Season 3 main villain should be...
I think there is only one villain that can top the Joker from season 2...And that one is Scarecrow!!
Not only the fear toxin is great for mysteries, scares and drama, but it is also a great way to explore a more creative kind of action.
Telltale already wasted a great opportunity of exploration of Batman's detective side by (*Spoiler) Killing the Riddler...But Scarecrow is the next best thing since it can have a lot of interpretation from the players with the nightmares.
Well this is what I think...Which villain you think should be the main one in season 3?
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I think there's already a thread for this, but I agree that I'd like to see Scarecrow make an appearance in TellTale's Batman. I think he'd be best suited for a means to start Season 3 with the way that Season 2 ended.
Ras Al Ghul is the best choice for Season 3. I've had enough of the Scarecrow, and Season 1 already had a villain using gas.
Please not Scarecrow unless it's a completely new and original character,because i seriously had enough of him in Arkham Knight.
At first i wanted the Court of Owls but now that Regina can die in the Villain path i'm not sure,so i'm gonna go with Ras Al Ghul.
But it's too obvious so i'm hoping Telltale surprises us and we get to see some new original villains.
Scarecrow would be neat. I'd like to see Telltale's spin on him! I'd also like to see Poison Ivy or Ra's.
Absolutely not to Scarecrow. Vicki’s already used a similar gimmick. I want Poison Ivy (My first choice) or Ra’s al Ghul and Talia.
I'd like to see Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc and maybe some new telltale characters or even some already used like Joker and Mr Freeze
For season 3, I believe it will either be Ra's al Ghul or the Court of Owls.
Scarecrow is interesting to consider. Include Mr. Bloom also
Yes, Lady Arkham used gas...But it was more like a plot gimmick than actuall fear gas.
I don't think Ra's al Ghul would be a good fit for season 3. Introducing the league of assasins in season 3 wouldn't feel right in this universe.
I'm sorry...But how you had enough of him in Arkham Knight...Yes, he was the main villain, but he was completely overshadowed by the Joker(that was not even alive)... Scarecrow was just kinda there in the game, he wasn't well explored at all!!
I do think he desrves a proper chance to be the actuall main bad guy of a game.
I disagree. The only character that’s big enough to be seen as an upgrade to Joker in my opinion is Ra’s. They’re both of Batman’s polar opposites (In different ways) after all. I actually think Scarecrow would be a step down since Joker is pretty much universally considered top of the heap when it comes to the Arkham type of villains.
Ras is the obvious choice, have Deathstroke with him and the league. As for minor villains bring back Penguin and John. The league would create a lot of choices for Bruce, especially his code. Avesta can be a Talia.
I'd love to see Scarecrow, but I also think Anarky would be an interesting villain.
There are a bunch of cool villains that could participate in season 3! Scarecrow, Hatter, Black Mask, Jason Todd (Though he was not the villain, and the role of the villain, he does not pull I think
), Hush, Killer Croc, the whole "League of Assassins", Zass (50/50) and many more! 
The writers could always utilize both Scarecrow and Ra's al Ghul. Scarecrow could be Bruce's first test, and a means to get his attention ( or for the writers to tie together the endings into a cohesive starting point without major time skips or more funerals utilizing his fear gas. ) They could neatly wrap things up with Crane in the first episode, or have him stay on through out the Season depending on what they want to do with the character.
True, they could do with Scarecrow what they did with Riddler and Falcone.
Done in Arkham Knight
Already had a villian that wanted to gas peopl;e
TellTale managed to take the most over-used villain in Batman's history (Joker) and make a fantastic new spin, and story from it. I don't think it matters if other mediums have handled the characters that people have requested. They've all been done somewhere. Catwoman's been done to death, and I don't think anyone's saying don't put her in Season 3 lol.
Well, there are people who despite her but they are out of their minds in my opinion
I don't really care if they introduce a new villain or who if they reuse an old one since I have complete trust that Telltale can reinvent and handle all kind of characters now. (Some were sure better than others but in general, it has been handled really well)
I hope they try to keep it somewhat "realistic" still and not add to much magic and supernatural stuff to this universe.
Hmm, the best villain for season 3 ? A tough choice but I'd go for Deathstroke. It would be interesting to see Batman fight a superhuman, mastermind mercenary with military training.
Gentleman Ghost
Maybe League of Shadows....and a return of Lady Arkham...maybe have her see that the League was using her and she helps Bats in one hell of an epic finale.
That would be interesting, I don't think Telltale is done with her because she is their own original villain.
I think Hush would be a good chatacter. However I think Clayface would be good since he could transform into anyone he wanted to.
Hush, Court of Owls or League of Assassins I think. With hopefully some returning villains like Two Face, Penguin, Bane, Freeze, Harley and Joker. Maybe Scarecrow or Poison Ivy as new additions to Arkham.
Black Mask, Poison Ivy, hugo strange or even killer croc
Ok, so after reading the comments I got a cool idea for season 3. What if season 3 featured a war between the Court of Owls and the League of Assassins? The Court of Owls could emerge after
Regina's death in the villain path (assuming she was with them) or just to fill a power vacuum now that Falcone, Lady Arkham, the Pact, and potentially Batman are gone. They could potentially try to recruit Bruce Wayne, and target him when he refuses, only for Bruce to be saved by the League of Assasins, thanks to Avesta/Talia. Ra's will offer offer Bruce his help in fighting the owls, which he refuses. Now batman has to return to save Gotham from the war between the owls and the League. John may even be involved. Since he knew about Lady Arkham, he may have info on the Court of Owls. His willingness to help will depend on how you ended things in season 2. I think this is ambitious, but it's a cool idea.
I'd prefer it be Poison Ivy as the secondary (If not the main) villain rather than Scarecrow. Harley used flirting to try and manipulate people but it never went very far in regards to playing a big factor in the game. I'd like to see how TellTale could use Ivy's seduction powers full on and incorporate them into choices we needed to make. Not to forget about her connection to the green and her plant manipulation which would make for some pretty cool imagery.
Until Dawn has a psychologist who asks you a lot of questions about your fears, and then the game changes depending on your answers by adding things that the player said they were scared of. I would love to see Scarecrow get an in depth knowledge of our Batman's innermost workings and then use that against us throughout the season.
I'd prefer Ivy as more of a main villain which is why I listed Crane secondary. His particular trademarks simply make for a useful and simple writing tool for all of the differences that we could've ended Season 2 with, and be able to incorporate them without the usual methods people dread -- time skips and completely ignoring the choices previously made.
She'd work well as a main villain, and her drive wouldn't be difficult to insert considering how polluted and cemented over Gotham appears in game.
Whoever they do use, I do hope that TellTale allows us to know at least some of them more personally through Bruce rather than just hunt bad guys with Batman. It worked so beautifully with John Doe. I think that getting to know Dr. Jonathan Crane and Dr. Pamela Isley on a different scale could rekindle the magic of Season 2.
There are actually so many villains I'd like to see Batman try his hand at, and more importantly this writing team try their hands at. I'll honestly be happy regardless of their choice if their delivery is anywhere near what it was this season.
Agreed. I’d love Ivy as the main villain. Just mentioned her as the secondary villain since everyone figures Ra’s would be in the main villain role. Ivy is definitely at the top of my wishlist for a season 3.
So no TellTale original villains?
I still want Telltale to keep the somewhat grounded universe they have created.
Either Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins or the Court of Owls would be my first choice.
I wouldn't mind a whole new villain like lady Arkham.
Now that the Joker has finally fully emerged, it would almost be a waste not to give him the spotlight in season 3.
I'm sure the Joker will be featured somehow in S3 but i wouldn't like him as the new main villain seems... unoriginal, i'd like to see Poison Ivy or Ra's al Ghul like many already said or a new Telltale villain.
Deathstroke can be better Gillian for season 3
Thats actually a really cool concept for the next season
I would like to see Ivy, because I can't imagine how TT will deliver her story and it's going to be fresh.
But it's easier for me to see Crane as a villain, because he just fits in the story with how much toxins/drugs/viruses/chemical weapons we've seen so far in TT. The problem is, he's supposed to be scary. And Telltale and scary don't rhyme.
So Ivy it is.