What would you’ve liked to see in all 3 seasons?
I just have to know what other people would have liked to see in all 3 seasons of the walking dead, and if you like Michonne and 400 days too. For example:
S1: more romance options for Carley
S2: more insight into who Carver actually is
S3: More backstories on all of the characters, including Javier and Clementine
And no, “a better story for ANF” won’t cut it ?
So what are your thoughts on what should have been?
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In S2 there should have been a scene where we can actually see what happens with Christa's baby
Huh. Well...
Season 1:I don't know, maybe an option to non-lethally neutralize Jolene.
Season 2:More focus and development for the Cabin Group a little closer to Season 1.
Season 3:A more consistent story after Above the Law.
Season 1: Have the stranger fight make more sense, one of his key arguments for fighting you is that you stole from him, something that does not even happen in half the games
Season 2: Expand on Howes Hardware, I always thought the dynamic between Clementine and Carver was interesting, they could have multiple options for relationships with both the cabin crew and Carver, where you could decide to side more with Carver and earn his trust, either because you agree with him, or want to betray him later, or you could side with the Cabin crew and earn their trust (something you will obviously lose and have to earn back if you side with Carver, even if you betray him). Have an actual good written reason to choose Jane in the final choice, originally you could shoot either Jane or Kenny, but after the writers couldnt write a good enough reason for the player to shoot Jane, they super biased the choice against Kenny
A New Frontier: Remove preestablished relationships, story telling 101 is to show not tell, but A New Frontier somehow expects me to care for half the cast just because they knew Javier before the player was in the picture, thats not how it works. Most importantly though: have Clementine have 2 dispositions towards Javier depending on what he did with the Conrad choice. Realistically, Clementine would never trust Javier again, she has been alone for a long time, is very hardened and weary of strangers, doesnt trust anyone. So when she tells Javier about her association with The New Frontier, its a HUGE degree of trust, something that shows how much Clementine trusts him, and that would be crossing a huge barrier for Clementine, finally putting her trust in someone. So she should be furious if he betrays that trust and sells her to Conrad, she should never forgive him. What do we get? she forgets all about it next episode and is all buddy buddy with Javier
I really can't go into detail about it (just because of how much it requires me to over analyze), but I would have liked to see an overall story arc. We now know that this iteration of TWD by TTG is about Clementine. Some sort of theme or story that links all the seasons together would have been cool. This way the final season can have a more definitive ending. Instead of us going onto Season 4 saying "what is TTG going to do," we can say "This is going to finally explain/resolve it all". I'm all for reasons that can stand on their own, but having some tie that goes back to Season 1 would be a nice treat. For example, if it was blatantly obvious that the seasons were about Clem seeking closure on her family, then the final season can jump on moments from previous seasons that reflect that. We can watch it all unfold as TTG finally shows us what Clem's "closure" will be i.e. death, a community, long lost relative(s), going back to Georgia, etc.
S1: the cut scene of Lilly knowing about Lee's past, and include the part of her returning in the RV somehow. Also, Chuck to have more of a part.
S2: Lilly instead of Kenny for the surprise, somehow. Have some of the Cabin group survive, and upon hearing, also more for Carver.
S3: Where do I begin (deep breath) Make Clem the playable character, for every ending made by choice of the player, a different scenario, work the Garcia family in given the tale, have Marianna and Clem become friends, also Marianna learn some survival tips from Clem.
That's all I can ponder.
Exactly! They were so random but yet had so much potential.
And no one survived O_O I wonder what they represented...
I believe the stranger fought Lee because Lee’s group stealing from the stranger p7ts them in a desperate situation after losing their son, so his wife leaves him because of it. I think that’s the true motivation for the stranger’s actions, seeing as his wife leaving him is how she and their daughter died.
Well yeah, but then it makes no sense that he targets Lee specifically, snce Lee in some game literally did not steal from him
The stranger mentions that he did not want to target lee, until he finds out how much danger clementine was in, being taken captive by cannibals, targeted by bandits and being surrounded by walkers and all that, so he goes on to say that his plans had changed
Unless there's some details I'm not privy to, that's not a cut scene. If you were on bad terms with her and Larry or at least if you helped Kenny kill him, she'll reveal she knows if you're following Carley's advice to tell everyone.
Well, one of the basic concept for Season 2 was have Clementine interact with other survivors of varying personalities and flaws.
The Cabin Group themselves were clearly being built up around the idea that existing in a post-apocalyptic world can bring out some complicating behavior out of people, causing some to become paranoid and desperate to the point of engaging in some less than clean or even admirable behavior in order to survive.
A bit more of realism on people starving. In Season One Episode Two they did a great job showing how survivors starve andhow that can affect people. But in every other episode, the characters dont suffer from that anymore.
I would like options to obtain resources (food, water, bullets) and managing them. In every episode all the characters have food, ammo, water and everything they need until the plot says otherwise.
That would be nice ?
Literally Carver's group
Now that would've really bulked up positive feedback for S2. I would've really enjoyed it too as well. But it probably got cut along with Clem's raincoat lol. They just might recycle this layout for S4, I can definitely see that happening if things get weary during the writing process for it. Now that I think about it, that's always been Telltale's problem, "Coming up with something satisfying, then ultimately cutting" it for whatever reason.
Actually I was referring to this:https://streamable.com/8o5a7
I really liked how the cabin crew locked Clementine in the shed from a storytelling perspective, it makes sense (even if only because Carlos is a terrible doctor), too bad they literally dont really do anything smart ever again as far as I can recall
Uh, actually I was referring to the Cabin Group the whole time.
Now I'm wondering...doesn't Clementine hear about what Lee did if Carley brought it up? And Lee can elaborate when she asks about it?
My understanding with that setup was that Sam thrashing around the way he was on Clementine hypothetically(because the mark itself doesn't really get this across) made it a little ambiguous as to what actually bit her, making it a little difficult to identify the mark with full certainty. Add in how Luke and Pete found her surrounded by walkers, with one right on top of her, and her story becomes a little less believable.
At the very least, Carlos does consider the possibility, but didn't want to take any chances.
Also, I think this may shine some light as to their actual thoughts on the Shed.

Basically, it was a convenient way to keep her out of their hair long enough to figure out what to do with her after Carlos ideally gets to treat her.
Well, they do split as soon as Clementine and Sarah tell them Carver was there, so there's at least that.
Oh yeah, they were all in the same group at one point. I forget.
Then again, when Clem met the Cabin group, they had already parted ways. That would've been nice to see how things went downhill. I refuse to believe it was all over an affair. Like for my first play through, after I met everyone and shit kicked off, It was the Cabin group, then Carver's people. Only after when they said he used to be apart of their group I considered them as a whole. Other than that, it was two separate communities.
Season two should've also clarified at what happened to Christa, they hinted it at every episode, especially the end of the first where the dying man was the one in the woods with christa.
I was expecting him to tell me where Christa was. Sorta regret giving him the water when Pete probably could have used it
An introduction theme for the Walking Dead game across all three seasons. Not exactly like the TV show (which rocks) but one specifically for this game series like The Wolf Among Us game had for their adaptation from the comics.
Darker tone for all three seasons even though season 1 was the darkest thus far. Kind of hate that season one is just the ONLY Walking Dead game to be ideal when really I believe the other two sequels had so much more potential than season one with more characters to work with. Well Michonne wasn't that bad beside the annoying ghost flashbacks.
Better end credits music for season two. I know I'm likely in the minority here but each end credit episode track for season two I wasn't feeling except for episodes 3 and 5. I would of preferred they brought back and kept season one's end credits tunes. And season 3 just needed something instead of nothing if I'm remembering season 3 correctly it is the most forgettable season by the way.
I think they should of kept the character monologues like at the end of season 1 giving their history with you and how your relationship with this character began and ended. They brought it back for season 3 if I'm not mistaken but cut it out for season 2.
More in game mini missions like puzzles, scavenging for supplies, perimeter duty, hunting for food etc.... Again I guess season one led a great example.
Having a defacto leader for the group for a change of pace could be decent. Across all three games it kind of was never all that clear who the leader was at least for the "good survivors" of the games. Of course Clem cannot be leader at all but was Lee, Lilly, or Kenny the leader of the group in season 1? Luke, Pete, or Kenny for season 2? and was it Kate or Javier for season 3? I think David might of counted more as in between or closer to being an antagonist so I would not count him in spite of him being one of the Richmond leaders.
I wanted to also see more graphic brutality and gore for walker deaths even for season one the deaths at times felt a bit tame for Walking Dead standards. I know Telltale doesn't specialize in horror but if they tried harder they could nearly nail it.
That would've been a nice touch, yes.
The Wolf Among Us is a comic?
Probably cause they knew they bullshitted through a lot of characters without much much to show for some of them. If they actually did list off your relationship choices, only Kenny, Sarah, and maybe Luke would be guaranteed fills.
I'm pretty sure that was partially because of the in-group differences and the rotating cast members plot points. Even then, Lilly was clearly the leader of the first group and Kate was more or less the leader of the Garcia Group in everything but authoritarianism. Meanwhile, Luke was supposed to be the up and coming official leader of the Cabin Group who tended to defer to Pete and Carlos's wisdom on occasion.
Reasonable wishes. I wouldn’t mind if the season 2 songs were changed either, although I did like them, seeing what else telltale could have utilised in that area would be nice
I've heard the wolf among us Telltale game was a prequel for the Vertigo comics which could be part of the DC universe. I am sure Bigby and Snow are in that comic series.
It always looked like she was in a power struggle with Kenny mostly and Lee in the middle of it. Kenny brought up leaving their leader on the side of the road as well without taking a vote from the other group members. The fact most folks either agreed with Kenny by leaving her or with Lee by taking her makes it look like Lee or Kenny were group leaders by the time this point in the story came around or they just assumed the role after Lilly's insanity breakdown.
She and Kenny just tended to disagree on each other's ideas, that's all. While Lee can tell the St. John's whatever he wants in regards to the leadership(even claiming its him), it's made abundantly clear that Lily was the real leader of the group since she was in charge of things like manning positions, job assignments, and rations since before Lee, Clementine, and Kenny's family showed up. They just more or less assumed the role after she snapped and left.
I have always found that odd how Lee can just say he's the leader when he knows he's likely not at the time.. When Lily departs.. it seems only then that Lee sort of takes bolder initiative of some situations could be because at around this point Kenny was losing it anyway over his recently killed wife and son..
Vernon also even accuses the rest of his people about looking to Lee as their leader of sorts whether it's a true fact or not I'm not fully sure. Lee does seem to make most of the calls when the group arrives in Savannah (orders Omid,Christa, Kenny and Ben on what to do during the seige at mansion and leads the group into Crawford) .
But then again he was the player character anyway so many decisions were just presented to him by default.
I meant to say earlier that probably Jane and Rebecca could be lumped on that list too since they might of been effected by Clementine or vice versa for them effecting or influencing Clementine. Rebecca mostly due to having to care for AJ now.
I think they should have done more about what happened to Christa and her baby instead of just forgetting about it. There are diologue options about looking for her but the closest hint I can remember is the guy that was still alive by the stream. Also, what happened in the space of 16 months that we miss?
I also think they should have set up the whole Kenny and Jane thing differently. I would have preferred a Luke verse Kenny situation because I cared for them more then Jane. Plus it would have saved Luke a annoying death which can’t be stopped no matter what.