I always preferred a polyamorous Luke Jane Bonnie though in Jane's ending I headcanon that Clementine has a crush on Jane for the same reason she likes Violet. Tough exterior sensitive interior
( Then Jane went and fucked it up "grumble grumble*)
Alright, alright lads and gals, first of all,
I'd like to wish a very warm welcome to our Stacheist brother @The_Godlike_Beard !
Thank you very much for the warm welcome! And don't sweat it, your picture is really good Besides, yesterday - when I made the memes I posted - was like the second time I ever used photoshop, so I'm the one who has a lot to learn.
Alright, alright lads and gals, first of all,
I'd like to wish a very warm welcome to our Stacheist brother @The_Godlike_Beard !
Thank you very much for the warm welcome! And don't sweat it, your picture is really good Besides, yesterday - when I made the memes I posted - was like the second time I ever used photoshop, so I'm the one who has a lot to learn.
Well, that's not fucking foreboding...
Fuck yeah!
Man, I wish my disc still worked.
Moral of the story: Don't gamble, kids!
Telltale: Too late.
Head hurting juice

As it should

Glad it's over

Need old Jay to throw some, wood on those ambers?
I'm good, thanks.
You "Like to see shit burn" right?
I always preferred a polyamorous Luke Jane Bonnie though in Jane's ending I headcanon that Clementine has a crush on Jane for the same reason she likes Violet. Tough exterior sensitive interior
( Then Jane went and fucked it up "grumble grumble*)
Inside Meme Alert

hmph, I'd like to see you all Ignore THIS

That's Gross
Gettin hammered there, Clementeen?
And got a nosejob, I see.

And then Season 2.5 happened
Alright, alright lads and gals, first of all,
I'd like to wish a very warm welcome to our Stacheist brother @The_Godlike_Beard !
I know it could have been a lot better but well... I'm still learning
And now, show me those Witcher crossovers! Let's be creative!
Geralt drinking out of a monster skull while lee drinks bourbon in a tea cup as Clementine and Ciri wrestle in the background
This thread gives me life.
Clem: nods
Darth Raider and Marlon Calrissian
Good one xD
The boat shadow is a nice touch.
Shoutout to @Pride and the-annotated-dead
More like very edgy
These forums this past week.
Thank you very much for the warm welcome! And don't sweat it, your picture is really good
Besides, yesterday - when I made the memes I posted - was like the second time I ever used photoshop, so I'm the one who has a lot to learn.
Edgy you say?

Yes, that's Violet's face. No, I'm not sorry.
Something that everyone can agree on

No argument here?
I'm glad you liked it, it's fun to mess with the editing sometimes.
This guy gets it.
damnit justin...

Classic Justin...
So this was the real reason why he was in the prison bus with Vince and Danny...

Might get lynched for this one, but oh well. Fight me.

I'm just joking, please don't take this seriously.
To make up for my previous post