If Clementine could wish back ONE PERSON, who do you think she’d bring back?



  • I'd say she's a solid number four on the list.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Maybe Christa? She did spend the most time with her in the apocalypse and spent Season 2 attempting to search for her, not to mention Omid's and their child's deaths would likely make Clementine feel guilty about separating with her.

  • Lee was definitely a strong father figure for her by the end, and she did not "just like him because he protected her"

    She carried him through a herd of zombies to protect him, not thinking about her own safety, you only do that to someone you love

    Cosmic_Boy posted: »

    If you think about it, she only liked Lee because he protected her from the walkers. She loved her parents unconditionally.

  • Cosmic_BoyCosmic_Boy Banned
    edited June 2018

    She carried him through a herd of zombies to protect him

    Yeah he was a father figure towards her, but his safety meant her safety. Yeah, she got abducted by the stranger, but that's only because she was REALLY gullible enough to believe he had her parents, and was kind of being a brat towards Lee. And besides, if the man who's the only reason why you're still alive were to fall ill, would you not see to it that he gets back on his feet, knowing that in the event he dies, your chances of survival would definitely plummet?
    I'm not saying she was heartless, and only saw Lee as a means of survival, but she knew she LITERALLY couldn't live without him

    Lee was definitely a strong father figure for her by the end, and she did not "just like him because he protected her" She carried him th

  • ♪INterdePENdence--DAT's da KEEEY!

  • Considering there are a determinant amount of people who were in her life a lot longer than Lee, yea, its a question. Bye.

    Dan10 posted: »

    This even a question? Lee.

  • I still found that ridiculous how in Season 2 she mentioned Lee more than her parents. Realistically she would have missed them more than him.

    Veeeee posted: »

    I feel like it would have to be either Ed or Diana. Clem views Lee and cares about him as a second father figure but you have to remember th

  • I think you are overestimating how calculating an 8 year old is.

    Children very much think with their emotions, and when you are 8 you are still very much affected by the ones around you. I doubt Clementines thought when she saved Lee was "God damn I cant survive with out this guy"

    Cosmic_Boy posted: »

    She carried him through a herd of zombies to protect him Yeah he was a father figure towards her, but his safety meant her safety. Y

  • I think you are overestimating how calculating an 8 year old is.

    Oh yeah? Well I think you’re underestimating how calculating an 8 year old is.I wanted to reply with something better than that but I don’t have the passion to do so right now

    I think you are overestimating how calculating an 8 year old is. Children very much think with their emotions, and when you are 8 you are

  • ...

    I think you are overestimating how calculating an 8 year old is. Children very much think with their emotions, and when you are 8 you are

  • What the FUCK is happening with his texture quality?


  • I blame this guy's capture card. It sucks ass. The video I got this from is even showing his normal mouse arrow off center from where the game detects it. Smh

    DabigRG posted: »

    What the FUCK is happening with his texture quality?

  • Yeah, it really does.
    Like, I clearly see that the background isn't half as bad looking, so that's some serious fail right there.

    I blame this guy's capture card. It sucks ass. The video I got this from is even showing his normal mouse arrow off center from where the game detects it. Smh

  • There's really only one answer to this. If she could bring back anyone, she would bring back Lee.

  • edited June 2018

    I imagine it's because us as players have a greater emotional connection to him than we do to her parents but yeah it was weird. I guess you could justify it by saying that talking about Clem's parents is too painful for her considering how hard it was for her to talk about Lee. I agree though, it would have made more sense for her to talk about her parents more.

    dan290786 posted: »

    I still found that ridiculous how in Season 2 she mentioned Lee more than her parents. Realistically she would have missed them more than him.

  • It's like I've been thinkin for while--TWDG Season 1 and to a greater extent Clementine are well-regarded and considered precious in part because they stroke the players.

    Veeeee posted: »

    I imagine it's because us as players have a greater emotional connection to him than we do to her parents but yeah it was weird. I guess you

  • Whomever you wanted your Clementine to wish back.

  • Essentially, I suppose.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    Whomever you wanted your Clementine to wish back.

  • Luke Skywalker. Unbelievable what kennedy and her johnson did to hero of my generation, inspiration, man who faced the evil and won. He should return and write the story again.

  • Oh yeah, the guy who caused my leader's dad to get his head smashed after having a heart attack, enabled me eating a friend's BBQ'd leg, and pulled my hair--make it snappy, Porunga!

    Andy St. John

  • Yeah, what he said.

    Luke Skywalker. Unbelievable what kennedy and her johnson did to hero of my generation, inspiration, man who faced the evil and won. He should return and write the story again.

  • Not clear enough?

    Cosmic_Boy posted: »

    Yeah, what he said.

  • Look, I got something to show you!


    Not clear enough?

  • Sarah wasn't a very liked character and she was too mentally weak to continue the story properly.

    Umbassabro posted: »

    Sarah, that death still pisses me off, such a waste.

  • Clem would only bring back Gabe if you got the loyal Clem and let Gabe die. I do hate Gabe but I have to be honest if she did have the choice it would be Gabe or Either Kenny or Jane. (depending what end you got) She wouldn't resurrect someone like Lee or her parents because they died years ago. she would revive someone recently.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Is it bad that even I trembled a bit upon seeing Gabe as a determinate number three?

  • I doubt she had something as severe as autism but I do think a severe case of Anxiety + PTSD is a more likely conclusion.

    There was something wrong with her, which I believe is why he was babying her. I think she was autistic. I know that's a buzzword people lik

  • Sarah would probably join Bonnie and the others in leaving Kenny behind because she would also be extremely afraid of him. It's sad that she couldn't make it to the end but I'm not going to bend her personality just to put her in that situation.

    Torridd posted: »

    So if Sarah is there at the end with Jane and Kenny in the car, does anything change? Do we still get Kenny vs. Jane?

  • I think it would be Kenny, Jane or Gabe (depending if you got the Gabe death ending and also depending what season 2 end you got) The three are recent deaths and in the Kenny and jane situation, she had to kill one to save the other. With Kenny death, clem feels responsible because she was the one who crashed the car and she was driving it. I myself havent gone through the Jane death flashback in season 3 because Kenny is my fave. ^w^

  • Lee left a harsh imprint on Clem's life and clem saw him die before her eyes meanwhile even though she loved her parents they were in savannah for most of the time she was with Lee and even a small part of clem knew they were dead. Also Lee taught clem how to survive and how to be a good person and all that. Clems parents may have been a huge part of her life but the people around her now and in season 1 and 2 would obviously leave more of a scar in her brain.

    dan290786 posted: »

    I still found that ridiculous how in Season 2 she mentioned Lee more than her parents. Realistically she would have missed them more than him.

  • Actually, I disagree, Lee was basically all she REALLY knew when the apocalypse started. Lee taught her how to survive and as an 8-year-old child she depended on him in almost every situation.

    I think you are overestimating how calculating an 8 year old is. Children very much think with their emotions, and when you are 8 you are

  • Oh yes, out of every wonderful and amazing character she has met she has chosen the cannibal... great job...

    Andy St. John

  • Your parents are your parents though is all im saying. She would be bound to still think or talk about them from time to time

    Lee left a harsh imprint on Clem's life and clem saw him die before her eyes meanwhile even though she loved her parents they were in savann

  • edited June 2018

    Clem probably forgets/forgot/repressed most of her life prior to the outbreak. As she was introduced to pretty traumatic things as a kid. During the most scary and vulnerable part of her life during the outbreak, Lee provided her the guidance, protection, and inspiration to keep going. He sacrificed himself to get her to safety.


    dan290786 posted: »

    I still found that ridiculous how in Season 2 she mentioned Lee more than her parents. Realistically she would have missed them more than him.

  • Clem would only bring back Gabe if you got the loyal Clem and let Gabe die.

    Oh, I understand that. It's just that given how much time or more importantly interaction they actually had, it's rather weird to think he'd be quite that high up on the list.

    Clem would only bring back Gabe if you got the loyal Clem and let Gabe die. I do hate Gabe but I have to be honest if she did have the choic

  • Sarah would probably join Bonnie and the others in leaving Kenny behind because she would also be extremely afraid of him

    I did indeed consider that, particularly if her relationship with Clementine wasn't exactly the most positive.

    It's sad that she couldn't make it to the end but I'm not going to bend her personality just to put her in that situation.

    Honestly, you don't really have to do that.
    Sarah's canon death, while slightly less so than Luke's, was a borderline environmental one that she had little to no impact on and that Jane herself only lucked out on purely due to what end they were on(which doesn't actually add up, now that I think about...), getting swift help, and lack of even more unpredictable complications.
    It literally would've taken prompter movement and action on almost anyone's part, plus some basic cooperation/reinforcement to free and save her.

    Sarah would probably join Bonnie and the others in leaving Kenny behind because she would also be extremely afraid of him. It's sad that she couldn't make it to the end but I'm not going to bend her personality just to put her in that situation.

  • edited June 2018

    While that is true, it would be nice had the writers included a section of dialogue where Clem could say something like “my parents died a long time ago, i dont even think about them anymore. I’ve lost so many people”

    Something like that.

    gta3demon posted: »

    Clem probably forgets/forgot/repressed most of her life prior to the outbreak. As she was introduced to pretty traumatic things as a kid. Du

  • Lee taught clem how to be a good person and all that.

    Uh, no he didn't.

    Lee left a harsh imprint on Clem's life and clem saw him die before her eyes meanwhile even though she loved her parents they were in savann

  • Well there's this scene if you didn't know

    dan290786 posted: »

    While that is true, it would be nice had the writers included a section of dialogue where Clem could say something like “my parents died a long time ago, i dont even think about them anymore. I’ve lost so many people” Something like that.

  • I know the Share time is the primary source of it, but fuck you too, Kenny.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Well there's this scene if you didn't know

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