From a scale to 1 to 10 how excited are you for the final season?
How excited are you for the final season, for me I’m like at 10.
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How excited are you for the final season, for me I’m like at 10.
Mm...probably a 2 or 3.
Previously, anyway.
I can Understand why ,ANF was a waste of potential...Honestly I really wish they had that slaughterhouse scene with the walkers in the game that would have really been so cool to experience in the game but they decided to not have that in the game and added adjustments to the story... hopefully for final season will be better.
The community depends on it.
Id say a solid 9
Hm... 7
Maybe a 5?
I read that as “how fat are you?” and normally would say eleven, but in all honesty, I find that hard to answer because of ‘A New Frontier’s’ poor reception. ?
A definite 4. Not as excited as I used to be for a new season since ANF
10 out of 10
Cause I’m not gonna let my feelings towards a new frontier weigh down my hype for the final season.
it has to be a ten. I cannot express my excitement right now with how great it is that we are a little over a month away from getting to play the first episode, and less than that for a trailer at comic con.Great!
After last season, I'm at a 4. But I'll play it and if they fix some of A New Frontier's problems I'll be back up to a 10
100! Oh you said 0-10.... I would say 10 xD
4 or 5
Im sure TT will want to correct the failure of ANF and want to end the story of their company's face honorably.
. * Types in to Google *

Like 3. Kinda lost interest in the series after S2 and especially ANF...
Currently 1
When it's guna be august ohhh baby it's GUNE BECOME....................4 ?
I'd say 7
Best reason there is.
Strong six
5? 6? Still excited, I'm just not as invested in Clementine's story as I used to be. Maybe the first episode will change that.
Like a 6, 7, maybe an 8. I'm always glad to see Clem, but I'm being cautious this time around, and my interest in the Walking Dead is not what it once was, but you know, it's happening.
I have been looking forward to this game for a long time and want to see where Clementine's story will go
Eh... Maybe a 6. I want to see how Clem's story concludes but I have concerns that make me apprehensive.
A definite 10. I have always remained positive about Telltale despite numerous people that I have encountered that call me out on it and call me a fanboy. I just genuinely enjoy the content Telltale produce as they put a lot of effort into their games. I just have a strong feeling for The Final Season and I think Telltale will create something special
My hype level is at a solid 8 right now.
Hey, hey, what's with these low numbers? The scale is how excited you are, not how good you think the season will be. And for that, I'd probably give it a 5 or 6. To those who can watch the trailers without smiling, you're probably adults. As am I? 20?
It's not necessarily accompanying.
I guess 5. I still have an interest in it, but not enough that I'm gonna preorder it. Think I'm gonna actually wait for some feedback instead of blindly buying like I did with the first two episodes of ANF. Not being a side story is a major plus, but running the risk of letting people know not to waste their money like I did isn't something I'm doing again.
A definite 10! I'm replaying seasons 1 and 2 for my 83929374th time and then A New Frontier for my third!
I wanted to stay cautiously optimistic, but saying I've accomplished feeling that way instead of wholly excited and optimistic would be a lie
The scale was 1-10. Your response does not fit on the provided scale which makes your response void.
Lol, when you go from 83929374 times to three because of ‘A New Frontier’. That is the moral of the story.
Did my response hurt your feelings or something??
I'd say 1, though since I'm genuinely curious to see how TT fucks this up, I guess 2-3.
EDIT: Forget what I said before. 10. Thanks @gta3demon for pointing that out.
I understand the the low scoring/skepticism that many have towards S4 considering how the previous season, ANF, was terrible. But considering that this is the final season to one of my favorite game series of all time... I have to say a 10. I mean don’t get me wrong I’m still nervous that this season could be another disappointment, but that simply doesn’t make me any less excited to see how Clementine’s story ends. Not to mention this will be the final entry in one of the most popular storytelling game series of all time (even if most of its popularity/success came from S1).
Between a 4 and a 5 for me. I'm willing to give it another chance after ANF, but I do have to agree with some here. Unfortunately, I've lost huge interest too.
A solid 10
About a four or five. I am more inclined towards four considering what happened previously. But nonetheless, I'm interested in seeing what'll happen to Clementine and AJ.
Am I the only one who does not actually care for AJ? I just feel that Telltale do not even know what they are doing with the story anymore, to be honest.