Damn, I don't know if the fanbase is that bad yet lol
On topic, no. Never got everyones obsession with romance in video games. There was maybe a hint at there being something more between Lee and Carley in episode 3. If you kept her alive. And if you responded a certain way. And that was over before the episode even finished. We lost nothing of value not having a romance subplot in that game. Just focus on the story.
Damn, I don't know if the fanbase is that bad yet lol
Well, when you list out a number of the traits he has and/or people say he has, he kinda comes off as a bit of an Audience Surrogate.
There was maybe a hint at there being something more between Lee and Carley in episode 3. If you kept her alive. And if you responded a certain way. And that was over before the episode even finished. We lost nothing of value not having a romance subplot in that game.
That's partly because it wasn't the plan to begin with and they only throw in nods to the idea in the same episode Carley was slated to die for the sake of fanservice.
Damn, I don't know if the fanbase is that bad yet lol
On topic, no. Never got everyones obsession with romance in video games. There was … moremaybe a hint at there being something more between Lee and Carley in episode 3. If you kept her alive. And if you responded a certain way. And that was over before the episode even finished. We lost nothing of value not having a romance subplot in that game. Just focus on the story.
I dunno, seems like a bit of a reach. As far as the romance goes, again, nothing was lost because they hadn't thrown it in until the last second for the sake of the fans. It was an unnecessary and small addition to a story that was planned without it, and worked well without it.
Damn, I don't know if the fanbase is that bad yet lol
Well, when you list out a number of the traits he has and/or people say he has… more, he kinda comes off as a bit of an Audience Surrogate.
There was maybe a hint at there being something more between Lee and Carley in episode 3. If you kept her alive. And if you responded a certain way. And that was over before the episode even finished. We lost nothing of value not having a romance subplot in that game.
That's partly because it wasn't the plan to begin with and they only throw in nods to the idea in the same episode Carley was slated to die for the sake of fanservice.
He is [initially] a bit persnickety and very opinionated
He [initially] strives to be someone much more greater/hard/badass than he actually is and tries really hard to make people see him that way, often to embarrassing/overcompensatory effect
He is [initially] prone to getting into arguments and can be pretty awkwardly harsh at times
He idolizes [Angry Dad of the Week] as this amazing individual when that's not the case
He thinks Clementine is cool
He proves to be protective of her--violently protective, even--to the point of forgoing other priorities and beliefs in the moment
After the direction shift, his opinion is sway-able by having Clementine act as an incentive
The main differences is that he really is 13, he is openly reflective of his behavior and choices, he has survived in an post-apocalyptic world with legitimate skills at his disposal, and he matures more in a few days than many of us will in years.
As far as the romance goes, again, nothing was lost because they hadn't thrown it in until the last second for the sake of the fans.
I dunno, seems like a bit of a reach. As far as the romance goes, again, nothing was lost because they hadn't thrown it in until the last se… morecond for the sake of the fans. It was an unnecessary and small addition to a story that was planned without it, and worked well without it.
Like I've said in previous threads I would like Clementine to have a romance option however, TellTale should allow us the players to choose who the romantic interest will be like Clementine should be given the option to romance male or female characters who are around her age, since I hated the forced romance for Clementine and Gabe. Also on another note, Clementine seems older in the artwork I saw for The Final Season so who knows what TellTale is planning for us.
He's still all of those things by the time the game is over(if he'still alive), I'm not sure what skills he's picked up since one of the main arguments in favor of him is he's an insufferable prick because he's been completely sheltered up until the point ANF begins, and I don't where he overcomes the idolizing angry dad of the week since, after seeing said angry dad beat the hell out of his average uncle, he accompanies him no matter what. And he somehow reacts to Clementine in all those ways after a day, because that's the same as fans who have been with the series for 6 years. He reflects the attributes of a poorly written stereotype rather than a reflection of the people here, and the payout for his development, or lack there of, is we have to go and save him after yet another stupid decision simply to prove what 4 years with him apparently hadn't. Just bad business, bro.
I dunno, seems like a bit of a reach.
Okay, time to roll up da sleeves for this:
* He initially has maturity of an edgy teenage… morer
* He is [initially] a bit persnickety and very opinionated
* He [initially] strives to be someone much more greater/hard/badass than he actually is and tries really hard to make people see him that way, often to embarrassing/overcompensatory effect
* He is [initially] prone to getting into arguments and can be pretty awkwardly harsh at times
* He idolizes [Angry Dad of the Week] as this amazing individual when that's not the case
* He thinks Clementine is cool
* He proves to be protective of her--violently protective, even--to the point of forgoing other priorities and beliefs in the moment
* After the direction shift, his opinion is sway-able by having Clementine act as an incentive
The main differences is that he really is 13, he is openly reflective of his behavior and choices, he has surv… [view original content]
Sure if it fits and it's done right. As long as we aren't forced into a romance with someone like Gabe I can dig it. I didn't hate Gabe but tears after doing literally anything and yelling "PUDDING" as your only positive character trait just doesn't work for me.
I voted for no. I'm not against it but Clems goal right now is to find AJ and I would rather see her reunite with some old friends along the way before her story ends. If it's going to happen make it an optional choice in the final episode.
I dunno, seems like a bit of a reach.
Okay, time to roll up da sleeves for this:
* He initially has maturity of an edgy teenage… morer
* He is [initially] a bit persnickety and very opinionated
* He [initially] strives to be someone much more greater/hard/badass than he actually is and tries really hard to make people see him that way, often to embarrassing/overcompensatory effect
* He is [initially] prone to getting into arguments and can be pretty awkwardly harsh at times
* He idolizes [Angry Dad of the Week] as this amazing individual when that's not the case
* He thinks Clementine is cool
* He proves to be protective of her--violently protective, even--to the point of forgoing other priorities and beliefs in the moment
* After the direction shift, his opinion is sway-able by having Clementine act as an incentive
The main differences is that he really is 13, he is openly reflective of his behavior and choices, he has surv… [view original content]
Oh, I know that; don't be mistaken.
I was just highlighting the fact that many of his earliest, more obvious traits and interpretations were very much like those of much of the fanbase.
Damn, I don't know if the fanbase is that bad yet lol
On topic, no. Never got everyones obsession with romance in video games. There was maybe a hint at there being something more between Lee and Carley in episode 3. If you kept her alive. And if you responded a certain way. And that was over before the episode even finished. We lost nothing of value not having a romance subplot in that game. Just focus on the story.
Well, when you list out a number of the traits he has and/or people say he has, he kinda comes off as a bit of an Audience Surrogate.
That's partly because it wasn't the plan to begin with and they only throw in nods to the idea in the same episode Carley was slated to die for the sake of fanservice.
After the Gabe scenario, I have concluded Clem has terrible taste. It's a no from me.

I dunno, seems like a bit of a reach. As far as the romance goes, again, nothing was lost because they hadn't thrown it in until the last second for the sake of the fans. It was an unnecessary and small addition to a story that was planned without it, and worked well without it.
Okay, time to roll up da sleeves for this:
The main differences is that he really is 13, he is openly reflective of his behavior and choices, he has survived in an post-apocalyptic world with legitimate skills at his disposal, and he matures more in a few days than many of us will in years.
Like I've said in previous threads I would like Clementine to have a romance option however, TellTale should allow us the players to choose who the romantic interest will be like Clementine should be given the option to romance male or female characters who are around her age, since I hated the forced romance for Clementine and Gabe. Also on another note, Clementine seems older in the artwork I saw for The Final Season so who knows what TellTale is planning for us.
He's still all of those things by the time the game is over(if he'still alive), I'm not sure what skills he's picked up since one of the main arguments in favor of him is he's an insufferable prick because he's been completely sheltered up until the point ANF begins, and I don't where he overcomes the idolizing angry dad of the week since, after seeing said angry dad beat the hell out of his average uncle, he accompanies him no matter what. And he somehow reacts to Clementine in all those ways after a day, because that's the same as fans who have been with the series for 6 years. He reflects the attributes of a poorly written stereotype rather than a reflection of the people here, and the payout for his development, or lack there of, is we have to go and save him after yet another stupid decision simply to prove what 4 years with him apparently hadn't. Just bad business, bro.
Sure if it fits and it's done right. As long as we aren't forced into a romance with someone like Gabe I can dig it. I didn't hate Gabe but tears after doing literally anything and yelling "PUDDING" as your only positive character trait just doesn't work for me.
I voted for no. I'm not against it but Clems goal right now is to find AJ and I would rather see her reunite with some old friends along the way before her story ends. If it's going to happen make it an optional choice in the final episode.
As long as they don't push you into it I say why the fuck not. If it's Kate 2.0 and hunts me all season again I will murder someone
The traits are great man but you forgot that he has to have a generally good heart , tries to help people when he can obviously after a bit of doubt.
Oh, I know that; don't be mistaken.
I was just highlighting the fact that many of his earliest, more obvious traits and interpretations were very much like those of much of the fanbase.