Who is your favorite character and from what season?
Who is your favorite character from season 1,2,3 and 4 and how does they hold up against etchutner throughout the different seasons?
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Here is my result

Against what?
Season 1 - Lee
Season 2 - Pete
Season 3 - Javi
Season 4 - Louis
Best character of the whole series - basically the easiest question of all time... L-O-U-I-S.
Season 1: Clementine
Season 2: Clementine
ANF: Clementine
TFS: Clementine
Well umm... I guess my favorite character is Clementine.
I believe my favorites among each provided would be Ben/Lilly, Sarah, Kate/Gabe, and Louis.
Wait, you put Arvo on the list and not Rebecca?
And while is Clementine and her incarnations all over the place?
I think more people remembers Arvo then Rebecca and its only 8 spaces.
Clementine is one of the main charaters on all seasons, would be strange if she wasn't a contender in all 4 seasons
in this house we stan all clems
And Kenny?
You shouldn't really use Clementine for this kind of "tournament", she makes every other choices trivial, of course she is going to win all the time
For me the winner is S2 Clementine without a doubt.
I'm removing Clementine from this, because it won't be interesting if every one is Clementine.
Season One: Kenny
Season Two: Nick
Season Three: David
Season Four: Marlon
Overall: Kenny
I've just noticed a pattern in my favorite characters. They all sort of have a fallen hero complex. They're all fairly similar characters in terms of the story.
Where's Alvin Sr?
Arvo vs Clementine might be the easiest this or that question I've ever answered lol. Comparing a golden angel to a piece of shit.
Carver over Jane. He was at least honest with his bullshit.
Season 2 Kenny over Sarah. Sarah was annoying and in the way.
Luke over Nick. Barely. Luke was cool but the Nick scene in the shed where he is boozing it up to cope. Kinda deep.
Marlon or Clem again is another Arvo vs Clem lol. Marlon is awful. Clem is god.
Louis of course.
Tenn over AJ for me. AJ is a intersting kid and I am starting to love him the more I play. But Tenn is a profound character with tons of depth and plenty of development. He is one of the more interesting characters in walking dead history. He really is epic.
Violet vs Lilly
Violet is so amazing. Kind at heart. Lilly is the worst antagonist in video game history. I have never know anyone more cruel then a bitch who abandons and abuses children during a zombie apocolypse. That's hardcore levels of trash.
Lee over Lilly for above reasons.
Molly over Christa. Molly was way more interesting to me.
Lee over Molly of course. It's freaking Lee lol.
Clem over Duck
Kenny over Ben. I do love Ben though but Season 1 Kenny is Kenny's ultimate form.
Kenny over season 1 Clem. So close and it feels bad wording against Clem but Kenny was an epic beast in S1.
Lee over Kenny. Close. Closest of all these. But Lee was more level headed and even more loyal.
Javier over Gabe. Gabe kinda lingered. I don't loathe him as much as some but Clem was not and never will be meant for a guy like Gabe and I hated the ship.
Kate over Kenny. Kenny wasn't even in season 3 was he? And if he was he'd still lose because Kate is cute and the center of the season 3 story in my opinion.
Jesus over David.
Clementine well over Tripp of course.
Kate over Javier
Clementine over Jesus.
Kate versus TFS Clementine is hard but I gotta go with TFS Clem because she was pretty badass. Plus it's Clem.
Season 4 Clem beats Louis and everyone in that season to make this short lol. But Tenn is amazing.
So that Leaves Lee, Season 3 Clem, Season 4 Clem and Season 2 Clem
This is beyond easy for me. Season 4 Clementine is easily my favorite video game character of all time. I honestly feel a deep connection with her at this point. She has so many layers of awesomeness.
Lee, Kenny, Jesus and Louis. Thats my 1 per season and order.
As for clems
In number order of liking them, 1, 4, 2, 3.
He is the boat god.
Real reason most characters from season 3 is shit and i wanted to see how he held up when he's barley in the season. If you ask about not having Jane, fuck Jane.
Hey, I picked Jesus because overall he rocks in the other stuff. No shame.
Removing the playable characters for every seasons, my favourite characters are:
S1 and S2: Kenny
S3: Jesus
S4: Lilly
Some choices were weird but here's mine

Yeah, it was more because he's barely in there, if even that.
Well that and he definitely doesn't deserve a spot over [whoever else is far more important there].
Oh, is that how it's supposed to be setup?
Season 1 - DOUG!!!
Season 2 - Carver and Luke
Season 3 - Tripp and Clint
Season 4 - Abel, Aasim, and Mitch
Holy shit, a ClintHintfan!
I'm probably gonna post an edited version where duplicate characters aren't (as much of) a thing.
Aside the protagonists:
Season 1: Kenny
Season 2: Kenny
Season 3: David
Season 4: Louis
I thought you were Shoula for a second and had to do a doubletake.
...hmm... I don't think they like Kenny xD
It's also almost like it's in her name.
Had a bit of time and decided to [try to] do one of these properly.

It's probably been said before, but some of the matchups are kinda unfair or just difficult to pick between, at least depending on who you are and what you prefer. So don't be surprised if these don't line up the way you'd come to expect.
Hmm, let’s see... I would choose Lee and Clem (because I couldn’t decide) from Season 1, Alvin from Season 2, Javier and Mariana (can’t choose again) from Season 3, and I can’t choose from Season 4 because they are all really great characters.
I wanna pick Becca, but Joan made a chocolate cake, so Joan.
S1: Lee, Kenny, Doug
S2: Clementine, Kenny, Carver
S3: Lingard, Jesus, Badger
S4: Violet, Lilly, Clementine
This is really cool to make. You should try different characters/combinations.
And here I thought I'd be the only one to end up matching up Kate and Gabe. Though I can't help but raise an eyebrow when it comes to Kennu.
Also, those Lilly pics are positively glowing.