DevBlog: Meet The Walking Dead: The Final Season's New Class of Survivors

New blog entry created today by Adam Douglas. Check it out and tell me what you guys think! Really wish they would've given us more info about Tenn and Brody.
Just some character background information for Marlon, Violet, & Louis so far.
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Good dev blog. It's nice to hear more about Louis and Violet.
This is really light-hearted, but I should know this, classic Telltale. Idk it just seems really goofy, a parallel to the show. I guess the only way to make a scene be really depressing is to just play some depressing music in the background, amirite? Perhaps it's just the writing style, but this is shaping up to be some tftbl stuff. We already know there'll be a card game segment, and now there's probably going to be a piano-playing segment. I can imagine the introduction of Louis in the teaser is going to be from Clem and AJ walking into this room because they hear someone playing a piano. They let Louis finish his piece, and then he turns to face them. Boom.
This was charmin as shit.
And Louis is indeed another who plays the keys.
Was missin Ten, though.
Still waiting for Violet's inevitable younger dead sister, to be confirmed.
I am definitely going to eat that dog.
Marlon looks like the type to turn his dog into his girlfriend lol
Joking Aside, I'm expecting more of a Will Smith and Sam type of relationship with Marlon and Rosie. Talking about I AM LEGEND.
YAWN, they all bore me. Louis seems to be the only slightly interesting one.
I'm not a big fan of Louis. Tbh he looks like the type who would be more keen on making jokes than surviving and helping the group. Back at Pax I thought he would be cool, but with all the info we've gotten, I'm actually beginning to like Marlon more than him. A lot more.
I like that. Comic relief characters always brighten up the darkest situations, even if it's in the form of cracking jokes at a really bad time. That's just what this game needs.

Kinda like that.
Yeah, Marlon seemed to get more boring the more we actually saw of him.
Though Ten's intentionally kept something of a mystery, it seems.
And yet, half of what we've seen of him in the game proper has him out with the others.
You mean the young, less tempered yet more reticent version of zuko? The only mystery to that kid is how he got that scar and that's it(to me at least).
I don't know how the hell you drew a Zuko parallel out of that, but at least it's something of substance.
Plus, he'll likely have some decent correlation with AJ.
Louis so far is my favorite. It's a healthy mix of responsibility and good times with the cast we have. We have to remember that these are kids and while they must stay alive, I'd honestly rather be dead if I can't afford to find a way to have a good time while trying to survive. You want so desperately to live, but you can't allow yourself to forget the joy of living. This was what the finale of Season 2 taught us. Louis seems to know this too.
Violet is the best for me, I really like alone wolf characters, she seems interesting and I feel like she will be the best developed new character!
Eh, if it means he's better written than Gabe, I'll take that at least.
LMFAOO, the giant scar on his head and the missing patch of hair due to said scar
Uh, define "better written."
If that just means "Not!Gabe," no points are really being earned there.
With all due respect to Gabe as a character, I didn't really like the way he was written out to be a snitch in Thicker Than Water. That's just my opinion. Marlon seems like he has his shit sorted out and his head on straight. I don't think he's gonna piss off as many people as Gabe did...if that makes sense.
They're basically twins

Okay, I sorta figured that's what you meant, but I also had to take into account the knee-jerk even though I believe you weren't there when the installment actually started.
I actually quite like Gabe as a character and liked the idea of that scene, but they obviously should've just cut it if they weren't going to implement in reasonably and/or tried to stay consistent instead of doing what certain people seemed to expect.
I agree to an extent. See that's the issue I talked about in the Thread "Would you rather have decisions not matter at all, or have decisions matter in ways that don't make sense?" I also talked about it on stream. They could've done 1 of 2 things: A.) They Could've made it Determinant Based on your relationship with him, or B.) Had it based on how you interact with him during that scene (which would've been the simpler of the two).
lmfao, how can anybody say that they like/dislike any of the characters? You haven't even played the game yet, guys.
Though both would've been the ideal.
I noticed that the description mentions that Louis enjoys playing cards and during the AMA it was mentioned that there will be a scene of Clem bonding with survivors and playing cards with them.
I'm sure everyone was under the impression that it would include the main characters anyway, but I'm willing to bet Louis is the one who invites her to play with them and that's the moment when they all start properly getting to know eachother.
I'm really looking forward to that card game.
He's a max-level ice breaker. Gotta love one of those on your team
I already liked Louis from the start but the more info that gets released on the characters, the more it cements my love for this guy.
I'm gonna be genuinely upset if I can't keep him alive till the very end.
But.....we only saw a glimpse of him from "the start". Hmmm........
I like snazzy looking characters, I can't help it.
I hope its not like ANF where u lose no matter what.
He is a cool dude. If Louis does die, I hope he does determinately. Because I will go back to the very beginning of the season and play it through again if it means I can fix what killed him!
I may stay away from the forums for awhile so I don't get spoiled on alternate choices. Replay value to the max.
You can win the card game in A New Frontier Episode 1. But it is quite difficult to do so
That's different. There's RNG involved.
So from what this article says the characters are:
Louis: Omid the second
Violet: Molly v3.0
Marlon: i still dont have an opinion on this guy...
Marlon sounds a bit like Kenny, Violet sounds like Jane, Louis is Luke/Omid.
I'm especially looking forward to the card game because I enjoy moments where characters just chill together for a change of pace.
One of my favourite moments in season 2 is in ep4 when they all just sat around the fire and talked to each other.
I live for "bonding moments"
Uh, generally first impressions and/or predictions from educated guesses.
"That character looks cool," essentially.
That first glimpse of him was concept art and a description of his actual personality.
Actually, the outcome of helping Francine is random, but it's possible to win.