Would you look forward to seeing The Walking Dead being remade by Bethesda and Naughty Dog?

I think this would be a great thing. How about you?
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I think this would be a great thing. How about you?
Naughty Dog, yes. Bethesda, no.
No and no.
Both have better options ahead of them. One is in desperate need of a new IP and the other needs to start(they probably have) on a sequel that people actually want.
As in Telltale's story? Absolutely not. Their own Walking Dead story? Why not.
No. Naughty Dog, while a great developer, have other stuff to be working on. Bethesda would half complete it, give it mod support, then let the fans finish it for them. Then they'd rerelease it every few years instead of making another one.
Lmaooooo I felt that
Neither. Naughty Dog is a great company, but they shouldn’t remake the series, especially Clementine’s story. It just doesn’t work without branching choices. They can make their own Walking Dead story though.
Bethesda relies too much on mods nowadays. Not to mention their stories have been disappointing so far (Fallout 4).
Woah, hey, Bethesda put a lot of thought and effort into the games, fully complete them, make them fun af, and then say “we want fans to be a part of our accomplishment” so they add mod support so fans can manipulate the game so it fits their play style. Say what you want about Bethesda but they’re the best game devs you can find.
Not really. I mean yeah, my comment was mostly hyperbole and they're certainly not the worst, but they have a nasty habit of releasing games with a bunch of crazy bugs and not fixing all of them, forcing the fanbase to do it for them in the form of 'unofficial patch' mods.
Fuck no...Bethesda has not released one game by themselves that was not a buggy mess....and Naughty Dog has TLoU series...so why would they?
It's just a hypothetical, kind of like a "What if" scenario.
Really? I thought F4's story was good, although It was disappointing to see that Shaun was an old ass man by the time we reached him, only to later find out that he was dying. Aside from that, it was great to feel like you had to choose between the brotherhood, the institute, or the railroad in order to finish the game, a decision that relies on your ethics.The side quests are what made the game really fun in my opinion.
I'd like naughty dog the remade only the first season of the series that's my dream I wish it happens
You gotta give ‘em some credit. Their bugs are hilariously funny and most of the time... most of the time aren’t game breaking.
No they Don't last good fallout was NV and by shit they didn't even make it. ES last great one was 1. morrowind 2.Es3, and with somewhat good was skyrim but was mired by a very shit story and sidequest were decent til Mods came in. No thanks on bethesda TWD. ND has bigger and better things to take care of.
F4 was booty sorry
Hell no to both. Its Telltale's baby, but if they want to make their own game with its own story and characters by all means.
I'd be interested in seeing how Obsidian would go about making a Walking Dead game. It'd be glitchy as hell at launch sure but after some patches I'd imagine that it'd be a great game with an amazing choice and consequence system in the same vein as Alpha Protocol.
You’re treating it like fact, I’m looking at statistics and statistics show that most people enjoyed Fallout 4, and the vast VAST majority enjoyed Skyrim, I’m only saying that I believe they put effort in due to the environments, items and exploration. If Skyrim wasn’t good, it wouldn’t have won game of the year or it wouldn’t have went down as a legendary game would it? But like I said, that’s your opinion
No. Every company has its own identity and I think the Telltale version of TWD is unique.
Anyway, we have TWD Overkill coming out of Starbreeze, same studio as The Chronicles of Riddick.
I would love a TWD game where we play as Clem in Fallout style, so yeah, i would Bethesda to do that!
Bethesda for sure. That way someone could make a Mod where I get to take the Garcia's out behind a building and put them out of my misery.
@Plan_R damn that's tempting lol
On topic, I'm gonna stay in the no category. No need to remake it, they could easily do their own thing and let this entry be. Bethesda's take could be a fun experience, I wouldn't expect the story to be close to even ANFs though. They're great at creating worlds, but damned if I can think of a game in either of their Fallout or Elder Scrolls games over the last 15 or so years that I've cared about the story.
Absolutely not. In short, Bethesda can't write to save their lives.
Major Fallout spoilers across all games. Obsidian wrote New Vegas and Bethesda wrote Fallout 4...
The antagonist of New Vegas seems to be an evil facist dicatator who enslaves people but when you actually meet him gives a deep political analysis on Democracy and why a system that requires multiple votes that will have to pass a bloated,corrupt bureaucracy with a potentially uninformed populace in the turbulent world of post nuclear war may not be the best form of government to bring the needed change that can stop humanity from becoming isolationist tribes that scavenge and raid the remaining world.
The antagonist of Fallout 4 is the head of an organization that murders people and replaces them with robots. When you ask him why, he says it's too complicated for you to understand. Also he still views them as robots and below humans.
Never let Bethesda write a serious game ever again.
How about the maker's of Detroit become human there choices seemed to really matter lot's of endings and a lot of the game play like Telltale or Kingdom Come maker's I heard that's there first game.
Maybe there making Last of us 2.
I don't want a Walking Dead game with a black and white story, cliché characters and tragic backstories that are already done a million times before in games and other media.
Keep this franchise the hell away from Bethesda. They're terrible at choice based/role playing games. Hint hint Fallout 4. Naught Dog would do an okay job but it wouldn't be the same
yeah, their take on TWD would be really interesting. I think they'd do more than ok.
No. Just.....no
Well, if only the writers from telltale and directors and such were given full priority to work with Naughty Dog's team and engine, then hey the game would be like tlou but with even better story. Did any of you consider that? Imagine walking up to the ski resort in that sexy third person hyper-realistic graphics, and then seeing kenny in all his glory. It would look wierd, but I'd love it. Hell, there wouldn't be any more rough dialogue cuts and everything would transition smoothly
I can see naughty dog being able to make a very good WD game. (but it will never happen obviously) But why the fuck would you want a WD game from Bethesda, their writing team is complete garbage. Unless they got some better writers it wouldn’t look pretty.
Idk I just love the dishonored series and Fallout 4. I wanna see TWD in those "styles" so to speak.
If TWD was made with Capcom's RE Engine that was used to render the world/characters of Resident Evil 7, it would be beautiful. I wish Telltale had their own photo realistic game engine.
yeah man I'd be a lot more scared fighting walkers that way
Anything by Naughty Dog is great as far as im concerned so yes i would have loved to see them do a walking dead game. I’m pretty sure they’d do a far better job than Telltale, just different which isn’t a bad thing.
Maybe Bethesda but sure as hell not Naughty Dog. They can make overhyped IPs on their own, they don't need to be ruining what's already perfect