Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • It's on PlayStation Lifestlye and Xbox Achievements and various other websites. There's lots more screenshots up there too!

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    Where did you find that screenshot?

  • edited March 2018

    I'd genuinely be shocked/surprised if it was GOT episode 5 scenario.

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    I wonder if they are really serious with the "Two Finales" thing. Maybe that's why it took more than two months?

  • edited March 2018

    So not to rain on everyone's parade here, but last time Telltale hyped up a game/episode this much is was a bunch of lies and way underwhelming for what they were saying. Like for example, the 38 character thing... there isnt even close to 38 characters in this game... out of S1 and S2 combined there has only been 33 characters, including super minor characters like Jack Ryder, and Agent Blake, Bullock, and the kid in episode 4, as well as characters like Thomas and Martha Wayne and Joe Chill and Grogan as well as Bruce himself. Out of all these characters only 10 are most likely to 100% appear, 4 are unlikely to appear, and 18 will not appear because they are either dead or their story already wrapped up in S1. (Hopefully I didnt forget some other minor characters, I didn't mention the Chip guy or our lord and savior Frank)

    Knowing this, this already seems like a twist of words by Telltale. Like I said, there isn't even 38 characters total if you combine S1 and S2 together. So this already makes me think Telltale is counting things like "random cop #6" and "Agency Agent #2" as "unique character lines" Also the "there will only be 3 overlapping scenes" sounds great at first, but it depends. Out of how many scenes total? Is there going to be scenes that are basically the same just say you have Catwoman with you or not. I guess we'll wait and see.

    Hopefully this won't be another ANF type of thing, but Im pretty skeptical. Hopefully all of this is accurate to what we can expect and it will end the series in a very satisfying way.

    Edit: New screenshot came out as I was writing this so some speculation I had changed (Glad with Bane's new look, I though his mustache mask get up was kinda dumb)

  • Well, turns out this is going to be much more radical than that!

    I'd genuinely be shocked/surprised if it was GOT episode 5 scenario.

  • I knew it! Apparently the smiling one is Villain Joker while the sad one is Vigilante Joker

    The art presumably references the cover of The Killing Joke. A comparison: ,

  • Awesome! Thanks for sharing the link!
    Is this "Ace Chemicals"???? I think it is!

    but THIS is wow, are they sitting in the tank, lol? It doesn't look like batmobile!

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    Very interesting photos here!

  • edited March 2018

    Catwoman ?

  • I think it is still the Batmobile, we just havent seen the windows in it before, and they probably inside a building or its dark outside

    Tiefling posted: »

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing the link! Is this "Ace Chemicals"???? I think it is! but THIS is wow, are they sitting in the tank, lol? It doesn't look like batmobile!

  • My hype levels for this game is seriously about to make me tear up and hyperventilate. I'm WAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too excited right now that I'm actually trembling. OHHH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODD

  • Maybe it's the Batwing

    Tiefling posted: »

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing the link! Is this "Ace Chemicals"???? I think it is! but THIS is wow, are they sitting in the tank, lol? It doesn't look like batmobile!

  • Wow telltale is actually makeing your choices matter.

  • I swear to god Telltale... don't kill Selina :'(

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  • "In total, Same Stitch contains three and a half hours of content spread across two completely distinct storylines that share, at most, only three overlapping scenes. Each of those storylines includes further conditional variations that reflect your earlier choices and make Same Stitch, mathematically, Telltale’s “branchiest” episode ever. With over 4,500 lines of dialogue divided among 38 characters"

    Rip Swingpoynt and every other youtuber who does difference checks

  • What is that on her neck?

    19Street95 posted: »

    I swear to god Telltale... don't kill Selina

  • Explosive collar.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    What is that on her neck?

  • edited March 2018

    Tracking device from Waller?
    Harley and Bane also have it

    Kaelthas posted: »

    What is that on her neck?

  • I doubt its just a tracker... I agree with @DOBLEDEDO
    It's an explosive collar... same thing that Waller used in the "Suicide Squad" movie.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Tracking device from Waller? Harley and Bane also have it

  • edited March 2018


    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    "In total, Same Stitch contains three and a half hours of content spread across two completely distinct storylines that share, at most, only

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited March 2018

    Looks like Bane's even more jacked up on venom than usual. His veins are even more prominent, and his eyes are glowing, too.

  • I think they forced him to be permanently on venom.

    Deltino posted: »

    Looks like Bane's even more jacked up on venom than usual. His veins are even more prominent, and his eyes are glowing, too.

  • KaelthasKaelthas Banned
    edited March 2018

    So far no Avesta news, NO AVESTA NEWS.

    They wouldn't just... kill her off right? out of screen... So we can hate Waller even more?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    That's what you get for your war against Frank

    Kaelthas posted: »

    So far no Avesta news, NO AVESTA NEWS. They wouldn't just... kill her off right? out of screen... So we can hate Waller even more?

  • But only 1 minute dedicated to Avesta.

    strwar3 posted: »


  • So you're saying... Frank is to blame because Avesta doesn't appear in EPisode 5?!!??!?!?!?!

    That's it, Frank is dying today.

    Deltino posted: »

    That's what you get for your war against Frank

  • edited March 2018

    Mb they replaced her model with Frank and added romance option. Who wouldn't want to romance Avesta and Frank at the same time?

    Kaelthas posted: »

    So you're saying... Frank is to blame because Avesta doesn't appear in EPisode 5?!!??!?!?!?! That's it, Frank is dying today.

  • Holy fucking shit I am hyped. Y'all know what this feels like? A fucking Gotham seasonfinale, they usually go all the bloody hell in with their finales, and it seems to me this one is doing that as well.

    Please god, March 27st get here already! Also time to do my episode 4 alternate to play both episodes.

    I better see Frank saving Bruce though, or ep 5 will be shit.

  • I'm going to be pissed if I spent my time trying to make Selina a love interest, and having her reciprocate the feelings, only for her to turn against me on her own will. If she has to because of Waller, then I get it because it's a live or die situation, but if she does it willingly to hurt Bruce/Batman I will be upset with Telltale's direction. The Selina/Bruce fighting picture does give me hope though.

    John/Joker seems very interesting. I chose Vigilante, so I am very curious to see how it works. I am sure he will turn into the Joker regardless, likely because his psychotic ways turning him into an enemy for Batman, but still should be interesting.

    Disappointed in March 27th release. Thought for sure it would be the 20th or 22nd.

  • I think if you stood by her she won't betray you willingly, it looks like Waller is making her work for her, but what intrigues me is that if the names of screenshots are any indication she has a collar in both vigilante and villain endings.

    gta3demon posted: »

    I'm going to be pissed if I spent my time trying to make Selina a love interest, and having her reciprocate the feelings, only for her to tu

  • There, in 1 minute I fixed the terrible episode Telltale was going to make.

  • edited March 2018

    She clearly forced to turn against Bruce. It seems she have collar only in vigilante path. Mb in villain path, if we were nice to her, we'll be able to team with her early. Don't worry, she 100% cares about Bruce if Bruce cares about her, she wouldn't just go against him without a HUGE reason.
    Edit: ooops, nope, she has collar in villain's path too. But anyway, I have feeling she'll get more screentime in the villain ending.

    gta3demon posted: »

    I'm going to be pissed if I spent my time trying to make Selina a love interest, and having her reciprocate the feelings, only for her to tu

  • Now replace Bruce's face with Alfred's.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    There, in 1 minute I fixed the terrible episode Telltale was going to make.

  • Actually, if you look closely you notice that she has a collar even if you got the villain ending. You need to look for the original names of the screenshots.

    Tiefling posted: »

    She clearly forced to turn against Bruce. It seems she have collar only in vigilante path. Mb in villain path, if we were nice to her, we'll

  • yeah, just noticed, my mistake. I didn't see in in villain's because it looked like, lol, well, part of the outfit, haha.

    Actually, if you look closely you notice that she has a collar even if you got the villain ending. You need to look for the original names of the screenshots.

  • edited March 2018

    Me and Selina are on good terms, so hopefully she's not going to be a part of this in my game. Bane looks awesome though.

    EDIT: Just saw the collar around her neck in the screenshot along with the one where's fighting with Bruce, so if she is, it looks like she's doing it against her will and being forced by Waller.

    Looks like we're getting the Suicide Squad

  • Maybe....In the villain path Selina is here but only if you screwed her over and Waller is using everyone she can against John Doe. But then, what about her arm ?

    It does not make sense. Yet.

    Tiefling posted: »

    yeah, just noticed, my mistake. I didn't see in in villain's because it looked like, lol, well, part of the outfit, haha.

  • Great screen shots, 3 and a half hours divided across 2 different finales, a script that exceeds the length of all the Nolan films, and one of the branchiest episodes Telltale has ever made. With this type of hype, Telltale better not disappoint.

  • Maybe her arm wasn't frozen in the path we see on the screenshots. I doubt she can recover from such a trauma so fast. Her arm looks perfectly fine. Yet, Bruce recovered from Bane breaking half of his bones pretty quick, didn't he, lol? And when did John get his new clothes and haircut, did he just jumped from the bridge right into the barber's chair?
    Anyway, I think she might escape shock collar if we didn't rat her out. If we did rat her our, Agency saving her and using for their own goals seems possible, no?

    Maybe....In the villain path Selina is here but only if you screwed her over and Waller is using everyone she can against John Doe. But then, what about her arm ? It does not make sense. Yet.

  • Last time something was so hyped - including episode length, different characters, etc - it gave us ANF... hopefully this doesn't turn out the same... I have my doubts unfortunately.

  • I don't think they will do that to Avesta and we haven't seen the trailer yet and if it's 3 1/2 hours long from two stories? I'm pretty sure they will put her in those 3 1/2 hours of that episode.

    But only 1 minute dedicated to Avesta.

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