I feel disrespectfull of Telltale
I am pissed right now on Telltale and Greg Miller!!, i wanna see trailer and some footage waited many months for this and this is bad joke and bad nightmare. Not everyone can afford ticket or not everyone is from USA right? i am from Czech Republic and i will not flight from my country to USA to see f****g trailer or gameplay if i can see that on internet....
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The stream was pretty bad, but I don't think they are actually at a point in development where they are ready to release an official teaser. It'll probably be June or September when we start getting more concrete information and footage.
They said for weeks that the footage would be exclusive. I understand being disappointed but its not like they baited. I went in expecting some screens maybe and some test stuff, and thats what we got.
I see that but i wanna see full not 43 seconds..... and still this is soooooooooo disrespectfull to me or you or anyone i own Season 1,2,ANF and now i bought Collection so much money on this and they can't show us trailer? and those people who can watch this they bought Collection or not?
Noooo please don’t say September ?
i will not buy Season 4 after how they treat with us like that i hope they will read it.
It’s disappointing, but they’ve said for weeks that the footage will be PAX exclusive. What got me upset was how Greg treated Twitch users. “If you wanted to see the footage you should’ve been at PAX”. Sorry I couldn’t buy a plane ticket that would cost over $100, PAX tickets, a hotel room, and a pass to the panel to see the footage, Greg.
Exacly f*****s. Petition on them!
Wow, that footage is pretty shit...should've snuck in a better camera!
As for the gameplay itself, I thought this was TWDG, not Batman Arkham Knight: Ellie Edition.
You guys are acting like spoiled children. They said way ahead of time that there would be exclusive footage for the people at the event. Some people recorded it anyways and are putting it online.
There’s no need for a petition. They promised PAX fans they’d get the exclusive footage and warned those who aren’t going that they’re not getting it.
If you should be upset at anybody, be mad at Greg Miller, not Telltale themselves.
Whatever. I'll buy the game anyway.
Nah im pissed on f*****g Greg Miller with his "fuck off twitch people" and on Telltale to decide not show us trailer. I have all seasons on my Steam. And Collection on PS4 and i don't get to see trailer? F.U.C.K.
Feeling Disrespectful of Telltale.
That’s basically my default setting at this point.
Yeah you got that right.
*Talentless Games & Greg Miller
Thanks for the video
Honestly, they've been out of touch with the fan base for a while now, and it just honestly feels like the money they're asking for nowadays could be put to better use. Like giving it to the guy I see hanging around the el stop every day asking for money on my way home. I know he's going right back into the bar as soon as he gets it. It still seems like a better use of money, though.
I'm getting flashbacks of in early 2017 when they just ended the phenomenal season of Batman just to release the abomination of ANF, after leading me to think they'd learned from their mistakes. We seem to be in the exact same position now.
Umm... based off what they said in the panel, I think TTG is learning from their mistakes. They all but said ANF was an experiment that failed. Also, you all should be upset with how Greg Miller treated the Twitch viewers, not TTG themselves. That's like being hit by a UPS truck outside of a Wal-Mart and suing Wal-Mart for hitting you. This is rather ironic that some of you are acting like this considering the outcry for Clem having a let-me-see-your-manager haircut.
Like it or not, the entire Stream was essentially clickbait. It wasn't until near the very end where they announced that the trailer would be exclusive to the PAX audience, which is a massive letdown to fans, you'd think after the travesty of ANF that they'd at least offer a trailer of all things to be there, which I'm damn well predicting is where 90% of the people went there for. Them putting it as exclusive, even when it was announced beforehand, is a huge disappointment. TellTale management should be ashamed.
That isn’t true, they announced nearly a month ago that the footage would be PAX exclusive.
I was aware of that, what I was trying to get across was the people who weren't aware of it while at the stream had to wait until the end for them to announce that the stream wouldn't contain the trailer for Twitch viewers. Anybody who saw the stream clearly saw tons of people asking for such. That's clickbait if you ask me, they should have had one of the moderators in the chat announce that there wouldn't be a trailer for Twitch viewers in the first place.
This is a bit overdramatic, dude. There's no need to bitch about it like this, saying that you won't buy the season, and shit like that. It's not like they told us that we were gonna get a trailer anyway.
Yes you will.
"Get your first look at The Walking Dead: The Final Season at our PAX East panel next Friday, April 6 at 12:30pm ET. You can also stream it from home on Twitch." Twitter @telltalegames 03.30.18
Telltale lying, I didnt see FIRST LOOK on TWITCH, the last time we saw a first look, it was a trailer for ANF.
Let's say telltale left everything very vague, they thought "let's say it's the first look and they'll think it's a trailer because the last time the first look was a trailer of ANF, and then they'll come to the PAX", why? MONEY, they know how to persuade their "fans". Clickbait. Im sorry for my english
Having it as "Pax-Exclusive" footage only symbolized to me more that Telltale just doesn't give a damn about its fans and is more interested in what seems to be the corporate side. Not everybody has X amount of dollars in their back pocket.
I also did not know that the footage was exclusive when I was viewing the stream, that doesn't make leaving it until the very end as right, at least registering the people in the stream that there won't be a trailer for them would have given at least some sense of decency, The stream felt pretty second class to be honest.
This may come across as harsh but that is mostly their fault, the information about the panel has been easily available for a while now so it was just their assumption and lack of any research which led them to be disappointed.
A "first look" doesn't always guarantee a flashy trailer, on the stream we go to hear some story detail and see concept art with new characters along with some standing animation which would all fall under a "first look". The game isn't close to ready yet to make a good trailer and from seeing a bit of the leaked footage the PAX audience got to see some pre-alpha footage which didn't seem to have any story so we watching at home didn't miss a lot.
great words
Fair enough, but this information really should have been stated again for any users that did miss. I don't come here a lot (from a week at a time usually) so I missed that; As seemingly a few folks here did too.
I'll let you be the judge yourself, you can watch the chat replay here: [SPOILER] (I don't know how to spoiler, sorry, watch it on Twitch). But anyway, there's a ton of people in there simply asking for the trailer, I can't recall any person responding to what they said and I tried to watch the chat while the stream was going on. It would have been great to have a moderator address the trailer situation.
And as for that title... "Telltale's The Walking Dead: First Look at the Final Season" maybe it's just me (given what I usually expect anyway), but I really felt like this title just screamed for a trailer, rather than just concept art and some idle animations.
I don't see why a few people should only be allowed to view the trailer while the mass is denied of such. If the game isn't developed enough, it would have just been wise to wait until Pax 2019 instead, considering the development time for Season 4 has been abysmally short, that shouldn't be an excuse to make it exclusive.
Does everyone realize that there was no trailer released? All I see are people complaining about something that hasn't happened yet. There is no trailer. There was only a 4 minute tech demo that, based on the 40 second leak, looks like it used a generic environment from a few semi finished assets of the game to showcase what they have been doing. We did get a first look at the game, however. We saw some concept art and a clip showing the idle-standing animations. Just because it's not the same type of first look they did with ANF doesn't mean they lied; which is ironic because you would think the fans would want TTG to do the complete opposite of anything associated with ANF.
Companies do sneak peaks or first looks of content for select audiences all the time. Why not? TTG gave fans who were able to go to PAX 2018 an additional look of some alpha/beta-phase content. They paid all that extra money to see a panel they could have viewed online. I don't see a problem with it. It's not like they saw some actual game footage or an actual trailer. I'd rather my first real look be some polished ready-for-release content a la trailer type content. It's perfectly ok.
It actually really funny watching people go into an uproar over unfinished content being released to a select group of people. It will be even funnier when it's the final hours before release, and the comments will be filled with all this positivity . The same happened with TTG doing TWD as a game, Clem taking over the protagonist role, Kenny being in S2, anything ANF related, and so on and so forth. But that's the internet nowadays. This little uproar will cease and pass. Around the mulberry bush we go. See you all when the trailer is out, the release date is announced, and you're singing TTG's praises.
While I can understand the want and need to have something exclusive to "Reward" those who came to Pax, shutting everyone else out from seeing the teaser/alpha is kind of a shitty move, we are a lot of people who cant just spend a ton of money to travel halfway across the globe to see a teaser.
Kind of a shit move
Fucking entitled children here.
We more than likely are gonna see more footage down the line, stop bitching.
We can expect an official trailer with the release date at E3 2018 (in almost 2 months from now). Also, I have purchased all of the seasons (including The Walking Dead: Michonne) on both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but I'm no more entitled than the next person to see exclusive footage. While it would be nice, it's not something that I'm entitled to seeing. We just need to be patient.
Might wanna hold off on the "positive" outburst nearing the release of the game.
The moment someone makes that countdown-to-release timer and links it in the episode 1 waiting thread, everyone's mode changes for a brief period of time. It's too predictable.
it could, but I don't know this doesn't exactly look like much to be "excited" about, but it is just early WIP and just me
Agreed, what a joke that was.