Walking Fan Art of the DEAD... (New and Improved)



  • If only this moment had happened.

  • She's a badass.

  • Yes. Seriously.

  • edited August 2018

    Weirdest. Kenny. Ever.

  • Yes.

    F3arM0d3 posted: »

    Yes. Seriously.

  • Alvin Junior grown up, apparently:

    Posting this since I've seen nothing like this yet. Weirdest thing I've ever seen. Not a very good artwork, but unlike the million Louis and Violet artworks, it was different. Who likes that little twerp that much to make that? ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

  • Got bored while waiting for the season 4 models, originally planned for that one comic that ended up in eternal limbo.
    Get yo high res version here!

  • More boredom, any love for this old f*cker?

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited August 2018

    Call of David: Marital Warfare 3

    Jayroen posted: »

    More boredom, any love for this old f*cker?

  • I'd play it

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Call of David: Marital Warfare 3

  • That comic was great, while it lasted :'(

    Jayroen posted: »

    Got bored while waiting for the season 4 models, originally planned for that one comic that ended up in eternal limbo. Get yo high res version here!

  • Facts!

    That comic was great, while it lasted

  • Glad ya liked it, but it was way too much work making hundreds of custom poses every few pages so I'm not gonna do that again, might do a few shorter comics when the season 4 models drop, we'll see.

    That comic was great, while it lasted

  • Can you give us a synopsis of how it was going to end? Don't pull a Valve and leave us wondering how the story will conclude for 11 years.

    Jayroen posted: »

    Glad ya liked it, but it was way too much work making hundreds of custom poses every few pages so I'm not gonna do that again, might do a few shorter comics when the season 4 models drop, we'll see.

  • Since Telltale never cared to elaborate how they were reunited or why they didn't just go back to Javier at The New Frontier afterwards my mind started doing weird stuff and then you get stupid shit like this hehe..
    Would explain AJ's behavior tho, ENJOY!
    More stuffs here

  • I dunno man, I pretty much threw it together on the spot, kinda like that thing I just posted, that's not how I would have ended it btw, I'm just messing a bit lol.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Can you give us a synopsis of how it was going to end? Don't pull a Valve and leave us wondering how the story will conclude for 11 years.

  • Messing around with lighting a bit, think I did okay.
    Full res image ere!

  • This actually pretty good. It made me laugh too when the guy said "Stay back you crazy bitch! Or I'll shoot your boy, I swear to go-" right before he got shot :D :D Definitely gonna check out the rest.

    Jayroen posted: »

    Since Telltale never cared to elaborate how they were reunited or why they didn't just go back to Javier at The New Frontier afterwards my m

  • I think more will be explained in the coming episodes. Just based on S4E1 alone, I think any backstory or past information that we get in the game will be a function of who we choose to talk to and what dialogue options we pick.

    Jayroen posted: »

    Since Telltale never cared to elaborate how they were reunited or why they didn't just go back to Javier at The New Frontier afterwards my m

  • Hey, can I ask where you get your models from? The ones I have can do almost no facial expressions and don't use the standard rig/can't use poses. Not terrible, but could be better. Preferably for XPS. And do you already have any from Season 4?

    Jayroen posted: »

    Messing around with lighting a bit, think I did okay. Full res image ere!

  • Right here, https://deviantart.com/xnalara-customized/gallery/43696767/The-Walking-Dead 8 pages full of good stuff and no, still waiting on the season 4 models, from what I understand the guy who made the file extractor should have his tool updated for TFS around the end of the month and when I asked the other guy he told me he would start porting models sometime after that, until then I'm messing around a bit with old stuff, just send me a note here or on dev-art if you need any help.

    Hey, can I ask where you get your models from? The ones I have can do almost no facial expressions and don't use the standard rig/can't use poses. Not terrible, but could be better. Preferably for XPS. And do you already have any from Season 4?

  • Thanks. Yeah, I use the ones from xZombieAlix. Probably sounds like I'm an entitled asshole, but I'm just a bit disappointed about the lack of facial expressions you can pull off and that the bones aren't named "right"/you can't use poses. For example, you can't open their mouthes so they look like they're actually talking/shouting in surprise etc. But that's mostly nitpicking.

    Jayroen posted: »

    Right here, https://deviantart.com/xnalara-customized/gallery/43696767/The-Walking-Dead 8 pages full of good stuff and no, still waiting on

  • His models use the in-game bones so you can quite literally recreate the expressions you see in the game 1/1. Does mean you will have to move and rotate all the lip bones manually, never said it was easy.

    Thanks. Yeah, I use the ones from xZombieAlix. Probably sounds like I'm an entitled asshole, but I'm just a bit disappointed about the lack

  • edited August 2018

    Odd combo for a pantheon, but here we are
    Credit to @Xhinc

  • From now on, your name is Club Ray-André!

    Credit to @hjoe8

  • Beer and Jaeger!

  • edited November 2018

    I wish I could/could've done stuff like this more

    Credit to @hjoe8

  • Lee & Clementine

  • Finally, one that's somewhat accurate.

    Credit to @ditto-moon

  • Binum Kale Swah
    Splendori Ellum Tuval
    Elli Noru Vorum Totun Kav

  • Nice drawing, but I have no Idea who it's about. (Walking dead wise)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Binum Kale Swah Splendori Ellum Tuval Elli Noru Vorum Totun Kav

  • It's the Cabin Group cosplaying.

    Nice drawing, but I have no Idea who it's about. (Walking dead wise)

  • Okay, I'm starting to see it. Is Nick on the far left?

    DabigRG posted: »

    It's the Cabin Group cosplaying.

  • Yeah, that take is justified. :sweat_smile:

    Okay, I'm starting to see it. Is Nick on the far left?

  • Should I even post this

  • Okay, for a second there, I thought that was supposed to be Ben hugging Lily.

    Louche posted: »

    Should I even post this

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited November 2018


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