The scene we all need in the final season
If there isn't a dream scene with Lee and Clementine saying they love each other, I WILL LOSE IT! Ever since the first season, during Lee's death, I would've preferred saying "I love you" instead of "I'll miss you". If Lee said both I would've cried even harder tbh.
But yeah, I think it'd be such a powerful and emotional scene. Plus, Kenny was able to get an "I love you", so Lee definitely deserves one!
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I always figured that the power of their relationship was that they didn't really need to say they loved eachother, more so that was conveyed through their actions towards one another. But don't get me wrong I'm always down for another Clem and Lee scene, whether it be a hallucination or dream.
I can totally see what you mean! Their actions did show how much they cared for each other. And I'm totally down for another Clem and Lee scene XD
If there isn't a fight scene like this, i'll lose it

i'd want her to mention her parents more than lee. she was only with him for a few months. then christa for like 1-2 years.
And then Kenny for 2-3 years if you stayed with him. It's a hard pill to swallow but Clem spent way more time with other people that the 3 months she spent with Lee.
I can agree with that.
That's fair.
True. We were only with their zombified selves for a few seconds though, whereas we spent an entire game playing as Lee. They'd have to completely take the player out of the conversation, because we really don't have much to say about who they were or what they did other than they were parents and went to Savannah.
And honestly, that's just what they need to do.
Did we really though?
Their names are Ed & Diana, they worked as an engineer & doctor, and Ed gave Clementine her trademark(?) hat & apparently got bitten.
No, that's exactly the opposite of what they need to do. They need to not be taking the player out of their characters conversations when they're relying on the players to dictate the type of personality and responses the character has. #TTsClementine was bad enough with them dictating her responses and actions in ANF, even worse than that was their handling of several conversations in which the player was actually given choices to respond with as Javier only for them to be completely off the wall and not at all what it seemed like we would be saying. No need to repeat mistakes that have been pointed out constantly.
As far as her parents, yes, we really don't. Your summary is about as expansive as the information we currently have on the new cast of characters we've seen seconds of. There's Marlon, he has a mullet and is the defacto leader of a group of kids, and he has a dog named Rosie. We can say as much about her parents as we can about a kid we've heard speak 2 lines in a game that's not out. If I'm gonna be playing the game, I'd like to know what I'm talking about, and be able to actually make choices myself, I'm not watching a lets play.
Listen up dorks...the ONLY Scene...ONLY ONE that we absolutely need is someone taking a shit in an outhouse and a Walk bites their nuts off and pulls them in....and then we see someone else enter and nothing is ever said until someone asks...hey where is Ed and Jim?
It's "The Final Season"--just as it just feels right to give Lee one or two more appearances, it'd be interesting to get a glance of what living was for Clementine before she had to survive. Seeing and learning more about Clementine's parents would extensively be seeing and learning more Clementine herself. The fact that we'd be getting character development(in the looser sense of the term) for two characters in the backstory would just be a nice bonus.
That I wouldn't mind, if they take the flashback at the beginning of the episode approach again.
It could be something similiar to the scene for the s2 ep5 trailer with Clem's last phone call with her parents, except now she is playable so you can walk around and do stuff with Sandra. A pretty cool thing would be being able to tell her parents her effective last words as a choice, e.g. 'I love you' 'I'll miss you' 'Goodbye'
Uh, I was thinking of something that actually lets us see and interact with them in person.
Ed in particular has mainly word of mouth character without much afffect beyond his resemblance to Lee.
Honestly there's a few routes they could go with they can have AJ and Clem happily ever after, they could kill Clem or AJ, or they could transition Clem into the comics I mean Clem is such a big and popular character her character and has a ton of value an ending with Clem walking to Alexandria gates to then her being featured in the comics would be pretty crazy, there's several ways an ending could go so who knows I think the obvious one is Clem having a similar fate to Lee and her saving AJ but I think that's to obvious
I don't want Lee to get plastic surgery from that stupid engine, even if it was improved.
If the Walking dead was anime, I would lose it
Part of me wants at least a small mention of Omid and Christa. They took care of her for quite some time.
Honestly none of the characters look plastic in TFS. Ha probs cause of all the dirt to hide it but yeah I think Lee would be fine.
Just because she was longer with Kenny doesn't mean Kenny is a bigger influence. Lee died for her and taught how to take care for herself even tho he was a utter complete stranger + Clem ran away from Lee showing distrust, despite that fact Lee still went after her and sacrificed himself for her. Did Kenny do that? Ed? Diana? Luke? Christa? No. Lots of time you spend with Clem simply won't beat what Lee did for her.
Remembering ALL important characters and situations from past season's (from Season 1 to Season 3), WITH Flashbacks!!!! (and beautiful sad music ok)
I'd rather have a dream or a hallucinations with all the dead characters we've seen in this series eating with each other at the dinner table(or at least the most precious for clem) that'd be awesome and sad at the same time.
I'm surprised no one suggested this before.
Count her transition into the comics as out of the question. Kirkman has went on record SEVERAL times stating he doesn't have any plans to include her in the comic. Too much licensing red tape.
I think even more than that, which I'm sure could be dealt with since comic characters have been in the games, is that he'd be stuck with her. If he killed her the game fans would riot so he'd either have to keep her in the background and basically non existent so that she never gets killed OR give her ridiculous plot armor and resign himself to having another character he can't kill. So far, he has Carl and Rick. Everyone else, no matter how important they are, are fair game to him. Hell, even Rick and Carl aren't 100% safe but it's a safe bet to assume Carl is the ultimate main character and Rick will eventually die and Carl will take over.
Oh... shit. Carl and Clem... Badass zombie apocalypse power couple leading the new world lol. They're about the same age.
I love this idea. The "My Clementine" video that showed her with her babysitter (when her babysitter was still alive) was a great look at what a normal Clementine would have been like, like a normal kid with crayons and whatnot instead of a zombie-killing machine. It showed how much she'd lost, but at the same time how much tougher she'd become.
knows lee for less than 4 months.
lives with christa for over a year.
lol which one should she remember more?
I choose the man who died for her lmao
To be fair, Christa most likely died for her, too.
Fuck that, we had that already in S2, it would be lame to have it again. I just want a dream with all the death characters! Maybe having some dialogue with everyone and Clementine apologizing for some stuff she did in the past, also, determinant Death Gabe in that dream would be awesome! Maybe with differente Dialogue if you're trying to romanticize with Louis or Violet or none!
Also, dialogue with Sarah and a callback to the pinky swear please.
Still Lee
So I was right to tell AJ to stay strong instead of that I love him in my last playthrough, though I did mean to say that. *quietly high-fives self *
lee died because of a random mistake/accident, he didn't die for her at all.
I mean, he coulda just had Omid cut it off right then and there, but getting Clementine back took priority.
a scene i would like to see in the final season despite how cheeseball it is would be where clem is bit and she's having the same type of thing happen to her as it did to lee where he would collapse but in one of those moments she hallucinates talking to pass characters who died like lee,kenny,omid,christer,luke,and her parents i feel like that would be a good emotional scene at least that is what i think anyway
True true... I really hope Christa pops up in season 4 :"(
I hope their is a scene where Lee is revisited too, something that really pulls on the heart strings.
Another list of things i'd want to see before the series ends although i'd assume it'd be hard to fit in 5 episodes. (I wish they'd do 6)
Clementine finding love (I'd need this for closure considering this is the last season, I want her to have a soulmate to ride the series off into the sunset. I'm leaning towards preferring a Lesbian relationship so I don't have to worry about a dude harming her as I guess i'm over protective over a fictional character lol)
A character from season 1 who was left a mystery coming back. Either Lilly (who was never killed off or visually killed) or maybe even that Arvo kid.
Something involving planes
Had Clementine not left him, he wouldn't have had to go stick his nose in such awkward places like where her walkie talkie and hat were - everything would have otherwise been different. Clem actually, in a storybuilder, confirms that Lee got bit because of her.
She a depressed mofo with a horrible storyline. Props for shooting that girl tho.