what games are you playing?



  • Recently got into the Shadowrun series, which I purchased from the humble bundle a few months back. (clearing that backlog of games, yay)
    I thought Shadowrun Returns was more on a meh side, but Dragonfall is definitely an improvement over it. Currently I'm almost at the end of Dragonfall and were it not for the annoying bug in one of the missions, after which you couldn't progress anymore and which seemingly happened at random, I'd heartily recommend it. Kinda soured on my experience with the game to be honest. Still a great game though.

  • Started playing Saints Row 1, the original Saints Row, since it's now backwards compatible on the Xbox One. I gotta say I miss the old school style of gangs in Saints Row. Yes it seems like a copy of GTA but it's more of a crazier fun type of style. The activities are kind of annoying and they don't seem to give enough respect for the missions required. Even though some of the missions are hard, I still have fun with it.

  • Been playing the first Knack with my girlfriend. I expected it to be fairly boring and easy because it's aimed at kids, but it's actually quite fun.

    It'd probably be a bit boring to play on your own, and the story isn't anything special (not so far, at least), but playing it with her is really fun.

  • Ohohoho... Hellblade is incredible.

    The visuals are cool, the Norse lore is interesting to delve into, the design of both Senua and the enemies she must face is great (the enemies are pretty creepy looking).
    The sound design is probably the best I've ever heard in a game. They recommend headphones, -- so I managed to find a pair -- and wow, the voices in your head, the off-putting moans and other small illusory sounds + the ambient sound of rain, waves, rickety bridges, it's awesome.
    The only drawback to the awesome sound and use of headphones is blocking off anything from the outside world (plus I can't tell the difference between a muffled sound from the game, or from the outside).
    RIP me-who-can't-hear-parents.

    Only made it to the first boss world, but it's really good. Combat is nice too.

    AChicken posted: »

    Backlogs and newbies. * Restarted Knack, mostly for the difficulty. (only got to chapter 4 on Hard, which is maybe halfway through? a t

  • I just started Resident Evil VII. Ohhh boy. Played about an hour/hour and half, and shit, it was freaking me out. Its not often a video game/movie actually scares me, but I think this one might...

  • minecraft story mode season 1 and 2
    game of thrones
    the walking dead a new frontier
    the last of us
    minecraft ps4 edition

  • I have been playing Slime Rancher quite a lot recently. I especially enjoyed the vibrant colours and the exploration. The game also has a very interesting story although it does not play a significant part of the game. The vast exploration along with the delightful wackiness of Slime Rancher caught my eye and I can say that it was €20 well spent!! :smile:

  • edited June 2018

    The day is finally coming upon me... the day when I can google "Destiny 2 is-" without seeing dead, dying, trash.

    All I've got to say is that, when a game doesn't go as planned, at least Bungie actually tries to fix it instead of dumping it altogether and leaving countless fans disappointed (totally not pointing fingers at EA).

    You guys don't know how excited I am for this (obviously excited enough to share it). I literally can't see anything to critique about this DLC besides the price. Everyone always critiques that anyways.

  • Just finished three matches in a row on NHL 17. I played as a left-handed goalie for the Oilers and shutout the opponents in two of the three games, with all three being wins at the end.

  • edited June 2018

    Finished Hellblade. That ending entire game was incredible.

    If you want a game with an interesting story and world, amazing sound mixing, some fascinating Norse Lore, a bit of intuitive combat, and a lot of paranoia, boy is this game for you.

    Incredible. Now I want to know more about the characters, mythology, and the Psychosis it tackles.

    The quality of it is really high! [Maybe it's because of a smaller budget but,] there is some cool IRL superimposing in the game. They insert these video recordings of actors in full warrior and ritual costume, and they blend them into the world in interesting ways. It's sometimes hard to tell if a character is a digital render or an actual person on screen.

  • edited June 2018

    Currently playing

    -Hollow knight on switch
    -Dead by daylight

    Loving both atm

  • Alternating between Resident Evil VII and Heavy Rain. With a bit of Knack thrown in between.

    Thoughts: Loving Resi 7, but don't get to play it too often because it freaks my girlfriend out. Really good game though, even when its scaring the shit out of me. Heavy Rain started a bit slow, but I'm really starting to get into it. Really hoping to get some more development and background to the characters, specifically Jayden and Madison, because as of now they seem to be there only to serve Ethan's story. And Knack is always fun, although a bit repetitive and a little bland on the story side.

  • edited June 2018

    I FINALLY started Tales From The Borderlands. At the time of writing, i’m nearly halfway through Episode 5.

    I picked up the 360 Version of Michonne yesterday in the last day of the 360 Deal of the Week as it was the only Walking Dead Game I hadn’t played (I’ve played them all & the standalone Michonne on the Xbox One & in The Walking Dead Collection, but I traded my 360 & got my Xbox One not long after Michonne came out last gen), so as it’s BC, i’ll start it soon.

  • Right now I'm finishing Alpha Protocol. Yeah, the AI of enemies and the combat in general are atrocious, but the story is good and the choices/consenquences system is great, so overall the game's pretty enjoyable. Plus I got it only for 1,49€ during the summer sale, so can't go wrong with that price.

  • Still playing Detroit but switching over to Uncharted 3 Remastered so I can play catch-up with the series. Got Uncharted 4 last year and I imagine the Chloe spin off isn’t that expensive now...

  • I'm playing Dead Rising 1, collecting so many trophies.

    Many people consider it to be the best of the franchise but you can't deny the fact that it has one of the worst AI. ever made because the survivors that you have to escort can be pretty dumb sometimes. It was a pain in the ass escorting every single one of them, the AI got better in DR2 and Off the Record. Now I got that trophy and I'm never escorting everyone again.

  • At the minute, i’m concentrating on Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy for the Xbox One as my Wife bought it me a couple of weeks ago.

    I’m upto Crash Bandicoot 2 - Cortex Strikes Back at the minute.

  • edited July 2018

    You can pick it up for around $30.

    Still playing Detroit but switching over to Uncharted 3 Remastered so I can play catch-up with the series. Got Uncharted 4 last year and I imagine the Chloe spin off isn’t that expensive now...

  • Bought Sonic Forces when it came out due to convenience(relatively speaking) and just collected all the red rings a few weeks ago. Just gonna pop it in to get the 3 sets of honors with each species every once in a while before putting down again for longer, unless that rumored DLC is interesting/investive.

    Had Dragonball Fighter Z for nearly as long and hot dog, did I enjoy it. The three story arcs are pretty neat ideas, with a collection of special cutscenes to replay variability, and I even enjoyed the optional grinding aspect for a good while. Been doing the combo tutorials for a while now, doing all of the playable characters in story mode except 21 herself before getting stuck on 16's last one--which is apparently one of the toughest in general. Wanna get that though before moving onto 21 to learn how to properly play her and then finally moving onto to Arcade Mode.

    Also, more appropriately, I bought Batman Season 1 about three months and the Wolf Among Us a week or two ago and haven't touched either, so I hope to finally work up getting to that before the month is up.

  • Detroit: Become Human

  • Half Life 2

  • Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

  • Just finished Half Life 2 Episode 1, I was surprised that it was short.

  • Begone thot the game
    Jk wolfenstien 2 the new cololol.

  • I've been playing a lot of Borderlands 2 recently.

  • I finished Half Life 2 and now I'm into Portal 2 which is my favorite PC game of all time.

  • Yess! Portal 2 is my second favourite game of all time.

    A masterpiece.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I finished Half Life 2 and now I'm into Portal 2 which is my favorite PC game of all time.

  • I'm playing my favorite RE games so I can be ready for Resident Evil 2 Remake. Right now, I just finished RE4, next is going to be REmake and RE7.

  • I just started Resident Evil 4 for the first time.

    Being a fan of the series and have played the original, 2, 5, 6, and the beginning of 7, I'm really enjoying it so far.

    After I finish this, I'm probably gonna try to get REmake and finish that before Resident Evil 2 Remake comes out.

  • I'm now playing Bloodborne and for some reason, I still suck at that game because I died so many times to bosses (Especially the DLC ones) even if I had all the strategies.

    Probably because I haven't played this game in months.

  • I just started playing a game called, Radiata Stories. It's a RPG that's simple and fun. I never heard of it till recently. So it's like playing a game you missed back in the day.

  • Yakuza 0, Persona 5, and I'm replaying the Witcher 3 and its expansions.

  • I've been getting back into WoW recently. Working on getting my undead warlock to level 110.

  • Been getting back into the Resident Evil series, getting ready for RE2make.

    After I finish 4, I'm gonna play REmake and RE0 (which I never finished), then I'm contemplating whether or not to replay the original RE2 before the remake comes out.

  • Good luck with that! I tried playing that a few times and there was always this one level I got stuck in and I eventually ran out of Lamp oil. The game can be pretty unforgiving when you can't find the missing piece to the puzzle.

  • been playing all the zelda games recently in prep for buying breath of the wild so i don't have to mooch off of my friend anymore. bout halfway through ocarina and twilight, finished the first 2 dungeons in link to the past and wind waker and i'm working my way through majora right now.

    i haven't played wind waker, twilight princess and link to the past since 2015 so it's interesting going back in with a fresh mind and developing new thoughts on the games.

  • New adventure game "Unavowed" by Dave Gilbert is out today!

    Am I playing it? Um, no, time constraints, but maybe someday.

  • In anticipation of the new Spider-Man PS4 game, I'm starting Spider-Man: Web of Shadows.
    (I would have gladly done Ultimate Spider-Man instead, but Windows 10 literally cannot run that game anymore.)

    According to my save files, my first playthrough I completed in 2012, my second was in 2015, and here I am in 2018 doing it all over again... wow.
    Well, there's also addictive multiplayer games taking up my time recently. grrr.... Fortnite and Titanfall 2.

  • edited August 2018

    I've started Bloodborne and Uncharted 4. I , for some annoying reason, cannot get past the second boss in that game, but had no problem finishing Dark Souls 3.
    Edit: Also, finished Vampyr. I loved it!
    Oh, how could I forget, I will start We happy few too, just waiting for it to launch.

  • edited August 2018

    Here is an advice: You have to find a window that has a lamp nearby where you can talk to a little girl who will give you a music box that makes Father Gascoigne lose his mind for a few seconds, thus giving you time to attack him without getting damaged. That window is between a gate and a ladder (Not the one which is near your checkpoint), where down the ladder, you find one of those big fucking guys who are using rocks as weapons staring at a door .

    Gascoigne is the little girl's father and he gave her the music box with his favorite music. It's probably the saddest side story of the game.

    dunga posted: »

    I've started Bloodborne and Uncharted 4. I , for some annoying reason, cannot get past the second boss in that game, but had no problem fini

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