Finished Lost Legacy today, overall a pretty enjoyable and solid experience ending with one of if not the best cinematic set-piece of the entire series.
Still not the biggest fan of Nadine though even if she was a lot more tolerable in this compared to U4.
Lost legacy is out when I haven’t even finished 4 yet. It’s not because I don’t like the game it’s because I don’t like my PS4 a friend gave it to me as a Christmas present because he didn’t like it. I would probably be way more into the series if it was on Xbox because naughty dog makes some really good games.
Ooh God she was absolute useless in Uncharted 4 she was just a excuse for feminisme in Uncharted 4 if you cut here out of the plot it wouldn't change a goddamn thing (beside the end cutscene) just say Rafe paid his own private army but after Lost Legacy I freaking love her.
I am now convinced that her only existence in 4 was so you don't be like ''who the fuck is she'' in Legacy even though they do a good job at explaining her.
Finished Lost Legacy today, overall a pretty enjoyable and solid experience ending with one of if not the best cinematic set-piece of the … moreentire series.
Still not the biggest fan of Nadine though even if she was a lot more tolerable in this compared to U4.
To everybody that finished Lost Legacy, how much hours did it take to beat the game? Also is it worth the $40 or should I wait until it drops? Sorry if anybody ask this but trying to avoid comments with possible spoilers.
It took about 6 - 7 hours for me, it varies though. There's one chapter that actually has quite a bit of optional content which I mostly didn't do on my first playthough. For 40 bucks I'd say you're getting a game that's worth it, it also has Uncharted 4's multiplayer on it too.
To everybody that finished Lost Legacy, how much hours did it take to beat the game? Also is it worth the $40 or should I wait until it drops? Sorry if anybody ask this but trying to avoid comments with possible spoilers.
Finally finished Uncharted 4, played through all the games in the series, and I have to say, this series is fucking amazing. I'm sorry it took me so long to finally experience it.
Finally finished Uncharted 4, played through all the games in the series, and I have to say, this series is fucking amazing. I'm sorry it took me so long to finally experience it.
I've really enjoyed Nadine's presence in The Lost Legacy, and how she has developed from a hard-ass mercenary-for-hire, to a more caring individual who is also considering dropping her doomed organization for a more exciting career in treasure hunting.
It also helped that I already liked Nadine since her debut.
I finished The Lost Legacy, finally. I so much enjoyed it. Playing as Chloe was a big surprise, this game didn't need Nathan Drake to be so good. Unfortunately, the story wasn't as impactful as Uncharted 4. What I loved the most about it is the Train Showdown, so glad they brought what made Uncharted 2 sooo successful and add more stuff to it like vehicles and rope attacks.
I was so surprised Sam was involved in this. That's the spoilers I got from those assholes, using Sam in the thumbnails.
I was also surprised that they brought Orca, Nadine's former lieutenant, in this game. This is why we never found his body in Avery's ship in Uncharted 4, just the body of the Shoreline soldier who drove Rafe and Nadine to the ship.
I also liked the set piece where you get to explore that Indian Jungle which makes it feel like an open world and was much better than Madagascar level in Uncharted 4.
Goodbye Uncharted, for a while. Naughty Dog confirmed that the franchise is not over but Drake's story is totally over. Next Uncharted characters that deserve a spin-off is Charlie Cutter, Victor Sullivan and probably Sam Drake.
I really enjoyed Lost Legacy! I'm so so so glad they brought Sam Drake into it. Love his character so much and I hope to see more of him if they do more!
"We’ve also teamed up with PlayStation to create and release a new Uncharted 10th Anniversary PS4 system theme and profile avatar, which will be available for free for 48 hours — from Sunday, November 19 at 8:00 AM Pacific until 8:00 AM Pacific, Tuesday, November 21. During this period, other select Uncharted PS4 system themes and avatars will also be free. Visit the PlayStation Store and look for an “Uncharted 10th Anniversary Bundle.” Don’t miss it."
"For our multiplayer fans, from today until December 19, we’re giving away an Uncharted 10th Anniversary character skin bundle in Uncharted 4 and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy multiplayer, which includes some classic skins for Nate, Elena, and Sully. We’re also hosting a 50% off sale on all Uncharted Point and Relic items until December 19."
There's a few goodies involved for those who want it:
"W… moree’ve also teamed up with PlayStation to create and release a new Uncharted 10th Anniversary PS4 system theme and profile avatar, which will be available for free for 48 hours — from Sunday, November 19 at 8:00 AM Pacific until 8:00 AM Pacific, Tuesday, November 21. During this period, other select Uncharted PS4 system themes and avatars will also be free. Visit the PlayStation Store and look for an “Uncharted 10th Anniversary Bundle.” Don’t miss it."
"For our multiplayer fans, from today until December 19, we’re giving away an Uncharted 10th Anniversary character skin bundle in Uncharted 4 and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy multiplayer, which includes some classic skins for Nate, Elena, and Sully. We’re also hosting a 50% off sale on all Uncharted Point and Relic items until December 19."
Update: The bundle is now live. Get some free Themes and Avatars for your PS4 for the next 2 days.
I started Uncharted: The Lost Legacy recently, and it's really good! I don't know why, but I love this, maybe even more than the originals. Just the right amount of open-endedness, interesting story and goal, and really well performed so far.
Maybe it's the fact that it's the first female-lead Uncharted, or maybe it's that Chloe is back, giving us a break from Nate... I really don't know. Very good puzzles so far too. (Currently at chapter 6, got all the tokens which was fun, story seems to be getting to the interesting bit.) Also, the level design in this is fantastic. Great open+closed spaces for stealthing around, and nice platforming segments as well. I always thought something was a bit too 'off' about 4's design, never really enjoyed its encounters (but it's been a while so I may be forgetting..)
It seems that Nathan Fillion is trying to replicate what Deadpool did. Release a test demo online and see if it catches! Only difference here is that this was made my third-parties and not by Sony themselves. (the DP demo was made by Fox, but cancelled soon after)
Hopefully it does catch on with the Sony bigwigs, because it was pretty good! (And original!)
Once again, I’m abit late. I just watched and it was AMAZING. Someone please make this a full fledged movie, we may actually get a good game to movie adaptation.
Uncharted Movie demo video!
It seems that Nathan Fillion is trying to replicate what Deadpool did. Release a test demo online and see… more if it catches! Only difference here is that this was made my third-parties and not by Sony themselves. (the DP demo was made by Fox, but cancelled soon after)
Hopefully it does catch on with the Sony bigwigs, because it was pretty good! (And original!)
we may actually get a good game to movie adaptation.
Hopefully so. If they follow this, stick to an original side-plot, or non canon/non related to the games, etc. It could be pretty good. Movies just can't get it right. Too cheezy, too ambitious for a movie, too unoriginal. Seriously. The only video-game based movie I know has got it right was Wreck it Ralph or Tron. Jumanji: WTTJ was an okay-lite game movie, but I don't think it has enough to really count...
Anyway, general question for anyone here... Aren't we already getting an Uncharted movie? Tom Holland is going to play a Young Drake?...
Did Sony just not fully approve of it, or is it stuck in limbo, because I don't get the significance of this test release if we're already getting a movie.
Once again, I’m abit late. I just watched and it was AMAZING. Someone please make this a full fledged movie, we may actually get a good game to movie adaptation.
Uncharted Movie demo video!
It seems that Nathan Fillion is trying to replicate what Deadpool did. Release a test demo online and see… more if it catches! Only difference here is that this was made my third-parties and not by Sony themselves. (the DP demo was made by Fox, but cancelled soon after)
Hopefully it does catch on with the Sony bigwigs, because it was pretty good! (And original!)
Hey look an old Uncharted thread stuck in my bookmarks! Good a place as any to share this video series: Bricky's retrospective recap of the main Uncharted titles that I found really fun!
So far he's covered 1-4 at length, and if you want to watch someone gush about Uncharted a bunch (especially the 4th one) it's a fun time.
Finished Lost Legacy today, overall a pretty enjoyable and solid experience ending with one of if not the best cinematic set-piece of the entire series.
Still not the biggest fan of Nadine though even if she was a lot more tolerable in this compared to U4.
Lost legacy is out when I haven’t even finished 4 yet. It’s not because I don’t like the game it’s because I don’t like my PS4 a friend gave it to me as a Christmas present because he didn’t like it. I would probably be way more into the series if it was on Xbox because naughty dog makes some really good games.
Ooh God she was absolute useless in Uncharted 4 she was just a excuse for feminisme in Uncharted 4 if you cut here out of the plot it wouldn't change a goddamn thing (beside the end cutscene) just say Rafe paid his own private army but after Lost Legacy I freaking love her.
I am now convinced that her only existence in 4 was so you don't be like ''who the fuck is she'' in Legacy even though they do a good job at explaining her.
To everybody that finished Lost Legacy, how much hours did it take to beat the game? Also is it worth the $40 or should I wait until it drops? Sorry if anybody ask this but trying to avoid comments with possible spoilers.
It took about 6 - 7 hours for me, it varies though. There's one chapter that actually has quite a bit of optional content which I mostly didn't do on my first playthough. For 40 bucks I'd say you're getting a game that's worth it, it also has Uncharted 4's multiplayer on it too.
Finally finished Uncharted 4, played through all the games in the series, and I have to say, this series is fucking amazing. I'm sorry it took me so long to finally experience it.
How would you rank the games so far?
4, 2, 3, and 1.
I hope you're gonna play The Lost Legacy now.
I will, but I've got a lot on my plate, probably not going to start until September/October.
That moment when everyone is praising Unchared 4 and you own it but never completed it...
I've really enjoyed Nadine's presence in The Lost Legacy, and how she has developed from a hard-ass mercenary-for-hire, to a more caring individual who is also considering dropping her doomed organization for a more exciting career in treasure hunting.
It also helped that I already liked Nadine since her debut.
"Too much goddamn climbing."
I finished The Lost Legacy, finally. I so much enjoyed it. Playing as Chloe was a big surprise, this game didn't need Nathan Drake to be so good. Unfortunately, the story wasn't as impactful as Uncharted 4. What I loved the most about it is the Train Showdown, so glad they brought what made Uncharted 2 sooo successful and add more stuff to it like vehicles and rope attacks.
I was so surprised Sam was involved in this. That's the spoilers I got from those assholes, using Sam in the thumbnails.
I was also surprised that they brought Orca, Nadine's former lieutenant, in this game. This is why we never found his body in Avery's ship in Uncharted 4, just the body of the Shoreline soldier who drove Rafe and Nadine to the ship.
I also liked the set piece where you get to explore that Indian Jungle which makes it feel like an open world and was much better than Madagascar level in Uncharted 4.
Goodbye Uncharted, for a while. Naughty Dog confirmed that the franchise is not over but Drake's story is totally over. Next Uncharted characters that deserve a spin-off is Charlie Cutter, Victor Sullivan and probably Sam Drake.
My rank of the Uncharted games:
2 > 4 > 3 > The Lost Legacy > 1
I really enjoyed Lost Legacy! I'm so so so glad they brought Sam Drake into it. Love his character so much and I hope to see more of him if they do more!
Happy Goddamn 10 Years, Uncharted. Holy crap, has it been that long.

There's a few goodies involved for those who want it:
Update: The bundle is now live. Get some free Themes and Avatars for your PS4 for the next 2 days.
Got em. They're awesome.
I started Uncharted: The Lost Legacy recently, and it's really good! I don't know why, but I love this, maybe even more than the originals. Just the right amount of open-endedness, interesting story and goal, and really well performed so far.
Maybe it's the fact that it's the first female-lead Uncharted, or maybe it's that Chloe is back, giving us a break from Nate... I really don't know. Very good puzzles so far too. (Currently at chapter 6, got all the tokens which was fun, story seems to be getting to the interesting bit.) Also, the level design in this is fantastic. Great open+closed spaces for stealthing around, and nice platforming segments as well. I always thought something was a bit too 'off' about 4's design, never really enjoyed its encounters (but it's been a while so I may be forgetting..)
Uncharted Movie demo video!
It seems that Nathan Fillion is trying to replicate what Deadpool did. Release a test demo online and see if it catches! Only difference here is that this was made my third-parties and not by Sony themselves. (the DP demo was made by Fox, but cancelled soon after)
Hopefully it does catch on with the Sony bigwigs, because it was pretty good! (And original!)
Once again, I’m abit late. I just watched and it was AMAZING. Someone please make this a full fledged movie, we may actually get a good game to movie adaptation.
Hopefully so. If they follow this, stick to an original side-plot, or non canon/non related to the games, etc. It could be pretty good. Movies just can't get it right. Too cheezy, too ambitious for a movie, too unoriginal. Seriously. The only video-game based movie I know has got it right was Wreck it Ralph or Tron. Jumanji: WTTJ was an okay-lite game movie, but I don't think it has enough to really count...
Anyway, general question for anyone here... Aren't we already getting an Uncharted movie? Tom Holland is going to play a Young Drake?...
Did Sony just not fully approve of it, or is it stuck in limbo, because I don't get the significance of this test release if we're already getting a movie.
I really enjoyed this fan film.

Nate pulling off that ponytail killed me.
I still don't want Uncharted movie to happen. We already have Indiana Jones.
Uncharted MP is fun
Hey look an old Uncharted thread stuck in my bookmarks! Good a place as any to share this video series: Bricky's retrospective recap of the main Uncharted titles that I found really fun!
So far he's covered 1-4 at length, and if you want to watch someone gush about Uncharted a bunch (especially the 4th one) it's a fun time.