Is this community toxic now?
I have lurked around this community since season one and as time has gone on it has just turned into a massive poopstorm. the Kenny fans, the AJ haters etc...what happened but then again i could be exaggerating.
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All gamers are toxic lol. What did you expect?
a hug and a kiss
You sure you're not new to this whole internet thing?
It was a lot better before ANF. It's gotten better though, it's not as bad. This side of the forums used to be pretty frustrating and stressful for me.
These forums have been toxic for a while now. I don't spend as much time on here as I used to because it's rare to get a decent discussion since just about every thread is almost always invaded with something along the lines of:
"Oh my god Telltale! Everything you guys have released after Season 1 isn't exactly like Season 1! Season 1 this! Season 1 that! Telltale you monsters why are you wasting all my money! I payed $5 for an episode and I'm not getting dozens of completely separate branched out storylines! That was $5 out of my wallet! $5!"
I know I'm kind of a hypocrite for writing this. I have boasted my fair share of complaints about ANF but I look back at those comments now and I'm embarrassed by how immature and rude I was. ANF may have been my least favorite game in this series but all in all I really do adore these games. I understand a level criticism is very important in regards to making things better but there are way too many comments (many of which have been my own) that go way too overboard and instead of providing useful insight of how it could have been better it is simply toxic and grating.
In all honesty though, I find it hilarious as I read through all of the comments of people whining about how they have disliked this series and Telltale ever since Season 1 ended yet instead of moving on and doing something they actually like, they decide to dedicate their time writing numerous comments about how Telltale and this series sucks blah blah blah and when you compare those people to the numerous people throughout other forums, other forms of media, etc. who still adore this series and Telltale they are only the vocal minority. The toxic voices are always the loudest… unfortunately.
Anyways… sorry about this spiel. I know you can’t get rid of toxic behavior by being toxic in response but I needed to vent.
You have not seen toxic...The days of ANF were dread...dreeeeead
buddy that was perfect
oh i remember those days... so much shit
Honestly, the only toxicity in this forum are all the questions and threads about sexuality.
1-10, how toxic am I
... What do you mean "now"?
It's at least gotten better with all the Final Season hubbub.
Hahaha this place always has been, it always has been. Always. No one ever stops complaining here
is that complaint?
It’s been toxic for a while now so I don’t use it as much anymore
The forums do tend to get fired up whenever new information arrives, or when an episode is released.
The ANF releases and the Kenny vs Jane arguments were the pinnacle of toxic arguments and harassment on this forum, truth to be told.
I'd expect more arguments once again by the time The Final Season is officially released.
The only thing really toxic in this community is the people who freak out if someone does anything besides preform keyboard felatio on telltale.
It certainly has it’s moments of toxicity. However, I think much of the anger comes from people who love the game and just want it to be better. Compare that to the Star Wars community which has become unbareable.
Honestly, I do think people here are a bit more douchier than they were like 5 years ago tbh (yeah yeah its the internet, I know)
But hey - at least there are no longer Kenny vs Jane threads, and I no longer need to bleach my eyes from seeing Rule 34 Clementine images being spammed across the forums anymore or Cluke threads by she-who-shall-not-be-named, So that's good at least!
how long has it been since someone made a thread about clem's race?
Reading back...these forums have always been Toxic...the shitstorm that occured when Telltale announced they were doing a Walking Dead game put some of the ANF hate threads to shame. But it has it's the fake Bigby images...people were losing their shit and basically calling down a new series of plagues upon Telltale....and hell I have been known to go off the rails. People just have days like that....passion for the games is the only thing that drives it. Sometimes I think we should just maybe stop with back seat driving for a bit and just let Telltale do their thing.
Honestly, no.
The forums have to be one of the nicest online communities I’ve been a part of. Sure there are a few negative people, but for the most part the Telltale community is nice.
I agree. The Telltale community are definitely more well-adjusted and moderated compared to others that I've visited in the past.
Literally the first thread on this forum is 'A petition and protest against this game.'
Does kinda put things in perspective though. Every new title Telltale has taken on was initially bashed, including TWAU and Tales.
Re-heally now?
Better than most subreddits and discord servers at least
Omg the Star Wars community is terrible. I feel like people fail to understand that if a community lasts for a long time, it’s bound to become somewhat toxic. Nothing can go to long without messing up.
Honestly I do think these forums are toxic. There is always shitpost, negative and just outright toxic comments on here. Even in the positive discussions there is always a comment that has some negativity or shitposting in it.
I am known for being optimistic for Telltale and their games like The Walking Dead: The Final Season. Sure the game isn't out yet but my God does it look amazing and pretty cool. I have received some messages/comments on both a YouTuber's Discord Server as well as these forums that call me out for supporting Telltale and standing by them despite the events that occurred over the years. I do not regret my choice at all.
Although the negative comments are frustrating, seeing the positive comments is what makes these forums enjoyable
Honestly speaking though, this place isn't that bad. Sure, you've got your fair share of shitposting from both extreme sides of the spectrum, from the people who think everything TTs done since S1 has been trash, but much like the past they can't seem to move on from the series to people on the other side who only come up for air when necessary before going down for another load, both of them caught in a pattern of repeating the same thing everywhere they go. There's still a pretty good middle ground, and some genuinely interesting discussions with the people there. This place certainly isn't the No Mercy boards or the Vestibule, those were places brain cells went to die.
the shitstorm actually occurred nearing the end of S2,everything else has been a breeze,ive been here and have the war medals to prove it
Well, I can't say it's not toxic.
It's honestly not that bad. I think it's one of the novelties and previleges of these forums and telltale forums in general. The people who used to shitpost have more or less matured in some way or another because that was quite some time ago and there are some pretty interesting discussions that have popped up. I think it helps a ton because telltale make story-based games and their story has, for the most part, been exceptional. I'm in the minority here but I think telltale's The Wolf Among Us has better writing than the comics, and the same can be said for Tales From The Borderlands when compared to the Borderlands shooters. Just phenomenal writing, that leaves players feeling satisfied with the game upon completion. Albeit sometimes it's just an illusion that choices matter, there is really not much to be complaining about, except, you know, ANF not seeming like a complete product. It's not a multiplayer game so it's not as bad as, ya know, 'Blizz NeRf WreCkInG BaLL toO OP!!!' I know the Star Wars community can get pretty toxic, but with this community a standard has been set so people handle discussion, replies and comments with some maturity.
Compared to reddit or other forums I think we're doing pretty good
It's perfect just the way it is.
Eh even if there is alot of negativity its not that bad.
Really? The Walking Dead Game subreddit seems pretty chill to me.
I don't mean the twdg subreddit in particular. I mean as a whole
If someone wants to see what is toxic, goes to "we now know our returning character " there are toxic people there.
What irritates me more these days are people seemingly making threads on a whim without putting any actual thought into them.
That is true. These forums do have their moments. I have seen some pretty hilarious stuff on here.