Colin, Colin, Colin, Colin, Colin. The poor guy got a raw deal in the comic book (seriously, he was F%#$ING DECAPITATED), and the video game will be his last possible chance to make a bigger impression.
An updated art style. Nothing where the characters are unrecognizable or too realistic looking, just something that would be the natural progression from what we got in s1.
A release date.
Flashbacks with Bigby in the Homelands as a wolf where the choices you make carry over to the present.
Anything with Bigby's mother and brothers. They're already blank slates in the comic so Telltale pretty much has free rein over them.
More of an effort to edge away from the comic's continuity and writing and confirmation that this is Telltale's take on the universe, not necessarily a continuation. Staying shackled to the source material is one of the original game's flaws and the reason behind a lot of the weird inconsistencies and characterization changes. I don't think it's unreasonable to want them to make this an alternate universe in the same way Batman or GoTG is, and if anything, they could probably work that into the story seeing as this is about magic and the Homelands are one big shared multiverse anyway.
A release date.
Rose Red. She's a way more interesting character than Snow White and her relationship with Bigby could be really meaningful, especially if she's given as an alternate potential love interest.
A better villain with ambitions that actually affect more than just Fabletown.
More interactions with the Mundy world. Removing Brannigan's plot was a huge mistake and this is Telltale's chance to rectify that.
A release date. Or even just a screencap of Bigby in the new style. Please Telltale, it's almost October...
Telltale will never make Season 2 noncannon even if they wanted to, Bill Willingham is very very strict on that, canceling many TV show offers because they didnt want to 1 to 1 match the source material to the show, and same went for Telltale, he only allows them to do things if it stays cannon.
Also I think Telltale should 100% release a picture of Bigby's render as their first marketing material. Espially after that whole fiasco with funlabs accidentally leaking some type of early prototype, it would be best to show off that Bigby doesnt look like ass.
* An updated art style. Nothing where the characters are unrecognizable or too realistic looking, just something that would be the natural p… morerogression from what we got in s1.
* A release date.
* Flashbacks with Bigby in the Homelands as a wolf where the choices you make carry over to the present.
* Anything with Bigby's mother and brothers. They're already blank slates in the comic so Telltale pretty much has free rein over them.
* More of an effort to edge away from the comic's continuity and writing and confirmation that this is Telltale's take on the universe, not necessarily a continuation. Staying shackled to the source material is one of the original game's flaws and the reason behind a lot of the weird inconsistencies and characterization changes. I don't think it's unreasonable to want them to make this an alternate universe in the same way Batman or GoTG is, and if anything, they could probably work that into the story seeing as … [view original content]
Telltale will never make Season 2 noncannon even if they wanted to, Bill Willingham is very very strict on that, canceling many TV show offers because they didnt want to 1 to 1 match the source material to the show, and same went for Telltale, he only allows them to do things if it stays cannon.
Then he must not have kept them on a tight enough leash. As I already said, there are a ton of inconsistencies that outright ignore or defy the canon from the comics. Bigby and Snow have completely different personalities (Bigby especially even if you play him as a total asshole) and given the timeline placement plus the game's events, you can't brush that off because it's a prequel; maybe if TWAU took place centuries before the comic, sure, but it's only a few decades before the first volume. Most of Bigby's powers are nerfed or outright nonexistent, like his sense of smell. Crane was supposed to have been deputy mayor until the 90s. Bigby in the first volume of the comic mentions that his job is never intense or requires him to chase suspects on foot when that isn't the case at all in the game, he and Flycatcher act like they barely know one another in the game, etc. etc.
I'm sure I can think of more if you give me time, but the point is — and at least as far as characterization goes — this is pretty obviously meant to be Telltale's take on the world rather than Willingham's. It's so fucking weird that Willingham wants them to be slaves to the source material while still allowing them to play pretty fast and loose with his characters, especially Bigby who feels at times so different that it's hard to picture him as the same character from the comic.
Telltale will never make Season 2 noncannon even if they wanted to, Bill Willingham is very very strict on that, canceling many TV show offe… morers because they didnt want to 1 to 1 match the source material to the show, and same went for Telltale, he only allows them to do things if it stays cannon.
Also I think Telltale should 100% release a picture of Bigby's render as their first marketing material. Espially after that whole fiasco with funlabs accidentally leaking some type of early prototype, it would be best to show off that Bigby doesnt look like ass.
There really isnt though, for one Wolf is in the late 1980s, which people would call in a general term "late 80s early 90s" time era. Also I dont remember reading anywhere about Crane specifically being around in the 90s still.
Snows personality of up tightness is still there especially once she becomes the Deputy Mayor in charge. Bigby is represented very well as in the comics he does plenty of good things and plenty of fucked up things. Bill Willingham has even stated how he felt Bigby was represented super well and even said he feels things like Bigby tearing Grens arm fits well because its something he feels Bigby could easily do or not do with both ways not ruining his character.
I feel like a lot of your info is inaccurate, for one Bigby states that he has been in foot chases, just not many saying he "can count how many on one hand." The game also implies this is when Bigby started to form his friendship with Flycatcher when he makes him start working for the Woodlands again or once he gets back, decides to make sure Flycatcher cant be kicked out in anyway again by giving him small crimes that need the janitorial service at the Woodlands to pay back so he cant be fired again.
Telltale will never make Season 2 noncannon even if they wanted to, Bill Willingham is very very strict on that, canceling many TV show offe… morers because they didnt want to 1 to 1 match the source material to the show, and same went for Telltale, he only allows them to do things if it stays cannon.
Then he must not have kept them on a tight enough leash. As I already said, there are a ton of inconsistencies that outright ignore or defy the canon from the comics. Bigby and Snow have completely different personalities (Bigby especially even if you play him as a total asshole) and given the timeline placement plus the game's events, you can't brush that off because it's a prequel; maybe if TWAU took place centuries before the comic, sure, but it's only a few decades before the first volume. Most of Bigby's powers are nerfed or outright nonexistent, like his sense of smell. Crane was supposed to have been deputy mayor until the 90s. Bigby in… [view original content]
Personally, I would love to see more Jack in Season 2. And perhaps confirm on whether Narcissa was really Faith, which it really seemed like she was. There were even hidden details in the game - such as the Mirror saying "My lips are sealed" (if you asked about Faith's where-abouts) that gave insight into her possibly not being dead! I really wanna see more Faith, Jack, and even Boy Blue more in the next one.
First, are you telling me Nerissa was Faith? That makes no sense.
Second, I haven’t read the comics.
And Third, I chose not to send Colin to the Farm. I didn’t want to send anyone to the Farm. I thought if I gave Toad money for glamours, they could stay, but no.
Lastly, please no spoilers. I haven’t read the comics and I know that means a lot of people will know things I don’t. So please no spoilers. Thank you.
It's a pretty open ending so you can believe what you want but i think it was Faith at the end the real Faith,here's what i think happened
we met the real Faith at the beginning of the game (at the Woodsman appartment) Nerissa tells her later that night about Georgie,out of guilt/Faith's anger Nerissa becomes Faith because Faith thinks Georgie will kill her but Nerissa says that he won't she dies,and Faith glamoured as Nerissa leaves Nerissa's glamoured head on Bigby's doorstep.
If you ask the Magic mirror to show you Faith in EP1 he says because of some powerful magic (probably the glamour or Faith's own fable power idk) his lips are sealed.
And why i think Nerissa was probably killed glamoured as Faith was because at the end the voice flashbacks reminds you that Dr.Swineheart never got back to us about Faith's autopsy so it's probably Nerissa's body.
Again we don't know for sure,my theory probably has some problems i don't know but that's what i believe,either way Faith's story is over and i don't think there should be an explanation for what happened at the end of Season 1 that's what the old writers who used to work on Wolf 2 before believed as well,(the new ones may not agree with that idk).
And i know i'm not spoiling anything about the comics just saying the reason Toad and TJ have to leave even if you tried to help them was probably because they're at the farm in the comics and the game is a prequel to the comics,this is also why Bloody Mary sends Crane to Paris and you never see him again that's because Crane's also in the Fables comics.
Telltale can't do whatever they want they can't kill characters in the game we know are alive in the comics it wouldn't make sense because at the end of the day the games are still a prequel to the comics.
And the reason for why i think Colin will be back either way even if some people sent him to the farm is because he's been leaving the farm before many times,and he tells you that you might see him "sooner than you think". And everyone loved Colin so not bringing him back in the sequel would be a mistake imo.
First, are you telling me Nerissa was Faith? That makes no sense.
Second, I haven’t read the comics.
And Third, I chose not to send Colin … moreto the Farm. I didn’t want to send anyone to the Farm. I thought if I gave Toad money for glamours, they could stay, but no.
Lastly, please no spoilers. I haven’t read the comics and I know that means a lot of people will know things I don’t. So please no spoilers. Thank you.
It's a pretty open ending so you can believe what you want but i think it was Faith at the end the real Faith,here's what i think happened
… more we met the real Faith at the beginning of the game (at the Woodsman appartment) Nerissa tells her later that night about Georgie,out of guilt/Faith's anger Nerissa becomes Faith because Faith thinks Georgie will kill her but Nerissa says that he won't she dies,and Faith glamoured as Nerissa leaves Nerissa's glamoured head on Bigby's doorstep.
If you ask the Magic mirror to show you Faith in EP1 he says because of some powerful magic (probably the glamour or Faith's own fable power idk) his lips are sealed.
And why i think Nerissa was probably killed glamoured as Faith was because at the end the voice flashbacks reminds you that Dr.Swineheart never got back to us about Faith's autopsy so it's probably Nerissa's body.
Again we don't know for sure,my theory probably has some problems i don't know bu… [view original content]
peter pan would be cool
I want season two to be untethered from the comics. After that.. I'd like more Colin and TJ.
I'd like an idea as to when season two will be released.
Colin, Colin, Colin, Colin, Colin. The poor guy got a raw deal in the comic book (seriously, he was F%#$ING DECAPITATED), and the video game will be his last possible chance to make a bigger impression.

Telltale will never make Season 2 noncannon even if they wanted to, Bill Willingham is very very strict on that, canceling many TV show offers because they didnt want to 1 to 1 match the source material to the show, and same went for Telltale, he only allows them to do things if it stays cannon.
Also I think Telltale should 100% release a picture of Bigby's render as their first marketing material. Espially after that whole fiasco with funlabs accidentally leaking some type of early prototype, it would be best to show off that Bigby doesnt look like ass.
Then he must not have kept them on a tight enough leash. As I already said, there are a ton of inconsistencies that outright ignore or defy the canon from the comics. Bigby and Snow have completely different personalities (Bigby especially even if you play him as a total asshole) and given the timeline placement plus the game's events, you can't brush that off because it's a prequel; maybe if TWAU took place centuries before the comic, sure, but it's only a few decades before the first volume. Most of Bigby's powers are nerfed or outright nonexistent, like his sense of smell. Crane was supposed to have been deputy mayor until the 90s. Bigby in the first volume of the comic mentions that his job is never intense or requires him to chase suspects on foot when that isn't the case at all in the game, he and Flycatcher act like they barely know one another in the game, etc. etc.
I'm sure I can think of more if you give me time, but the point is — and at least as far as characterization goes — this is pretty obviously meant to be Telltale's take on the world rather than Willingham's. It's so fucking weird that Willingham wants them to be slaves to the source material while still allowing them to play pretty fast and loose with his characters, especially Bigby who feels at times so different that it's hard to picture him as the same character from the comic.
There really isnt though, for one Wolf is in the late 1980s, which people would call in a general term "late 80s early 90s" time era. Also I dont remember reading anywhere about Crane specifically being around in the 90s still.
Snows personality of up tightness is still there especially once she becomes the Deputy Mayor in charge. Bigby is represented very well as in the comics he does plenty of good things and plenty of fucked up things. Bill Willingham has even stated how he felt Bigby was represented super well and even said he feels things like Bigby tearing Grens arm fits well because its something he feels Bigby could easily do or not do with both ways not ruining his character.
I feel like a lot of your info is inaccurate, for one Bigby states that he has been in foot chases, just not many saying he "can count how many on one hand." The game also implies this is when Bigby started to form his friendship with Flycatcher when he makes him start working for the Woodlands again or once he gets back, decides to make sure Flycatcher cant be kicked out in anyway again by giving him small crimes that need the janitorial service at the Woodlands to pay back so he cant be fired again.
Personally, I would love to see more Jack in Season 2. And perhaps confirm on whether Narcissa was really Faith, which it really seemed like she was. There were even hidden details in the game - such as the Mirror saying "My lips are sealed" (if you asked about Faith's where-abouts) that gave insight into her possibly not being dead! I really wanna see more Faith, Jack, and even Boy Blue more in the next one.
Isn't Red Riding Hood dead?
Will wolf among us season 2 available in android ?
An explanation for the end of season one for starters. Also bring back Toad and TJ from the Farm!!
It was Faith. And Toad and TJ are staying at the Farm because of the comics i think. Colin is definitely coming back though.
First, are you telling me Nerissa was Faith? That makes no sense.
Second, I haven’t read the comics.
And Third, I chose not to send Colin to the Farm. I didn’t want to send anyone to the Farm. I thought if I gave Toad money for glamours, they could stay, but no.
Lastly, please no spoilers. I haven’t read the comics and I know that means a lot of people will know things I don’t. So please no spoilers. Thank you.
It's a pretty open ending so you can believe what you want but i think it was Faith at the end the real Faith,here's what i think happened
we met the real Faith at the beginning of the game (at the Woodsman appartment) Nerissa tells her later that night about Georgie,out of guilt/Faith's anger Nerissa becomes Faith because Faith thinks Georgie will kill her but Nerissa says that he won't she dies,and Faith glamoured as Nerissa leaves Nerissa's glamoured head on Bigby's doorstep.
If you ask the Magic mirror to show you Faith in EP1 he says because of some powerful magic (probably the glamour or Faith's own fable power idk) his lips are sealed.
And why i think Nerissa was probably killed glamoured as Faith was because at the end the voice flashbacks reminds you that Dr.Swineheart never got back to us about Faith's autopsy so it's probably Nerissa's body.
Again we don't know for sure,my theory probably has some problems i don't know but that's what i believe,either way Faith's story is over and i don't think there should be an explanation for what happened at the end of Season 1 that's what the old writers who used to work on Wolf 2 before believed as well,(the new ones may not agree with that idk).
And i know i'm not spoiling anything about the comics just saying the reason Toad and TJ have to leave even if you tried to help them was probably because they're at the farm in the comics and the game is a prequel to the comics,this is also why Bloody Mary sends Crane to Paris and you never see him again that's because Crane's also in the Fables comics.
Telltale can't do whatever they want they can't kill characters in the game we know are alive in the comics it wouldn't make sense because at the end of the day the games are still a prequel to the comics.
And the reason for why i think Colin will be back either way even if some people sent him to the farm is because he's been leaving the farm before many times,and he tells you that you might see him "sooner than you think". And everyone loved Colin so not bringing him back in the sequel would be a mistake imo.
Fair enough!