Based on their goal of having the full season released before the end of the year I'm betting they're shooting for a 4 to 5 week release schedule. Wouldn't worry about waiting months. Likely just a single month, maybe a month + a week between episodes.
2 weeks of waiting for episode 1 seems like ages to me so far, wonder how I'll handle month(s) of waiting
Based on their goal of having the full season released before the end of the year I'm betting they're shooting for a 4 to 5 week release schedule. Wouldn't worry about waiting months. Likely just a single month, maybe a month + a week between episodes.
Now, you are about to see 4 LEEKS at once, brace yourself
I noticed the spelling, took a gamble that it wasn't just poor spelling, and it paid off lol. Also, now I'm hungry. Thanks... lol
Triggered hunger by leeks, man you must be either into raw food or starving
You just gave me a heart attack
I like onions lol
Just a question. Do you plan on having the final season be release on mobile devices, in the coming months.
Me too! Guess I finally found a soulmate