Season 3?
Are we gona get a season 3 and which villains whoud u like to see in S3? Personaly, i think the best next villains are Ra's and League of Assassins. Also i think is time for batman to get some sidekick. What do you think?
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I hope we will receive atleast one more season.
I hope they keep the main characters around (Gordon, Selina, Alfred...)
I dont know that much about Batman villains lore... Deadshot might be interesting to see?.. depending how this season ends we might see Joker and Harley in the next season aswell.
About the sidekick I am not sure at all. I would not be sad to keep the allies Bruce got atm (Alfred, Tiffany, Selina and hopefully Gordon soon once again...)
Deadshot is confirmed to be an antagonist in the Sins of the Father comic (which takes place between Season 1 and 2), so he might make an appearance in the future or at the very least be referenced.
I'm sure this series will at least get one more season. I think John Doe would be in it and the league of assassins and I'm sure some plot lines and characters will continue to next season.
Making the Batman series a trilogy would be the best way to do things. There is so much going on in s2 that I don't think they can sufficiently wrap things up in the next two episodes.
We can only hope right now.
But I have a strong feeling that we'll get it.
There are many among the rogue gallery that I'd love to see make an appearance in future installments of the series. I'd love to see Scarecrow as a stand-alone villain as there's a lot that can be done with battling through hallucinations that are actual regular thugs - and not only for Batman to face. Alfred under the influence would likely see a return of Lady Arkham, perhaps even Bruce as Lady Arkham. It could be a very emotional season with him involved, but if Telltale would be willing to do more than just a Season 3 -- I almost want to save him for later on so we'd have more history to pull from for our characters to endure.
I welcome the thought of going against the League of Assassins, and I'm hoping that once the Joker is unleashed that he's a Season antagonist rather than a simple apprehension. Most of my anticipation comes from hoping that TellTale will retain the excellent team involved with Season 2. Whatever criticisms I might have regarding Batman, it's not staff related whatsoever.
I wouldn't mind seeing an entry from the **Mad Hatter. ** He might not be a stand-alone villain, but he'd be a welcome side character in the midst of the main plot to contend with, and I can't help but hope that at some point they might squeeze in a brief appearance from the Condiment King. ......sorry, can't help myself.
Poison Ivy
Black Mask
Ally/Love Interest:
Talia al Ghul
I think a Ra's Al Ghul/League of Shadows arc would probably be the smartest avenue because Ra's has power over Bruce, strong perspectives on how he thinks the world should operate, and he is also likeable enough so that you may want to please him against your better judgement. I want to see Talia but I'd much rather that you had a romance with her in the past and have the option to resume it or continue on with Selina.
I'd like Selina to be as regular a character as she is now with the option for her to be either an strictly an associate or a lover as well as an associate. I think if we cut to a few years in the future, she could either return or have made amends with a jerkier Batman. Selina is good for the spy-like, espionage, breaking-and-entering stuff so I imagine a lot of scenarios like that which involve sly infiltration.
A time jump could also encompass a Robin but I don't think a "boy wonder" is appropriate for Telltale, he should be grown-up. And maybe have the hots for Bats? Just putting that out there
. It'd be interesting to have options as to how much you want to keep him in the loop or be vulnerable with him.
Yeah, pretty much just that. MORE AMANDA WALLER too.
I agree that if there is involvement for Robin that it's an adult Robin that we're partners with rather than the traditional approach the Batman series has taken before. It's not that I don't think that TellTale is perfectly capable of it -- one of my favorite relationships Telltale has created is the bond between Lee and Clementine -- but it's been so played out and they're so inventive I want a new direction. Don't even care if it's an optional romance for those wanting to see Bruce as something other than heterosexual.
I also wouldn't mind seeing Selena return as a regular character. I know ( gasp ) most of my posts aren't very favorable in her regard, but it's not because she's a terrible character. She's a fantastic character, and I enjoy the dynamics of how her involvement can make others question their decisions or even change what might be considered an easy choice into a complicated one.
That having been said, I truly do want more options to explore romantically with Bruce Wayne. Catwoman is so played out on every medium, it's just so challenging to make that relationship feel fresh and new. I would've even gone with Vicki if she hadn't become a bundle of crazy that still makes Harley Quinn seem like a tame option by comparison.
I'd love to see Lady Arkham return. I'd also like to see Penguin and Two-Face return, at least in small roles. As far as new major villains I think Scarecrow would fit in really easily in Telltale's Batman universe. Deathstroke would also be a great edition.
Actually, I agree with others in how Robin should be portrayed. An Adult version would be kind of refreshing, and less of a hassle. If we had a small ward to protect as well as train, I'm sure most of the drama would revolve around the kid being hotheaded and impulsive, and we'd always have to reel him in. "C'mon Bruce! Why can't I do the cool stuff?! I know I can!".
As if we haven't had enough of that from Telltale's TWD. The companion should be competent, not impulsive and overconfident.
While I feel that Season 3 may be our last, I kind of want a "best of" villains for the final season. Bring back Harvey and Cobblepot. But I still feel that we should get one more "new, powerful villain" before that happens. There's still so much Telltale hasn't used from Batman's rogues gallery, and while I'd like our S1 compadres to return, I feel that they'd be overstuffing the evil spotlight if they were placed in the same story arc as another villain, and would maybe even take the spotlight for themselves if they were with a new villain -- which is why they should get their own season. They're already established, so we're kind of biased to them. If we get our me time with a returning villain, the supporting rogues need to have an equal established relationship.
Unfortunately, this may not come to pass, as we might not have much time left with Bats. Either way, let's hope this series ends in the best way it can.
The only problem I'd see with a League Of Shadows story is they've been deliberately trying to avoid the done before narratives (Thomas Wayne, Penguin, Vicki, John Doe) and given the Nolan films were big on LoS stuff it might be too obvious for where they're going.
I'd love to see a story that starts with Batman being locked in Arkham and having to deal with some sort of mind-bending scenario where he's not sure what reality is.
Cue Hugo Strange, head of Arkham.
I hope so, but let's wait and see how this season finishes up first.
Just give me the Scarecrow and I will be more than happy, He always somehow finds a way to bring Batman's inner darkness to the surface
Poison Ivy please!

I would absolutely love to get a Season 3 and have Scarecrow and Poison Ivy be a power couple out to control Gotham. Scarecrow will create his fear toxin and perhaps make it that Poison Ivy will be able to disperse the fear toxin through her plants.
All the Season 1 villains endings were left open so I wouldn't be surprised to see them again. Also I expect John Doe to return and maybe Deathstroke or Deadshot.
They may be left open to allow Batman and his allies face off against all of his enemies in Season 3 which would be an epic fight for sure. Batman, Catwoman, and Tiffany fighting against Joker, Harley, Two-Face, Penguin, Mr.Freeze, Bane, Deadshot and new villains being introduced in Season 3 if they make a Season 3.
And Gordon! Do not forget about Gordon on the good guys side, he would support them for sure ;-)
He is probably too busy not figuring out the man he tried to arrest was Batman. He is certainly going to piece it together very soon. It began to be fairly obvious ever since we admitted Lucious Fox was our tech guy.
True. I believe he didn't figure it out yet only because he refuses to investigate Batman's identity, to keep a clean conscience (or maybe some part of his subconsciousness already knows the truth, he just do not want to give a second thought to it). When there will be no other choice, like now when he thinks that Bruce Wayne is involved in the case, he should connect the dots immediately.
I would honestly enjoy it if S3 set up a Justice League series of game. Like, maybe Nightwing, Flash, Superman, and WW can appear, and others can be introduced in a JL Season 1.
I would rather prefer they stick closely to the Batman story solely, not expand it to add another superheroes into the picture (except for kind of support like Robin/Batgirl). I like that the story feels like it could have really happened in the real word, with everything basing on science/technological progress not on magical/cosmic superpowers, time travel etc.
With the comic book based on the game on the way, I hope they are targeting to do at least one more season. As long as the quality will be on acceptable level (and this season is above all my expectations) I will be buying every episode of Batman they would produce, even if it would be season 9 and it would happen 15 years from now
100% agree with the main characters. One of my main problems with Season 2 is that we are forced to be stuck with the "bad guys."
Like Waller isnt a good person, all the villains arnt good. But we spend the most screen time with them. It just isnt as fun having the majority be interacting with people who arnt very likable because they arnt exactly people you want to root for.
I think Deadshot or Deathstroke would be a good edition (but Id hope for Deathstroke more than Deadshot) I would also really like to see Penguin/Oz return, maybe as a main antagonist again, but at the very least be reintroduced to the series.
Has Deadshot been 100% confirmed? I havent head of this comic until now and it seems like it hasnt been released yet with it just saying an "assassin" wants to kill Batman
I agree with you on what you wrote about working with the Pact.
I am honestly surprised how many people here on the forum sees characters like Harley or John as Bruce's friends. I felt uncomfortable working with them, but there was no other way how to proceed. If Batman would start forming friendships with murderers and psychopaths instead of locking them in Blackgate or Arkham, then Gotham would be really doomed.
Yeah, I felt the same way. Working with (Well against the pact to be fair all the time) has always been a bit uncomfortable... You are always a bit on edge when dealing with Harley, Bane, and Freeze since you never know when they will get tired of you or if you will do anything wrong and they just kill you off...
I will be fair and say that I never been worried about John until now, during ep4 and ep5...
Always felt I had control over him but now he slipped and needs to be stopped as well.
End s2 with a reveal that Avesta is Talia al Ghul who has been playing Bruce from the start. Bruce gets abducted or something and we enter s3 at the League of Assassins base. Spend an episode there and return to Gotham, where we get introduced to Poison Ivy and Scarecrow. Stick to these 3/4 villains for the season, maybe add some Dick Grayson, and we wrap up Batman as an amazing Telltale trilogy.
That would end up being one hell of a cliffhanger. But if they actually do it your way, they better release season 3 during Q1 2019 at the very least.
S2 came incredibly quickly after s1 so i would expect the same sort of timeframe
Oh Yes, that would be perfect! I hope, that Telltale will announce new season shortly after ep5, if they won't - I'm not sure if I will be able to bear with it.
I can see why people would see John as Bruce's friend. Not Harley. However I can't fathom why they want to let John walk free just based on that. He's a conflicted person but I feel he's done more bad than good and he's really, really unstable. He needs to go back to Arkham.
My Bruce doesn't actually care much for John, he still wants all pact members dealt with for Lucius. But he'll use John until he feels he can't use him anymore, unfortunately Waller tried to shoot John while John still had the C4 in his hand so its not like Bruce had the time to lull John into a false security of handing the serum and C4 over. ...Grrr, diabolical plan foiled!
The comic isn't out yet but the covers and synopsis for the first two issues are out. He's on the second cover and is name dropped in the plot outline.