Story time: On my 3 days/2nights senior trip at a dude ranch, me and my friends who were going to be staying in the same room bought weed, but I had never smoked before, I just gave them the money to pitch in. They had rolled 6/7 blunts for the trip. When it got dark out and kids from different schools were inside this little party room or whatever tf it was, the three of us had went out of sight and smoked 2 blunts. I was a little nervous at first cause I thought we’d get caught?. Of course, like every first timer, I was coughing my lungs out, but after it had passed, the high began to kick in like CRAZY?. Now on the second night, we went to smoke again, only this time we picked a different spot in a small empty baseball field. We hadn’t started yet because me, my friends Alex, Justin, and Bri were waiting for Frankie to come, who was doing god knows what. When he finally came, we smoked like 2/3 blunts. At this time there were still people out, but were fine for the most part, or so we thought. When we finished and were beginning to head back to the “party room”, our principal saw us coming out of the field and started walking towards us. When she came up to me she asked “what were you guys doing over there?”, my stupid ass with my breath smelling like weed said “we were playing baseball”??♂️?. She had definitely smelled it on me. I don’t remember exactly what she said because my head was somewhere else, but she was SUPER mad. I remember everyone from my school who had went on the senior trip knew about it the moment we went back to the dorms. Some of the other seniors were like “Yo, wtf! What happened?!”, and one girl said to go apologize to Ms. Riley. Now, this might not have been the greatest idea since we were all high af, but we did it anyway. When we went to go apologize, I was trying not to laugh but my friends were making me laugh and the apology came out really bad. As we exited her room, I turned around and looked back at my friends smiling, making this really UGLY face?????. That weed had me hella fucked up.
"SEGA of America is proud to announce that the new courtroom thriller from Ryu GaGotoku Studios Project JUDGE..."
Wait, wait, wait, wait... Uhh what-- hahaha [insert ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?]
Looks nothing like how it's described. Not to say it doesn't look good, it looks crazy and wacky and hey maybe it's fun! Lots are saying this is like Yakuza or "Ace Attorney with punching" or Sleeping Dogs - None of which I've ever played but, this has captured my weirded out attention. Magic martial arts undercover P.I. game... okay Japan..
"SEGA of America is proud to announce that the new courtroom thriller from Ryu GaGotoku Studios Project JUDGE..."
Wait, wait, wait, wait.… more.. Uhh what-- hahaha [insert ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?]
Looks nothing like how it's described. Not to say it doesn't look good, it looks crazy and wacky and hey maybe it's fun! Lots are saying this is like Yakuza or "Ace Attorney with punching" or Sleeping Dogs - None of which I've ever played but, this has captured my weirded out attention. Magic martial arts undercover P.I. game... okay Japan..
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? I'm a dumb fangirl in a life/death situation.
I just learned literally an hour ago that Bryan Dechart and Amelia Rose Blaire are coming to Comic Con Russia 2018, which is in Moscow. I'm not from the capital myself but my sister lives there and we were supposed to visit her in October. I got super fucking excited but then realised that the con takes place on 4-7 October and the visit will be in the end of the month. I went through all five stages of grief in one minute just to come up with a master plan.
So, I kinda mentioned this to my mom and she said "eh, too bad, but those are school days, we can only go away on autumn break". BUT HEAR ME OUT! October 5th will be the day for journalists, while the main event takes place on 6th and 7th which are Saturday and Sunday. I don't know yet on what exact day Bryan and Amelia will come, but either way, the worst thing I can miss is two history lessons that I don't care about because I have zero problems with history. Theoretically, I could leave on Friday evening (it's just 1,5 hour on a plane to Moscow from my city), spend the night at my sister's and then go on my own. I'm only 16 but this summer I spent three weeks in New York almost entirely on my own. I think mom could trust me to spend one-two days in a city I know pretty well already because I visit my sister there often. Is money the issue? No. I have some savings on my bank account left after summer and I'll get my first scholar stipend at the end of September. I calculated that it's surely enough for a cheap plane ticket and an average Comic Con ticket. I might even have some money left to buy the merch.
My dad could help, but mom hates him after the divorce so even if he insists to pay, I'll do my best to put all the responsibility on myself. Mom would appreciate it. Also she's not happy with me avoiding all the house chores. She never forced me to do anything important, because she thought I should have a careless childhood and put more effort into studying. But now that I'm growing older and ready to finish school and move out eventually, she's complaining that I can't do anything on my own.
So, all points considered, I decided that once the date is pretty clear, I'll crawl up to my mom on my knees and say:
MOTHER. I know what you said earlier but you need to know that this is important for me. And I hope it's important for you to see me happy. Before you say anything, please listen to my plan. You let me go alone to America, which is thousands of kilometres away. I managed just fine. I promise I will act flawlessly and stay out of trouble. I'll catch a plane in the evening, arrive at my sister's place safely by taxi and spend the night there. I won't need anything more than a backpack, it'll be a quick trip. Then I spend the rest of the day, enjoying myself at the awesome event. I'll see the actor I have a crush on adore and get a photo with him. It'll be the best weekend of this school year. Then I also safely come back the same way. I promise I won't miss anything important at school. I'll do all my homework for Monday beforehead - you won't be disappointed with my time management. All the expenses will be my responsibility, I shall take no penny from you or father, even he offers me some. To express the gratitude for your kindness, I promise to take up one chore of your choice entirely on myself. I can cook you breakfasts in the weekends or cook my own breakfast before school. I could vacuum our flat. Anything you want me to. Also, you need to consider that this little adventure won't affect my preparation for exams. I take them really seriously and my progress is under control. Now, I've stated all my points. Please say your opinion and I beg the Gods you agree.
How do you rate my chances? Mom can be strict but maybe I can use my wisdom to prove that I can handle everything.
I missed the SDCC last summer, if I miss another CC, especially in my own country, I'll end my life (not literally of course, but you get what I mean).
What is Don't Hug Me I'm Scared? Heard a lot about it (well, I've heard the title thrown around a lot) but.... What is it? I don't think it's a kids show right? Considering they've got their full 5 episodes out on their channel (and that's all they've got, right?). I guess I could just watch it myself and find out first hand... [ugh silly chicken getting ahead of your self!]
Whatever the case, seems like they're getting a full fledged tv show.
Speculation is entirely pointless and no one here possesses the power to influence the outcome of what will happen.
Having said that, that would be pretty cool going to Comic Con and I hope your mom will see how much it means to you and trust you to be safe and responsible. Well, you have me convinced at least...
Do you have anyone to go to Comic Con with, though? I imagine that it's a pretty big event, so it'd probably be safer going with someone or two, and your mom would probably feel better knowing that too.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? I'm a dumb fangirl in a life/death situation.
I just learned literally an hour ag… moreo that Bryan Dechart and Amelia Rose Blaire are coming to Comic Con Russia 2018, which is in Moscow. I'm not from the capital myself but my sister lives there and we were supposed to visit her in October. I got super fucking excited but then realised that the con takes place on 4-7 October and the visit will be in the end of the month. I went through all five stages of grief in one minute just to come up with a master plan.
So, I kinda mentioned this to my mom and she said "eh, too bad, but those are school days, we can only go away on autumn break". BUT HEAR ME OUT! October 5th will be the day for journalists, while the main event takes place on 6th and 7th which are Saturday and Sunday. I don't know yet on what exact day Bryan and Amelia will come, but either way, the worst thing I can miss is two hi… [view original content]
Because of the new Predator movie released, I just rewatched the original and it's more awesome than I remember. Now I just learned that Shane Black, the director of the new Predator and Iron Man 3, is actually the actor who played Hawkins in the original.
My younger sister is pretty much a Rubik's cube enthusiast and she can solve one in 40 seconds and she solved a 7x7x7 in less than 30 minutes. It took her a bit of fidgeting with it to get there too. I'm not good with them at all myself but from what she told me you have to choose a strategy to solving them even though it seems randomized. With her first strategy she would solve the white side first and then she'd remember how to put all the white pieces back there as she solved the other sides so she could have a reference point, then instead of solving it directly she would organize the pieces in a deliberate pattern so she could execute the last few moves that would guarantee it'd be solved. That's what I gathered though; she never told me her strategy in full.
She started this huge collection of cubes actually. My favorite is this one called a mirror cube since it has this sleek, shiny design and looks like an abstract art piece when scrambled.
she would solve the white side first and then she'd remember how to put all the white pieces back there as she solved the other sides
I solved 16% of the cube when I fixed the entire orange side. The hard part was trying to solve the others because then i'd end up fucking up the orange side, and would never progress any further because then I'd have to fix it back. What makes it worse is how badly I just wanna fix it, but can't . I don't have OCD or anything but it drives me crazy a bit
My younger sister is pretty much a Rubik's cube enthusiast and she can solve one in 40 seconds and she solved a 7x7x7 in less than 30 minute… mores. It took her a bit of fidgeting with it to get there too. I'm not good with them at all myself but from what she told me you have to choose a strategy to solving them even though it seems randomized. With her first strategy she would solve the white side first and then she'd remember how to put all the white pieces back there as she solved the other sides so she could have a reference point, then instead of solving it directly she would organize the pieces in a deliberate pattern so she could execute the last few moves that would guarantee it'd be solved. That's what I gathered though; she never told me her strategy in full.
She started this huge collection of cubes actually. My favorite is this one called a mirror cube since it has this sleek, shiny design and looks like an abstract art piece when scrambled.
If you were my daughter, I'd let you, but I'm not your mom. Or your dad. You know her better than any of us.
I can tell you it's important to have some fun adventures when you're young, so that you have some positive things to look back at later in life, rather than just thinking about all the cringe-worthy moments when you did something wrong because you didn't have the experience to know better, which is how most youthful flashbacks end up.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? I'm a dumb fangirl in a life/death situation.
I just learned literally an hour ag… moreo that Bryan Dechart and Amelia Rose Blaire are coming to Comic Con Russia 2018, which is in Moscow. I'm not from the capital myself but my sister lives there and we were supposed to visit her in October. I got super fucking excited but then realised that the con takes place on 4-7 October and the visit will be in the end of the month. I went through all five stages of grief in one minute just to come up with a master plan.
So, I kinda mentioned this to my mom and she said "eh, too bad, but those are school days, we can only go away on autumn break". BUT HEAR ME OUT! October 5th will be the day for journalists, while the main event takes place on 6th and 7th which are Saturday and Sunday. I don't know yet on what exact day Bryan and Amelia will come, but either way, the worst thing I can miss is two hi… [view original content]
Yes, I have a friend in Moscow and she’ll go, probably even bring a few of her own friends. So I have an escort of 16 year old fan girls (how safe is that though?)
Speculation is entirely pointless and no one here possesses the power to influence the outcome of what will happen.
Having said that, tha… moret would be pretty cool going to Comic Con and I hope your mom will see how much it means to you and trust you to be safe and responsible. Well, you have me convinced at least...
Do you have anyone to go to Comic Con with, though? I imagine that it's a pretty big event, so it'd probably be safer going with someone or two, and your mom would probably feel better knowing that too.
If you were my daughter, I'd let you, but I'm not your mom. Or your dad. You know her better than any of us.
I can tell you it's impo… morertant to have some fun adventures when you're young, so that you have some positive things to look back at later in life, rather than just thinking about all the cringe-worthy moments when you did something wrong because you didn't have the experience to know better, which is how most youthful flashbacks end up.
Indeed I did! I loved Jaws of Hakkon. I went into The Descent before I should've, but still managed to beat it after lots of frustration. So much frustration. Clearing out the Darkspawn Nest was a nightmare. Trespasser was good too despite the stupid egg-elf hurting my feelings.
Is anyone planning on getting Assassin's Creed Odyssey? I was going to, but I had forgotten that tomb raider comes out this week and now im kind of short on money. I do wish the game was closer to the first ones story-wise, but ancient Greek is awesome and as a Greek im kinda biased.
I watched Predator 2 for the first time and it was such a mediocre movie. The characters are terrible, forgettable moments and confusing story. The only thing that I liked about it is the Xenomorph easter egg, which was a set up for AVP.
I watched Predators a long time ago, it was the first Predator movie that I watched and seen it like 10 times. That movie was better than what I watched right now but the original Predator is still a masterpiece in every way.
It's in the development stages right now. They're hoping to shop the show around in October so I hope they get their network/studio/broadcaster and funding.
The interview goes into what to expect from the series as opposed to the games (it might be based off the first game and other concepts that didn't make it into the final product but will expand the world and plot, maybe even touching upon story beats and elements from the cancelled sequel "the story of the first game will be our starting point"). An Alan Wake 2 is still not happening as of yet.
Alan Wake is probably getting a TV Show.
It's in the development sta… moreges right now. They're hoping to shop the show around in October so I hope they get their network/studio/broadcaster and funding.
The interview goes into what to expect from the series as opposed to the games (it might be based off the first game and other concepts that didn't make it into the final product but will expand the world and plot, maybe even touching upon story beats and elements from the cancelled sequel "the story of the first game will be our starting point"). An Alan Wake 2 is still not happening as of yet.
I don't know. I didn't read the full interview, just skimmed it, but from what I read they seem to have it all planned out, but they said that they don't have a studio or network that is on board to host it yet.
in development with Peter Calloway (“Cloak & Dagger,” “Legion”) signed on as showrunner and writer, and game creator Sam Lake as executive producer, Contradiction Films and Remedy Entertainment told Variety.
Contradiction partner Tomas Harlan said the plan is to start shopping the show around in October with Calloway’s full pitch. He said he’s already seen initial interest from a number of studios.
yah that seems like it'd work since it sounds like your mom only cares about how good you do in school and it's a weekend so who cares. or you could lie. say you're staying at a friends house that particular weekend then ditch. if she finds out then be like "oh yah sry we decided to leave and forgot to say anything". that way you can avoid any responsibility and not really be lying. do that enough times and she'll stop asking when/where you're going altogether.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? I'm a dumb fangirl in a life/death situation.
I just learned literally an hour ag… moreo that Bryan Dechart and Amelia Rose Blaire are coming to Comic Con Russia 2018, which is in Moscow. I'm not from the capital myself but my sister lives there and we were supposed to visit her in October. I got super fucking excited but then realised that the con takes place on 4-7 October and the visit will be in the end of the month. I went through all five stages of grief in one minute just to come up with a master plan.
So, I kinda mentioned this to my mom and she said "eh, too bad, but those are school days, we can only go away on autumn break". BUT HEAR ME OUT! October 5th will be the day for journalists, while the main event takes place on 6th and 7th which are Saturday and Sunday. I don't know yet on what exact day Bryan and Amelia will come, but either way, the worst thing I can miss is two hi… [view original content]
If they're trustworthy, responsible, and alert people, then yeah, I don't see why that shouldn't be safe. If all they want to do is cause trouble and mischief, then you may run into a few problems...
Yes, I have a friend in Moscow and she’ll go, probably even bring a few of her own friends. So I have an escort of 16 year old fan girls (how safe is that though?)
Just started to watch the 2004 dawn of the dead. I remember watching this when I was little; my uncle pretty much introduced me to horror movies at a young age. It probably wasn't the best idea to show these movies to an 8 year old but I was hooked nonetheless. I still remember the nightmares I used to get from movies like saw, hostel, and TCM. Lil fucked up that I watched these at such a young age, but it didn't warp my mind like people would think; I grew up pretty normal for the most part.
The one I remember the most would have to be creepshow looking back on it looks fake af, but it was definitely nightmare fuel at the time.
Alright, I got the yellow side, but im scared to try to fix the others because then I’ll ruin this side. I should just be happy with having only solved 1/6th of the cube, right??
Aaand I fucked it up.??
Alright, I got the yellow side, but im scared to try to fix the others because then I’ll ruin this side. I should just be happy with having only solved 1/6th of the cube, right??
Aaand I fucked it up.??
Story time: On my 3 days/2nights senior trip at a dude ranch, me and my friends who were going to be staying in the same room bought weed, but I had never smoked before, I just gave them the money to pitch in. They had rolled 6/7 blunts for the trip. When it got dark out and kids from different schools were inside this little party room or whatever tf it was, the three of us had went out of sight and smoked 2 blunts. I was a little nervous at first cause I thought we’d get caught?. Of course, like every first timer, I was coughing my lungs out, but after it had passed, the high began to kick in like CRAZY?. Now on the second night, we went to smoke again, only this time we picked a different spot in a small empty baseball field. We hadn’t started yet because me, my friends Alex, Justin, and Bri were waiting for Frankie to come, who was doing god knows what. When he finally came, we smoked like 2/3 blunts. At this time there were still people out, but were fine for the most part, or so we thought. When we finished and were beginning to head back to the “party room”, our principal saw us coming out of the field and started walking towards us. When she came up to me she asked “what were you guys doing over there?”, my stupid ass with my breath smelling like weed said “we were playing baseball”??♂️?. She had definitely smelled it on me. I don’t remember exactly what she said because my head was somewhere else, but she was SUPER mad. I remember everyone from my school who had went on the senior trip knew about it the moment we went back to the dorms. Some of the other seniors were like “Yo, wtf! What happened?!”, and one girl said to go apologize to Ms. Riley. Now, this might not have been the greatest idea since we were all high af, but we did it anyway. When we went to go apologize, I was trying not to laugh but my friends were making me laugh and the apology came out really bad. As we exited her room, I turned around and looked back at my friends smiling, making this really UGLY face?????. That weed had me hella fucked up.
Fam I accidentally ripped some of my beautiful skin off ? pls, somebody call amberlaaamps!
Pffft, just suture it back on. I mean, if an 11-year-old girl could do it by herself on her own arm...
Um, is that really Mini-Jane or...?
Assassin's Creed 3 is getting remastered.
"SEGA of America is proud to announce that the new courtroom thriller from Ryu GaGotoku Studios Project JUDGE..."
Wait, wait, wait, wait... Uhh what-- hahaha [insert ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?]
Looks nothing like how it's described. Not to say it doesn't look good, it looks crazy and wacky and hey maybe it's fun! Lots are saying this is like Yakuza or "Ace Attorney with punching" or Sleeping Dogs - None of which I've ever played but, this has captured my weirded out attention. Magic martial arts undercover P.I. game... okay Japan..
yakuza and sleeping dogs are massively awesome games they are 100% worth playing
How questionable is it that my form tutor walks into the classroom, looks at a poster and says “I thought that person was drawing a nob”
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? I'm a dumb fangirl in a life/death situation.
I just learned literally an hour ago that Bryan Dechart and Amelia Rose Blaire are coming to Comic Con Russia 2018, which is in Moscow. I'm not from the capital myself but my sister lives there and we were supposed to visit her in October. I got super fucking excited but then realised that the con takes place on 4-7 October and the visit will be in the end of the month. I went through all five stages of grief in one minute just to come up with a master plan.
So, I kinda mentioned this to my mom and she said "eh, too bad, but those are school days, we can only go away on autumn break". BUT HEAR ME OUT! October 5th will be the day for journalists, while the main event takes place on 6th and 7th which are Saturday and Sunday. I don't know yet on what exact day Bryan and Amelia will come, but either way, the worst thing I can miss is two history lessons that I don't care about because I have zero problems with history. Theoretically, I could leave on Friday evening (it's just 1,5 hour on a plane to Moscow from my city), spend the night at my sister's and then go on my own. I'm only 16 but this summer I spent three weeks in New York almost entirely on my own. I think mom could trust me to spend one-two days in a city I know pretty well already because I visit my sister there often. Is money the issue? No. I have some savings on my bank account left after summer and I'll get my first scholar stipend at the end of September. I calculated that it's surely enough for a cheap plane ticket and an average Comic Con ticket. I might even have some money left to buy the merch.
My dad could help, but mom hates him after the divorce so even if he insists to pay, I'll do my best to put all the responsibility on myself. Mom would appreciate it. Also she's not happy with me avoiding all the house chores. She never forced me to do anything important, because she thought I should have a careless childhood and put more effort into studying. But now that I'm growing older and ready to finish school and move out eventually, she's complaining that I can't do anything on my own.
So, all points considered, I decided that once the date is pretty clear, I'll crawl up to my mom on my knees and say:
MOTHER. I know what you said earlier but you need to know that this is important for me. And I hope it's important for you to see me happy. Before you say anything, please listen to my plan. You let me go alone to America, which is thousands of kilometres away. I managed just fine. I promise I will act flawlessly and stay out of trouble. I'll catch a plane in the evening, arrive at my sister's place safely by taxi and spend the night there. I won't need anything more than a backpack, it'll be a quick trip. Then I spend the rest of the day, enjoying myself at the awesome event. I'll see the actor I have a crush on adore and get a photo with him. It'll be the best weekend of this school year. Then I also safely come back the same way. I promise I won't miss anything important at school. I'll do all my homework for Monday beforehead - you won't be disappointed with my time management. All the expenses will be my responsibility, I shall take no penny from you or father, even he offers me some. To express the gratitude for your kindness, I promise to take up one chore of your choice entirely on myself. I can cook you breakfasts in the weekends or cook my own breakfast before school. I could vacuum our flat. Anything you want me to. Also, you need to consider that this little adventure won't affect my preparation for exams. I take them really seriously and my progress is under control. Now, I've stated all my points. Please say your opinion and I beg the Gods you agree.
How do you rate my chances? Mom can be strict but maybe I can use my wisdom to prove that I can handle everything.
I missed the SDCC last summer, if I miss another CC, especially in my own country, I'll end my life (not literally of course, but you get what I mean).
What is Don't Hug Me I'm Scared? Heard a lot about it (well, I've heard the title thrown around a lot) but.... What is it? I don't think it's a kids show right?
Considering they've got their full 5 episodes out on their channel (and that's all they've got, right?). I guess I could just watch it myself and find out first hand... [ugh silly chicken getting ahead of your self!]
Whatever the case, seems like they're getting a full fledged tv show.
Speculation is entirely pointless and no one here possesses the power to influence the outcome of what will happen.
Having said that, that would be pretty cool going to Comic Con and I hope your mom will see how much it means to you and trust you to be safe and responsible.
Well, you have me convinced at least...
Do you have anyone to go to Comic Con with, though? I imagine that it's a pretty big event, so it'd probably be safer going with someone or two, and your mom would probably feel better knowing that too.
Because of the new Predator movie released, I just rewatched the original and it's more awesome than I remember. Now I just learned that Shane Black, the director of the new Predator and Iron Man 3, is actually the actor who played Hawkins in the original.
If you play Xenoverse 2, and your limit breaker has Super DEF, you're trash
I've had this for like, quite a while now, and STILL can't solve it. I should just die.

My younger sister is pretty much a Rubik's cube enthusiast and she can solve one in 40 seconds and she solved a 7x7x7 in less than 30 minutes. It took her a bit of fidgeting with it to get there too. I'm not good with them at all myself but from what she told me you have to choose a strategy to solving them even though it seems randomized. With her first strategy she would solve the white side first and then she'd remember how to put all the white pieces back there as she solved the other sides so she could have a reference point, then instead of solving it directly she would organize the pieces in a deliberate pattern so she could execute the last few moves that would guarantee it'd be solved. That's what I gathered though; she never told me her strategy in full.
She started this huge collection of cubes actually. My favorite is this one called a mirror cube since it has this sleek, shiny design and looks like an abstract art piece when scrambled.
I solved 16% of the cube when I fixed the entire orange side. The hard part was trying to solve the others because then i'd end up fucking up the orange side, and would never progress any further because then I'd have to fix it back. What makes it worse is how badly I just wanna fix it, but can't
. I don't have OCD or anything but it drives me crazy a bit 
If you were my daughter, I'd let you, but I'm not your mom. Or your dad.
You know her better than any of us.
I can tell you it's important to have some fun adventures when you're young, so that you have some positive things to look back at later in life, rather than just thinking about all the cringe-worthy moments when you did something wrong because you didn't have the experience to know better, which is how most youthful flashbacks end up.
Come on up high~
Cheers and take care guys! 自o(^_^ )
Has anyone read any of these? I remember stealing the first one from my middle school's library, but I never got any further than 10 pages I think.

Yes, I have a friend in Moscow and she’ll go, probably even bring a few of her own friends. So I have an escort of 16 year old fan girls (how safe is that though?)
Thank you for your support. My sister is convinced that this plan will succeed, so I hope she’s right. I’ll find out tomorrow?
I just lost a hefty amount of my life beating Dragon Age: Inquistion.
Worth it.
Hell yeah,i love that game,did you play the dlcs too ?
Indeed I did! I loved Jaws of Hakkon. I went into The Descent before I should've, but still managed to beat it after lots of frustration. So much frustration. Clearing out the Darkspawn Nest was a nightmare. Trespasser was good too despite the stupid egg-elf hurting my feelings.
Is anyone planning on getting Assassin's Creed Odyssey? I was going to, but I had forgotten that tomb raider comes out this week and now im kind of short on money. I do wish the game was closer to the first ones story-wise, but ancient Greek is awesome and as a Greek im kinda biased.
I watched Predator 2 for the first time and it was such a mediocre movie. The characters are terrible, forgettable moments and confusing story. The only thing that I liked about it is the Xenomorph easter egg, which was a set up for AVP.
I watched Predators a long time ago, it was the first Predator movie that I watched and seen it like 10 times. That movie was better than what I watched right now but the original Predator is still a masterpiece in every way.
Predator > Predators > Predator 2
Alan Wake is probably getting a TV Show.
It's in the development stages right now. They're hoping to shop the show around in October so I hope they get their network/studio/broadcaster and funding.
The interview goes into what to expect from the series as opposed to the games (it might be based off the first game and other concepts that didn't make it into the final product but will expand the world and plot, maybe even touching upon story beats and elements from the cancelled sequel "the story of the first game will be our starting point"). An Alan Wake 2 is still not happening as of yet.
Wait what, they don't have a network or even any money yet? Why'd they announce it now?
I don't know. I didn't read the full interview, just skimmed it, but from what I read they seem to have it all planned out, but they said that they don't have a studio or network that is on board to host it yet.
yah that seems like it'd work since it sounds like your mom only cares about how good you do in school and it's a weekend so who cares. or you could lie. say you're staying at a friends house that particular weekend then ditch. if she finds out then be like "oh yah sry we decided to leave and forgot to say anything". that way you can avoid any responsibility and not really be lying. do that enough times and she'll stop asking when/where you're going altogether.
i solved one of those p quickly. i used youtube.
My sister said to use YouTube, but I wanna solve it on my own. I'm like 50 seconds away from peeling them off and gluing them back in order
If they're trustworthy, responsible, and alert people, then yeah, I don't see why that shouldn't be safe. If all they want to do is cause trouble and mischief, then you may run into a few problems...
Good luck.
Just started to watch the 2004 dawn of the dead. I remember watching this when I was little; my uncle pretty much introduced me to horror movies at a young age. It probably wasn't the best idea to show these movies to an 8 year old but I was hooked nonetheless. I still remember the nightmares I used to get from movies like saw, hostel, and TCM. Lil fucked up that I watched these at such a young age, but it didn't warp my mind like people would think; I grew up pretty normal for the most part.
The one I remember the most would have to be creepshow looking back on it looks fake af, but it was definitely nightmare fuel at the time.
I just had a flashback to highschool when I saw like seven students eating from the same Subway sandwich. It still disgusts me.
That sound of his shoes as he walks sounds beautiful

must've been a good sandwich.
Alright, I got the yellow side, but im scared to try to fix the others because then I’ll ruin this side. I should just be happy with having only solved 1/6th of the cube, right??

Aaand I fucked it up.??
Your quilt cover/blanket/thing in the background looks exactly like my quilt cover.