That romance scene hit me like a truck. [SPOILERS]
So, ever since the first episode, I always shipped Clementine with Violet. I saw so many people shipping Clem with Louis, which I get, I can see why people wanted that, but I felt something different with Violet. Violet is serious on the outside and knows what to do in a fight and is someone you want to have by your side in a fight, but on the inside, she has so much to say. The conversation that she had with Clem in Episode 1 had me immersed. I got to see what she was really like, we got to have a genuine conversation and talk about our feelings. I loved it. I knew she was going to be that sort of character. With Louis, I like Louis, I think he's a cool character. I can see him being a good friend, but I think he's better at cracking jokes and playing piano than he is fighting on the battlefield. I'd much rather have Violet in a fight than Louis. Violet is someone you would want in a fight, someone that has your back, and she did. When everyone was mad and angry about AJ killing Marlon, Violet stood up for you. She tried to reason with everyone. Knew that you made the right choice. And Louis..well he just walked off and ignored us and held a grudge against us, which to be honest, I understand. AJ did kill his best friend and it was definitely bad at the time and he did come through near the end of the episode. He understood that Marlon was bad and the things he did were awful, so I respect him for that. But like I said earlier, Violet always had our back and it even gave us the option to signal Violet to shoot Lilly, and what does Louis do? Well he gets shot. Now for anyone that ships Clem and Louis, good on you and I fully understand. But, for me, Clem and Violet was a much better choice. With all of that out of the way, let's get to what this post is really about. When I was given the choice to help Violet or Louis, I instantly knew what was going on. I knew a romance scene was coming. And obviously, I went with Violet. And man, this scene was powerful. The setting was beautiful and we got to see Clem and Violet express their feelings even more and really bond which I was hoping for more of after the first time Clem and Violet really interacted in Episode 1. We got to see a side of Violet we really didn't see before. We really got to understand her, feel for her. We bonded by looking up at the stars, thinking about what we saw. Violet made the descriptions, and I could only think of her. She matched the descriptions so well and I could instantly tell where this was going. She expressed how happy she was that Clem wasn't dead and that she came back to the school. You could tell that they had a special bond. They got to talk and crack jokes, it was perfect. We knew they wanted more. The game knew I wanted more. When it gave me that option for Clem to express that she had feelings for Violet, I didn't think twice, and picked it. I knew things wouldn't be awkward and I knew things wouldn't be different between them because I knew they wanted this. The setting was perfect, the interaction was immersing, the character development was increasing. The choices I made with Violet led up to this moment. I knew what was happening and what I wanted to do. This scene was the perfect time to do that. It had me thinking of how much Clem has changed throughout this series. We saw her develop as not only a character, but as a human being. We got to shape her the way we wanted and what we wanted her to become. And of course, starting with Season 3, puberty came around. And there was always a feeling of love with Clem since season 3 when she was with Gabe. And to be honest, I didn't like Gabe all that much. I didn't think he was the perfect match for Clem and I overall didn't like him as a character too much. But I'll be honest I did feel for him when he died in some peoples playthroughs. And I wasn't gonna try to get involved with what Clem and Gabe wanted to do. But that just didn't feel like it was it. This scene however, was it. The tone was perfect. I finally knew what I wanted Clem to be, what I wanted to see her do. And when it gave me that option to kiss Violet, it was probably the only time throughout this series where I genuinely felt proud and happy with the choice I just made. I wanted this since the beginning and I finally got it, and it was perfect. This scene got me a little emotional I won't lie. And I much rather wanted this than to be with Louis. Things turned out great, and I'm so glad I made these choices. This has to be one of the most powerful scenes in the entirety of The Walking Dead in my opinion. I am so happy it's official and I can't wait to see what happens with them in future episodes. This choice also led me to saving Violet at the end. It did suck to see Louis get kidnapped, but I'm glad I still had Violet at my side and I knew for sure that her and Clem were going to get through this, together. If Louis does die, it's going to hurt, without a doubt. But if Violet dies, it's going to hurt me like it hurt me when Kenny died. Which is crazy to say since we knew Kenny for 2 seasons and we've only known Violet for 2 episodes. I just have the connection I had with Kenny with Violet. I want to see these two go on and have a future together, I want them to live a great life. But I'm pretty sure that won't happen as it's basically been teased at this point that Clem will die this season. So with that, I hope they go out fighting at least. I want it to be one of the most heartbreaking and most devastating scenes in this series. I will try so hard and make all of the choices I need to for Violet not to die. I can not wait for future episodes to see how these two develop. Violet is most definitely my favorite new character in this season and the way Telltale handled that romance scene was phenomenal. Congrats Telltale, we haven't had a powerful scene like this one in a long time, and I'm so glad I was able to be apart of it. Clementine X Violet We need a ship name for these two immediately.
It's called Violetine
Even Trump could never build a wall of text that big.
Wonderful. Thanks.
Hey man, I had tons to say. I loved this scene so much. To be honest though I really didn't expect the post to get this big lol
I am not reading all that.
I'll just say, the actual so called romantic subscenario in this game did not interest me and this episode just put how umimpressive it is on display.
I think it was handled rather well, at least people who don’t want a love interest can end that part of the story now in Episode 2.
I personally liked it, I think it’s nice we can make Clem into what we want her to be, and having both a Lesbian and Straight choice was nice, especially since both Violet and Louis are rather likable over cough Gabe cough
I put Louis with Clem, but I thought the scene with Violet was a bit better.
Paragraphs are your friend. Remember that, lol.
I also thoroughly enjoyed the romance, in both scenes. Cringy and cliche, but still innocent and lovable. Contained as well. The mood was set in both scenes, but they didn't make it grander than it needed to be. I just don't wanna see Clem's first genuine romance go to shit by killing them off needlessly. Any of them, really.
Yes but we know you are actually a robot and hate anything to do with emotions...stupid robot...human emotions will always give us the edge over you silicon bastards.
Paragraphs are your friends.
me before i saw james
It's great that you had a lot to say about this scene, this scene also affected me emotionally a bit and I find that it really helps to share your thoughts with other people than to keep it to yourself. This scene was really cool and put together very well, Telltale definitely put a lot of care and detail in that scene. Keep posting and I look forward to seeing more of your thoughts and feelings about the next episode (if it gets released).
Thanks man. It was definitely a scene that had me thinking of so many different things and I just had to express it.
You know what, I think that's a sizable part of why it doesn't interest me--it involves Clementeen, who I just don't care about.
Well that and the shipping nonsense during ANF played a part in both. Also, Gabe deserved much better.
James is kinda cool, I think.
I actually read it. I agree with pretty much all of it. Violetine forever!
If violet dies i'll probably give up on life and drink bleach. Not joking. But I really assume Clementine does.
“Is that a potato.. oh wait It’s a heart...” best line.
I don't know what the scene with Violet is like, but the moan Clem made when she kissed Louis was so unexpected and it made me see a side of her that I never wanted to see. Just a tad uncomfortable.
I guess Clem was the thirstyer one of them after all
To be honest, I'm okay with both ships. Louis and Violet are both perfect for Clem. Better than Gabe in every way, that's a fact.
Oh my god yeah I saw that I felt so uncomfortable lmao
Yeah, I really didn't like the romance stuff with Louis in particular here.
Me neither. Was hoping he’d grow tf up but nah. If Clem could teach him how to shoot the bow instead of louis playing a joke on her with the piano, something could have worked out.
How do they voice act that? And the part at the end where the kiss ends? I guess you could voice-act it without a second person, but idk. End me.
I just friend zoned Violet cus i was a bit overwhelmed at the time ;_;
I was talking about the romance in general, with Louis's scene being the most awkward with it.
She moans with Violet too, listen carefully.
I loved the scene with Violet as well, especially as a lesbian. It felt very real, that shyness and kind of fear in Clem’s eyes when she confessed that she sees them as more than just friends. Definitely hit close to home
Why are you telling me that?
Read my reply to Tripillion.
Oh I'm listening

Clouis scene was a lot better for me. Mainly because I don't like that depressed environment that Violet seems to carry with herself wherever she is. But that was a nice scene... anyway... is that a potato?
You guys are always that serious? xD
I may be biased because Im suffering from Life is Strange fatigue. But...nevertheless I do think that Louis is the better option: Not because he is goofy, but because he seems to be a trully good man
Not to imply Vi is not, but she seems to be marred in bitterness over the loss of Minerva and this stranges her from the others.
I heard that too but I didn't want to comment it even though I kind of just did. I just didn't want to mention that part. I'm still in awe of the easter egg during the constellation scene.
me too
When clem kisses vi clem moans softly.