Lilly cared about Clem a LOT! Season 1 to 4.
Likeeee why do people are even complaining about this shit? People here are sain "she didnt care for Clem all over S1"... Like whaaat? She cared for Clem more in her Three episodes, than Kenny in Five xD
She was the leader of Motor Inn. group and she cared for all of people, expecially kids. She cared for everyone to be safe.
She keeps asking about Clementine all over the game.
-in episode one she ask who she is, where is her mom.
-On the saint Johns Farm she says to Lee that she will keep her safe.
-When supplies are missing, she says how its danger for Clememtine`s health.
Aaaandddd looots of other dialoges and actions.
3.She is giving her hair things for sleeping. Clem still has them, and for a looong time she carried Lilly's backpack.
4.Scenes on Linda's from bandits group camera with Lilly Talking and smiling to Clem seems like they had a good contact!
So yeah, actually there was a LOT more Lilly and Clem contact and good moments that with Kenny, Katjaa, Ben, Carley or Doug! I can easly say that in the Motor inn. times Lee, Duck and Lilly were her closest persons.
And yeah, Lilly snaped, she killed Carley and left the group. Clem remembered her as a someone who had their breakdown and she propably will look at Lilly kn S04E02 as a crazy one... But still, they had a good realtionship, which can comeback or even become better.
Time has an odd way of changing people at times, but with that said it doesn't make sense why Lily is against Clementine.
I agree with this statement. I do believe Lilly cared a lot for Clementine, and she looked out for her as well. It wouldn't make sense for her to all of a sudden be completely against Clementine. Telltale probably took that audio clip out of context to the situation, to try and get us to believe that she's the antagonist, when in reality it's a bigger threat.
Yes I agree. As a Lilly fan I will be VERY disappointed if they make one of the most emotional and complex characters of season 1 into an one dimensional Carver type-villain.
I really liked the part when she straight up murders someone in front of Clementine simply for talking back to her. Or the part when she abandons the entire group including Clementine and steals their RV. Or the part where she refused to save Lee from Andy and Clementine watches in horror from right beside her. Or the part where she irrationally defended her emotionally and verbally abusive father who terrorized the entire group including the children.
Oh but Lilly gave Clem some hair ties. She was just great.
She cared so much to leave her on foot in the middle of nowhere...
That's not really an argument
It's been, what, 8 years ? Do you think Clem will care if she gave her hair thingies when she's gonna attack the school (What will probably happen) ?
"but still, they had a good realtionship, which can comeback or even become better."
I highly doubt it, the trailer gave me some strong"Lilly is gonna be the villain" vibes, unless it's REALLY misleading but again, I doubt it.
I don't see these two living together in peace or making some sort of deal, if that were the case then who's gonna be the threat this season if it's not Lilly and her gang ? Some random raiders led by another big baddie like Negan or the Governor ? Wouldn't that be kinda lame ? I think it'd be pretty cool if Lilly was our enemy.
And if you bring Lilly along with you after she kills Carley/Doug, and before she steals the RV, I'm pretty sure Lilly offers to just take Lee and Clementine with her while she's on the verge of stealing the RV. Then again I could be wrong, because in my playthrough I left Lilly behind.
Well DUH,of course she wasn't gonna save Lee if you helped Kenny kill Larry.
To be fair, the trailer seems to be using Lilly's speech about how guardians usually die out of context and Clementine's reaction is probably determinant.
Oh, is THAT where it came from?
I was just wondering about that earlier.
That's Jolene.
Linda was the female bandit who helped rape her, take away her daughter, and then get's shot by Doug/Carley during the attack on the Motor Inn.
Lilly herself admits that she understands why they had to kill Larry. This was her being petty and selfish.
I dont actually think she is. Like, TTG just made it look like it, but I really doubt she is against her. She could be mean or something, but... Guys, its Lilly xD Shes been mean and tough all the time xd
*than Kenny in eleven
I didnt say she was great all the time. I just said she cared about Clem anyways more than Kenny or anyone from Motor Inn group.
Aaaand yet still... When Lee kills her father, she stills stay with Clem and protect her
Also, crazy person =/= bad person
You very blatantly chose the pro-Kenny options that make him the same way when you're pro-Lilly.
Which is an oversimplification on my part, but still.
You can see this backpack in episode Two with Lilly, she keeps there food for group, and its in her room in episode Three.
Not sure how this is looking after Clem more than Kenny ever did...
Abel and his gang. James and his gang. Another traitorous Ericson student. There are so many possibilities.
No matter how good you treat Lilly she ends up murdering a beloved group member and stealing the rv. No matter how poorly you treat Kenny he ends up sacrificing himself to save Christa/end Ben's suffering and looking out for Clementine in s2.
No, you're right. I think she changed her mind at the last second, though.
Holy shit...the things you don't notice if it isn't put in front of you.
She only understands that if Lee didn't help kill him and if Carley was saved at the drug store.
Actually, I think she also says something to that effect if you brought her along on a hostile playthrough.
Abel doesn't strike me as a leader
They confirmed no Michonne characters
What student ? The ones that are left seem loyal enough to me
That's not true.... my Lee helped kill Larry and Lilly pretty much says "i know why you had to do it. Part of me understands, but part of me sees you when your back is turned and knows that I could kill you"
Kenny verbally abuses Clementine for Sarita dying and for having survivor's guilt. How is that caring for Clem more than what Lilly did pre-Final Season.
Carley was thought to be the traitor. Lilly only killed Doug because he went in Lilly's line-of-fire towards Ben, who she also thought (though correctly that time) to be the traitor.
His filename still says James.
And hey, we thought the same thing about Marlon.
Everything else, good points.
One example... and he felt bad after it, apologised and decided to dedicate his life to Clementine and AJ after atonement. Lilly abandons Clementine on the side of the road, even if Lee agrees to bring Clementine along to leave with Lilly in the RV, as well as the fact that she murders a valued member of the group infront of her eyes while showing little signs of remorse, and it looks like in S4 she’s going to give her a hard time. Hmmm wonder if Kenny would become the season antagonist and clementine’s next enemy or if he’d steal the van she’d made a home in, leaving her on the side of the road to die? Didn’t think so. At least Kenny was selfless towards Clem, he at least wanted to end their relationship to make sure she was safe and secure in a community, Lilly snapped and murdered somebody because she got called a scared little girl. And the whole “her dad died” argument won’t work because Kenny’s girlfriend died and that was way closer to the end of S2 than Larry’s death was to S1E3.
Uh, can we mitigate the Kenny talk a bit, if that's okay with Leo?
Lilly didn't murder Carley because she thought she was the traitor, Lilly murdered her because she mouthed off and called her a scared little girl and Lilly snapped. Killing Doug was an accident but Lilly had every intention of shooting another group member, Ben, in the face.
Your points don't really add up. Lilly is a murderer in literally every scenario, no matter how well you treat her.
She felt bad for killing Doug, too. "It wasn't supposed to be him." Also, Kenny was planned to be S2's antagonist before Troy (before Carver).
My point wasn't that she's a murderer, my point is that Kenny didn't necessarily take better care of Clem than Lilly did.
Her complexity and character development was what made her character great and interesting, hopefully Lilly at least will be a complex villain because if that’s not the case this is a poor interpretation of her character.
Yeah... she didn’t mean to kill him... she was aiming for a kid instead. Clementine’s friend, I might add. Just because he was planned to be the antagonist doesn’t mean that he was in canon.
Can someone knock me into a coma for exactly 8 days?
Why eight days?
Cuz I wanna play the bloody episode!