Well, it's obvious we'll need another meme war to settle this dispute @The_Bat_Among_Us and @Kaelthas. The both of you are clearly in need of some closure. And the only way to get that...? Meme war.
Well, it's obvious we'll need another meme war to settle this dispute @The_Bat_Among_Us and @Kaelthas. The both of you are clearly in need of some closure. And the only way to get that...? Meme war.
Look, siR, how about you first cAtCh uP with the 44 memes I have made during and since the First meme war, and tHeN we can talk about a sEcOnD mEmE wAr.
Look, siR, how about you first cAtCh uP with the 44 memes I have made during and since the First meme war, and tHeN we can talk about a sEcOnD mEmE wAr.
You want memes!?
THEN YOU'LL GET A MEME, and you'll get a meme (x2), and you'll get a meme (x3), and you'll get a meme (x4), and you'll get a meme (x5), and you'll get a meme (x6)
Since @Poogers555 abandoned us, and @The_Bat_Among_Us just disappeared, I am all that is left around here... But I can't quit now, I must continue their legacy, they would have wanted that.
Just you wait then for the masterpiece I'll upload tomorrow, unlike some other people around here that I don't want to mention, MY MEMES ARE ART THAT TAKE DEDICATION AND PHOTOSHOP AND NOT SOME GLOWING EYES WITH A BUGGED FACE.
Listen PAL. You arnt alone. But you are started a huge inflation rate on memes, making the value DROP. Are you trying to kill the meme economy??? You need to stop this inflation of memes sir. I MEAN it!
Well well, look who is back, what? You think you can just leave our asses and come back whenever the hell you want!? I am a single mother taking care of an entire meme thread by myself, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO!? I am trying my best with what I have, YET YOU BLAME ME FOR THIS!?
That's it, you're forcing me to do something I really REALLY didn't want to do.
My diet is ruined, I hope you're happy.
Listen PAL. You arnt alone. But you are started a huge inflation rate on memes, making the value DROP. Are you trying to kill the meme economy??? You need to stop this inflation of memes sir. I MEAN it!
Don't you dare take all the credit, the only thing you did was saying the thread was ridiculous and getting people angry, I LITERALLY DIED FOR THAT THREAD, I got banned for 12 hours! I SACRIFICED EVERYTHING, what have you given!?
Since @Poogers555 abandoned us, and @The_Bat_Among_Us just disappeared, I am all that is left around here... But I can't quit now, I must continue their legacy, they would have wanted that.
I took the final shot.. But hey man you are the one who gave me the credit:
But the sacrifice was not all for nothing, I will not cast those John shippers to the heartless sea, they are all dorito chips and I will always be with them... they can plant their roots in me...
Don't you dare take all the credit, the only thing you did was saying the thread was ridiculous and getting people angry, I LITERALLY DIED FOR THAT THREAD, I got banned for 12 hours! I SACRIFICED EVERYTHING, what have you given!?
DON'T YOU DARE MENTION HIM. I'm starting to worry he just left without saying anything... maybe... maybe he's met a new memer! You think he's cheating on me!?!!? you think... you think he's in another forum!?
DON'T YOU DARE MENTION HIM. I'm starting to worry he just left without saying anything... maybe... maybe he's met a new memer! You think he's cheating on me!?!!? you think... you think he's in another forum!?
I have been... lost... adrift... without any damn internet connection for DAYS, which felt like WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS DAMNIT. At first I was scared, lonely, but the thought of you and your memes kept me strong, and going forward. I started wondering around the island, and found myself surrounded by palm-trees and coconuts. At first I did not know how to ingest the coconuts so I just bit the outside and cried in confusion for hours, but then I remembered your wise words. "rekt", in my head, over and over, and found my wae. I also found enlightenment, I met god, and Poogers was by his side, stroking a Meme on his lap, looking at me, smiling, welcoming. I headed towards them, and they graced me with the eternal glory of depression and memes. Wisely, god spoke to me, "your time in paradise is up", he said, "you must return to your thread of memes, your friend is looking for you", and just by that, Poogers approached me and gave me a batman meme. I cried, but with a smile. And then, I woke up, my internet connection was back up and running. And I return here, wise and excited for post updates. I am back mein freud, and I am here to stay.
Since @Poogers555 abandoned us, and @The_Bat_Among_Us just disappeared, I am all that is left around here... But I can't quit now, I must continue their legacy, they would have wanted that.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand an optional John Doe romance. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also John’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike an optional John Doe romanc. truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in John’s existential catchphrase “NOT WHEN YOU DRANK HARLEY'S SMOOTHIE, WHEN I T0LD Y0U I LIKED HER,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. ?
And yes, by the way, i DO have a an optional John Doe romance tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid ?
DON'T YOU DARE MENTION HIM. I'm starting to worry he just left without saying anything... maybe... maybe he's met a new memer! You think he's cheating on me!?!!? you think... you think he's in another forum!?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand an optional John Doe romance. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid … moregrasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also John’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike an optional John Doe romanc. truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in John’s existential catchphrase “NOT WHEN YOU DRANK HARLEY'S SMOOTHIE, WHEN I T0LD Y0U I LIKED HER,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining… [view original content]
You think you can just leave whenever you want, then come back and everything will be back to normal? I'm sorry, but no, I can't let my heart be broken again, I have been talking with these guy @gamingdevil800 and he wouldn't leave me without saying anything like you did.
You want me back? You'll have to fight @gamingdevil800 to death.
Well, it's obvious we'll need another meme war to settle this dispute @The_Bat_Among_Us and @Kaelthas. The both of you are clearly in need of some closure. And the only way to get that...? Meme war.
You just want memes don't you.
Here I start the Meme War II

And here I am finishing it with this nuke bomb of a meme.
Dance monkey dance.

Look, siR, how about you first cAtCh uP with the 44 memes I have made during and since the First meme war, and tHeN we can talk about a sEcOnD mEmE wAr.
Small but deadly, just like a fart after eating old beans.

proceeds to upvote own post NO SHAME.
also upvotes yours just like I always have
You want memes!?

THEN YOU'LL GET A MEME, and you'll get a meme (x2), and you'll get a meme (x3), and you'll get a meme (x4), and you'll get a meme (x5), and you'll get a meme (x6)
Memes 4 lyfe
Since @Poogers555 abandoned us, and @The_Bat_Among_Us just disappeared, I am all that is left around here... But I can't quit now, I must continue their legacy, they would have wanted that.

Now that I'm on my own I have to meme x2, this is going to be so hard, but I can't complain, this is my dootie duty

I find myself more impressed with the faces and angles than the humour. That's good stuff.
Just you wait then for the masterpiece I'll upload tomorrow, unlike some other people around here that I don't want to mention, MY MEMES ARE ART THAT TAKE DEDICATION AND PHOTOSHOP AND NOT SOME GLOWING EYES WITH A BUGGED FACE.
Listen PAL. You arnt alone. But you are started a huge inflation rate on memes, making the value DROP. Are you trying to kill the meme economy??? You need to stop this inflation of memes sir. I MEAN it!
Well well, look who is back, what? You think you can just leave our asses and come back whenever the hell you want!? I am a single mother taking care of an entire meme thread by myself, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO!? I am trying my best with what I have, YET YOU BLAME ME FOR THIS!?
That's it, you're forcing me to do something I really REALLY didn't want to do.
My diet is ruined, I hope you're happy.
Shame, such potential wasted.
You're welcome everyone.. Takes A Bow
Don't you dare take all the credit, the only thing you did was saying the thread was ridiculous and getting people angry, I LITERALLY DIED FOR THAT THREAD, I got banned for 12 hours! I SACRIFICED EVERYTHING, what have you given!?
I didn't realise how fugly that Bigby profile pic was till now. #NotMyBigby
IS NOT UGLY, he's fucking happy, u jelly

I took the final shot.. But hey man you are the one who gave me the credit:

But the sacrifice was not all for nothing, I will not cast those John shippers to the heartless sea, they are all dorito chips and I will always be with them... they can plant their roots in me...
I mean't @The_Bat_Among_Us profile pic lol.
DON'T YOU DARE MENTION HIM. I'm starting to worry he just left without saying anything... maybe... maybe he's met a new memer! You think he's cheating on me!?!!? you think... you think he's in another forum!?
Maybe it's this: Watch from 2:45

Oh please, I was watching Gamer Poop videos since before you started walking.
Since people here keep dismissing @The_Bat_Among_Us disappearance...

there is only one thing I can do.
Guys, Your conversation is so boring interesting! keep up the good work!....

Rude!!, the disappearance of @The_Bat_Among_Us is not a joke!
But you're right, the only way we can honor his memory is to keep memeing

How season 1 should have ended:

Really great stuff. I can only imagine this must make quite a few people laugh at the Telltale office.
I have been... lost... adrift... without any damn internet connection for DAYS, which felt like WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS DAMNIT. At first I was scared, lonely, but the thought of you and your memes kept me strong, and going forward. I started wondering around the island, and found myself surrounded by palm-trees and coconuts. At first I did not know how to ingest the coconuts so I just bit the outside and cried in confusion for hours, but then I remembered your wise words. "rekt", in my head, over and over, and found my wae. I also found enlightenment, I met god, and Poogers was by his side, stroking a Meme on his lap, looking at me, smiling, welcoming. I headed towards them, and they graced me with the eternal glory of depression and memes. Wisely, god spoke to me, "your time in paradise is up", he said, "you must return to your thread of memes, your friend is looking for you", and just by that, Poogers approached me and gave me a batman meme. I cried, but with a smile. And then, I woke up, my internet connection was back up and running. And I return here, wise and excited for post updates. I am back mein freud, and I am here to stay.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand an optional John Doe romance. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also John’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike an optional John Doe romanc. truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in John’s existential catchphrase “NOT WHEN YOU DRANK HARLEY'S SMOOTHIE, WHEN I T0LD Y0U I LIKED HER,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. ?
And yes, by the way, i DO have a an optional John Doe romance tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid ?
I WOULD NEVER LEAVE YOU, your memes... are one of a kind, I-I could never replace you!

(it's a parody meme from rick and morty mayn)
I genuinely thought you came up with something philosophical off the top of your head.
HAHno. Like that's ever going to happen. My last braincell, which I use for memes, would literally overwork and die.
You think you can just leave whenever you want, then come back and everything will be back to normal? I'm sorry, but no, I can't let my heart be broken again, I have been talking with these guy @gamingdevil800 and he wouldn't leave me without saying anything like you did.
You want me back? You'll have to fight @gamingdevil800 to death.