kate was his sister as well, yes.
Which is interesting considering the gamefiles does indeed mention a sister named Anita.
-Remember when everyone that that the girl in Season 3 with sunglasses was lilly?
I remember seeing that be speculated, yes.
Personally, I thought she was "Huh-chick" from Prescott in disguise due to the similar appearances, Javier's exchanged glance with her, and the fact that her Capricorn symbol is on her armor. Ah, good ol Shades-Chick--what happened with you?
-I used to think that Eleanor was Joan's daughter
Turns out, that was actually the mindset behind her design/creation, but that subplot/backstory didn't make it into the released game.
-And in season 2 episode 4 I thought that the RV wasn't just lazily reused by telltale and that it meant lilly had returned for episode 5
That would've been...something.
Fun fact: Telltale actually was planning to bring her back in No Time Left using the RV, presumably after they learned the intended tie-in deal wasn't going through.
Lol I thought that it was Lilly who was stealing the supplies and on my first playthrough of season 1 back in 2013 I chose "I think it was h… moreer" as in I thought it was Lilly and I went off and redid that whole scene after it was actually referring to Carley, little did I know that there was no point because she literally dies right after.
When we were waiting for season 2 episode 2 to come out I thought it was Christa that she saw at the lodge, not Kenny.
When we were waiting for season 2 episode 5 I thought (and many others) that it was going to be a Kenny or Luke choice at the end, that would've been much harder than Kenny or Jane even though it would be cliche. Also I thought AJ was dead and that when Clem said "no, not again" she was referring to christas baby.
And when the teaser images for season 3 came out and also we had a couple names leaked too I thought:
-David and Hector were husbands with Mariana as their daughter lol … [view original content]
Lol I thought that it was Lilly who was stealing the supplies
@16:05 If the timestamp doesn't fuckin work
When we were wait… moreing for season 2 episode 5 I thought (and many others) that it was going to be a Kenny or Luke choice at the end, that would've been much harder than Kenny or Jane even though it would be cliche.
If by cliche, you mean earned and/or properly built up, then yes.
Also I thought AJ was dead and that when Clem said "no, not again" she was referring to christas baby.
That is the most logically continuous conclusion, yes.
-David and Hector were husbands with Mariana as their daughter lol (the trailer they both said "baby" to her so I thought maybe they meant literally it was their daughter)
Huh.... o_o Well, that would've been an interesting, but fair conclusion to have play out.
-Before the trailer we only got a few names leaked and some screenshots I thought Kate's na… [view original content]
I could've sworn I specifically mentioned this somewhere, but google only turns up one result and it ain't here. Oh well.
What I'm about to say maywill shock many/most of you: I thought a reason Sarah had been intentionally sheltered and babied for years was because she was some sort of closeted sociopath that was just subconsciously waiting for a chance to lash out.
Based on the Amazon description and later Twitter screenshots, ANF!Clementine had her own little group of friends in addition to Ava that would gradually team with Javier & the Garcias against the New Frontier/Marauders.
That when Sarah goes crying into the forest after Carlos dies she'd go through a lot of bad stuff and would later come back either hardened or crazy and would be the final antagonist of Season 2.
That when Sarah goes crying into the forest after Carlos dies she'd go through a lot of bad stuff and would later come back either hardened or crazy and would be the final antagonist of Season 2.
I would love her to die saving Clementine or AJ in the gunfight agains't the Russkies, so that fight would have some impact. Maybe if you didn't teach her how to use a gun she would save AJ, but if you teached her, she would kill Natasha before she gets to bite Kenny/Clem. Diying both ways.
You wanna know what makes this even stupider? She technically had a gun and bullets that wouldshould have been provided to her by previous plot points between Clementine and Jane.
I would love her to die saving Clementine or AJ in the gunfight agains't the Russkies, so that fight would have some impact.
That was the most obvious place to do it, yeah.
Maybe if you didn't teach her how to use a gun she would save AJ,
Diying both ways.
Pretty much. If she actually had to die anyway.
but if you teached her, she would kill Natasha before she gets to bite Kenny/Clem.
You know what, I didn't entirely think of that when I did that rewrite entry a while back.
Ah well.
I would love her to die saving Clementine or AJ in the gunfight agains't the Russkies, so that fight would have some impact. Maybe if you di… moredn't teach her how to use a gun she would save AJ, but if you teached her, she would kill Natasha before she gets to bite Kenny/Clem. Diying both ways.
Before I played any TWD telltale game I had watched almost every series and movies of zombies, so throughout the game I knew that in the end someone would die saving the clementine, this is normal for someone to sacrifice others so I did one theory that Lee would save Clem and it was a good theory. And my other theory that went wrong, that Lilly, who gave the supplies to the bad guys, was always very exalted, nervous, which made me suspicious of her.
And my other theory that went wrong, that Lilly, who gave the supplies to the bad guys, was always very exalted, nervous, which made me suspicious of her.
It was youuu, MEE! I KNEW I COULDnt TRUST MEEE! I NEVER trusted you!
Before I played any TWD telltale game I had watched almost every series and movies of zombies, so throughout the game I knew that in the end… more someone would die saving the clementine, this is normal for someone to sacrifice others so I did one theory that Lee would save Clem and it was a good theory. And my other theory that went wrong, that Lilly, who gave the supplies to the bad guys, was always very exalted, nervous, which made me suspicious of her.
David's plan as Leader of The New Frontier would've basically amount to him specifically trying to bring order to a chaotic world by militaristic force, with his men going out and intimidating other settlements into either yielding to them or being conquered/raided/enslaved/turned.
I initially guessed that Violet's warning about "Louis's trap" meant that she may have fallen for it at one point and may have even gotten her heart broken.
(Disclaimer: Because I have to put this up...This when I watched playthrough relatively blind and inherently missed a number of things)
I stupidly thought, when I was playing Episode 4, that the entire first season was gonna build up to a choice of who am i bringing on the boat with Kenny, Clem, and I lmao
When I first got to Howe's in Season 2, I thought Mike was Lee's brother. It had been a while since I played S1 at that time, so I forgot that you see Lee's actual brother as a Walker in the first episode.
Not so much single theories but that I thought my decisions mattered a whole lot more than they did.
I thought when I chose to save Duck, that he would actually die if I chose Shawn instead. I wasn't willing to see a child be bitten or eaten by those horrible walkers, so I went with my maternal instinct.
I thought I fucked up and got Katjaa killed when I chose for her to be the one to shoot Duck. I played through it again and this time volunteered myself, only for the same scene to happen.
I actually pat myself on the back for not bringing Clementine to Crawford after everything went down like it did. I was like "Yep. Clementine did not need to be present for this shit." Turns out, she will be just fine no matter what you choose. It's the same with whether you tell her to run and hide or give her a gun to defend herself while she's home alone.
Wow, haha! If only minor character were made special like that.
I understand how you feel.
Btw, did the Gravatar video I sent you help you somehow? I am using Gravatar for my picture and it worked perfectly. Strange how it doesn't for your account...
These are some of the Pics I saw back then.

I seem to recall there being one with Fern holding a gun with the implication she was in an office or something.
I'll briefly mention the Gabe one in a separate post.
Heh, yeah. Though in this case, it would've been further proof they were pulling shit out of their ass at random.
No, unfortunately. I still haven't figured out what's wrong with the display or whatever.
Could it be specifically because my account is pretty new?
When I saw thumbnails for From the Gallows before actually watching it, I thought Gabe at some point gets separated from the others and reluctantly surrenders when Joan[or whoever else could've been doing it] and her entourage mutually surprise him during their move through the chaotic city.
I am sorry to hear that.
If I can help you in any way, I would.
No, at least I don't think so. I joined 8-9 months after you did(I hope my math is right), and I could upload pictures on Gravatar and set them as an avatar. I did that recently(when I set Shel as my avatar). You should be able to do it, too.
You already made an account there and your email was vertified when you did, right?
No, I made the account a few weeks ago--before I swapped in Alvin as my profile pic, iirc.
Oh, you were talking about the Gravatar account! Sorry.
No, it's not because of that. I could set my avatar on the first day. Weird how yours doesn't show up...
They send you an email with a "Activate Account" link. Did you receive such an email?
There shouldn't be any problem, then. It will probably take some time to show up.
When you upload a picture there and want make it your avatar you have to make sure you set it and rate it G. It has to show up as an avatar of your Gravatar at the top right, too.
Okay, then I really don't get why it isn't showing up here then after all this time.
Because of the way the scene was playing out, I thought Kate was dying in Javier's arms during his talk with Max and would turn in the next episode before David could get her into the gate.
I thought something similar might happen.
Siiiiiiiiiiigh...let's talk about Shipping, shall we?
In the wake of people blowing Eleanor's innocent line WAY out of proportion and starting the whole "Gaybentime" nonsense, I saw it as the Take That joke it and the actual two references seemingly were.
Of course, when Thicker Than Water blatantly and lazily rectonned it in for no apparent reason, I saw it(and still do) for what it obviously was: a shameless effort to make the now completely superfluous Clementine feel important. And a possibly [another] troll moment in response to the incessant "discussion".
Thus, I was very much hoping that they'd do the mature thing and just end things off as a harmless crush that Clementine would either remain completely oblivious to or gently turn down to Gabe's acceptance/understanding. Or better yet, just a projecting hypothesis on the lovelorn Kate's part.
Alternatively, in the event Telltale decided that had to do something with that shallowness(which they apparently did), then I expected that in addition to having him and the other Garcias would be put on a bus, they would leave ambiguous so they can read feedback on whether "Gaybentime" is yay or nay for Season 6 or so, with introducing a new girlfriend character to make him unavailable being a backup plan.
I could've sworn I already mentioned this here, but since I can't seem to find it, I'll just post it now.
But when we first got the ANF's cover art, my initial vibe from Kate's placement would be Javier's partner(specifically, his answer to [my initial thought on]Ava, who she'd be a foil to) and that she'd be "Jane done right." In fact, I actually thought she was Jane at first.
Here's a little factoid I completely forgot about until @BB_Browne indirectly triggered it:
Back when "Season 3" was close to being on it's way and there was a lot of room for speculation, I and many others contributed to a number of lists of characters who could potentially return, whether because we want them to or expect them to.
Among my contribution to those lists, particularly those in the latter category, was Jaime.
Lol I thought that it was Lilly who was stealing the supplies and on my first playthrough of season 1 back in 2013 I chose "I think it was her" as in I thought it was Lilly and I went off and redid that whole scene after it was actually referring to Carley, little did I know that there was no point because she literally dies right after.
When we were waiting for season 2 episode 2 to come out I thought it was Christa that she saw at the lodge, not Kenny.
When we were waiting for season 2 episode 5 I thought (and many others) that it was going to be a Kenny or Luke choice at the end, that would've been much harder than Kenny or Jane even though it would be cliche. Also I thought AJ was dead and that when Clem said "no, not again" she was referring to christas baby.
And when the teaser images for season 3 came out and also we had a couple names leaked too I thought:
-David and Hector were husbands with Mariana as their daughter lol (the trailer they both said "baby" to her so I thought maybe they meant literally it was their daughter)
-Before the trailer we only got a few names leaked and some screenshots I thought Kate's name was "Eleanor", Gabes name was "Hector", and Mariana's name was "Kate".
-I also assumed that Gabe and Mariana were Javier's children, and David and Kate were his siblings.
-Remember when everyone that that the girl in Season 3 with sunglasses was lilly?
-I used to think that Eleanor was Joan's daughter
-And in season 2 episode 4 I thought that the RV wasn't just lazily reused by telltale and that it meant lilly had returned for episode 5
ANND i think thats it.
OH YES! And I remember I watched a little of episode 4 of season 3 before I played it myself (I had to wait a day because of my timezone) and I hovered over the end of the video and saw the bit where Joan is standing on a stage but to me I thought they were by the front gates and that Joan was telling them to leave and the next episode would start in a new place. (I was disappointed with that) as it looked like there couldn't possibly be any dramatic choices like "shoot joan" or anything.
Also, in season 1 episode 3 when Lee has a dream of clementine as a walker, I initially assumed that somehow duck had got her infected and actually fully believed that she had turned into a walker.
And for some silly reason, the first few moments of clementine in her dream sequence in season 2 episode 5 (after she gets shot) I thought that it really was just a dream, but now you play as clementine and you can change how things happened because you "saw it" in your dream, and you would play through it again but could be like "lee don't go there or you'll get bitten!"
@16:05 If the timestamp doesn't fuckin work

If by cliche, you mean earned and/or properly built up, then yes.
That is the most logically continuous conclusion, yes.
Huh.... o_o Well, that would've been an interesting, but fair conclusion to have play out.
I remember a post where the names were "Kate(as I think Javier says her name at one point or something), Noah, and Eleanor, respectively."
I recall thinking Kate was his sister as well, yes.
Which is interesting considering the gamefiles does indeed mention a sister named Anita.
I remember seeing that be speculated, yes.
Personally, I thought she was "Huh-chick" from Prescott in disguise due to the similar appearances, Javier's exchanged glance with her, and the fact that her Capricorn symbol is on her armor. Ah, good ol Shades-Chick--what happened with you?
Turns out, that was actually the mindset behind her design/creation, but that subplot/backstory didn't make it into the released game.
That would've been...something.
Fun fact: Telltale actually was planning to bring her back in No Time Left using the RV, presumably after they learned the intended tie-in deal wasn't going through.
Similar mindset then
...What exactly are you responding to here?
Just edit in the specific part.
I could've sworn I specifically mentioned this somewhere, but google only turns up one result and it ain't here. Oh well.
What I'm about to say maywill shock many/most of you: I thought a reason Sarah had been intentionally sheltered and babied for years was because she was some sort of closeted sociopath that was just subconsciously waiting for a chance to lash out.
Based on the Amazon description and later Twitter screenshots, ANF!Clementine had her own little group of friends in addition to Ava that would gradually team with Javier & the Garcias against the New Frontier/Marauders.
That when Sarah goes crying into the forest after Carlos dies she'd go through a lot of bad stuff and would later come back either hardened or crazy and would be the final antagonist of Season 2.
Don't know about those specific details, but pretty close to my thoughts in a way.
I would love her to die saving Clementine or AJ in the gunfight agains't the Russkies, so that fight would have some impact. Maybe if you didn't teach her how to use a gun she would save AJ, but if you teached her, she would kill Natasha before she gets to bite Kenny/Clem. Diying both ways.
I would love her to die saving Clementine or AJ in the gunfight agains't the Russkies, so that fight would have some impact.
That was the most obvious place to do it, yeah.
Pretty much. If she actually had to die anyway.
You know what, I didn't entirely think of that when I did that rewrite entry a while back.
Ah well.
Assim's death would trigger Marlon's later desperation and betrayal.
Marlon was arranging meetings and shipments with Abel at the Train Station.
Before I played any TWD telltale game I had watched almost every series and movies of zombies, so throughout the game I knew that in the end someone would die saving the clementine, this is normal for someone to sacrifice others so I did one theory that Lee would save Clem and it was a good theory. And my other theory that went wrong, that Lilly, who gave the supplies to the bad guys, was always very exalted, nervous, which made me suspicious of her.
It was youuu, MEE! I KNEW I COULDnt TRUST MEEE! I NEVER trusted you!
David's plan as Leader of The New Frontier would've basically amount to him specifically trying to bring order to a chaotic world by militaristic force, with his men going out and intimidating other settlements into either yielding to them or being conquered/raided/enslaved/turned.
There was a cure for the infected, which is why I let Lee turn.
I initially guessed that Violet's warning about "Louis's trap" meant that she may have fallen for it at one point and may have even gotten her heart broken.
(Disclaimer: Because I have to put this up...This when I watched playthrough relatively blind and inherently missed a number of things)
I stupidly thought, when I was playing Episode 4, that the entire first season was gonna build up to a choice of who am i bringing on the boat with Kenny, Clem, and I lmao
When I first got to Howe's in Season 2, I thought Mike was Lee's brother. It had been a while since I played S1 at that time, so I forgot that you see Lee's actual brother as a Walker in the first episode.
Clint was the one who ordered the raids.
Tripp was a former member of The New Frontier.
Not so much single theories but that I thought my decisions mattered a whole lot more than they did.
I thought when I chose to save Duck, that he would actually die if I chose Shawn instead. I wasn't willing to see a child be bitten or eaten by those horrible walkers, so I went with my maternal instinct.
I thought I fucked up and got Katjaa killed when I chose for her to be the one to shoot Duck. I played through it again and this time volunteered myself, only for the same scene to happen.
I actually pat myself on the back for not bringing Clementine to Crawford after everything went down like it did. I was like "Yep. Clementine did not need to be present for this shit." Turns out, she will be just fine no matter what you choose. It's the same with whether you tell her to run and hide or give her a gun to defend herself while she's home alone.