Hahahaha, (flys into the sky and raises arm,) you people will never ever see the sunlight... EVER AGAIN, MUHUAHUAHUA ohhh this will be so much fun to watch y'all suffer ( swings arm at sky and the sun goes down and the moon rises, then points at moon and the moon turns red) ahhh there we are now the moon is locked until I unlock it...
Yesss, it is so fun I could just reset it and make a new world and trap you all underground where they will NEVER KNOW MUHUAHIAHUAHUU. oh but I'm afraid if I don't kill you guys then I must trap yall underneath bedrock just to ensure that y'all don't escape ....
Hey guys, I'm Reuben! That was funny, you should laugh! Shyahahahaaa
But seriously tho, you're gonna need tickets before you can, like, destroy this world. And I don't take bribes.
(Soren farted at Reuben) (Reuben got killed by Sorens fart) (the tickets have droppped from Reuben)
Soren: Like how they said, farts can solve anything! Now, I can destroy the world...
Hey guys, I'm Reuben! That was funny, you should laugh! Shyahahahaaa
But seriously tho, you're gonna need tickets before you can, like, destroy this world. And I don't take bribes.
(Soren farted at Reuben) (Reuben got killed by Sorens fart) (the tickets have droppped from Reuben)
Soren: Like how they said, farts can solve anything! Now, I can destroy the world...
(glares in kng's direction) (flys towards kng) what do you think you are doing! You do not get to have introductions while I am trying to talk no no no
Why you little agh (summons flying crepper hurtling towards lokie) (lokie hits creeper back at the admin) (crepper blows up in admins face) augh you will pay for that, my skin is tougher than bedrock, you can't hurt me.
You are so resilient I said you can't hurt me! (Lokie jumps up in air and slices the admin in half) (admins body forms back together) hahahahahaha I told you (swings arm at lokie, and lokie starts levitating)
-Arrow shoots and hits admin in face- -admin melts into liquid and falls and sizzlse into smoke- -the smoke form a huge cloud in the shape of a giant- -giant arm come rushing out of cloud towards lokie- -grabs lokie and raises towards face- ahh what was that? You thought you could kill me just then?
-while the admin is holding up lokie a bullet from the Ray gun hits the admins leg and richochetes and come hurtling towards tekano- -admin looks over and sees tekano- about to be killed- -the admin uses his other hand and points at the flying bullet and the flying bullet exploded sending tekano hurtling towards a building but not dead, which would have happened-
-Falls to the ground in pain then gets back up slowly and summons 3 fast super powered three headed ghasts- TAKE THAT! -The ghasts start to surround them and starts firing-
-while the admin is holding up lokie a bullet from the Ray gun hits the admins leg and richochetes and come hurtling towards tekano- -admin… more looks over and sees tekano- about to be killed- -the admin uses his other hand and points at the flying bullet and the flying bullet exploded sending tekano hurtling towards a building but not dead, which would have happened-
But you. Ughhh -pulls out a strange looking block and places it down... The block begins to suck in the ghast- -the ghast- are inside the block and the admin steps on the block destroying it-
-Falls to the ground in pain then gets back up slowly and summons 3 fast super powered three headed ghasts- TAKE THAT! -The ghasts start to surround them and starts firing-
-Quickly climbs up a hidden ladder onto a hidden platform then summons an enchanted ruby sword in my hand, along with enchanted diamond armor and elytra wings, then glides towards the Admin and swings at him-
-turns around and sees tenako flying towards me- what! Where do you kept getting this stuff- -tenako hits the weak point on my stomach- -admin explodes- -when admin dies he droped a book...
-Quickly climbs up a hidden ladder onto a hidden platform then summons an enchanted ruby sword in my hand, along with enchanted diamond armor and elytra wings, then glides towards the Admin and swings at him-
-Quickly climbs up a hidden ladder onto a hidden platform then summons an enchanted ruby sword in my hand, along with enchanted diamond armor and elytra wings, then glides towards the Admin and swings at him-
The book says title: Romeo's diary... "The day after I killed Fred, I felt so bad that I decided to cover this world up with bedrock and start out fresh and locking xara in my prison I did all this so I could try and forget about what I did, but deep inside the memory could not be erased and I had to live with her fact that I killed my friend.... So I decided to start doing terrible things to innocent people... I wish I could start over from the day I found the terminal and got my power" -you look up from the book and see Romeo the admin flying towards you with a sword-
HEY! -the Admin knocks me back by slicing my chest with the sword- I thought I killed you! -the Admin comes to slash me again while I quickly summon a shield in my hand and then deflects his attack at the exact last second-
The book says title: Romeo's diary... "The day after I killed Fred, I felt so bad that I decided to cover this world up with bedrock and sta… morert out fresh and locking xara in my prison I did all this so I could try and forget about what I did, but deep inside the memory could not be erased and I had to live with her fact that I killed my friend.... So I decided to start doing terrible things to innocent people... I wish I could start over from the day I found the terminal and got my power" -you look up from the book and see Romeo the admin flying towards you with a sword-
Hahahaha, (flys into the sky and raises arm,) you people will never ever see the sunlight... EVER AGAIN, MUHUAHUAHUA ohhh this will be so much fun to watch y'all suffer ( swings arm at sky and the sun goes down and the moon rises, then points at moon and the moon turns red) ahhh there we are now the moon is locked until I unlock it...
You created this world, and now your destroying YOUR world?
Yesss, it is so fun I could just reset it and make a new world and trap you all underground where they will NEVER KNOW MUHUAHIAHUAHUU. oh but I'm afraid if I don't kill you guys then I must trap yall underneath bedrock just to ensure that y'all don't escape ....
Hey guys, I'm Reuben! That was funny, you should laugh! Shyahahahaaa
But seriously tho, you're gonna need tickets before you can, like, destroy this world. And I don't take bribes.
(Soren farted at Reuben) (Reuben got killed by Sorens fart) (the tickets have droppped from Reuben)
Soren: Like how they said, farts can solve anything! Now, I can destroy the world...
You have got a serious problem.
What? Me? No!
Ugh oh my gosh I'm so tired of you! (Sends Soren to bedrock cage in the sky) ah, he will be useful for Later when I go to do my plans. Muhuahiahuahuu
And no the tickets are if you want to watch without getting smashed or killed
-villager noises-
Hi villager what's your name?
(glares in kng's direction) (flys towards kng) what do you think you are doing! You do not get to have introductions while I am trying to talk no no no
Its Lokie, And that's small talk from You Admin.
Ahem... WHAT! (raises arm) now it isn't small talk when I'm about to kill you, is it?!
I use #potato451, and now I have the Admin powers.
Evil laughter.
Ahem, aren't you suppose to use that at the main terminal? Well now I know your plans and I will obviously stop you
I wouldn't be so sure about that, Admin.

What are you going to do? Kill me?
Why you little agh (summons flying crepper hurtling towards lokie) (lokie hits creeper back at the admin) (crepper blows up in admins face) augh you will pay for that, my skin is tougher than bedrock, you can't hurt me.
Woah. I was only joking.
Well, if you want to be that way...
-Pulls out a iron sword and a golden sword-
You are so resilient I said you can't hurt me! (Lokie jumps up in air and slices the admin in half) (admins body forms back together) hahahahahaha I told you (swings arm at lokie, and lokie starts levitating)
Woah, What the??
-Pulls out bow and aims an arrow at the admin-
-Suddenly comes out of nowhere and starts blasting people with ray guns-
-Arrow shoots and hits admin in face- -admin melts into liquid and falls and sizzlse into smoke- -the smoke form a huge cloud in the shape of a giant- -giant arm come rushing out of cloud towards lokie- -grabs lokie and raises towards face- ahh what was that? You thought you could kill me just then?
-while the admin is holding up lokie a bullet from the Ray gun hits the admins leg and richochetes and come hurtling towards tekano- -admin looks over and sees tekano- about to be killed- -the admin uses his other hand and points at the flying bullet and the flying bullet exploded sending tekano hurtling towards a building but not dead, which would have happened-
-Falls to the ground in pain then gets back up slowly and summons 3 fast super powered three headed ghasts- TAKE THAT! -The ghasts start to surround them and starts firing-
But you. Ughhh -pulls out a strange looking block and places it down... The block begins to suck in the ghast- -the ghast- are inside the block and the admin steps on the block destroying it-
-Quickly climbs up a hidden ladder onto a hidden platform then summons an enchanted ruby sword in my hand, along with enchanted diamond armor and elytra wings, then glides towards the Admin and swings at him-
-turns around and sees tenako flying towards me- what! Where do you kept getting this stuff- -tenako hits the weak point on my stomach- -admin explodes- -when admin dies he droped a book...
(-{[choice]}-) -()()do you want to read the book?()()- +(yes)+ or -(no)-
-rolls onto the ground and grabs the book-
Hey, that's mine! -snatches book- (chooses +(yes)+)
The book says title: Romeo's diary... "The day after I killed Fred, I felt so bad that I decided to cover this world up with bedrock and start out fresh and locking xara in my prison I did all this so I could try and forget about what I did, but deep inside the memory could not be erased and I had to live with her fact that I killed my friend.... So I decided to start doing terrible things to innocent people... I wish I could start over from the day I found the terminal and got my power" -you look up from the book and see Romeo the admin flying towards you with a sword-
I am Notch. You ruined my world!
So? I don't care, I like destroying the worlds.
I haven't ruined anything and last time I recall alil was trapped in a bedrock cage
(ali, not alil)
I have my ways!
Whatever so, are you all ready fir the real challenge to begin?
Hah, won't you just KILL US?
HEY! -the Admin knocks me back by slicing my chest with the sword- I thought I killed you! -the Admin comes to slash me again while I quickly summon a shield in my hand and then deflects his attack at the exact last second-