Allow me to repeat what I have said from a previous thread to help you understand why someone like me doesn't like the game.
Terrible writing, cringeworthy dialogue, lackluster and uninteresting story, numerous inconsistencies, shoddy pacing, gaping plot holes, lack of explanation concerning your time powers, forced and somewhat abusive/manipulative friendship, the rules are made up as the game goes on, poor impacts of choices, unappealing art style, (at best) average voice acting, huge potential in regards to characters and story that is plagued by flawed execution, bad lip syncing, one of the most boring and bland PC's in recent memory, one dimensional/stereotypical high school characters, head-bashing pseudo-intellectual thinking, symbolism, and themes that try to be subtle but are so infuriatingly on the nose, AND, acting as the rotten cherry on top of the shit cake, the most insufferable, annoying, entitled, selfish, good for nothing, reckless, moronic, disrespectful, hypocritical, and infuriating character that I have ever had the displeasure of coming across in any form of media...Chloe Price. This little shithead plays the victim card at every single possible moment in this game because she can't ever bring herself to see that everything wrong with her life is brought on by her decisions and through her own fault. She blames everyone else and expects them to feel pity for her, and guess what, they often times do, especially with Max, who is more than happy to oblige Chloe at every possible turn and do everything that she asks. If I had to sum up Chloe's character, I would use a couple of quotes from Dr. Jordan Peterson:
But not everyone who is falling is a victim, and not everyone at the bottom wishes to rise, although many do and many manage it. Nonetheless, people will often accept or even amplify their own suffering, as well as that of others, if they can brandish it as evidence of the world's injustice...Are you so sure the person crying out to be saved has not decided a thousand times to accept his lot of pointless and worsening suffering, simply because it is easier than shouldering any true responsibility? Are you enabling a delusion? Is it possible that your contempt would be more salutary than your pity?...It is far more likely that a given individual has just decided to reject the path upward because of its difficulty.
If I had to describe Max and Chloe's friendship, it would be:
If I stay in an unhealthy relationship with you, perhaps its because I'm too weak willed and indecisive to leave, but I don't want to know it. Thus, I continue helping you, and console myself with my pointless martyrdom.
Well I am always down for a Vampire long as they do not glow in the sunlight. I always thought a LiS like game with Vampires would be cool....this is going to be an action adventure so we will see.
Hopefully it'll be fun to play. At least I still enjoyed RM's combat enough for the most part, in spite of some clunkiness, and Vampyr's loo… moreks better than that. No kill runs should be interesting!
Hella should be in as some kind of easter egg, even something like the initials of an npc's full name spelling hella.
You sir have the right to say everything about this game, and most of your points are right...
But this... Sorry I can't agree on this in a million of years xD
Ashly Burch is just a Goddess at dubbing Chloe. There won't be a discussion on this! haha
Allow me to repeat what I have said from a previous thread to help you understand why someone like me doesn't like the game.
Terrible wri… moreting, cringeworthy dialogue, lackluster and uninteresting story, numerous inconsistencies, shoddy pacing, gaping plot holes, lack of explanation concerning your time powers, forced and somewhat abusive/manipulative friendship, the rules are made up as the game goes on, poor impacts of choices, unappealing art style, (at best) average voice acting, huge potential in regards to characters and story that is plagued by flawed execution, bad lip syncing, one of the most boring and bland PC's in recent memory, one dimensional/stereotypical high school characters, head-bashing pseudo-intellectual thinking, symbolism, and themes that try to be subtle but are so infuriatingly on the nose, AND, acting as the rotten cherry on top of the shit cake, the most insufferable, annoying, entitled, selfish, good for nothing,… [view original content]
Plus... I think everyone has his own opinions and I respect yours, I even agree on some of the things you said.
But I think LiS is one of those games you can either love or hate to death. Like it or not. There isn't a middle way for it. Characters like Chloe must be sympathized and understood, and if you don't like it then all the game will seem crap to you. It's one of those games where characters make the 99% of the impact on your experience.
Anyway, I hope with LiS 2 you will change your mind about it, cause imho it deserves more love than hate
Allow me to repeat what I have said from a previous thread to help you understand why someone like me doesn't like the game.
Terrible wri… moreting, cringeworthy dialogue, lackluster and uninteresting story, numerous inconsistencies, shoddy pacing, gaping plot holes, lack of explanation concerning your time powers, forced and somewhat abusive/manipulative friendship, the rules are made up as the game goes on, poor impacts of choices, unappealing art style, (at best) average voice acting, huge potential in regards to characters and story that is plagued by flawed execution, bad lip syncing, one of the most boring and bland PC's in recent memory, one dimensional/stereotypical high school characters, head-bashing pseudo-intellectual thinking, symbolism, and themes that try to be subtle but are so infuriatingly on the nose, AND, acting as the rotten cherry on top of the shit cake, the most insufferable, annoying, entitled, selfish, good for nothing,… [view original content]
I'm really hoping it'll be a good vampire overall. Last one was what, Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines? And that was more than a decade ago. I'd totally be down for an LiS like vampire game, but in this case I can respect Dontnod for wanting to try something different (hopefully it doesn't backfire). At least there should still be plenty of moral choices that mix in with the gameplay, what with choosing whether or not Jonathan should try to cling to his humanity or forsake it to satisfy his hunger, and in turn make him more powerful.
Well I am always down for a Vampire long as they do not glow in the sunlight. I always thought a LiS like game with Vampires would be cool....this is going to be an action adventure so we will see.
I'm really hoping it'll be a good vampire overall. Last one was what, Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines? And that was more than a decade ago… more. I'd totally be down for an LiS like vampire game, but in this case I can respect Dontnod for wanting to try something different (hopefully it doesn't backfire). At least there should still be plenty of moral choices that mix in with the gameplay, what with choosing whether or not Jonathan should try to cling to his humanity or forsake it to satisfy his hunger, and in turn make him more powerful.
Hear that Telltale....a Vampire game with emotional depth and CHOICES THAT HAVE MEANING. I have been working on a vampire story for a long time...well I have not touched it for over a year...but now I wanta tinker with it again.
Actually, you're completely right when it comes to Ashly Burch. I despise the character of Chloe, but goddamn, Ashly was incredible in her performance, it's the rest of the cast that drags her performance into the gutter. Her performance is easily a 10/10, but Max's performance is barely a 2/10 if I had to grade it, which is why I say, as a whole, the game has average voice acting, despite Burch's performance.
average voice acting
You sir have the right to say everything about this game, and most of your points are right...
But this... Sor… morery I can't agree on this in a million of years xD
Ashly Burch is just a Goddess at dubbing Chloe. There won't be a discussion on this! haha
Perhaps....or it could be that they are implying the immortal nature of the Vampire.
...probably with the song Time is on My Side by the Rolling Stones.
Yeah, I'd say that's definitely far more likely and fitting, so that probably is the origin of the trophy name.
And as far as I could tell only one other trophy, besides the obvious LiS one, is a rather on the nose reference to another game series.
Perhaps....or it could be that they are implying the immortal nature of the Vampire.
...probably with the song Time is on My Side by the Rolling Stones.
One of my favourite lines from the whole D&D game in episode 1. In general I thought that both the one in episode 1 and the one in episode 3 had some pretty funny lines, and they were some of the funniest moments in the game for me.
Something about the end of the D&D game in episode 3 was giving me flashbacks of the end of season 1.
Maybe some day Telltale will be compelled to make an adventure where you play as a vampire. The "Y" in the name of the game apparently is meant to represent the moral choices the player will make when controlling Reid.
As a doctor, Reid "feels the need to heal people", however, the nature of vamprism compels Reid to consume blood.
I guess we'll see what the player's playstile and choices will lead to once it's out. Gameplay wise I think it's confirmed to affect the status of the districts at least, on top of feeding being the only way to max out Jonathan's skills.
And hey, I'd be happy to read your story should you choose to continue it.
Hear that Telltale....a Vampire game with emotional depth and CHOICES THAT HAVE MEANING. I have been working on a vampire story for a long time...well I have not touched it for over a year...but now I wanta tinker with it again.
Amazing! Lots of highlights there, the spider part, the play and the dinner scene.
Chloe: "Yes."
I wouldn't say it's too early, seems like enough time for Dontnod, since the LiS team began working on it early 2016, so it's been roughly a little over 2 years since it started production. I think the time between Dontnod first pitching the concept of S1 and EP1's release was shorter than that actually.
Yeah, it seems to me that the folks over at Deck Nine had a lot of fun acknowledging how Frank's love for beans had sort of become a meme. Even his icon during the backtalk in episode 2 is a can of beans.
Funnily enough, the very description was from his stream actually.
It was great to see someone else ripping the episode apart for it's lack of even basic-level writing to be honest. Glad someone else enjoyed it.
I don't think that the cut content of "Before the Storm" Episode 3 has been posted here yet, and I found this that tells the content that didn't make it into the game. The information on it came from beta testers.
Allow me to repeat what I have said from a previous thread to help you understand why someone like me doesn't like the game.
Terrible writing, cringeworthy dialogue, lackluster and uninteresting story, numerous inconsistencies, shoddy pacing, gaping plot holes, lack of explanation concerning your time powers, forced and somewhat abusive/manipulative friendship, the rules are made up as the game goes on, poor impacts of choices, unappealing art style, (at best) average voice acting, huge potential in regards to characters and story that is plagued by flawed execution, bad lip syncing, one of the most boring and bland PC's in recent memory, one dimensional/stereotypical high school characters, head-bashing pseudo-intellectual thinking, symbolism, and themes that try to be subtle but are so infuriatingly on the nose, AND, acting as the rotten cherry on top of the shit cake, the most insufferable, annoying, entitled, selfish, good for nothing, reckless, moronic, disrespectful, hypocritical, and infuriating character that I have ever had the displeasure of coming across in any form of media...Chloe Price. This little shithead plays the victim card at every single possible moment in this game because she can't ever bring herself to see that everything wrong with her life is brought on by her decisions and through her own fault. She blames everyone else and expects them to feel pity for her, and guess what, they often times do, especially with Max, who is more than happy to oblige Chloe at every possible turn and do everything that she asks. If I had to sum up Chloe's character, I would use a couple of quotes from Dr. Jordan Peterson:
If I had to describe Max and Chloe's friendship, it would be:
Well I am always down for a Vampire long as they do not glow in the sunlight. I always thought a LiS like game with Vampires would be cool....this is going to be an action adventure so we will see.
You sir have the right to say everything about this game, and most of your points are right...
But this... Sorry I can't agree on this in a million of years xD
Ashly Burch is just a Goddess at dubbing Chloe. There won't be a discussion on this! haha
Plus... I think everyone has his own opinions and I respect yours, I even agree on some of the things you said.
But I think LiS is one of those games you can either love or hate to death. Like it or not. There isn't a middle way for it. Characters like Chloe must be sympathized and understood, and if you don't like it then all the game will seem crap to you. It's one of those games where characters make the 99% of the impact on your experience.
Anyway, I hope with LiS 2 you will change your mind about it, cause imho it deserves more love than hate
Here's to hoping it'll be hella good! It's kinda been in development for a hella long time too.
I'm really hoping it'll be a good vampire overall. Last one was what, Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines? And that was more than a decade ago. I'd totally be down for an LiS like vampire game, but in this case I can respect Dontnod for wanting to try something different (hopefully it doesn't backfire). At least there should still be plenty of moral choices that mix in with the gameplay, what with choosing whether or not Jonathan should try to cling to his humanity or forsake it to satisfy his hunger, and in turn make him more powerful.
Yeah we seriously need more vampire games.
Hear that Telltale....a Vampire game with emotional depth and CHOICES THAT HAVE MEANING. I have been working on a vampire story for a long time...well I have not touched it for over a year...but now I wanta tinker with it again.
Actually, you're completely right when it comes to Ashly Burch. I despise the character of Chloe, but goddamn, Ashly was incredible in her performance, it's the rest of the cast that drags her performance into the gutter. Her performance is easily a 10/10, but Max's performance is barely a 2/10 if I had to grade it, which is why I say, as a whole, the game has average voice acting, despite Burch's performance.
The platinum trophy for Vampyr though:
Nah, it's probably nothing. At the very most it could be just another little nod from Dontnod at Life is Strange. But maybe even not that.
Perhaps....or it could be that they are implying the immortal nature of the Vampire.
...probably with the song Time is on My Side by the Rolling Stones.
Yeah, I'd say that's definitely far more likely and fitting, so that probably is the origin of the trophy name.
And as far as I could tell only one other trophy, besides the obvious LiS one, is a rather on the nose reference to another game series.
Let's keep this Thread alive, shall we?
One of my favourite lines from the whole D&D game in episode 1. In general I thought that both the one in episode 1 and the one in episode 3 had some pretty funny lines, and they were some of the funniest moments in the game for me.
Something about the end of the D&D game in episode 3 was giving me flashbacks of the end of season 1.
Maybe some day Telltale will be compelled to make an adventure where you play as a vampire. The "Y" in the name of the game apparently is meant to represent the moral choices the player will make when controlling Reid.
I guess we'll see what the player's playstile and choices will lead to once it's out. Gameplay wise I think it's confirmed to affect the status of the districts at least, on top of feeding being the only way to max out Jonathan's skills.
And hey, I'd be happy to read your story should you choose to continue it.
It's nice Rachel we're having...
Chloe Price, master of small talk. (Hella relatable though tbh)
Just some parody I made awhile back.

I'm hella crying! hahahaha!
Lots of highlights there, the spider part, the play and the dinner scene.
Chloe: "Yes."
Oh, and of course Steph's reaction

One of the best quotes in the whole series imho. Love it!
Definitely agree! That whole scene I thought was very well crafted, one of the best in the episode imo.
Max was here.

(Don't think this had been mentioned here yet?)
Oh god, I never saw that!!
This game never ends to surprise me...
Indeed! I never even noticed it during my playthrough of the episode. Before the Storm has quite the number of easter eggs in general.

I had no idea that Jefferson was mentioned in a radio broadcast
Does anyone else think we’ll see a season 2 reveal at this e3 or is it too early?
I wouldn't say it's too early, seems like enough time for Dontnod, since the LiS team began working on it early 2016, so it's been roughly a little over 2 years since it started production. I think the time between Dontnod first pitching the concept of S1 and EP1's release was shorter than that actually.
Let's not forget this.

Frank sure loves his beans.

This is the ultimate meme video...
Oh god XD
Chloe: "Maybe not."
Max shower scene
Chloe: "Mmaaayybe."
I couldn't believe they did that when I first saw it. I just kept on saying, "Wow, wow."
Yeah, it seems to me that the folks over at Deck Nine had a lot of fun acknowledging how Frank's love for beans had sort of become a meme. Even his icon during the backtalk in episode 2 is a can of beans.
Someone has got any news? Even the slightest on LiS 2?
I can't wait anymore, I need it ffs DONTNOD!!
The Farewell episode? It was a waste of time. Purely fan service
Not really a waste of time,i think the Farewell episode was a good send off for Chloe and Max.
I didn’t particularly like it thats all and I didn’t think it was necessary . And this is coming from someone who loves LIS
I don't think that the cut content of "Before the Storm" Episode 3 has been posted here yet, and I found this that tells the content that didn't make it into the game. The information on it came from beta testers.