[Walks into the meme thread]
...Alright - what's going o - holy mother of GOD sOmEbOdy ClEaNsE tHiS pLaCe
Let's please stay on topic and post memes. Preferably avoid discussion of weird and creepy topics while you are at it.
[Walks into the meme thread]
...Alright - what's going o - holy mother of GOD sOmEbOdy ClEaNsE tHiS pLaCe
Let's please stay on topic and post memes. Preferably avoid discussion of weird and creepy topics while you are at it.
[Walks into the meme thread]
...Alright - what's going o - holy mother of GOD sOmEbOdy ClEaNsE tHiS pLaCe
Let's please stay on topic and post memes. Preferably avoid discussion of weird and creepy topics while you are at it.
Dear customers,
unlike my will to live and reputation, this thread has recovered nicely, thanks to the efforts of our brave moderators. The complete and utter disaster that I totally didn't cause will have no effect on your future supply of memes related to Telltale's The Walking Dead.
Thank you for your patience and as compensation please accept a new potential format.
[Here's the template] Sincerely, Mr. Talkstoomuch on behalf of TWDMAFT Inc.
Dear customers,
unlike my will to live and reputation, this thread has recovered nicely, thanks to the efforts of our brave moderator… mores.
The complete and utter disaster that I totally didn't cause will have no effect on your future supply of memes related to Telltale's The Walking Dead.
Thank you for your patience and as compensation please accept a new potential format.
[Here's the template]
Sincerely, Mr. Talkstoomuch on behalf of TWDMAFT Inc.
[Walks into the meme thread]
...Alright - what's going o - holy mother of GOD sOmEbOdy ClEaNsE tHiS pLaCe
Let's please stay on topic and post memes. Preferably avoid discussion of weird and creepy topics while you are at it.
Yep I call this divine intervention...thanks
You are the hero we all need in our lives

Man you have a fast draw when it comes to memes
What did I miss? What got posted that has everybody up in arms?
You dont wanna know
You could not possibly imagine what went down no too long ago. But for obvious reasons, we cannot speak of it
Ok tell you what in absence of memes a blast from the past


Dear customers,
unlike my will to live and reputation, this thread has recovered nicely, thanks to the efforts of our brave moderators.
The complete and utter disaster that I totally didn't cause will have no effect on your future supply of memes related to Telltale's The Walking Dead.
Thank you for your patience and as compensation please accept a new potential format.
[Here's the template]
Sincerely, Mr. Talkstoomuch on behalf of TWDMAFT Inc.
Well you managed to save face, welcome back
Pretty sure this guy banned me one or twice, well deserved.
I think he banned me too. Definitely the savior we need
Was it YOU who banned me that one time, @Blind Sniper?
Telltale in a nutshell

And that's the news from lake woebegon

No dissing mah boy Gabe, k?
Why? Do you want to join him?
In New Richmond?
Depends on whether they solved those supplies and infighting problems.
Ahh, fresh out the oven

Step 4: they both die in episode two. (Im kidding of course, I cannot cope with a possible death of Violet)
I dont hate gabe dont even start with me i just found this funny
We. Won't accept it.
If Violet is determinant we riot?
Definitely I'll get the pitchforks. Remember we don't use torches Because we use heavy duty flashlights.
Shamefully true.
Me when I see all this shipping stuff

yall need to stop
Hey if she's going to die in the finale she should get her time to feel alive.
If she survives the ending though plenty of time for that later.
And I think she will survive because the ads emphasize "building a community"
Nothing gets passed him

The forums are burning while we roast marshmallows. Mmm, delicious.
(I know, I'm kinda late with this)

Memes can get over a hundred likes; how many for our brave mods?
A true patriot
Dishing out the FOXDIE

But that won't happen... right?

This just a joke, I don't mean to offend anyone

(Am I even allowed to post this?)

The truth's out fellas

Just a joke...

...or is it?
And another one...

(sorry Jay, I had to)