If it's a cage match with no weapons, Lara, the grown adult who would have proper training and access to workout equipment, regimen, and nutritious food would win.
Why is Max even in this?
If it's a cage match with no weapons, Lara, the grown adult who would have proper training and access to workout equipment, regimen, and nutritious food would win.
Regardless, she still kills and kills people, not zombies. She has way more experience fighting people, is an adult and resources (good food, water, etc.) .
She'd instantly destroy Clementine in a cage match
In a normal match, Lara basically destroys everyone else, she's a trained adult against three teenagers half her size.
But if Maxine can use her power, I dont know how she can even lose. I mean she can stops time itself, how can you even lose with that kind of power?
If Max can use her powers all she is going to be able to do is rewind and get her ass handed to her all over again by Lara, Clem or Ellie so her power is useless.
In a normal match, Lara basically destroys everyone else, she's a trained adult against three teenagers half her size.
But if Maxine can us… moree her power, I dont know how she can even lose. I mean she can stops time itself, how can you even lose with that kind of power?
We have to even this up a bit, so they all should be the same age. So I think we should set Lara's age at 17 with Clem, Ellie and Max. So a 17 year old Lara Croft would probably lose to even Max, so she's out. Max couldn't take out either Clem or Ellie separately and they would team up and finish her off, probably three or four times before they made it stick but the end result is the same, Max is out. Which leaves a 17 year old Clem vs a 17 year old Ellie. I have to give the edge to Ellie here just because she learned from Joel.
But holy shit those two would be a brutal fucking fight and I would gladly spend 70 dollars for the ppv.
So...you are saying...that a veteran is not wanted. Have you no shame? Or are you saying she would break all their necks too easily and skew the betting pools?
I tell you...it is sad. When Mass Effect came out...I was 16 and playing as FemShep was unique for this girl...so I became a fan of her because she was not dressed as a slut...which was how most female characters were dressed.
Oh that is a good point. Hmm, I guess if we're going by pro wrestling rules then I guess that person would indeed be the winner, even if FemShep reduced their bones to dust?
In a normal match, Lara basically destroys everyone else, she's a trained adult against three teenagers half her size.
But if Maxine can us… moree her power, I dont know how she can even lose. I mean she can stops time itself, how can you even lose with that kind of power?
Why is Max even in this?
If it's a cage match with no weapons, Lara, the grown adult who would have proper training and access to workout equipment, regimen, and nutritious food would win.
Max dies first, Ellie does something stupid and dies, Clem and Lara is a balanced fight
Clementine is 16 and has no good combat training against people. She'd go down in a heartbeat.
Excuse me what the fuck, Lara dosen’t kill to live she kills only if people are on her way
Regardless, she still kills and kills people, not zombies. She has way more experience fighting people, is an adult and resources (good food, water, etc.) .
She'd instantly destroy Clementine in a cage match
We need ep 2 rn or else this forum will no longer be bearable at all VERY SOON.
Nathan Drake V Joel V Lee V Kenny.. who would win?
I say nathan <33
In a cage match?
Probably Joel, I imagine Nathan would be close.
Lee and Kenny are done for.
In a normal match, Lara basically destroys everyone else, she's a trained adult against three teenagers half her size.
But if Maxine can use her power, I dont know how she can even lose. I mean she can stops time itself, how can you even lose with that kind of power?
No cage match
Nathan is tricky and hard to beat
He summons the power of the boats
And the power of water like Jesus Christ. Wait, Kenny is JESUS CHRIST!
I mean, Lara Croft obviously has an advantage here and I know little about Tomb Raider. Or Life is Strange, for that matter.
If Max can use her powers all she is going to be able to do is rewind and get her ass handed to her all over again by Lara, Clem or Ellie so her power is useless.
if clementine had the resources lara had she'd win
We have to even this up a bit, so they all should be the same age. So I think we should set Lara's age at 17 with Clem, Ellie and Max. So a 17 year old Lara Croft would probably lose to even Max, so she's out. Max couldn't take out either Clem or Ellie separately and they would team up and finish her off, probably three or four times before they made it stick but the end result is the same, Max is out. Which leaves a 17 year old Clem vs a 17 year old Ellie. I have to give the edge to Ellie here just because she learned from Joel.
But holy shit those two would be a brutal fucking fight and I would gladly spend 70 dollars for the ppv.
Fuck this...let's make the cage match more interesting...Lara vs Clem vs Ellie vs Max vs FemShepard
Well that's not exactly fair.
How is it not fair hehehe
Cause shes a fucking military space commander veteran trained
Hey if we're going to go crazy here let's make it Clem vs Ellie vs Max vs Lara vs FemShepard vs Samus vs Bayonetta
So...you are saying...that a veteran is not wanted. Have you no shame? Or are you saying she would break all their necks too easily and skew the betting pools?
Cause FemShep would compress these teen tats and slam Lara through the ceiling in seconds.
Ohhhh cheeky. Bayonetta cleans house as easily as she killed everyone in Smash Bros.
Yeah, that's even more broken.
Dude I am just trying to get Femshepard some work after EA/Bioware screwed up her awesome series. I miss the old girl.
Is FemShep living like Qbert in Wreck it Ralph? Gosh, that's just really disheartening.
RIP Clem, Lara, Ellie and Max.
Heh. Lemonade stands.
lara could kill all of them in 3 v 1 unless max uses her time powers to like, i guess, make her trip or something??
I tell you...it is sad. When Mass Effect came out...I was 16 and playing as FemShep was unique for this girl...so I became a fan of her because she was not dressed as a slut...which was how most female characters were dressed.
Wait are we going by UFC rules or pro wrestling rules here? Because if it's pro wrestling that person would have won the match by escaping the cage.
Okay, no lie, that occurred to me as well.
But I assumed UFC because Rhonda Rousey.
Oh that is a good point. Hmm, I guess if we're going by pro wrestling rules then I guess that person would indeed be the winner, even if FemShep reduced their bones to dust?
Can’t exactly use her power if she’s dead