Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia




    Melton23 posted: »

    U no find de wae, ah? U stay der and u think about de wae, lost one, or so help me I will spit on u, ah?

  • I don't think so. Everyone left at Telltale was working tirelessly to get a deal, I believe it is the least of their worries. I believe the forums will go on for about 2 months.

    What am I even saying here, Telltale are dead, even if Skybound Games has a forum it would contradict my thoughts of this forums survival. You're right, I'm staying on here.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Telltale is still pretty much dead and these forums will be, too, at some point.

  • Skybound you guys rock please keep to the original script as much as possible thank you

  • Holy shit!

    Such good news to wake up to. Skybound is the true MVP.

    I'm sorry for being too sceptical, y'all!

  • So last time i woke up to the news that telltale died and TFS was cancelled but now i Wake up to see that kirkman saved the game!

  • Same here. I always considered it a small chance the series wouldn't be finished, but that small chance was enough to make me not play episode 2 seriously.

    Good news. I’m gonna have to replay episode 2 with a fresh mind now.

  • I'm gonna replay the entire walking dead collection as tribute to skybound saving the final season

  • Got yo back fam xD

    Melton23 posted: »

    Thx for the concern, it means a lot to me ?

  • Think I’ll be allowed to make a marry/flip/kill thread game for the forum members without being sent back to my natural habitat?

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    Got yo back fam xD

  • Doing it right now too, I've just completed the second episode of ANF.

    donmike84 posted: »

    I'm gonna replay the entire walking dead collection as tribute to skybound saving the final season


    Then you realize some people deleted and asked for a refund


  • They might not be released on the release dates but at least we can all calm down and look forward to the final season getting a proper send off and say good bye to clemintine for the final time


    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Happy TFS day...

  • Boi, the news are getting better and better.
    Can we get TWAU S2 too ? Please?

  • I'm so glad that my sources from earlier turned out to be correct. This is amazing news, we all came through a very dark time where the company was laid off and it didn't seem likely that the season would be finished. Now we know that the season WILL be finished and the ex-staff will be the ones working on it. All of us were able to breathe a collective sigh of relief, I feel so much more at ease.

    It's still going to be very bittersweet playing episode 3 and knowing there is only one episode left ever. And then when we play episode 4... it's going to be depressing but I would take that over not getting closure any day.

    No matter what happens it is comforting to have the community still alive and well. We all came together despite differing opinions once the bad news hit, and I'm positive that we will continue being a family when episode 4 hits and even beyond that. Thank you everyone for staying strong and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us. Telltale/Skybound are about to give us the most glorious swan song we could ever hope for... it's quite a time to be alive.

  • That sounds alright but dem mods be a watchin xD

    Melton23 posted: »

    Think I’ll be allowed to make a marry/flip/kill thread game for the forum members without being sent back to my natural habitat?

  • WHAT IF skybound slip RIck,shane , that annoying kid with hat ,in game cause they can , will peeps still be happy ? Lol

  • edited October 2018


  • No! Not the collection! No. Play the originals, much better experience.

    donmike84 posted: »

    I'm gonna replay the entire walking dead collection as tribute to skybound saving the final season

  • it's quite a time to be alive.

    Indeed. Thank God I'm alive in this era, and that I am a Telltale fan. This has been a remarkable journey.

    I'm so glad that my sources from earlier turned out to be correct. This is amazing news, we all came through a very dark time where the com

  • This

    Ghetsis posted: »

    No! Not the collection! No. Play the originals, much better experience.

  • edited October 2018

    Love You Skybound! <3

  • I'm so fucking happy that Skybound Games is going to wrap up the Season 4 :) Also with the help of some of original team working on TWD. That's definitely good news and a light in the tunnel we were looking for.

  • This. Also try and get the alone ending in S2 so you can skip S3 without missing anything.

    I don't think it's an accident how well you can go from the alone ending straight to S4.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    No! Not the collection! No. Play the originals, much better experience.

  • Ikr? It just fits, 6 years later Clem is on the road with AJ and they have a cool relationship, Clem has matured and is an adult.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    This. Also try and get the alone ending in S2 so you can skip S3 without missing anything. I don't think it's an accident how well you can go from the alone ending straight to S4.

  • Until you reach scenes when they mention stuff from ANF :x

    GSSalvador posted: »

    This. Also try and get the alone ending in S2 so you can skip S3 without missing anything. I don't think it's an accident how well you can go from the alone ending straight to S4.

  • Eh, not really. Stuff happens off-screen all the time. Just like the ranch.

    Tewudin posted: »

    Until you reach scenes when they mention stuff from ANF :x

  • edited October 2018

    It also shows how little actually happens with Clementine in S3. She's basically in the same situation then, than she was back in S2. Just older. And the actually important part, which is the ranch, happens completely off-screen and will be revealed in S4.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Ikr? It just fits, 6 years later Clem is on the road with AJ and they have a cool relationship, Clem has matured and is an adult.

  • Those could just be cut-off, really. I doubt the Ranch is of prime importance, but if it is I wouldn't be wierded out if it was something that happened off-screen.

    Tewudin posted: »

    Until you reach scenes when they mention stuff from ANF :x

  • TFS! TFS! TFS!


  • edited October 2018

    ANF was the worst season of the series but I still suggest to get it, especially now that they lowered the price for it. It's still a part of this series and I think it's worth to be played, at least just for 1 time just to see the story.
    In my opinion there are still some cool characters like Jesus, Lingard and Ava, also I think in S4 they still didn't mention the reason AJ was sent to McCarrol Ranch by David and Lingard, and you can also see how Clementine became a "strategist" when she organized the defense of the school against Lilly and her group.
    I mean if you have some money to spend, just get ANF for story or for the collection.

  • I really want to see what happened at the ranch...

  • Me, too. I'm sure we'll get our answers in episode 3 or episode 4.

    Rankles75 posted: »

    I really want to see what happened at the ranch...

  • I doubt it'll be anything special. Perhaps a scene that reflects on Clementine's degrading morality and consience during ANF, she was in a real dark place at that time. The scene could further Clem's story and her character, it would be what makes TFS Clem better than ANF Clem. I feel like AJ has taught Clem to live and to love. Despite not being a normal human, he's shown Clem real humanity and brought her back.

    Some people have suggested Clem kills another baby by accident/she caused the blood.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Me, too. I'm sure we'll get our answers in episode 3 or episode 4.

  • I actually do think it'll be something special, because of the way they've set the mystery up. We wouldn't have gotten that nightmare scene, if it wasn't a big deal in some way.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    I doubt it'll be anything special. Perhaps a scene that reflects on Clementine's degrading morality and consience during ANF, she was in a r


  • edited October 2018

    My theory is that Clem accidentally or intentionally sets fire to the ranch, or it looks like she did, and word gets back to Richmond (making her unwanted there). Hence, she can't go back there and has to go back on the road with AJ.

  • I'm so happy right now I can dance all day I absolutely love the telltale games and I'm gonna miss them when when they close there doors after TFS gets compleated

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