Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • Actually, episode 5 is so long that they will need to split it in two.

    Last time something was so hyped - including episode length, different characters, etc - it gave us ANF... hopefully this doesn't turn out the same... I have my doubts unfortunately.

  • One thing is for sure, after I'm done playing through Ep. 5 with the Vigilante ending I am definitely re-playing through Ep 4 to get the Villain ending for Ep 5.

  • edited March 2018

    Huh, is that a Batman-Joker team-up I see? I really thought they'd take the easy way and have us fight against John regardless, but that seems not to be the case! Color me impressed, Telltale.

    Looks like we're having suicide squad as well! I certainly didn't expect to see Bane again, since we already got his things to hang in the Batcave, but I'm glad he's back. The fight with him in episode 4 was after all kinda disappointing. Plus he looks pretty sick with the new mask. And Selina wasn't forgotten, yay!

    Now for the most important info:

    over 4,500 lines of dialogue divided among 38 characters


    Boy, I'm really hyped for this episode now. Shame we have to wait so long.

  • Why does vigilante John look so depressed? :(

    OzzyUK posted: »

    The episode is coming March 27th.

  • While ANF isn't on the same quality as S1 or S2, I think it gets a bad rep.

    Last time something was so hyped - including episode length, different characters, etc - it gave us ANF... hopefully this doesn't turn out the same... I have my doubts unfortunately.

  • edited March 2018

    Where’s this collar people are seeing? I can only find three pictures and all them only have Batman and John/Joker

    Nevermind. Found them.

    Something I noticed : in villain or vigilante path Catwoman has a strange collar which I assume will blow off should she not behave.

  • Batman told him to exercise like Ben Affleck from this moment to become vigilante.

    Pipas posted: »

    Why does vigilante John look so depressed?

  • Fun fact, because Selina looks nothing like Selina anymore, I legitimately thought it was Avesta for like 3 seconds.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    There, in 1 minute I fixed the terrible episode Telltale was going to make.

  • I'm going to do a replay with both endings.

  • Called the Killing Joke reference in the episode art. I have to say I'm impressed. I really thought that we would fight The Joker anyway but Telltale has impressed me. I turned John into a villain in my playthrough but of course I'm doing a second one as a vigilante. God, making it until the 27th without seeing the trailer will be a pain in the ass.

  • Telltale totally has never ever EVER hyped up an episode and left fans disappointed before right? haha :sweat_smile: Like jeez this episode sounds so big it should have been split in two!!! hahahaha

    (for real tho i really hope ep 5 is good, Ill be disappointed even worst than ANF if this pulls another ties that bind with the over hyping)

    Great screen shots, 3 and a half hours divided across 2 different finales, a script that exceeds the length of all the Nolan films, and one of the branchiest episodes Telltale has ever made. With this type of hype, Telltale better not disappoint.

  • Do you guys think there will be season 3 after this?

  • It’d be awesome to have Freeze on your side if you helped him. I can forget about Selina’s help. She probably wants to kill me.

    If we are fighting against Suicide Squad in the vigilante route, perhaps our relationships with Catwoman and Freeze can help turn the tides? Bane looks sick as fuck

  • I'm sure Avesta will be our help inside the agency.

  • What do you mean? Selina looks like the exact Selina from the earlier episodes. If you are referring from S1, then yeah, but her change was an upgrade.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Fun fact, because Selina looks nothing like Selina anymore, I legitimately thought it was Avesta for like 3 seconds.

  • Poogers is angry because Selina no longer has that man face he liked so much. The only bad thing about her new face is that is so pretty you can't really meme with it.

    gta3demon posted: »

    What do you mean? Selina looks like the exact Selina from the earlier episodes. If you are referring from S1, then yeah, but her change was an upgrade.

  • I meant S1.

    I know a lot of people like the S2 model, but I think it is just weird. I cant adjust to it. This is no where close to Kenny and Jane however, Selina's new model is very well done. I just find it weird that she looks like a different person.

    gta3demon posted: »

    What do you mean? Selina looks like the exact Selina from the earlier episodes. If you are referring from S1, then yeah, but her change was an upgrade.

  • Are you serious???? I was just about to post a super long comment discussing the images and the Two Unique Finales. Only kidding great job for sharing this information!! :smile:

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Screenshots on the news post.

  • With all of the new developments that were revealed today it is safe to say Episode 5 is going to be a blast. This is the true test for Pete and his "vision" as I would like to phrase it. I am firmly confident that this is going to be well received by fans and critics alike!

  • Damn almost other 3 weeks to wait...

  • I have a bad feeling that Waller will kill Avesta if your on Joker’s side. If not on his side, Joker will kill Avesta himself.

  • I've never been so hard for a Telltale episode in my life! This episode looks very, very, VERY, promising. Glad I chose the vigilante route now. Also, not usually a fan of seeing anything before the episode comes out, but those screens have me hyped af!

  • edited March 2018

    When i'm gone for one day come back and see all the screenshots

  • Thank you Telltale for the birthday present!

  • I'm glad Selina is returning and not just for 5 minutes.

  • Don't lose hope yet. Maybe she will appear for 4 minutes.

    iFoRias posted: »

    I'm glad Selina is returning and not just for 5 minutes.

  • At least we know she's back

    Where is Avesta ?

    Kaelthas posted: »

    Don't lose hope yet. Maybe she will appear for 4 minutes.

  • What are our predictions? Is it safe to say that the vigilante route will be Batman/Joker vs. Suicide Squad, and that the villain route will be a classic Batman vs. Joker story?

    Is it also safe to say that due to all the branching and the fact that there are only 3 overlapping scenes that there probably won't be a s3?

  • ...

    iFoRias posted: »

    At least we know she's back Where is Avesta ?

  • 1st maybe, but Classic Batman v Joker hmm... Why would Selina have explosive on neck ?

    What are our predictions? Is it safe to say that the vigilante route will be Batman/Joker vs. Suicide Squad, and that the villain route will

  • edited March 2018

    Where did you find this??!

    Edit: never mind. Saw your comment above.

    Looks like we're getting the Suicide Squad

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    I just want to take this time to say that YES the thirty-eight characters include the smaller characters. That said, across both versions of the finale, there are sixteen immediately recognizable speaking parts with more than just a few lines.

    And if you play your cards right, there may be one or two recognizable cameos...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So not to rain on everyone's parade here, but last time Telltale hyped up a game/episode this much is was a bunch of lies and way underwhelm

  • I for one am extremely happy to see Bane and Harley again. After episode 4 everyone speculated that they were captured and out of the picture, with the rest of the season solely focusing on Joker. But it looks like there may still be room in the season for them yet, at least if you went the vigilante route. Here's hoping that Freeze shows up again and remembers how Batman helped him.


    I just want to take this time to say that YES the thirty-eight characters include the smaller characters. That said, across both versions of

  • edited March 2018

    And if you play your cards right, there may be one or two recognizable cameos...

    G A S P
    Frank hype?!?!?!
    I hope he'll still appear if I didn't accept John's postcard at the funeral. I don't want to replay the whole season!

    I just want to take this time to say that YES the thirty-eight characters include the smaller characters. That said, across both versions of

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    Also, re: shared scenes and stuff ( @Poogers555 ), by my own personal estimate, about 90-95% of the episode is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT depending on which version of the Joker you get. You'll see in the coming weeks... we're going to have more than one trailer ;)

    I know it's just talk now, since the game isn't out yet, but I honestly truly believe our episode backs up everything in the press release. We haven't done anything like this before and I'm really excited about it!!


    I just want to take this time to say that YES the thirty-eight characters include the smaller characters. That said, across both versions of

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    I can neither confirm nor deny.

    iFoRias posted: »


  • edited March 2018


    I need to calm down, I'm way too overhyped right now. Waiting until the 27th will be an agony.

    I just want to take this time to say that YES the thirty-eight characters include the smaller characters. That said, across both versions of

  • Hey Telltale, just wanted to say

    I love you so much, the hype is so real!

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