So, about James (NOT ship related)
What are our thoughts as to the ultimate purpose behind James being in the final season?
If there's one thing we know about Telltale, it's that characters don't end up in the series without serving the plot in some way.
During the look-out scene with AJ, James was the only person I spotted through the binoculars, skulking around among the walkers, I didn't even notice Lilly, Abel and co coming up to the school.
Assuming we get episodes 3 and 4 at some point, do you think James will serve a significant role in the final half of the season? Why or why not?
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Holy shit, you can see James while watching through the binoculars? That's so awesome!
I know
I had to double take, until I remembered that Walkers do not crouch under any circumstances
wait, he was there at the end? and yes he will have a big-ish role, he will guide Clem, Vi and AJ (Rosie too) since Abel will not be of much help (he dead anyway), i do not think more than 3 will leave the school, since Ruby, Ten and Willy are not fighers. Talking about guiding i have a feeling he will lead a big herd of walkers in Lilly`s camp
Where are you able to see him? Or do you know a video where you can see him?
When you look through the binoculars, at the very left edge of the screen, nearer the back, he's crouched along right next to a tree.
When I say crouched, I don't mean slouched in the way that walkers always do, it's actually him sneaking.
I assumed other people would spot him too, so I didn't think to get recording of it
Thanks for that! I never would've found him there! Regarding your question though, yes, I think he will play a huge role in the next episodes. I think he would help Clem and everyone else get to Delta, considering he's been watching them, he probably knows a lot about them and where they are.
Well this along with the episode 3 achievements just basically confirms he's coming back.
So I checked and only saw Abel. Are you sure it was him?
I mean, there's a chance I was mistaken.
He was either wearing a walker mask, or he was a sneaking walker. :P
Ultimately, James may lead Clementine and any survivors to Alexandria. He knows where it is and it's likely Clementine will need a new community to settle in when the season is over. It could be how Clementine eventually makes her way to the comics.
I thought she wasn't being written into the comics?
I may have heard wrong.
To my knowledge Kirkman hasn't said anything about it. I myself have speculated that he won't want to because then he's stuck with her. If he kills her the new fans he gets from the games will riot so either she has plot armor and can never die, which is not something he's fond of, or he makes her a background character and barely touches her, but again, that will make new fans that came over from the games angry because she'd basically stop existing.
In any case, TFS is about 3 years ahead of where the comics currently are on the timeline and it generally takes the comics real life years to progress a few months on the timeline. To illustrate that, the story of the comics started at the same time the first issue was released, October 2003. It's 15 years later for us, but in the comics it's only been about 5 years, it's 2008 in the comics.
As far as I know this is the last that's been said about it:
Appears to be currently a no as far as her in the comic goes.
Nah you're not, I replayed the episode to set up my Violet playthrough and it must've just been Abel I saw
Gutted, as that would've been a cool little easter egg of sorts.
I was kinda hoping James wouldn't show up anymore.
I let Louis be taken and liked that only the girls and the young boys were left in the group.
When James shows that will ruin the Girl Power episode I was hoping for.
lol if you actually think Kirkman gives a fuck about Clementine.
Telltale's TWD is treated as its own seprate entity.
It's not, though. The shows are their own separate thing but the comic and TellTale games share the same universe; what happens in one is canon in the other. Until TFS that merely meant that the TellTale games adhered to comic canon since the comics were ahead of the games, but as of TFS the game is about 3 years ahead of where the comic currently is. TellTale had to get approval from Kirkman to do they story they had planned because it could affect his comics, too.
I want it to be a surprise. I like the guy. Gives off that mysterious shamanistic vibe. I don't want his role to end up lame.
Let's do a mini-discussion of sorts: What do you think will happen with James in Ep3 or 4? I don't mean his fate, just how he could be involved in the story. For some reason, I think he will join the school group, and/or the gut-trick will happen. It's happened in every season so far. I think that James will die, since it'd be a sad thing, unlike Omar dying, who would cry from that? James' death will be something that moves the story forward, as well as the characters.
I think James will be vital in adding numbers to the school group, as from the sounds of things with the Delta group, they need all the help they can get.
We all know he knows how to guide Walkers, so he'll likely put that particular talent to use.
As to his fate, I wouldn't like to speculate too much, but we all know what happens to 99% of all characters that have ever been in the game.
Episode 3
It's likely that he knows where the Delta is (I got the impression he was "recruited" at one point) and will lead the kids there if Abel doesn't talk, or if Abel does tell them James will teach the kids how to be whisperers so they can get to the Delta without having to fight through walkers the whole way.
James will also likely bring a herd of walkers down on the Delta as a distraction so Clem and the kids can slip in, find their friends, and slip out without too much resistance.
Episode 4
James will officially join the kids and help them fight off whatever retaliation attack the Delta mounts. They'll survive but more of the school will be burnt down and it'll be clear that they can't stay at the school because the Delta will just keep sending more and more people to the school until they burn it completely down and kill/capture all the kids.
James will lead the surviving kids to Alexandria, because he knows where it and Hilltop are since he was still with the Whisperers when they first went to war with Rick and his groups.
boat related
I think James will be dying and ask Clem to let him turn. But if you killed the walker couple in episode 1, Aj will shoot him anyway.
AJ won't have to. I would too. You don't get to continue existing as a walker and potentially kill who knows how many people. That's stupidly selfish.
Aww, just pull out all of his teeth before he dies. That's the least you can do for a friend.
Ok but even if he can't bite, he can grab people so other walkers can bite them. Even if you cut off his arms he could just be in the way so people can't get away from other walkers that can grab and bite.
Okay, okay. Lets just do what the Stranger did. Cut off his head and put it in Clem's backpack.
On a more serious note, I think James and Tenn will get along great. I would love to hear some of the discussions they would have.
That, sir, is a really good idea. Y'know, when you were asking how you could apply, I'm sorry you weren't able to. I wrote about 2 pages of text to respond, but decided to not post it because it got too complicated (but it was also very good) and would result in me needing to develop it even more. And then I'd be dissatisfied and frustrated with the choices and develop/rewrite it further. Writing is fun, but it's also very onerous.
Anyway, wouldn't it be cool if Clementine and co win the war by directing herds of walkers? Just a thought.
Abel IS one ugly dude. You must’ve mistaken him for a walker ?

He's so good looking.
Oof. How could I have been so blind?
Sniper ?
I think able wont help clem so maybe clem will maybe look for James's camp and ask him to show them where the camp is, also i get why he needs the walkers to protect himself so maybe he'll send the herd in to attack the camp sorry if im crap.
Tbh, I was expecting James to help everyone get their own walker skins so we could all just sneak out of the school and area unnoticed. But sure, a full out assault works too.
I feel he's going to be helping/rescuing us at least once more, and will probably die doing so. I just can't imagine him surviving if he continues to wear the skin. Someone is gonna mistake him for a walker (rightfully so) one day and he'll end up with a bullet through the brain.
Then again I never played Michonne and dont know much about the Whisperers, maybe they have the skill to avoid that sort of thing?